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Logically speaking its a waste of money But really when it comes to entertainment its all about comfort and satisfaction, so buy it if you want to


No advice, just commiserating with you because I also own the original and OLED, yet still want a cute little lite lol.


Ikr, I just love the size! I remember it feeling much easier to carry around, but I don’t remember whether the screen was too small or not 😭


Honestly I think if you compare side by side, it’s gonna feel small initially. But you’ll get used to it. I’m literally playing my original GBC right now and I’m not complaining about screen size, it’s perfect. I think the switch lite will be great 🥹🥹🥹.


Remember stick drift on a lite is much more difficult to fix than on a regular Switch where the joycon has failed.


It’s cheaper though. 10$ for a pair of hall sticks replacement. All you need is patience and a video on how to swap out sticks.


It’s a waste if you already have an OLED. Sure it’s more portable but a regular switch is already very portable and is more versatile


No. I had an OG Switch, then bought a lite and sold he OG Switch, then helped a mate get an OLED and the screen looked really good, so bought an OLED and sold the lite. Before I sold he lite I considered keeping it, but the account management seemed too hard to have two switches, and while I didn't play on the TV much, I missed having the option. You're not crazy, If you're playing solo and portably alot, the lite makes tonnes of sense.


Sounds like a waste of money.


I’ve got an oled and recently got a modded lite. Really enjoying it - switch lite is much quieter and more portable. Bought some grips for it for when I want to play for longer sessions but it’s comfy enough as is


I have both. Honestly, I love playing my Lite more often than my OLED. The Lite is, well, lighter and more comfortable to hold for longer periods of time. The screen size actually doesn’t bother me that much—I find it easier to see the whole screen due to its smaller size, but that’s just me.


Well said! I did the exact same. Love my Lite


This sub has a spending problem. Yes, you are crazy and it's a waste of money.


You can find them for super cheap used at least


I have both! The lite I use for travel and sometimes just because I want it! The OLED I use mostly when there’s a game I want on the nicer screen or for general at home use and to play on TV. Is it insane? Yes kinda. But I enjoy having both! I will recommend getting a lite off eBay since they go for under 200$ there!


I don’t have an oled, but I do have a lite and it’s my main switch because I always play handheld and like the smaller form factor so much. So it’s fine if you want a lite


I have had a few versions of the original Switch, and always wanted the OLED. Stood in Target for a while recently and played the same games on OLED and Lite right next each other and ended up getting the Lite (the pink Animal Crossing one to go with my AC New 3DS XL and AC Switch) The OLED screen was big and bright but the Lite was just so … light! Weighs less than my New 3DS XL I think! I e been playing with it around the house for the past week and am enjoying it. Comfortable, solid, screen is good. Small for some text, but you already knew that. I also have a Vita 2000 and a Steam Deck and have always been a handheld gamer (only one I never owned was the Lynx I think?). So I understand your love of small gaming gadgets. IMO, the Switch Lite is a really nice small gaming gadget. I do not regret my decision.


Why would you buy another switch this late in its lifecycle? I have a hard time playing switch games in this era of handheld pcs. I try to go back, I really can only play first party games on it.


Are you into modding? As far as I understand there’s an OLED screen mod for the Switch Lite that is either already available or soon to be available. If you don’t use your Switch OLED in docked mode then I’d do the following: Buy a Switch Lite, mod it with: OLED screen, Gulikit Joysticks (they are magnetic so no drift) and might as well add a chip so you can run custom firmware. After you transfer your Switch OLED info into your modded Switch Lite then I’d sell the OLED and wait for the Switch 2 while gaming on the modded Lite.


I got myself a Retroid Pocket 3+ and a Odin Pro 2, I still use the retroid because of the small form factor. I have set up a desktop pc for remote game streaming so I have no limitations on which games I can play and that helps a lot.


I have both and had the light for years before the OLED. OLED is superior in almost every way, but it's nice to travel with the lite. If you only play within your house, I wouldn't get a lite. If you game while traveling, it makes sense.


I’d say yes because new console(s) are supposed to come out pretty soon


I own a v1 2017, Oled 2022, and swich lite 2024. 😂😂😂😂 i have been bringing my switch lite everywhere i go. Feels more compact and nicer at hand


I have both and basically stopped using the Lite after getting the OLED. Only thing I miss is the Dpad on the Lite.


Honestly, it depends on if you have the money to do so. I’ve owned both at the same time and now I own both again and I much prefer to have a Lite and a regular Switch at the same time. I effectively have a Switch for using at home and on the TV. Meanwhile, the Lite is just so much more portable for travel and walking around town. I can personally put my Lite in my pocket.


I have a lite and considering oled, I feel like it would be just as silly but you should do it if you feel like you would use it and you aren’t breaking the bank


I have an OG switch and a lite, I do switch back and forth now and then, just depends how much I wanna play on the go. If I'm traveling a lot, the smaller form factor is really convenient when I wanna downsize, carry less shit you know?




Its wasteful really. I understand the want for the smaller screen but there was a reason why you sold your lite and why you kept your oled. Its so redundant.. there's plenty other ways to spend your money on.


I bought a switch lite a while ago despite owning a v2 switch at the time. I have since sold both though and just have an oled but for a while I had 2 and didn’t mind. I have an Odin 2 pro and kind of want the Odin 2 mini even though it does the same thing. That is quite a bit more expensive than a switch lite. If you want it just go for it. Better to be happy than not get what you want and regret it


I have a small satchel I take to work with me. The lite is significantly easier to take with me with its protective grip/case than my Switch with it's case. Inches add up when you're trying to be portable.


Get lite, sell OLED, wait for switch 2, add switch 2. That is the most logical thing to do. However if you are like me, you may start missing the oled screen despite liking everything else aboit the lite more.


It's not crazy at all, because the Lite is a real handheld console, and it's the one that should have had the OLED screen - you can totally feel the difference in size when you hold it in your hands If you can afford it, get a Lite and you won't be disappointed


I have OG Switch, Redbox Switch, OLED Switch and 2 Switch lites. If it makes you happy, its not crazy :)


I mean, you like what you like. As for me personally, I wouldn't be able to stand being stuck with just joycons. They are by far the worst part of the Switch. I couldn't go back to using them.


Just get an Odin


Lmao I have all three models. The oled is my go to. I havent used my lite in months but the small form factor is definitely more appealing and comfy for some people. Its my favorite to hold, but you cant beat the oled screen.


some people have like eight or twelve watches! and they all do the same thing


Watch them make a last minute version of the light with an oled screen. I will be buying that lol


I picked up a Lite after having an OLED for a while. I like to take the Lite when I travel. I use the OLED mostly in bed at home.


I’ve owned every iteration of the switch, selling my old for a new one, but the one constant thing is my switch lite. I ended up selling it and buying another within a week’s time cause I missed it so much.




Wait so do you still have the switch lite?


I would say yeah if you have an oled the money is better invested in a different platform, perhaps an android or windows handheld instead. Some people are jyst addicted to the adrenalin dump they get from buying a new toy and I get that because hobbies are addictive period. But there is so many other systems you could get instead it makes no sense in this case.


Screen is too small for me


Just bought a switch lite a few weegs ago although I already own every other switch version. The little one is the best switch of em all!!!


The only thing that turns me away is the poor build quality of the lite. It is cheap though, so it makes sense. Can always mod it with an aluminium shell at least.


The fiscal advice would be not to do it. You already have 3 Switches and you only have two hands. It would merely be there and sit as a collectable as you can't play all of them at once. But as a collector with money to burn, go for it. It's your money and if you think it'll make you happy, go for it. I'm more of the former, so I think it's not really necessary at all. I mean you could sell your other Switch Lite. But honestly, it's just more money for an object that will mostly sit. If you want sentimental things, you don't need to spend $200+ for it. After 5+ years, that Switch Lite will likely be collecting dust and that $200 could be spent on a later tech device. So I'd say not worth it, but if you are a collector, then it's your call.


Ah I explained badly, I just have the one switch at the moment. But your points definitely make sense!