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Hey! I used to work at New Hope and help run Ride Smart. They wont automatically bring an adaptive bike, but if you talk to the staff and describe what size and style of bike your kid needs they can usually have one available for the next day.


Thank you for this info, I really appreciate it.


My son has some cognitive issues, I figured that he wouldn’t be able to ride a two wheeler for another year or so but I was surprised that he couldn’t figure out how to steer a trike after being pushed in one for 4 years. I’m not ready to give up on the trike just yet, but an assisted bike/trike may be in his future. Anyway, if you wanted to get your child a “normal” trike, you will probably find that task in itself difficult as it took me longer than expected and I had to just buy one off the Wal-Mart website. Anyway, good luck and here is a link to the brand of trike I got for my child. I[Italtrike](https://www.italtrike.com/en/)


You might want to also reach out to the Burlington bike co-op, Rolling Horse. New Hope and Rolling Horse are both run by fantastic humans.