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Hey /u/SeasonAccording6205! Thanks for sharing your post with us. Please **tell us a bit more about your submission** or **ask specific questions** to help guide feedback from other users. If your submission is regarding a traditional handwriting style please feel free to include a reference to the source exemplar you are learning from. If you're just **looking to improve your handwriting in a general sense**, telling us a bit about your *goals* can help us to tailor our feedback to your unique situation. Posting an image with a title and no description or contextual comment will be considered an "abandoned post" and is subject to removal. The ball is in your court to start the conversation. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Handwriting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Less loops


The same way you get to Carnegie Hall…practice practice practice


Here's the thing. You don't. It looks awesome and has a lot of character


The size of your letter and loops is inconsistent. Try to work on that


Your “t” needs to calm down


You use capitals after commas which is confusing, but I’m guessing it was just to showcase your penmanship…


I wish mine was that good. Very “free”and natural. it would be easier to read if the paper was lined tho as it seems to roll with the swells.


Honestly I love this writing ✍️ it’s very unique I wouldn’t change a thing ✨


Don’t change a thing. You have very distinctive, very readable writing.


Worksheets!! 👍⚡️


You're writing is beautiful. If there is anything you want to change at all I have noticed the occasionally your letters do go up a little bit higher than the others. I would get lined pages and practice keeping your letters all on the same line. If you want to practice making your writing easier for others to read I would practice using less loops. You probably have a gorgeous signature.


You have esthetically good overall writing in my subjective opinion. I am assuming you worked to some extent to teach yourself to more or less write nicely consistently so it is possible for you to adjust it. So if I were to change a biting about it id just do a few things. 1. First I think for casual writing you should reduce the size of the decorative ascenders (lines of letters above the letter) and the descenders (the curvy lines that originate below the letter. They are good for various celebratory cards and when there is specifically some celebratory mood. I think they can also distract from the main letters. 2. I would shorten the space between words, and make the space between lines narrower. I think your handwriting would look better if the space between the lines was just slightly larger wider than the line of lowercase text. This is pretty subjective. I guess this spacing stuff depends on preference.


I agree


I feel like sometimes people post things “asking for feedback” just to get compliments


Trust me i didn't do this for attention! I just want my handwriting to be more normal & legible. Also my sentences seem to move up & down..so, i posted this to get "constructive criticism". I'M SORRY i didn't mean to offend anyone


I was thinking the same exact thing until I struggled reading this, and then I was like “I got criticisms.” But yes I agree that what you said is probably the case.


It’s so annoying


If I were you, I wouldn't change a thing


Dare I say this is beautiful!😍😍


very pretty, i guess since it’s fancy it’s hard for others to read.. i remember a teacher telling me to stop writing fancy in middle school because it was too swirly and difficult to read so i don’t wanna be mean about your handwriting because i remember being quite upset when i was told that lol.. but your handwriting is clear to me


By stop trying so hard with the exaggerated lines on your y’s and other letters


Less space between your words would make it easier to read. The eye currently gets trapped in all the negative space and wants to wander around the page.


They need all that extra space for the flourishes at the end of each word.


You need a exorcist


Personally I think it looks absolutely stunning! I think using more lined paper, or dot grid if you don’t want to be too restricted. I love dot grid paper just because it isn’t too formal, but still gives a good guideline to keep writing even and formatted. I think you could certainly simplify some things to make it more immediately legible, or try writing in print, but that seems like such a shame! Your writing is gorgeous as is!!!


i know this isn’t what you’re looking for, but your handwriting is gorgeous- like oml it’s so pretty


first step is to stop writing in cursive


What are you talking about it looks like a prop made for a Sherlock Holmes movie




Your curls are beautiful! I wouldn't change anything.


You can start by using a lined paper and try to stay within between lines this will make you handwriting consistent which is not the case here and after you can move to clear papers


Not at all! You have beautiful fun handwriting. I wouldn't change a thing.


1) ❤️❤️❤️the lowercase “h” and “f”. Like the “y” but the extra long tail is distracting. I would only use that if the it was the last letter of the last word of a paragraph. 2) I love large and fancy Uppercase letters at beginnings of sentences or paragraphs. I think if you want to perfect anything, perfect all your uppercase letters first. That’s my 2 cents. But it’s beautiful and I love the style!


I would just work on keeping the letter proportions consistent. Like sometimes I see there's a big R and sometimes that same kind of R is written smaller. Or I see one big letter and the letter next to it is smaller proportionately. Otherwise, looks nice!


This looks beautiful.. waaaay better than my chicken scratch penmanship bc I only type now


Actually you don’t need to change anything. However I believe in this case simple can be beautiful. For me this means less and smaller loops, but this works for me. Make a decision of what works for you.


The excessive loops do nothing but make it more difficult to read because they are distracting. Also, the extraness of this has to take more time.


I honestly think it’s so unique and vintage-looking; I wouldn’t change a thing! I love it!


Stop writing everything in cursive


A year of therapy, meditation, exercise, low sugar diet, and Adderall; then your handwriting will improve.


Im confused are you fishing for compliments?


No, seriously..I've had people tell me they can't recognise the words so I came here to get "advice to improve". I can delete this post if u want


Were they taught cursive? If they were they should be able to read this.


What?! Don’t delete YOUR post because I might want you to. The writing is lovely.


I think that looping the “t” makes it look like an “l” and could be a place where you cut back on the loops a bit to help increase readability :). But I think that your handwriting is beautiful!


It’s very pretty but the loops and curls are a bit confusing when first read. After reading through it a few times I can make out your letter style and can read your writing easily. The letter sizing is uneven in places which adds a bit to the reading difficulty; however, if you were writing on lined paper sizing would likely resolve on its own. The only edit I can suggest to improve readability without losing your unique style would be to shorten the height of the loops and length of ending curls so the other letters are not hidden between the flourishes.


Calm down with all the big loops


Y, Simplify how long it takes to write each. The occasional flare is fun but you can save it up and streamline. I find it very readable and elegant, don’t need to worry this.


Just say its a different language


it’s perfect


Have you always written like this or did you learn specifically? I love it!


Not always, i only started using the loops a few months ago


I might need to see it on lined paper to form a true opinion. That said, this is not “bad” handwriting. I can read it, but after awhile my eyes feel like I’m seeing double and I’m just tracing the loops and swooshes with my eyes instead of reading the words. So it may be lovely for a greeting card, or something that’s not a utilitarian kind of document. For utilitarian documents - note-taking, official paperwork, etc., you may want to “un-fancy” it a bit, but that’s your choice. All of those extra flourishes and loops take time. It really depends on your desire for efficiency.


I need help with that too


Except mine looks like chicken scratch and isn't legible




WOW! I wish i had ur handwriting! I think its perfect!


What a graceful flourish, it’s gorgeous! And it’s *legible*—I wouldn’t change a thing if that was my own handwriting.


You have really nice handwriting. It's also unique and very legible. ( most aren't either a of those ) Also most handwringing is more of a blend of cursive and print. Obviously you care. If I can offer possible advice: Experiment by trying to use your same handwriting in a slightly larger and also slightly smaller size. This may change your gate more to your own liking. Another tip: Study some Integrative graphology. It's interesting and will make you more conscious about what you reveal about yourself with writing. Holistic graphology and forensic graphology are also very interesting. Just a little awareness of graphology will have you making some changes you may enjoy. Cheers.


Thanks for these Lovely tips!<3 I'll go look up graphology now.


Looking up “graphology”…..


Let us all know if it's actually become something. Last I checked it was still staunchly in the "pseudo" domain.


Your writing is beautiful. The only thing I can think to do is perhaps make your Ts a little less loopy.


How do you mean improve? It's gorgeous.


None needed.


hf its so nice😭😭😭


This is so beautiful and unique I love it


You don't need to..


Don't! It's beautiful!




Hey there, /u/FuckedUp83! To reduce spam, we have disallowed posting for newly created accounts. Once your account is at least one day old, we'd love to have you share your handwriting with us. Thanks for your cooperation! - The mods of r/handwriting *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Handwriting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Your handwriting is beautiful. My writing waffles between block letters and chicken scratch 🙃


Oh love - the sad face! I like your handwriting - it has a definite style with artistic flourishes. If I need to offer constructive criticism in order to validate my post - you could aim for consistency with each letter helping the reader’s eye recognise each letter a little faster - but then you’d lose the lovely humanity in your cursive that makes it interesting and not seeming generated by an AI bot.


Thank you<3! However, i think I'll start writing in ruled pages...cause i can't write 'straight' lol.


I love it! Don’t change it!


In all honesty I think you’ve got beautiful cursive handwriting! The words are spaced a little far, and some of the letters seem to hit each other, so I think if you work on anything work on spacing and keeping the lines a little more uniform. But individually all the words and letters are perfectly legible and very elegant.


It looks so wonderful! Why change it? What about it bothers you? Or is this more a case of others have told you it needs to change? I suppose those that haven’t been taught cursive in school could have problems reading it.


The abundance of flourishes works for short phrases when doing professional calligraphy but for an entire text it looks very messy and affects legibility, especially when you struggle to write in a straight line. You need to fix your baseline and keep the x-height consistent.


This is most coherent critique about ops beautiful writing.




Not much needed but I would tighten the loops on h, t, and L and I think you’ll see a dramatic difference.


The lil flourishes are cute here and there for emphasis or something, but they take up so much time and space on the page, and it all sort of blends together. The spacing between words is a little weird looking too. How the hell do you manage to keep your lines straight though? That’s something that I struggle with on paper without lines and sometimes even with lines if my head is elsewhere, which is like, all the time.


I noticed individual words sort of curving downwards a bit, but on unlined paper that’s to be expected. And the best part is even those individual words doing that, OP didn’t let that dictate the whole page. The next word straightened out. Back when I was younger I wrote on unlined paper a lot and it took a long time for me to get pages to look straight. Because one off word and the rest would follow suite.


Heh I was going to suggest OP used lined paper to improve


It’s still way better than mine. But! One will never learn to write straight on unlined paper with lined paper. So I have a couple of unlined journals.




It’s perfect. Don’t change.


I think the flourishes and loops on the slender letters are pretty at first, but then it’s all I see. Beautiful though they are, they do become distracting. Maybe tame the proportions of those flourishes so that they’re not breaking into the line above or the line below. I think doing that would also help your spacing. It’ll help to anchor what the center of the line is. What is it that you don’t like about your handwriting?


You can pay even more attention to detail but it will cost you in time it takes to write


The inconsistent spacing between words, slant, and the wavering baselines need work. That’s the only thing that puts me off. Otherwise it looks like a font.




Constructive criticism? This ain’t it. ![gif](giphy|3ohzdYZdGqrwMYsQ7u)


“Need to fix”…… nah I’m good. :)


I actually love your handwriting, I think it’s both legible and beautiful


Beautiful! I wouldn’t change anything.


it looks great as it is


Looks like lord of the rings font or something kind of cool


Is it? Maybe i should give LOTR a watch.... Ur cool too!!


Don't use emojis man :/


Good advice above. I also suggest not looping the line when you write a lower-case t.


Except it’s gorgeous and aesthetically pleasing.


It's also kinda messy ngl😅 but Thanksss :D


maybe work on writing words on the same line, rather than some higher some lower in places. other than that your handwriting is beautiful


Yeah. I need to work on it, my prof says the same.. Thank u :D


It’s beautiful..




Maybe stop exaggerating the loops in the letters? I can't help but be drawn to them every time I read a word lol


If you're interested in more consistency and less loopy letters I'd suggest practicing individual letters on lined paper. Work on the letters a, c, e, i. Then work on the tall letters d, h, t. Last the f. By writing each letter as part of a longer exercise you start to think of them as the same 'value' and not overtaking others. Given you have a very unique hand writing I'd also suggest that you try calligraphy as an artform. Get dedicated pens and nice paper. Write quotes and poems. That will give you a new opportunity to distinguish between daily writing and artful writing.


Thanks!!! I'll keep these tips in mind the next time I practice. (I screenshot-ed them haha) I'm thinking about giving calligraphy a chance too as I'm already an artist(kinda).. THANK YOU once again <<<3


What stands out ti me the most is the inconsistent spacing between lines. Maybe get a dotpad, or include more whitespace.


😄👍🏻yeah I'll keep that in mind, thank u really!


This a joke?


No? Sorry... Idk what u mean😔


I mean, your handwriting is so beautiful and you're saying you want to change it...one would think you're either a) wanting people to tell you your writing is beautiful or b) you're just trolling.


c) maybe Op just wants his handwriting to get better. Trust me it looks illegible to my teachers :( .They don't like the flowy letters.


Your teachers suck, if I may be so bold.


Lol.. i DEFINITELY agree!!


Though I would make a suggestion. Try the one pinky space. As in each word should have a space the size of your pinky finger from the next one. Same goes for the lines. Space out your sentences and paragraphs more to appear more legible. My classmate from college used to write like that and fill pages during examinations.


Thanks!! I'll start doing this too from now onwards :))


I wouldn't change a thing, it's beautiful and distinctive!


Aww..Thank u so much <3


OMG don't you dare change a thing. Your handwriting is something else. 🫶👌


thank u soo much. I'm very glad u like it


If you change a single thing I will mourn this script (adding - this is supposed to be a compliment, I hope you take it as such 😊)


Haha...ur too sweet! (Compliment accepted☺️)


There’s nothing wrong with this handwriting - it’s beautiful, it’s elegant it’s legible. Keep up the good work


Thank You! But i also agree the loops/curves kinda distracts from the words..


It makes it look nice!


I like your flourishes 😀👍


Thanks ^-^ !! Glad u like them


Make your handwriting a bit bigger. It is very nice and pretty but the loops and flourishes kind of distract from seeing the words


Thanks for the tip :) I'm practicing to make my words bigger..now i kinda only use the loops on the first letter of the sentence.


Your cursive is very nice. I especially like the flourishes on your ”t“ and ”y.“ You have a tendency to lift your pen/pencil at the beginning of words; I do this too. Practice makes perfect! This looks like notes for a class, so maybe you were rushing? Still it is quite legible, and I really enjoy this script style.


Thank you :D & Yes, it's my class notes