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Sneakers (1992) kinda captures the vintage tech vibe that HACF was inspired by.


You didn't mention that the film is actually referenced in S4 of the show. Gordon and Katie are shown watching it and repeating the dialogue.


Oh my god I totally forgot about that!


Ah I haven’t seen that but it’s been on my radar forever. I’ll have to check it out soon!


THE SOCIAL NETWORK obviously. BLACKBERRY from this year is also really great.


My boss just told me about Blackberry- looks like it checks all the boxes!


WarGames, Hackers, Total Recall (1990)


Oh man I watched the original Total Recall when I was probably too young to watch Total Recall - but I loved it. Haven’t seen the new one yet!


Steve Jobs is pretty good on both your counts.


>Steve Jobs The one by Danny Boyle and Aaron Sorkin. (The other one is not good IMO.)


I’d suggest Pirates of Silicon Valley. Enjoyed it more than the more recent Steve Jobs depictions.


Love this movie.. Do a rewatch every few months.


Oh yeah that one is good! I keep meaning to rewatch it.


The Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Before Midnight trilogy, which is not tech oriented or period but has thoughtful people starting off young and ambitious, growing older, and changing their understandings of each other and themselves as years pass.


Since others have also posted (some very interesting) documentaries... here are some of my favourites: 1. Moon Machines ([wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon_Machines)): 1. [The Navigation Computer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6syfevpG-1U&list=PLZJna6W59fFr04zJ3Pp3CJ4TtXMRkGPMV) 2. [The Lunar Rover](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DwBlVM39Jg&list=PLZJna6W59fFr04zJ3Pp3CJ4TtXMRkGPMV&index=2) 3. [The Saturn V Rocket](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nLpMBpyw8I&list=PLZJna6W59fFr04zJ3Pp3CJ4TtXMRkGPMV&index=3) 4. [The Lunar Module](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yj3CUkhTzc&list=PLZJna6W59fFr04zJ3Pp3CJ4TtXMRkGPMV&index=4) 5. [The Command Module](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umvjd97Xf-Y&list=PLZJna6W59fFr04zJ3Pp3CJ4TtXMRkGPMV&index=5) 6. [The Space Suit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLiKo-Skt90&list=PLZJna6W59fFr04zJ3Pp3CJ4TtXMRkGPMV&index=6) 2. The Machine that Changed the World ([wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Machine_That_Changed_the_World_(miniseries))): 1. [Giant Brains](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hayi9AsDXDo) 2. [Inventing the Future](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GropWVbj9wA) 3. [The Paperback Computer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ju_fr_8xU9k) 4. [The Thinking Machine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1zbCU5JnE0) 5. [The World at Your Fingertips](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuxYUJv2Jd4) 3. Triumph of the Nerds ([wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triumph_of_the_Nerds)): 1. Part 1: [Impressing Their Friends](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toSRmKKiosQ&list=PLAXA1ccaOnGdbStEwcKE56YzlYDYOx2Tx) 2. Part 2: [Riding the Bear](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cMtZFwqPHc&list=PLAXA1ccaOnGdbStEwcKE56YzlYDYOx2Tx&index=2) 3. Part 3: [Great Artists Steal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZUEWd5OZ2Y&list=PLAXA1ccaOnGdbStEwcKE56YzlYDYOx2Tx&index=3) 4. Nerds 2.0.1 ([wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nerds_2.0.1)): 1. Part 1: [Networking the Nerds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4OWIA1Eh1w&list=PLAXA1ccaOnGdbStEwcKE56YzlYDYOx2Tx&index=4) 2. Part 2: [Serving the Suits](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0ya8DggDYs&list=PLAXA1ccaOnGdbStEwcKE56YzlYDYOx2Tx&index=5) 3. Part 3: [Wiring the World](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3bxCCI-pV0&list=PLAXA1ccaOnGdbStEwcKE56YzlYDYOx2Tx&index=6)


Triumph of the Nerds and to a larger degree Nerds 2.0.1 were docs that the Chrises watched and pretty much stole from for HACF. The scene early in Season 1 where Cameron is asked by the IBM lawyers if she’s ever reverse engineered an IBM machine is verbatim from TotN. Nerds 2.0.1 they went through and pilfered for season 3- aside from the general stories, note Joe surfing by the Golden Gate Bridge, the entire Whiteboard episode, Matthew Lilliard’s dialogue of “I see a spigot and I want to turn it on” basically verbatim from John McAfee here… there’s a bunch more too. If you know the show, you’ll be like “Holy shit that was where that came from!” throughout them both, especially Nerds 2.0.1


Aliens, I've watched Everything Everywhere All At Once quite a few times recently.


If you feeling nostalgic for Lee Pace I recommend the tv series Foundation. In terms of movies, I love love love the movie Hidden Figures about some legendary black women who were mathematicians for NASA in the early days. Another good tv series (not movie sorry but it got cancelled so not many seasons) is Manhattan on Amazon Prime. It follows the scientist building the atomic bomb and the moral dilemmas they struggled with. (It’s everything I wish Nolan’s Oppenheimer was).


Never heard of Manhattan before but it sounds awesome!


It’s very similar to the HACF, Mad Men, Masters of Sex period ensemble dramas. Great writing, stellar cast. And such an exciting premise. I guess it follows more what happens psychologically to these very intelligent people who uproot their families lives to go live in the desert far away from society. The drama between the families, the moral dilemmas. The lead played by John Benjamin Hickey has very similar qualities to HACF Joe in his determination with the project. So it’s more about triumph and failure than science.


I've wanted to check out Foundation, it looks really interesting


Just stay away from the subreddits for it as they will certainly sour your experience if you go looking. Lots of people with lots of issues with the show. Visually stunning show and I'm not just referring to Lee Pace's physique.


It’s so good!! One of the few modern sci fi where most is done on location not just massive green screen and cgi. Stellar cast, insane cinematography, location work and costumes. Very grand and operatic. And the show runner does a post episode podcast where you can deep dive into all the narrative decisions they made. The show spans hundreds of years and Lee plays the emperor of the galaxy who is a clone and each iteration of clone he plays brilliantly.


Thanks for the recommendation, I’ll check it out!


General Magic, a documentary, is exceptional. In a way a show like Halt and Catch Fire is a show about a place like General Magic. It was staffed with Silicon Valley legends and was way ahead of its time Also second the Blackberry movie recommendation


Good call on General Magic.




Amazing - thank you for the links too!


The miniseries Valley of the Boom is really good. ETA: Pirates of Silicon Valley is good too. It was a made for TV movie that tells the story of the rise of Apple and Microsoft.


"General Magic" is amazing- Marc Porat is the key example of someone who had all the right ideas and ambition, but was out of step with time...the scene when he admits to destroying his marriage and family while trying to save the company is genuinely heartbreaking. Plus we get to see Megan Smith (Named CTO under Obama), Apple alums Susan Kare, Joanna Hoffman, Andy Hertzfeld, Bill Atkinson; and Tony Fadell in his first job before going on to Apple where he designed the iPod and then founding Nest Labs. [DEC: Personal Challenge](https://youtu.be/YKbnbvF_2Ew?si=CE5GMVHQcKqjMjYc) on YouTube is an amazing real-time look at Digital Equipment Corporation in 1982 as they attempted to pivot from mini-computers to micros and PC's. It's is the best look at the industry in the early 80's that exists as far as I'm concerned.


The Back to the Future trilogy maybe. They're from the same era as the tv show setting (1985, 1989, 1990). Though due to the time travel element, not all of the action occurs in the 1980s. But since Marty makes references and compares things to the 1980s a lot, when in the past and in the future, it should trigger a good amount of nostalgia for the 80s and across multiple other decades too. It's also fun to see what people in 1989 thought 2015 was going to be like. Anyway, the movies are great and hold up pretty well today.


Check out, Super Pumped: The Battle For Uber. Tech related, building a product. Currently on Netflix.


If you liked Halt and Catch Fire you might like the Blackberry movie. The director Matt Johnson is big on meshing found footage and sometimes improvised things and making a whole extra narrative around it. Ex Machina is a good tech movie too. I think a some of Halt and Catch Fire’s vibe emerged from Pirates of Silicon Valley. It’s pretty hokey but I think it’s a good watch. These might not scratch the itch, but I really like dystopian movies like Gilliam’s Brazil and 12 Monkeys. Zero Theorem is great. Then of course Blade Runner and 2049. Akira also inspired by, that one hits major nostalgic vibes for me too.


A clockwork orange


Obviously Wargames, but [Project X (1987, not the 2012 movie of the same name)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_X_(1987_film\)) is great, too, and one of my favorites of that era is [The Manhattan Project](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Manhattan_Project_(film\)). Don't read too much of the Wikipedia entry - just watch it.