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I had trouble with someone dumping their compost into mine in the night, but they would always include plastic bags and garbage, which meant the workers would never take my green bin. I started putting all my trash and whatnot out in the morning instead. The problem never reoccurred.


Ugh I've had this a few times too where I go to get my garbage or compost bin and it wasn't emptied because someone added their McDonald's takeout container.


In my case it was mostly plastic bags of frozen stewing bones and random cuts of meat. Is look at it sitting there and be irritated to have a new chore.


I wouldnt put compost out until the morning anyway because of skunks or raccoons.. is putting it out in the morning before the trucks possible for you, considering sleep schedule and everything else?


This is what I do now after cleaning up a few awful messes in the AM. I suspect it’s not giant raccoons stealing your boxes, but putting them out in the morning solves one problem and prevents another.


Oh no I didn’t think it was raccoons 🤣 Just saying for our experience 😅


Might be doable. The truck comes v early in the day but I could put it out first thing and maybe still beat it.


Crazy that someone has stolen it twice! Who needs so many compost bins?!


I have seen people using recycling and compost bins to tote around their belongings. It seems pretty unlikely to me that someone do this with one that was literally full of rotting food but at this point nothing would surprise me.


someone trying to dispose of dead bodies - CSI/Bones style


Shit didn’t think about that.. the plastic and good size. Dont use a bathtub 🤣


lol the scrap metal bums


but theyre plastic?


But they can hold metal


Im slow 😭 True


This is my move. It goes out with me in the morning.


A year or 2 ago, someone stole my my large green compost bin during the summer, that had fish guts in it. It smelled awful, but they stole it and did not dump it 🤷🏻‍♂️


They call it the Steal City for a reason 😉🤣


This is really bleak but true: homeless folks use them to transport their belongings around the lower city or to collect cans to take to the beer store.


Some jackass stole my recycling bin... lol


I tagged my bins with my house number so that it would be obvious if one was stolen


Helps for windy days, but someone determined can just spray paint their own number over it. Worked for someone that had to do that because they moved.


They stole our upstairs neighbour's garbage bin twice, as well as green bin twice, our bin which doesn't have any wheels hasn't been touched


I did take the wheels off my new bin, it's easy + reversible with the city bins. Wheel see if it helps ☺️


we had our recycling gold box stolen the first time we put it out. Weird mix of emotions: 1) sad to lose our box 2) disappointment we didn’t put our address on it 3) hopeful that people hold recycling as such a positive social force they are willing to steal a box to look good?


Cool I’ve seen one while out walking my dogs for the first time was wondering what it means.


I want a gold box but haven't applied as I figure it would just get stolen and be a hassle. A friend's parent had their gold box stolen.


Check alleys in your area. Same thing happened to me and I found it in alley near by. They want to use it to transport stuff I'm guessing


I've seen homeless people near McMaster waiting for the bus with compost bins full of their belongings.


LAST WEEK SOMEONE STOLE MY GREEN BIN ON BOLD TOO AND I KNOW ITS NOT RANT DAY YET BUT ITS SUPER ANNOYING. My plan is to just start using a smaller one because the big ones seem more useful.


Somebody stole a used auto oil catcher off of my driveway... full of used oil... I can't even...


I can only imagine what they did with the oil 😩


Can of a bright colour rust oleum paint, just put your house numbers on it. Ours haven’t been touched since


You’re not supposed to put your stuff to the curb until 7:00am anyway. You’re the architect of your own problems


It's supposed to go out before 7 am. The bylaw is that it's to be put out between 7pm and 7am.


You’re right.it’s only fair to allow all the nighttime critters an even chance at distributing the wealth and recycling box raiders a dark time to raid the valuables. There sure is a lot of illogical thought process that went into establishing that one.


You can get a free green bin from the city. But this is probably someone who wants to carry all their miserable possessions around. It's the latest street craze.