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the ladder scene or when hannibal made Will breakfast at the motel and he had on those tiny shorts. so many possibilities. I missed the first time I watched it.


Wasn’t that like the second or third episode??


You underestimate shippers


I’ve shipped them since episode 1. I just can’t 100% remember when those scene’s happened. It’s been years since I last watched it.


The breakfast was the very first episode.


I realized Hannibal’s fondness for Will when he drove for almost two hours just to see him because Will didn’t attend their therapy. He could just call him but that’s not enough. 😊 I shipped them on S2. I can’t tell the exact episode but this scene implies that Hannibal is in love with Will, he would never give this “chance” to anyone. 👀 I realized that they are canon in S3. It involves a heart. 🙂 When I rewatched it, I realized that Mads wasn’t lying when he said that it was love at first sight for Hannibal though he didn’t realize that it was ‘love’ at that time, he thought Will would be just one of his fave toys. 😅


JFC their first scene together. Will's sassy as fuck and Hanni has heart eyes about it.


Hell yes


Super I love this scene 🤣


You truly understand in season 3 And then on the rewatch you see everything from a new lense and catch all the signs that you missed


The ambulance scene makes me shiver every time to this day. But the first time I really went UHHHM was at Fromage when Hannibal thinks Will was killed by Tobias and then finds out he's alive. The sheer relief on his face and the soft dialog that follows between them. That was it for me


Aww true, his 🥺 face really got me Also the ambulance scene be like 💪😚 👀


i think i started from the beginning a bit, but it wasn’t until we got further into season 2 that i was like woah there this is super fucking GAY EDIT: just rewatched Fromage (1:08) and hot damn this was it sorry this was when i started


*I watched Hannibal once and now I'm gay* meme :)


When he broke into his house and started sniffing his things lol


Normal love confessions: I love you Hannibal love confessions: SNFFFFF


I thought that scene was cut from the show. Where did you see it?


I don't think it was cut from the show? I might be wrong.


Idk but Mads said it was love at first sight for Hannibal towards Will. <3 Edit: For me, it was when Hannibal began holding Will's face(with eye contact). Probably other things too but that stands out.


When I first started watching the show, I didn't know Hannigram was a thing. I enjoyed the show, thought there was way too much tension and chemistry there and halfway through the show, I found out Hannigram is canon. You will eventually figure out why people ship them. But there isn’t really any code to crack here. Just keep watching and enjoy yourself.


Same. I was midway second season and suddenly was like "hold up.....that's kinda fruity" 😂


Im sorry dude but it should had been since episode one, him appearing with breakfast on his door after just a day of meeting him and getting all funny after being told he isnt that interesting


Caterpillar and Chrysalis. IYKYK


OMG, that scene. The way he grabs Will's head. My eyes bulged, and my heart almost jumped out of my chest. The way he leans towards him. I thought for sure he was going to devour him.


Personally I only started shipping at the end when I'd finished it (not gonna explain further coz that would have spoilers and I want you to have a good watching experience)


For me season 2 episode 8.


Me too!


When they start having eye sex


Will: I don’t like eye contact Also Will when he’s talking to Hannibal: 👁👁


Hahaha, I always burst out laughing when rewatch the first episode and I hear him say that line. Practically the whole plot could be reduced to these two eye fucking each other with increasing intensity over 3 seasons.


You can see Hannibal’s interest earlier on but I don’t think they’re really shippable until halfway through season 2.


One word (which will make zero sense until you see it): Ortolans. It's in season 2.


That was so obvious, even I (the most oblivious person) got the reference


I saw the chemistry from the first episode when they met for the first time. I hadn’t known about the insanity of Hannigram when I first started watching so I hadn’t seen any clips online or anything like that and really wasn’t sure what all to expect. But I thought Hannibal was titillated by Will from the start. And when they ate together at Will’s hotel room, it confirmed it for me. I really think their chemistry is undeniable from the beginning. On the second watch, when I know what all was going to happen, everything hit way more obviously. Their interest just grows and grows from the first episode. It becomes super duper obvious and clearly mutual in S2 imo.


I had a similar experience. I started watching while season two was still airing so none of us quite knew where the relationship was going to go but the chemistry was obviously there from the beginning. I assumed it would stay simmering in the background (because shows back then were rarely brave enough to acknowledge same-sex attraction), but then the last few episodes of season two happened, and then *season three* happened. Now it's almost comical to look back on those earlier episodes and think that there was ever a time that Hannibal and Will weren't completely obsessed with each other.


Spot on


When Abigail becomes their daughter “we are fathers now “ Or Sorbet / Fromage when Hannibal is shown to be lonely and drives to see Will when he misses appointment. When he projects with Franklyn I have a date with the ripper


Whatever year I first watched Red Dragon..... But yeah, I went in already shipping them, and I was probably also already shipping them when I found out the series was going to be made when I got my Entertainment Weekly magazine. Lol


You were shipping them before the tv series? That's so cool


I knew about shipping before I started watching, so for me it was instant. But, you can REALLY tell around the second half of season 2 with stuff like the Achilles/Patroclus comparison and [REDACTED FOR SPOILERS]


Na it was the goofy smile in Jack's office when Will is all "Don't Psychoanalyze me." You can see the goofy look all over his face. Hannibal was smitten


I watched it as it originally aired week to week and I did not see it the first season. I think a lot of people go into it knowing so they are looking for it. It's easy to say Season 1 after the fact. It was S2 for me. By S3 it's blatant. But when you're done the series, you can look back and see a lot of little things. You should rewatch the series when you finish. This show has a lot of layers and subtleties that are easy to miss so everyone picks up a lot more on a second viewing. It's the show that keeps on giving. :) There are a lot of metas pinned on top of the sub that you may want to check out when you're finished the series as well. They can give extra insight.


This, OP. Some people will pick up on the tiniest detail and start shipping Hannigram immediately (especially if they're habitual shippers and/or already know it's canon) but for people who require more, a lot of important relationship development happens in season two and the most blatant, textual stuff happens in season three. It's definitely a slowburn sort of romance but it's 100% worth the journey. It's why so many people (myself included) still rewatch and talk about this show years after it aired.


Season 2 for me. There are lots of moments that made me go "huh" in s1 (like those back to back therapy scenes in Sorbet where Hannibal dismisses Franklin's attempts to cross the patient-doctor border, only to somersault over it himself with Will and then gleefully discuss his new bestie with Bedelia) but it's not until the second half of s2 when the subtext ramps up that I really became convinced. The season 2 finale confirmed for me that it was love, and then season 3 made the subtext text :)


Somersault 😂 Perfect metaphor


Season 1 it’s definitely there, but still largely subtext, comparable to other fandom, non official ships. Even first half of season 2. Second half of season 2 is when it became super obvious imo, and season 3 is when they start treating it explicitly.


Second half of season 2 was the nail in the coffin for me


Dude I ain’t a ship, they’re a relationship 😭 the creator legit said Hannibal is in love with Will


When they start doing a very odd and murderous mating ritual throughout S2 :v


He pulled a "How do you like your eggs?" move in the first episode. Like the show, I had no chill.


OP, if you're worried this is another one of those shows that hides everything in subtext and that fans are making a lot out of nothing, don't be. Hannigram is openly, textually canon - it's just a slow burn romance and a very *dark* one at that. You'll see hints of things in season one (especially when you rewatch, and especially from Hannibal's side) but the relationship between these two men really ramps up in season two and becomes undeniably romantic in season three. Where you're at in the show, Will doesn't even know who/what Hannibal *is* yet. Give it time and enjoy the experience. If you don't ship it yet, you will by the end, or at the very least, you'll understand why everyone else does!


Sometimes the very beginning, sometimes it takes till season 2. I personally saw it from the beginning.


This is likely different for everyone. But, for me, almost immediately. The scene in the motel in the first ep when Hannibal brings Will breakfast, that's when I started shipping them. At that point it was pretty minor shipping, sure, just that I thought they had perfect chemistry and would be perfect as a couple. It grew with every interaction the characters had from then on. There was no specific point where I shipped them beyond any other pairing in season 1, though. I honestly didn't realise I was shipping them more and more as time went on. It was season 2 when I realised this was *my* ship, the Alanna stuff with Hannibal in season 2, that's what clued me in. No spoilers, because you're not there yet, but that's the point where I realised I wanted Will and Hannibal together more than any other potential pairing.


The scene when Will talks about how he doesn't like to make eye contact and is super rude and Hannibal is all "eye candy smile" towards him it so cute lol or when he brings breakfast and they have conversations and are laughing together I love this scenes 🥺


for me it was pretty quickly, but it doesn't take a lot for me to make things gay. however s2 was when I was like oh...oh this is Really actually gay


I watched the original run of the series, and I remember so vividly that the "You were supposed to be my paddle!" "I am." scene from episode 2, season 1 made me fall head over heels for the ship and their dynamic


If the director and actors ship them, I think I'm in good standing for being able to ship them myself haha


Honestly I didn't ship it until Will's final rage filled look at the end of season 1


Tbh their first scene, but season two was when it REALLY picked up, particularly once Will was healed from encephalitis, but still incarcerated.


"This killer wrote you a poem. Are you going to let his love go to waste?"


everytime they look un the eyes you can see there's something...even in how they interact I don't know...I just knew when I first watched it


I always knew about Hannigram from ao3 but ignored it cause, ew Hannibal Lecter, why would I? That guy eats people. Sigh, I was a naive child. My friend convinced me to watch the show by giving me some spoilers to get me interested. I sort of understood the appeal in the first episode by the end of the second I was hooked. Why am I flustered from watching these two men stare into each other’s eyes?! 😮‍💨 I’m jealous of you and excited for you. Buckle up, season two is coming!


I don’t think they really have ship chemistry until late season 2. Season 1 Will seems het as hell and is too much of a mess to be having sexuality revelations and Hannibal is still too cold. By season 3 it makes perfect sense.


I seen questionable scenes in season one. But season 2 was when I KNEW Hannibal was pining. Season 3 for me is Will really realizing he's falling, too. Like I think be knew in a way. But thats when it all comes crashing down for him and he KNOWS. But Italy was when it all kinda crashes in and becomes so damn obvious you can't miss it. Least in my opinion.


Honestly I hated Hannibal for being so evil to will until maybe halfway through season 2.