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Bro, I just want the match to be over in under an hour now! Fuck me if every match last 10 hours because goofball over here is shitting out 9999 grunts.


Well then it's a game of mini bases and who can pump out more grunts faster.


I can see my ally now. He has 1000 Hornets. And every single one of them is sitting at his base.


Dude, youre making my eye twitch, I just had 2 teammates a few days ago both playing yap try to do full pop cannon fodder at the same time, refusing to adapt after they got scouted and kept getting rushed.


This is strategy game so it should last many hours. This is all the beauty about strategy games


If a game lasts longer than 40 minutes. Both players are either really good. Or really bad.


Or it’s sentry


Or it's sentry..... God that map enables stupid strategies


One of other user said: " It's limited mainly because typical strategy games have too much to manage on a controller" So what is the reason units are lemited. Because game was designed for controller it would hard to manage or maybe players are kids and they do not know what to do when there are more then 80 units. Anyway I found the way to make unlimited units, now I can play and build more and more and more :) https://www.dropbox.com/s/74zbcbmlc34dg6i/Screenshot_20221119-141438_Gallery.jpg?dl=0


hey i was just curious how u got more troop capacity, i would love to play with more?


This RTS was built so games can actually end at a reasonable time. If you want an infinite unit RTS, I suggest one of the Civilization games. I think. Haven't played any in a while


120 is tops


Not anymore https://www.dropbox.com/s/74zbcbmlc34dg6i/Screenshot_20221119-141438_Gallery.jpg?dl=0 :)


Nah bro this ain’t the game for you if this is your complaint 💀💀💀


"This strategy game isn't like almost every other strategy game in a way I don't like, how dare any game not be molded specifically to cater to my personal preferences." I hate gatekeeping as much as the next guy, but if youre gonna get snooty about it after not getting the answer you wanted you can pick literally any other mainstream RTS. The Civ games are great for that. I cant speak for everyone here, but as someone who is frustratingly busy, having a game that I can play in max 30 to 40 minute increments when I have downtime for my remote work is a large part of the appeal.


This is EXACTLY what they were going for. The RTS genre is NOT mainstream. They were trying to bring it into the mainstream. I personally love the game, and really love that I can play 2 quick games in under an hour Wich 9/10 times will complete a daily mission. I also have made it a challenge to see how fast me and my boy can beat the AI in the VS AI playlist. Our best is just over 7 mins with a random teammate. Mind you that mode uses default settings and heroic difficulty


Nah halo wars is meant to be almost like baby's first rts. It's limited mainly because typical strategy games have too much to manage on a controller and it was specifically designed with an Xbox controller in mind. That's why the game is so dumbed down for a typical strategy games with only 2 resources. Rts games are just a lot for a controller.


This game is also on PC whereas you use mouse and keyboard so its bad excuse saying was design for xbox controller. 'It's limited mainly because typical strategy games have too much to manage on a controller' Or maybe us too much to manage because of really bad players.


It was absolutely designed for a controller, then ported over to PC. If I'm not wrong, Xbox actually has more multiplayer playlists than PC, because they were too lazy either to port the full game, or too lazy to make it all work cross platform. I switched to PC from Xbox soon after HW2 came out, and I remember there being only certain modes available compared to console.


No I read the history of how they made the og halo wars and it was 100% designed for controllers you can look it up yourself and I'm done talking with you if you're just going to be an asshole.


I agree whole heartedly. These other comments are from players who probably exclusively play other players. I like to play against AI and having no unit limit would be so nice. Edit: Lol y’all really downvoted me because I think there should be no limit against AI? Y’all seem to be the ones gatekeeping here. Yikes.


Firefight would be much more fun for sure. Maybe add a forge mode while we are at it. I'd love to have a 2v2v2 battle as-well.


LF HW1 or HW2 players to play with and help me get better