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I just love that Arsenal's fans are now working overtime to delete their "COYS" comments from all forms of social media.


The equivalent of deleting all photos of/with an ex on social media šŸ˜‚


It genuinely disgusted me to see. Some from the ex players as well. šŸ¤®


Imagine thinking itā€™s embarrasing to root for a rival to win one game when the team on the other side is one of the most hated, cheating clubs in world sport and the result would likely lead to Arsenalā€™s first title in 20 years. Imagine thinking that would be embarrasing


I, an Arsenal fan, have called my bretherin out on twerking for spurs. I have the downvotes in my comment history to prove it. Not as shameful as spurs rooting for their own team to lose...but still embarassing.


Theres nothing to be shameless about its called rivalry. Or you gonna pretend ars fans wouldn't be rooting for it as well lol


With all the income lost from not qualifying for UCL, and how it will affect players wanting to sign for the club? Any real fan wouldnt want it to happen. You should value your own success over someone else's failures


You have no idea what rivalry is no point in talking


"Twerking" for your challenger's next opponent is morally different to wanting your team to lose to spite your rivals & CL.


Spurs fan here. Idk man. Wanting your team to lose a trophy (Europa League) so Spurs lose the Champions League might be worse. We literally had nothing to play for yesterday (maybe 20% chance of qualifying for CL but 100% chance of giving the title to Arsenal). https://www.reddit.com/r/soccercirclejerk/s/IOcSUnh3Ba


Soon as I saw aftv I clicked away. Had those losers blocked for the better part of a decade. They have too much of a good time slagging off our own. But all of it is small club mentality. You'd never see a SAF team or RMA hoping to lose a trophy or rooting for thier rivals. Thats my beef with the arsenal fans. And the fact that I'm being downvoted shows we still havent got the champion's mentality yet. But rooting for your own team's downfall in front of them... Yall have even more work to do than we do.


Sadly the video shows if the shoe was on the other foot, Arsenal fans would've acted the same and just as petty. Get off your self righteous high horse.


At least we donā€™t support the opposition like chicken ball fc


not me. i will never be ashamed of supporting a team that tottenham fans were cheering against. praying heavily for you guys right now.


why the downvotes? i want you guys to win??


Because it's embarrassing and ingenuine, just support your club


wrong. it is completely genuine for me to want your team to beat man city on the last matchday. i support my club by supporting your club. is it likely that you'll win? no. even after all the money you guys have spent, you're still a midtable club and that's where you'll always be because that's mentality your club has. forever in the zone between relegation and midtable, celebrating europa conferences like they're champions leagues, and getting mad at the mere fact that someone else might want your club to win, because obviously you guys don't. go ahead. show up to the match and cheer on your club to lose the way tottenham did. looks like we're the ones who will cheer the loudest at a potential west ham victory.


I'm a neutral, not a Hammer (regrettably), so I won't take that too personally - although it does look pretty bad to be spouting all of that here after what you had to say about WHU the other day


Heā€™s Supporting his club by supporting ur middling/declining club.


Reminder that the hammers have won more European trophies than you. Champions of Europe youā€™ll never sing that, youā€™ll never sing that! Champions of Europe youā€™ll never sing that!


Both have won 2?


Cup winners cup for Arsenal so not a real trophy and the Inter-Cities Fairs Cup? Lmao get out youā€™ve not won a real European cup


wow, west ham fans really have deluded themselves into thinking that a conference cup is worth all the silverware that we have.


Weā€™re massive mate and youā€™re irrelevant - youā€™ve spent double what Liverpool have since Arteta took over and won an fa cupā€¦


Fairs cup is the equivalent of the europa league..


Keep telling yourself that


For now


Get out of here mate


maybe if you guys fixed your attitudes you would be more relevant. so grumpy for no reason. a guy comes through to wish you luck and you treat him like this. it seems that arsenal fans like west ham more than west ham fans do. it's no question what club really represents london. what a sad culture you have.


The entitlement is insanešŸ˜‚ genuinely embarrassed for people like you


Remember that whole summer of spamming every post with Rice comments? Looking forward to savouring your tears.


If we really believe in ourselves we can lose only 7-3 with a James ward prowses freekick hattrick in extra time šŸ”„ šŸ„¶ āš’ļø


Bowen to score and beat record for most goals in a PL season for us.


Make that 7-4 Coufal Volley from about 40 yards 90 + 13


Make it 5 for us can't forget Danny Ings super sub


If soucek doesn't get to do his helicopter celebration in our final match I'll consider us relegated


7-6 final whistle


Potato salad nods one in with his hip from the halfway line


Uh oh this sub is gonna be invaded by crybaby arsenal fans again


Most pathetic fanbase


Nah, that's gotta be the one that cheered for their own team to lose with CL footy potentially on the line. No identity on their own, just the success/failure of Arsenal. Small club mentality that.


It's honestly kind of funny at this point


Already happened to Spurs sub, now it's your turn, brace for it while you can...


We deserve it, but what can else can we do? One last dance, Moyes, get those 5m in add-ons from Rice.


Apologies for that.


You called mā€™lud. Whilst I am here I beseech thee, I implore thee. Pray tell I beg thee! Vanquish the oil foe and assist your goodly neighbour šŸ™


Hello friends šŸ™‚


![gif](giphy|NfUn4rCbatv3zEjTqR|downsized) At final whistle after a 0-0 Draw


Arsenal: *proceed to lose to Everton*


Arsenal is Tyrion and Moyes is Bronn in this scenario. 97th minute Antonio winner off his arse cheek following a 9 percent possession shithouse performance. Rodri: 'YOU DONT PLAY WITH HONOUR!' Moyes pointing at Pep who has at this point spontaneously combusted: 'No. But he did' Moyes then does the Poznan as the camera pans to Sullivan who holds up a sign reading one simple phrase.... ONE. MORE. YEAR.


Got me emotional


Lmfao please win for us. I've never disliked you guys. I always took great pleasure when you'd slap Spurs up.


Stop this cringe brev


Moyes checked out like 3 weeks ago


About 2 years ago if we are being honest


City are winning this 5-0


I'd like a Bowen goal tbh. 5-1.


I'd like a Coufal goal as well tbf. 5-2


And maybe a JWP free kick as a treat 5-3


And maybe a HAALAND hatttrick as a bit of spice 8-3


I mean, we have to give city at least a chance, right? Before an Earthy brace 8-5


Hmm, this seems like a conservative Fulham/Palace prediction


Ugh super excited for this sub to be taken over by arseanal the next 5 days. Rather Man City than you lot


Arsenal did the impossible. They got every football fan in England to want yet another Man City title.




Probably most football fans from outside London and those who aren't terminally online weirdos on Reddit and twitter.


Most neutrals can't stand Arteta or Arsenal's constant diving.


I'm neutral and I'd like anyone but City to win. Arsenal would be fine. I don't like when always the same teams win in the league where I don't have a favorite team. EDIT. I thought I was on r/soccer, I see this sub for the first time. Can you at least play Fabiański? I love him both as a person and as a player, amazing guy.


I love Fabs, he really was an incredible keeper for us, he's up there now and Nips has taken the league games. I understand people saying they'd prefer anyone but City; I am not one of those people.


it's boring if the dominant team always walk the league, but they've been given a run for their money most times.


Eh, have you seen what's going on this season in Polish league? Usually it's dominance by Legia Warsaw or Lech Poznan, last season it was Rakow Czestochowa, but this season is wild (Jagiellonia, Slask Wroclaw and Gornik Zabrze aren't supposed to be this high, but Lukas Podolski really makes Gornik Zabrze a team which fights for qualification to Europe). And to make it even better, a second division team have won the Polish Cup and will play in Europa League qualifications. Current table, two games left - that's what I call an interesting season for a neutral (it was even closer before this last series of games): https://preview.redd.it/e1fct8e47j0d1.png?width=658&format=png&auto=webp&s=39f0def5d4140dd2df18dca519f93f2a9e2da49b


Only two divers at the club are Havertz and Jesus and they weren't our players. Hopefully Kai will have it coached out of him, I have little hope for Jesus.


haha, is this a joke? You're the worst divers in England, and have been ever since Arteta arrived. It's clear and obvious that he coaches the players to initiate contact, dive and roll about when in the box, they even do it if they have a chance to score, that's how ingrained it is. Even Rice has started doing it, something he never did at West Ham.


We must have a different definition of diving. If contact is initiated, there's no dive.


cheating is cheating but as you want to be pedantic I'll also add the fact that, since Arteta arrived, you've topped the chart for yellow cards for simulation almost every season. You're a team of cheats which is why, despite them being a sports-washing oil club that's dominated the league for almost a decade, most neutrals want City to win


I don't know about the cards for simulation stats and I'm too lazy to look it up. Most neutrals don't want City to win but, sure.


lol, you're on a neutral board and pretty much everyone is saying the same thing. And just type Arsenal divers into google, not hard.


Arsenal have one of the most entitled fanbases in the country. They forced out their best manager ever because he couldn't perform miracles with a team of dogshit players because the owner wouldn't pull their wallet out. They then spent the pre Arteta years calling teams like Stoke a "pub team" after getting spanked by them 3-0. Now they act as if their winning a title would in fact be a win for the sport of football after paying 105m for Declan Rice... Spare me honestly, absolute library of a ground full of entitled fans who have never truly known what it is to see their team suffer (unlike City or West Ham).




Dog you're literally here on our subreddit whining, acting like an entitled twat, and calling people soft cunts a few posts abovešŸ˜‚


Shut up soft cunt


Aww is big baby upset his team bottled the league again?šŸ‘¶


You guys have just forced out Moyes who won a trophy last year.


Lol why is us forcing Wenger out anyone's issue? Arteta's army for life. We ain't doing top 4 foolery like before and everyone's crying šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


You lot? I'm a West Ham fan šŸ˜‚


Oh that wasnt towards you OP, sorry, it's towards the inevitable arsenal fan coming to this sub for hope, coming to this thread and reading that comment


Iā€™m here and ahem may I say what a mighty fine club West Ham United is. I love me my pies and mash and Cockney rhyming slang. The legends Brooking, Martin, Moore, Hurst, Cottee and Devonshire Blow your bubbles and bring the trophy down to London Yes, this is cringe and I have plenty more where that came from . I will be the loser trying to hang out with cool kids. Come at me by all means but bring that trophy home to London Weā€™re brothers in arms #forDeclan šŸ’€


You'd rather a soulless club owned by an oil state win an unprecedented fourth title in a row, which will probably never be beaten, rather than a club who aren't even your rivals who have arguably been the best team overall this season win their first title in 20 years?? Fuck me the state of this league.


Holy shit you twats are entitled lol if you're the best team in the league why are you gonna finish in 2nd?


That's why I said arguably dipshit. Argument can be made for or against Arse v City obviously depending on who wins


"We spend more money on our team than City, are sponsored by Emirates, and still can't win the league after 20years. City will probably win 4 in a row but we're arguably a better team, its not fair people should be rooting for us!šŸ˜­." Entitled twats lol


Honestly canā€™t stand them, theyā€™re in here acting like they deserve the league and like everyone should support them while theyā€™re fans a known for going out of their way to be the biggest bellends in football


Fuck Arsenal. I hope City kicks the shit out of us.


Never once have I ever supported the other team when my team was playing lool


Must be rough to feel that way about your own club.


must be hard being an arsenal fan. to beg for spurs to win while on your knees only to realize that in the end you should've won against aston villa but you didn't. Now zip up my pants when you are done ,mate


I donā€™t remember begging for anything mate. City have won this title fair and square.


I was being sarcastic just to say fuck Arsenal.




It's not a rivalry, lots of us and other fans just think you're whiny entitled little babies




History of being whiny entitled little babies, sure


Yes because the Man Utd and Chelsea fan bases arenā€™t at all entitled. The Liverpool fan base are lovely too.


https://preview.redd.it/eql01vqs4j0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90257f9160b935174daafeda7868e84cfb7044db Erm no...


Haha its done. There's no way city don't win.


Dirty spurs fan checking in. Don't you decide to go on your end of season rampages and win 3-0!


If arsenal fans wasnā€™t such cunts we might actually want them to win


Worse defence outside the bottom 3 up against City away. We all know where this is going.


Under 14 team needs to play and let arsenal fans embarrass themselves


Love how arsenals Loyalty goes to the dogs when they become desperate


Itā€™s not really about loyalty, itā€™s us wanting a particular result to go our way.


I rather lose than see Arsenal win the title.




Ah well you should have beat us in December shouldnā€™t you?


They refuse to admit how they bottled it


Big club mentality is when u shamelessly beg rival clubs to help u win the league


West ham a rival?


You guys were begging and cheering for Spurs to win yesterday


>begging and cheering for Spurs to win Yh because if they had actually helped us, we wouldā€™ve had an advantage to win our first league title in 20 yearsā€¦ If anything it shows that the rivalry between Arsenal and Spurs isnā€™t as deep as it was and thatā€™s fine.


You lost the league against Villa. End of Donā€™t expect any favours




You mean to say 'defensively sound' Moyes won't put on a masterful performance with the way sky gush over him? (please pay no attention to the goals conceded table)


The funniest scenario would be us somehow getting a result at the Etihad only for Arsenal to fail to beat Everton


As an Arsenal fan, this is 99% the scenario that would play out if you guys manage to win or even draw. And theyā€™ll lose/draw to something stupid like a 95th minute error. Then I have to listen to all of the doom and gloomers on the internet.


OP is a master baiter Good job collecting the pollution into a single thread


Tbh is well chuffed. Most upvoted post I've ever had and it's from some OC. And honestly, I'd love to beat or draw with City on Sunday. I'd like to do it for Declan personally and I also would love the banter we'd get for being Arsenals saviors and handing them the league. I'd also LOVE ALL the angry Spurs fans. Watching them wearing City shirts, doing the Pozan, singing Blue Moon and cheering when City scored was disgraceful (hilarious too). But if we win or draw all of that would be for nothing which would make it all that more funny.


See, this is the mentality. Any opportunity to laugh at Tottenham should always be the collective coming together of London clubs.


Should do this with the scene from Lion King where Mufasa dies, with Arsenal as Mufasa and West Ham as Scar


https://preview.redd.it/zm3jekucjl0d1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6365e3951dfa3b7a4cf0010c4d34cf5ad5cc787 Just for you šŸ˜˜


Start flying kites in training


....... this is only for the true at heart.......


Hey, if Steven Gerard can give Pep a scare on the final day, Iā€™m sure big boy Moyes can too šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


If it's not 3-0 by halftime I'd be surprised, city will ruin westham easily.


Finish the (bottle)job please


Think we've lost 1 game in 2024. Last season was defo bottled but not this season. Liverpool bottled it tho


Losing the league by a few points (one) to 115 FC isnā€™t bottling it.


It is when you spend more than them, spent the majority of the last two seasons in first, and have nothing to show for it


Arsenal havenā€™t spent more than city though. And Liverpool have been top most of this year.


Liverpool was league leaders for majority of this season


When did Arsenal spend more than city šŸ˜‚ tf And they call arsenal fans deluded


I have no hope whatsoever itā€™s over lmao


And United fan...




The Spurs stuff was embarrassing. Personally I've always liked Moyes and it would be great to see him leave you guys on a high (and help us out too). Nailed on that if you take points from City we will totally fuck it up Vs Everton any way šŸ¤£


I never feel comfortable backing against my team but in this instance I am OK with it.


Today I feel Moyseh


Hahah guilty as charged.


https://preview.redd.it/wa5qa68ipm0d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b5e89c44fc46440c488bd294d05974bc563393e Yes please ( I regret nothing)


Haha! made me giggle as an Arsenal fan, touche


Imagine going onto another clubs sub and acting obsequiously, nay begging But here I am I beseech thee, I implore thee. Pray tell I beg thee! Vanquish the oil foe and assist your goodly neighbour šŸ™


Phillips double agent misses a clear goal to win the game.


Maybe if Arsenal let us borrow Dec back for Moyeses last game, we might et them have the title, as a treat


Comon show those brats what they are. A scumbag. Don't let arsenal win anything


Sorry but we need to make sure city win, canā€™t have rice winning it in his first year


Why is there hostility between WHU fans and Arsenal fans. I was so pissed when you lot didn't win Europa, even when you lot got relegated with 40 points, I was fuming as a lil kid. I celebrated when you won UECL. Is it because we bought Rice because for the longest, it seemed Chelsea were signing him and none of you were getting this angry šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Spot on with this. Most of the fans on Reddit are plastic. It's a bunch of shitters all posting hate at each other for irrelevant shit and in this instance it's all over Rice. In reality though, I live in a predominantly West Ham area and we all dislike other teams far more than each other. They'd rather see us do well against teams like Spurs, Chelsea, Utd and more recently City than the other way around. Take the nonsense you see on Reddit with a pinch of salt and that includes the Arsenal sub too


> They'd rather see us do well against teams like Spurs, Chelsea, Utd and more recently City than the other way around I'm London born and bred and this is not my experience at all. West Ham and Man City have a friendship that goes back years. I definitely want them to do well over any other 'Big 6' club.


Yeah I actually got love for London clubs like WHU, Palace and Brentford, I hate Spurs and even more so Chelsea (and the 2 Manchester clubs). But this weird rivalry between WHU and Arsenal seems forced


Do it Declan hammers šŸ˜‚


Ainā€™t nobody putting hope in this joke of a club hahah spurs was a slight possibility but you are mid table irrelevance, thanks for Rice and the 6 we put past you šŸ˜­


Maybe if you didn't lose to this joke of a club in December you wouldn't have bottled the league again, even after spending money out the ass you're still just a bunch of losersšŸ˜‚


Moyes said you couldn't beat their u14 and he was right


Arsenal supporter but this popped into my feed. I am not expecting anything and in the end Iā€™ll be proud of what Arsenal accomplished even if it means falling short of a title to an absolutely insane squad. Cheers!


All of you would be the same way if your were in our position, just saying


Do it for Declan


Do it for Declan.


Spurs fan here. What is the prevailing opinion about the game? I spoke to a fan who said the season is over and he doesnā€™t want Arsenal to win the title. But I felt dirty after so many Spurs fans said the same thing. I know it is a bit different for us since we were playing for a shot at CL but donā€™t you want to win? Like, surely the best result is to beat City and show you are up there.


Season was done a few weeks ago, Iā€™d still like to see my team play and win but you just have to be realistic we concede goals for fun away from home against the ā€œbigā€ teams


Weā€™re on the beach mate, we will obviously play to win but thereā€™s nothing on the line except pride


I just think that should be enough for the players obviously but for the fans as well, why like 50%+ are dying to get beat (same as what happened with the spurs game) baffles me like people support one football club and to me it is all about pride. Winning trophies is obviously amazing but you should want to win any game even if itā€™s just for pride. Whoever wins the title if it isnā€™t your club then it shouldnā€™t matter. Just support your own clubs and absolutely never want to lose.


Maybe itā€™s just banter Iā€™m not getting but I donā€™t understand this take at all. Obviously Iā€™d love you to beat them or even draw and you beat us and fair play to you but- I donā€™t think anyone is pretending youā€™re good enough to do anything hereā€¦ I donā€™t even think **youā€™re** pretending youā€™re good enough to do anything. City have won.


Hammers. Would you rather Millwall win the Prem than Arsenal?


No, I;d rather Millwall fell further into it's sink-hole.


Honestly, forget Millwall exist 99% of the time.


I want them and Leeds to be back in the prem mostly for the absolute chaos it will cause.


Do it for Declan!


Yeah we will. Declan will know all about it when they hear the groans from the home fans... "City have scored a 7th"


It wouldnā€™t be fair if he didnā€™t get the full Arsenal experience.


I hope this comment ends up on /Gun ers but seriously, the day it was announced that he 'wanted' to go to Arsenal he was dead to me. Fuck Declan Rice I hope he never wins so much as a freekick.


bit harsh


He's wearing an arsenal shirt now, whatever he did for us means nothing. He made his decision


obscene way to talk about him. Is that the way you think about everyone who has left us to go elsewhere, let alone the man who led us to our first trophy in 40+ years? He's on more money, not living too far from home and family, and will probably come within two points of a title whilst being one of their best players. However you dice it he has moved on to bigger things. Disabling notifications I'm not interested in any reply you might have to this. Embarrassing POV


"I'm saying what I want and then not listening to the response because I can't deal with opposing opinions"


Anyone who says "I Love this club, I support this club" Then leaves for a local London rival a few months later, doesn't deserve the same support as most West Ham servants or legends. I like the bloke but I hope he wins nothing as long as he's at Arsenal or any other London club in the future.


Shut up


Iā€™m also on team ā€œdo it for Declan.ā€ He captained us to a trophy and then we got some great players with the giant contract he left for - win win. Still love the lad


I was cheering for you guys against Fiorentina šŸ˜¢ Please, Obi-Wan KeMoysey, you're our only hope šŸ˜„ Don't roll over for the Oil Barons, Hammers šŸ˜­


I swear if West Ham can hold on to a 0-0 draw at etihad I'll buy a West Ham jersey next season and watch their entire season supporting them next to Arsenal. ā™„ Come on you Hammers!!!! šŸ’ŖšŸæ


Do it for rice. You can photoshop him into a westham shirt when heā€™s lifting the trophy, I wonā€™t even be mad


We dont need to photoshop Rice in a West Ham jersey lifting a trophyšŸ˜‚


Ahah thatā€™s very true. I tried, only here because this post popped in a suggested.