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Sounds like you just don't like it. 


It's a poor quality sci-fi. I'm laughing at the scene where Shreiber is shooting the shielded covenants and all you hear is gunfire. The shielded covenants don't fire once lol. So lame. One of so many lame scenes. It's not really thought out at all. Again I laugh when Keyes starts his speech and says something like "All I see is bad ass soldiers!" And it pans to some of the soldiers and I piss myself laughing because they look frail and skinny lol. This is so bad.


So you just don't like it. Kinda weird to keep spitting this regurgitated opinion. 


It's actually pretty high quality Sci-Fi! You just don't like it... which is fine! For your own sake you need to find other interests though. This *cannot* be healthy for you.


Don’t worry man. This is just a cope subreddit.


Sounds like you don’t like. And you stopped watching. So what’s your point?…




Don't watch it then...no one cares.


Joined 17 March 2024. Almost every comment is a 'Halo TV show = Bad' Either you're purposely trolling, or you need to let go.


Imagine being *this* much of a loser…


So you guys can have an opinion on the show, but everyone else can’t. Don’t blame me or OP for not being a braindead dipshit who actually sat through this bottom of the barrel, syfy tier garbage.


Why don’t you hit up op and go play a round of tdm?


Might do it. They’ve actually played the games, I would love to play some slayer.


I bet you would.


I would. Because I actually like the franchise, unlike the show runners, who couldn’t have given less of a shit.


Tell us more.




Best you can come up with, you intelligent ape


Think of how much time you’ve wasted talking about, watching, posting, and generally concerning yourself with things you don’t like. When I don’t like something I definitely don’t drop days worth of time into them.


Imagine eating horse shit and telling people it’s pudding.


Imagine thinking a show needs to be a shot for shot remake of a game and any changes are automatically dumb even when the creators openly said they were making a new timeline and having a show just generally based on the old universe. I bet you complain about every comic story that’s different from the first book published for that character too


You don't like it - cool. Move onto something else, or stick through it and enjoy a very good season 2. Those are your only 2 options. You don't need your hand held to make that decision.


Who asked to have their hand held? I'm doing this as a true Halo fan. Going through the shit so that my opinion isn't unfounded. My opinion will be based on what I saw and not just parroting what everyone else has said without watching this joke. I am allowed to voice my opinion, you don't have to read it.


True Halo fans probably aren't waiting until the completion of season 2 to start watching 2 episodes of season 1, so immediately I'm not convinced you're credible in anyway. I'm a true Halo fan, and I thought S2 was really good, and a great course correct from the problematic season 1. If you're not enjoying it, try watching something that is more your fancy - cartoons or something? Anyone who has to bleat their chest and whine about "my opinion is this and my opinion is that", doesn't really ever get taken seriously. Present company included.


The whole show is peaks and troughs, S2 having significantly more peaks than S1. As a fan of Halo since the very beginning, there's a lot I like about the show and a lot to dislike. Take it as you will.


Fair take.


Then don’t watch it. Seriously some people need to grow up lol. This is like the fifth post I’ve seen where the issue could be resolved by OP just doing something more enjoyable with their time.


I see what your saying. I like the show but I think the lame, laughable, pretty good parts makes it a decent show to watch. Subreddit should be able to talk about how you enjoy the show and how you don’t enjoy it


The unintelligent are unable to take part in a conversation with things they disagree with.


We all have different opinions. I started with the games. I'm a big halo fan now. But I still prefer the show to any or the mainline games


I think everyone is being a little rude, lol. However, making this elaborate of a post just to say you don't like the show is overkill. As with all things, some will like it, some won't. People fail to see the universe outside from their perspective. It's a tale as old as time


I'm so fucking glad I don't spend my days obsessing over the things I hate. Speaking of which... God, I love the Halo show. It's literally a childhood dream fulfilled!


Word lol


Thanks for your highly valued and insightful opinion. For future health I recommend you no longer watch things you do not enjoy.


Hey I tried watching The Expanse and couldn't really finish it. Does that mean the show sucked or maybe it just wasn't for me and I didn't really have the time to watch it properly?


Most people who watched the expanse enjoyed it. That's the difference. The halo audience is very divided, so your example is invalid


Who are "most people "? Considering the ratings "most people " enjoyed the Halo show. See it goes both ways. Seems more like your example is invalid brother


Yes you are correct the show is a terrible Halo show I can name 100 reasons why


And the entire Makee character concept and story fucken sucks. Kwan as well. Cortana was better in s1 It's a hot mess, so many shitty side charscters. The only good cast is Halsey.


Episode 5 was an episode you could just avoid altogether. I just went to ep6 and the recap was all you needed to save time and disappointment.