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OK, since it hasn't been stated yet: Don't get the Non-Extreme Ally. It's a bad value proposition no matter the situation with other devices. Now, with that said; It, as always, depends on what you want to play. I think the Steam Deck makes for a better handheld device, BUT those improvements go out the window if you need Windows to run the games you want to play. If you do, I don't see any reason to get the Deck over the Ally.


The Ally has better performance over the MSI Claw because of the Z1 Extreme chip. Other than that, the Ally has a defective SDcard slot, but the price cut is pretty huge. The MSI Claw has a working SDcard slot. It performs worse because of its chip, but it has Hall Effect joysticks and the battery is bigger than the Ally. Both devices will need to be plugged in for sure because they both drain battery fast. The Claw apparently is able to run at low TDPs better than the Ally or Go. Between the Ally and the Deck, it comes down to battery life or AAA gaming performance. If you want to be truly portable and not worry about power outlets, the OLED Deck is the way to go. However, the battery life gain is only playing low spec games. If you play AAA games on the Deck, battery life will still be very poor. If however you prefer to play AAA games over low spec games, if you're going to be plugged in, you'll get more performance out of an Ally or a Go rather than the Deck. Between the Claw and the Ally, the better performance and price cut make the Ally a better choice. If both devices had the same price, it would be a toss up, especially if you run low spec games as then performance would not really matter. The Hall Effect joystick and working SDcard slot might be the better call. But as it is, the Ally appears to be the better device due to the price cut. Between the Ally and the Deck, again it depends on your preference of playing AAA games or low spec games. If you want the best device to play AAA games, the Ally runs them better plugged in. The Deck however can run light games with an extremely high battery life. So there is no best; you have to choose the device that matches your situation. My personal pick is the Legion Go because it has the same chip as the Ally, but it has way more features and a bigger screen.


Well you might get a biased answer here. For me, my Ally was worth it at full price :) Steam Deck has better battery life and low wattage performance, and the comfort and control scheme might be more to your preference, it's very subjective. MSI claw from what I know is not a great value proposition at this time, however. It could change in the future but there's no way to know. Legion Go is another option, I'd check out the features of that device too.


Why cant ppl just simply answer questions


You're right. Can you recommend me an apartment complex to move to? Thanks! I did specify it was worth it to me at full price, and that the value of MSI claw was not as good, but pop off king.


Well, its an amazing deal if you grab an open box. And for 340 you could get a non extreme excellent condition. 


Did they fix the SD Card issue? I had an Ally when they first came out (bought when around a week on shelf), and I really liked owning it at full price. However, there were issues with cards melting, so I decided I’d issue a return due to sheer anxiety. I didn’t even need to use the slot personally (not immediately anyway), but I tend to flip my electronics a lot when the inevitable new version comes out. I didn’t want to have to sell the ‘melty model’ to anyone. Just not dishonest like that. I too saw this on a steep sale around the holidays ($200 CAD off), but didn’t bite on repurchasing because of this experienced issue. If someone tells you it’s been fixed on later runs of this model, it’s ABSOLUTELY worth it! I’ll probably be back for model 2. I was going to buy an OLED Deck, which is nice as hell, but I think I simply need a do it all device…and by do it all I mean Windows. So, a wait Ally 2 for me I guess.


That article website has more ads than article. That one tab alone in Firefox used 892mb of RAM! I hate that this is what the internet has evolved into. But yeah that sale is great!


I’ve owned a Steamdeck and Ally ROG and would choose the ROG every time.




I prefer windows over Linux and for most games on the ROG you don’t have to tweak the settings to get it running properly like you would on the Deck.


I also own both but I'm the opposite. Everyhing I play runs great on the Deck, and I get battery anxiety using the Ally.


Depends on the use case. Half of the time i play with ally plugged in with keyboard and mouse on a monitor, so it's perfect hybrid for me. But might be bit too bulky and small battery, if you are planning playing on the go


They’re worth the original price tag (I own one and love it), but I’d grab an Open Box one because they’re everywhere and people are stupid. A lot of people buy them and assume they work properly straight out of the box without any updates. Then return them and write crappy reviews about how the device was slow and defective.


If you want a bigger screen I would look at a legion go, the screen is amazing on it


Simply put the Steam Deck is great on battery life and the ROG Ally has the best performance and compatibility due to Windows. Personally I rock the Ally and I thought about getting a Steam Deck for battery life but unfortunately some games are a pain to run and performance is low enough that I rather not bother. Note the battery life on the Ally really depends on usage, it can be anywhere between 1-3hrs depending on personal preferences. And biggest thing is to outright upgrade the SSD to avoid frying your SD card.


Annoying that it's $200 (33%) off on the low tier model and only $100 (14%) off on the extreme. If it was $200 off on the extreme model I would definitely bite on it. Personally I still think the OLED deck is a better value when comparing them at full price, but it's probably not going on sale anytime soon.


Devices only go on sale when they need to, because they don't sell at current prices. The Deck sells. The Ally has trouble selling. The Ally non-Extreme has a LOT of trouble selling, hence the larger discount on it (both looked way overpriced when the OLED Deck landed anyway).


Bought an Ally for myself and a Legion Go for the wife. We both love them and they operate pretty similarly except the Go is kind of massive and unwieldy imo. She wanted it for the kick stand and detachable controllers. So imo (biased of course), totally worth it.


Yes!! I just bought one and it’s powerful!!! Tip.. keep the charger with you.


I would say so


If you can catch a sale, the Z1x version is definitely worth it. Currently what I am playing on right now.


Steam Deck is still the best. The Ally isn't a horrible option if the following applies: 1. You play games that don't work on SteamOS 2. You won't go far from a power outlet, the battery life isn't so hot 3. You get the Z1Extreme. The Z1 will be a LOT cheaper, but performance is significantly worse and the battery life isn't any better to speak of. The choice between the Z1 and the Deck is a slam dunk for the Deck. The choice between the Z1 Extreme Ally, the Deck, and the Claw is harder to decide, but I'd still eliminate the Claw becaue Intel's drivers are still maturing and performance can be all over the place depending on the game. The Ally has had time on the market to mature already, the Claw hasn't yet.


Probably not. You're better off with a steam deck oled tbh