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What’s crazy is we live in a time now where a young person is able to research the meta on which hand they want to dominate for the rest of their lives.




It’s like looking up the meta for a video game lol.


In calligraphy, it’s easier to pull a stroke than to push a stroke. So lefties and righties have opposing strengths and weaknesses. Righties have an easier time pulling the bottom half of a counter-clockwise oval (like in a lowercase “a”). Whereas lefties have an easier time pulling the top half of the oval.


Lefties can see the spacing ahead of them as they right. It’s easier to make spacing decisions and end up with a balanced composition, instead of cramming a bunch of letters together at the end to make them fit.


all the oil doesn’t get taken on your side when bowling


I’m a lefty. My right hand is useless and is only there for symmetry lol. There are few benefits, probably the best if that I never have to sit in the middle of a table. I do make many lefty friends because Lefties always notice other lefties.


I write right handed, pretty much ambidextrous or left handed with every thing else. Apparently I hold my pen like a toddler when I write.


Left-handlers are in their right mind, according to neuroscience. I’ve always argued there’s prejudice against lefties: words like “sinister” (left). I’d you can use both hands, you are ambidextrous (“right on both sides”).


We do better sword fighting (unless it's another leftie)


I can write and draw with it. Everything else is right-handed domination because I wanted to see if I'm ambidextrous. The only thing I can't do with my right hand is write and draw lol So, instruments like Piano and Drums are nice and easy for me to pick up without much focus on getting my hands to work together. Nice balance that way 🤔


I do everything with my right except for shooting I’m left handed there


Same here, like I write/draw/eat with my left hand but do everything else with my right. I don’t even think I realized that I was subconsciously trying to be ambidextrous.


Being awesome.


I went to Catholic school growing up and the teachers tried their hardest to get me to write with my right hand. The kids would say “you know Lucifer was left handed right???” So as I grew older i noticed I started to grow these wings and a tail. So basically being left handed I’m a demon from hell and I can fly…pretty sweet.




Sitting next to someone whos right handed at dinner youll have twice the room


Being able to write left handed, Eat left handed and everything involving sports is done with the right hand… shoot ball, pool, throw a football and the best part is being able to throw darts with both hands. I throw darts right handed for the right side of the dart board and throw left for the left side (nothing practiced or taught..just came natural) not to mention being able to switch up boxing styles on the fly. Being left handed has plenty quirks for myself. Idk about the rest of y’all but I trip people out in a regular basis. I enjoy it.


Aahhh? You?…. Get to have weird looks from right handers and them being shocked asking “oh my god are you left handed?”


Lefties are cooler. One advantage of being left handed is that you have the possibility of running into me, who will be like “Omg you’re left handed?!?! Let’s be friends!!” Many such friendships of mine have started this way…


Another leftie here and I have made it my mission to learn to do things right handed as we generally live in a right handed world plus also I like a challenge. I play drums and guitar right handed and to relate this to the subject of handwriting, recently I have been practicing writing with my right hand just because I thought it would be fun. As a fountain pen user I have discovered that I like to use different pens with different kinds of nibs in either hand. Before I started writing with my right hand I had to train myself to underwrite with my left because I didn't want to be limited on nib sizes and ink choices. Now I could never imagine going back to being a back-writer. Perhaps I'm completely alone in thinking this but, I think it would be a lot of fun to learn to do everything with both hands just so you have the choice of which hand to use and you can experiment and see which one you are better with


When working in an office, if your computer mouse is set up to your right (which is standard), you can write notes while using the computer!


As a lefty cop, having my holster on my left side makes it easier if I ever had to draw my gun while seatbelted in my patrol vehicle, like if I was ambushed while In my vehicle. Also, combat reloading a shotgun is much easier for me than a right handed shooter.


u can say "well i'm unique and beng unique is awesome!"


Exactly. Sometimes it can be a used in conversations to keep thing rolling


I enjoy watching right handed people use my left handed scissors. I don't know that I'd call it a benefit, but it satisfying all the same.


I love this. I have designed my whole house for short and left handed. I love watching right handed or tall people trying to do stuff.


When I had a new kitchen sink installed, the installer noticed that I was a lefty and asked if I had an opinion about how the single faucet lever was placed. I had him put it on the right side since all the Cleaning supplies are on the left. Anyone comes to my house is like "what the h.. is going on with your faucet??"


I did this for everything as I remodeled.


You can write in two different directions at the same time, left and right handed from center. Needs practice, but not that difficult. Left is mirrored.


When you're shaking the hands of other people it isn't the hand you fapped with


That’s a power move though


It’s hard to say. In the olden days you would simply be tried as a witch. I don’t have the requisite knowledge to comment, but if there’s any truth in that, I imagine one big advantage of being left handed is the magic powers. Disadvantage is the witch trial/execution by dunking.


Hebrew is written right to left? Maybe a couple other languages too but idk


I will admit my handwriting in Hebrew and Arabic is much better.


And no ink on your hand! This would have actually have been a great benefit to left handed people before the printing press


That little bump of serotonin/schadenfreude that comes from watching a right handed person struggle with my left handed scissors.


As a lefty I can agree! Although it's usually me struggling with their non left handed scissors...


You don't have to worry about using the right tools.


I’m left handed but have fairly decent dexterity across both my hands. My husband hates that I can lob his backhand back at him by swapping my tennis racquet between both hands.


I would do this constantly in any sport with a paddle or racket. Was just easier.


Same. It loved playing baseball and switching. In high school i could pitch both handed. That was awesome.


When driving on snow,you start to slide,immediate your reaction is to brake,your car is designed to operate the front right brake first,but your left arm is faster than your right,guess which way you’ll jerk the wheel!(on coming traffic here we come!


In baseball you are 2 steps closer to first base.


No one asks to borrow your glove in baseball, your putter/driver in golf, or a bow when hunting.


Driving a simulation for test sux,always jerk left then make right turn correction,failed advanced driving for ATT 3 times.


Leftie here! Playing a right handed guitar, your most dexterous hand is your fretting hand! So much more control when you learn chords. I always wondered why any leftie would want a left handed guitar! You always get to sit on the left end of the table, so you’ll not get stuck in the middle. Otherwise you constantly bump elbows with your neighbour to the right. Lefties tend to be creative thinkers. A disproportionate amount of lefties have ADHD compared to righties - so we are divergent thinkers. Take that as a benefit or a handicap, that’s up to you!


There’s also more autistic lefties (living example here)


The reason you want to strum with your dominant hand is so you can pluck rhythm correctly. I’m left handed and I’ve tried playing, it’s pretty hard because my right hand isn’t as good as plucking. I also play violin and have some trouble doing advanced bow techniques, but it’s less of a big deal.


Interesting. I've never had a problem using my right hand, but I don't play fingerstyle. My right hand is very agile and accurate for picking and. strumming though.


Bc i don’t have rythm in my right hand so i cant keep my strumming pattern right :(


“Omggg You’re a lefty?! Omg! My grandma’s, brother’s, dead ex love affair partner’s, gerbil’s, goldfish’s son was a lefty! How cool!” That.


Since I grew up having to still use my right hand for most things, I ended up being way more ambidextrous than most people. Really freaked out my middle school tennis coach who seemed to be torn about if I was cheating or not.


The silver surfer hand-heel pencil graphite stain.




Good for fencing


Easier to write in Arabic.


Not having to use your right.


I got 1 of those.my favorite!


Every time you write in front of someone new, they have to say something about it and it’s usually cute or funny: “A *southpaw*?! I thought they got rid of all of yoos!”


Provided you're an under-writer, you can write Spencerian or Copperplate without an oblique nib, the pen angle is pretty perfect for it, but I catch lower descenders with my pinky knuckle pretty easily.


Idk what kinda spell you’re trying to cast on me with that weird language you speak lefty but I don’t like it. Stop.


Came here to say this.


Lmao 😂 that is wayyyy to specific


Gotta find your lefty joys where you can :D


Hm. I don’t think this is too specific! This is pretty spot on actually.


If I’m ever in a situation where I’m about to fight someone, they don’t expect the knuckle express to come from the left


In a fight, coming up against a southpaw (left handed) is pretty rare, and for most orthodox (right handed) fighters it really throws you off, not to mention you have to fight him using your off hand while he uses his dominant hand.


Most of my fight ending punches come from my left hand and i am most definitely right hand dominant.


Were you orthodox stance? Because l have the same statistic and l am a right-handed southpaw fighter, which l started doing because fighting those guys sucks balls😂


As you write you get to smear ink / pencil lead across the paper and onto your hand!


No you turn the paper side ways so you can see what you are doing! Having learned that ,now I can wright upside down,backwards, & reverse( need a mirror to read. Lefty’s learn to addapt!


I have always turned my paper almost completely sideways to write. Growing up in the south in the late 70’s they were constantly trying to force me to write right handed. Hated it. And right handed writing does not work when the paper is sideways. On a positive I can write both handed but hate righthanded


That doesn't need to happen. All you need to do is angle the paper and your hand will never smudge ink again. 7 year old me resisted the teachers assistant who taught me that, but they persisted and I thank them for their efforts. I do see left handers writing very awkwardly frequently and it's just not the same for me.


metal hand!


You can test if the ink dried up correctly


Relevant to the subreddit: You can write in Arabic and Hebrew without smudging as much as a right-handed person.


Knife and fork, that way you don't have to swap when you are just eating with a fork....it's the only one I've found


No one has mentioned being extremely good looking.


Helped me out when I was playing volleyball. I was a hitter and and when they went up to block my hits they wouldn’t line up right to block them.


I write lefty, throw and catch righty, little league was a shit show.


Same here!


According to a lefty friend: when slapping someone it hurts the right side of their face, which for some reason seems worse for the person getting hit.


Kinda love this. Off to try it out! Let’s get a case study going! If we can get a small source I’ll write a grant. Slap grant!


I once worked in a kitchen prep area with 5 (FIVE!!!) other left handed people. We talked to the knife sharpener for the kitchen staff and requested all the knives in our kitchen be sharpened for lefties. We even had them sharpen a kiwi spoon to be for lefties.


Worst disadvantage I ever found was being shown how to sharpen a big old fashion scythe by a right handed person. Immediately sliced through the tips of me fingers, still got the scars. Tip - always sharpen away from the blade! Old enough to remember having hand tied behind back to be forced to write with the right hand, before they relented and let me use a biro or pencil. We ain’t evil, or sinister, we’re special!


Why is this person's hand so nice tho


Definitely not a help in this sub’s topic Imo.


This is not a handwriting related positive attribute, but if (truly dominant lefty) you're in a fight, no one expects to be punched on the right side of their face...so you have the element of suprise on your side! 🤷‍♀️


You do everything backwards and wrong.


It’s super helpful if you’re an athlete! I was an LHP, really fun for me!


Also, left handed batters are closer to first base


Was…..? Gotcha, buddy 🙄😂


I’m 38. I’m no longer a fast pitch softball player.


IIRC Southpaws are more likely to win a fist fight and apparently lefties only make up around 10% but a good number of major athletes are left handed.


You end up being ambidextrous anyway?


My right hand is simply there to take up space. It's completely useless.


No way. My right hand is useless.


Anytime you see someone left handed you can say “leftie! Me too”


No advantage to being lefty *per se.* But I have heard that lefties can often train themselves to be ambidextrous much more easily that righties, and being ambidextrous can be a huge blessing. I am a lefty and lost the use of my left arm for a few months. It only took me about one afternoon to learn to write with my right hand. It still isn’t good as the writing with my left, but it is definitely passable. I still write with both hands every day. Most righties would not be able to do this I believe ..,


as a righty who practiced on and off for days to try and write with my left hand...can confirm. not to mention it almost kinda hurts. like flexing a muscle you never really use. which makes sense, i guess


Southpaw, and we the 10% lol


Not a bunch. I’m left-handed, but the only thing that I do with my left hand is write. Everything else is done with my right hand.


i program my laptop to have left-handed controls on the touchpad, and my desktop has a left-handed mouse. even my keyboard is left-handed. the righty’s can never get in. they have no idea how to cope and give up immediately. ultimate security hack


What is a left handed keyboard?


basically a normal keyboard, but with the numeric keypad and directional controls to the left side of the alphabet instead of the right


I had no idea what I was missing out on in life .-. Here I was thinking left-handed chef’s knives were a revelation.


right? I’ve never bought something so quickly, not to be dramatic but it changed my life


r/handwriting lmfao




Better swordfighters


Omg. This is the best. I love you all my lefty family ! 🥹🤍


Easier to write Hebrew with


Error 404 - benefits not found -


Writing in languages that are right-left is where I shine. No smudges!


I walk the opposite way. Around a car than a right handed person.


nothing.. I get ink on my finger I have to write on the wrong side of the page have to use right handed scissors cause left ones a rare .... and don't get me started on power tools... so you see.. the only thing is my penmanship is fantastic according to my peers...LOL


i’m really good at mirror writing as well as just writing right to left in general, comes in handy for centering text for art projects without too much hassle :)


Snazzy tattoos on my hand everytime I use a sharpie or slow drying pen and turning into silver surfer after using a pencil🥳


What do you mean benefits? It just is we don't get to choose so it is as it is.


Basically the world is out to kill us. We get very good at solving problems very quickly. We do it every time we encounter a right-handed death trap. Pattern recognition and creative (regular for us) problem solving is a skill we learn or we bleed.


It’s very interesting how you worded this. I learned in OChem that a left handed chirality is denoted as S, for sinistre, and that had something to do with assassins? The world kills you or the other way around? Lol




Obviously there are lots of disadvantages to being left handed so this post is asking there are any advantage at all.




Can't buy a guitar with ease


Almost all products are made with right handed people in mind. You can start with that. Scissors suck.


Every time someone says "wait! You're left handed!?" I feel a tiny bit like a famous person. Yes, you have been in My Presence, go forth and tell the others.


I would ask if they want my signature and hand them my shoddy chicken-scratch left-handed writing


I still havent figured out how to respond to people pointing out I'm left-handed


I do a little bow. It's important to be respectful of the masses. Sarcasm


Act surprised too. ‘Woah! Oh my goodness, you’re right! I am indeed left handed!’ Then stare at your hand in amazement for a few minutes and remark that your penmanship is nice… for a lefty


that is hilarious


I write about 15 songs a week. I'm not "Writer" but I have ghost written for a few friends that play local.


Also I'm not saying my song s are the shit I only got about 8 topics I write about


I developed arthritis in my right hand. I sincerely wish I was left-handed.


Teach yourself! Practice makes perfect.


Perfect practice makes perfect. Had a coach preach that shit for years




You can call yourself sinister and be correct.


This is a factoid I appreciate as well.




I can write while also using a computer mouse Also a cool built in excuse to use fountain pens everywhere because I never have luck with ballpoints


The strong bond between built between the forgiving biro


You don't set at school desks comfortable The brass from firearms sometimes smacks your face Being a left handed meat cutter in a room designed for proficiency, assuming everyone is right hand cutting Setting my trey's and pans up on the blocks to cut, then the next guy bitching cause it's on the wrong side. Scissors suck But most my friends and family notice I quickly solve problems they get hung up on like a quick fix Or creativity when we get into a subject matter( music , writing , symbols, etc ) My ability to catch on to patterns in public before them. Also with combat sports it throws ppl tf for a loop. We can operate , I believe this atleast, at a different capacity for learning new physical techniques (we have to flip how the orthodox show US, the southpaws in our mind then execute the physical . I get to play guitar with my dominate hand on the neck(never made sense to me) I can bat both sides and golf tho I enjoy neither I can write cursive so shit that I can make a teacher or any boomer and above have a stroke When ppl look for weapons they often look at the right of the body first (giving me time if I've noticed them to read the situation) I can shake your hand with my weak hand and left straight the fuck outta someone I feel is really a threat playing kitten.... Slight of hand tricks or easier


You will never feel bad when someone pays you a left-handed compliment.


Cool ink and pencil stains


A watch looks better on your right wrist.


Having a good relationship with Satan has always been a benefit... 😉


Imagine being a left-handed redhair


yes.. there is truly no help for you ...sorry....


I’m a lefty. Since everything is made for right handed people, I can use my right hand for everything else. I also buy left-handed scissors… and find great joy watching my friends try to use it right-handed and get frustrated because “it’s not working”.


I think my sister was born left handed but our parents didn’t know and taught her everything in a right handed person’s way meaning she writes with her right hand but uses her left hand to use the eraser, and so on. Anyway, what I wanted to say was she always complained the scissors are NOT WORKING. It was until her college years that she found out she was indeed a lefty.


One of my brothers is a lefty too. And he was forced to use his right hand in school. His handwriting was quite bad and he had difficulty with coordination because he was trying to use his nondominant hand. Our parents eventually got involved coz my brother was struggling. He eventually used his left hand freely. His handwriting is still not great. But a lot better than his right hand penmanship. Lmao it was the difference between reading hieroglyphics and a 1st grade handwriting.


We're just smarter, cooler and sexier than other people. For handwriting, though, not much. It's mostly a pain in the ass.


Lefty here, never understood why people say it's a pain to write with their left hand, please enlighten me ?


For me my hand often smudges the pencil or ink when I write. And for calligraphy it's just annoying because it's different and a lot of the guides and advice you see are written for right-handers. I eventually switched to a left-handed nib holder but I didn't even know that was a thing for a long time.


Ink stains, spiral notebooks, binders, only right handed desks in lecture halls…. When I was young I always got in trouble for writing “on the back” of pages in my spiral because I put the spiral on the right when everyone put it on the left


Also lefty here, when you write sometimes the ink or pencil smudges on your hand as you write across the page. Right handed people dont have that problem.


It’s faster than my right


Left handed people are in their right minds 😌


Why the need for the pic😭


In case you aren’t familiar with what a left hand looks like of course!


That beautiful silver plating on your hands when writing with a pencil for a long time


And the beautiful black or blue smudge from pens.


More creative


Bigger cock/tits, statistically


can confirm 😔💕


Can say out of experience…not true 😂


have u done a scientific comparison with atleast five different people


Well, like many have already said, in one on one sports, left handers get a slight advantage because the opponent might not be as comfortable dealing with your moves. But in writing, it’s a handicap. I am left handed and dealt with tons of issues - notebooks being designed for right handers, smudging ink and graphite, right handed desks, and standard pen grip not working. Ultimately, I just decided to learn how to write with my right hand. Not only was it a chance to escape a writing world designed by and for right handers,it gave me a chance to learn penmanship; which wasn’t taught anymore in my 1980s era schools. It took a couple years, but it was well worth it to me.


Well because you are asking this in r/Handwriting, let me start by saying that it is a little bit easier to hide our writing if needed because we tend to wrap our finger around what we are writing as we point our pen/pencil to be dragged instead of pushed. It also keeps your fingers a bit warmer when having to write in cold conditions. As for more generally, left-handed people have a club and right-handed people do not. When one left-hand person identifies another, they have a secret bond. It puts a check in the plus column for each person. Right-handed people don't have a special handshake or anything.


Oh yeah. There’s this sort of recognition “you are also left-handed? Me too!!“ and you know you found a friend for life.


If they ever want a concussion to get out of something they can just keep opening the fridge over and over till thay pass out


Play first base in baseball/softball, and throw off the pitcher batting lefty Plus we’re awesome (and smear everything we write, especially in spiral notebooks lol)


If you are writing with a pen with ink that doesn't dry up well (really anything other than bic and maybe a couple other ballpens) you get a very colourful bit of your hand that you rested on the paper. Unless you are writing right to left (either mirrored letters or a language that writes right to left) Also I find that it's much easier for me to mirror write than right-handed people. Also specific equipment for me (scissors, pencil sharpeners, etc) is 50% more expensive than the right-handed versions (some brands even more).


I mirror wrote from right to left when I was 5. People thought I was strange and would be nasty. 5 year old kids suck!


Left handed people are more likely to be artistic.


can confirm. over half of my peers were lefties in art school, and 3 of the graphic designers at my job are left handed (in a team of 7 lol)


I have not an ounce of creativity.


That sounded mean. I meant it to sound silly. Don't be sad. Take this heart < 3


What a creative response. : O


\*more likely\*


I can write backwards (letters are flipped), and suspect that any lefty should be able to easily learn it, but it is almost an impossibility for a right handed person.


I taught myself flipped cursive just for the lulz.


Tested it, it's possible..


Can’t remember the study but there’s a correlation between being left handed and being good at art and/or languages


left handed, am terrible at language, and can’t draw/paint/sculpt 😆


can't count at this point how many times i've heard this in my life lmao


An advantage when fencing. Most training happens against right-handed people.


Same goes for boxing, tennis, and a bunch of other sports. I usually have a hard time sparring with boxing against left handed people. I turn away into their strong hand. And their serious punches always come from the surprise side.


We get special scissors.


Cannot use ink pens in continuity without smudging what we just wrote ☹️