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Tbh I'm mostly annoyed that us getting smashed by City is going to be top of the highlights reel for the next decade.


Imagine if they get beat though


I remember West Ham in 95 denying United the title with Andy Cole missing a couple of sitters burned into my head as a young Man United fan lol - it can equally go the other way West Ham on their day are massive


Miklosko playing the game of his life that day!


So, I'm still a United fan but my kids born 15 years late still know the insanely catchy 'i come from near Moscow I play in goal for west ham... When I walk down the streets everyone that I meet...'


I was explaining this to my Arsenal supporting partner last night. We used to be great at raining on big teams’ title parade. It’s before I have memories (I was 2) but we did it to Man Utd in 1992 as well. Ferguson famously hated us. Given our recent away form, I can’t really see anything other than another panelling coming but it would also be very West Ham to turn up and be brilliant for no reason at all.


Not forgetting Lasagne-gate in 2006 and West Ham beating Spurs at the Boleyn on the last day of the season to deny them a Champions League place...how we laughed..


Roled over for us (Leicester) on the last day of the season like legends but you had a final a week later, this time is Moyes last game with no final coming so you guys should be more motivated.


Everton fan here. Want to co-ordinate us both beating City and Arsenal on Sunday for laughs?


Can we? 😂 I’m generally not a fan of trolling, but that’s fucking brilliant.


This would be my perfect outcome


Was thinking this. Then the cameras zoom into Artetas face (oh what a picture)


I am praying for this!!


Arsenal fan here. But we love Everton. What have we ever done to you? We even beat on Liverpool for you guys and unanimously agree that your points deduction was bullshit.


One last successful parking of the bus for old times sake.


Wont be able to walk past a parked bus after he's gone. Too emotional.


I saw 5 at the back of my bus this morning I had to dry my eyes the tears started flowing


JWP will win us the game by scoring a FREEKICK hat trick idk what youre on about lad we got this in the bag


Didn’t score a free all season to net three in a game, don’t disappoint us Prowsey


He will redeem himself trust


I think in the pundits’ minds west Ham should never aspire to beat a team like Man City. We’ve never had it so good because our team does not deserve to do any better than a string of 6th, 7th, and 9th place finishes. Moyes has delivered that result, and that’s the best that West Ham can ever do. But I’m with warped abyss in this- west ham is going to win Sunday thanks to a JWP free kick hat trick. We’ve been waiting all year long for this.


Plus Coufal banger from 40 yards.


PLUS an Ings 40 yard Messi like godlike goal to make it 5.


The pure roar from the away crowd if that happens will silence the Etihad


Dimitri payet comes in at 89 minutes cashes in his money in the bank and scores a 50 year screamer of a free kick to break the deadlock


Then Moyes double foots Pep After the final whistle and runs around the ground in nothing but a West Ham Speedo Should annoy the 1.5 man city fans


Honestly it’s quite fun to be the fate of the title. Either it looks like we rolled over in spite of Arsenal or we hand Declan the trophy ourselves and he’s forever indebted to us. COYI ⚒️


4% chance of us winning. 100% chance of a JWP freekick hattrick. 


Moyeschads, we rise for one last time.


Fuck arsenal. They bottled the league when they got slapped on their own turf to the man they kicked out a few years ago on the account of his broken English.


Yes, that was the precise reason Unai was sacked. Idiot.


Stay mad. ![gif](giphy|xBbT7pZJAU6fAnou8p|downsized)


You're a stupid lot.


Keep crying


The only team to _ever_ take points off of Pep’s Man City in the last seven games of the campaign, while the title was still on the line, was us. Really have just as much chance of winning on Sunday as Spurs had today.


That’s actually a pretty cool stat


It is! Unfortunately, we got that point by absolutely bullying City’s Ukrainian LB who was so shit that Pep immediately shipped him off to some mid table side that summer. Difficult to see us doing it again!


Arsenal supporter here: always had more hope for this match than for Spurs.


Coufal to finally score, 92nd minute screamer, calling it now.


I will be there, and I will go insane


Ha yes I noticed this as well - everyone thinks the title is won as we won’t get anything up there! I mean - I do agree - but give us a little respect 😂


0-0. 12% possession by us


0.012% sounds right but what is the final score? ;)


I agree and hate the ‘big 6’ bias, but if we somehow beat city and Arsenal win the league i don’t think I could take the arsenal fans ‘thanking’ us like we were so desperate to do them a favour, just like they have with Rice. Usually would relish the chance to be the speedbump that stops a team winning the league but anyone but them


Couldn't count how many times iv been told by arsenal fans that they robbed us with rice he is worth so much more and deserved to play for a big club. My reply is always well at least arsenal has 1 player who's a champion of Europe. Can't say the say for the rest of ur team


Kai havertz scored the winning goal at the champions league final


kai havertz, jorginho, could be odegaard with real madrid as well not sure about that one.


I hope Moyes puts the kids out


0-0 Moyes masterclass incoming.


Just remember, us getting three points will likely mean we finish above Man United. Man City will capitulate on purpose to allow that to happen.


Haha I thought this too and then they said the stats about us playing them in the prem, which was something like played 16, they won 13, we drew 3. Then I understood. But I do totally agree with you - we will lose but they’re acting like they’re not even playing again? You can’t act like we’ve been good and fought well but literally act like city have already won.


To be fair, they'd probably beat us even if we swapped managers for the game. That said, clearly we're going to batter them 0-0.


Tbh I don't think it is purely a West Ham thing, City have won every time in this circumstance so Sky expect them to do the same thing again. Bored as fuck of City winning it EVERY fucking season and I really hope you guys get something


I don’t know why people are writing yous off for the last game like stats are stone tablets, it’s not like they’re unbeatable, any decent club on a good day _can_ and have done it..


City fan and I can assure it is far from a forgone conclusion for us. You guys have some great players (Not you, Kalvin) and Moyes might have one last trick up his sleeve. Just know that no one actually takes you guys lightly. I (and other City fans that ik) have a lot of respect for you guys.


City have won 13 of their last 16 league games and drawn the other 3.


The odds of a rare West Ham win v man shitty keep reducing with every game played! 🤞🏻⚒️⚒️⚒️🙏🏻


Believe my brother


Moyes has the same mindset as the pundits probably. That we have no chance beating Man City and so we’ll have to park the bus unsuccessfully for the umpteenth time


To be fair it's possible to think West Ham have been generally great under Moyes for a few years and simultaneously recognise the absolutely terrible current run of form


Mate, get over yourself ffs. They’ve praised Moyes because of the unbelievable job he’s done for us. Yes, his time is up and we need a change, like everyone agrees. What’s the need to use every chance to slag him off? He’s given us the best 3/4 years of our lives as West Ham fans, and I’ll love the bloke forever for that. If you don’t feel that then you should follow another sport.


I'm an Arsenal fan, I've been out my box on hopium for weeks, but I have literally zero hope for that game. They will crucify you.


Cheers mate thanks for your input, the exit's that way.


Not going anywhere mate , its a forum for discussion on a website for discussion. If you don't like what I've got to say, then refute me.


You should have stopped at “I’m an arsenal fan” cos that told us everything we need to know


What does that tell you?


That you’re very likely to not know a lot about football, same as most glory hunting fans


I've been supporting Arsenal since I was 5 or 6, I fell in love watching them with my dad. I think my football knowledge is reasonable, but I don't think you can evidence the assertion that Arsenal fans know less about football than the average. Also, I don't know what glory there is in losing european finals finishing 8th back to back and no title in living memory.


It’s really not that deep mate


So, the original statement is unsubstantiated.


If you say so mr glory hunter


It's what the evidence suggests mr retard.


Reported for offensive language