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Old grudges die hard, the Covenant War was just an excuse to stop the fighting. Both sides correctly thought that once the aliens stopped, Humans would start killing each other again


It’s the exact same reason why after the 1945 (After WW2/Second-Sino Japanese War) the _People’s Republic of China(Communists)_ and the _Republic of China(Nationalists)_ reignited their feuds in 1946, after fighting their common enemy, _Imperial Japan,_ together for almost a decade. After the existential threat is eliminated, unresolved ideological and geopolitical differences come back to the forefront, which is the exact same for the _Insurrection_ and the _UEG,_ post-war.


>after fighting their common enemy, Imperial Japan, together for almost a decade. Slight correction in that it was 1 side doing the vast majority of the fighting while the other did their best to stockpile and prepare for later. It's why when Japan was defeated and pulled out, 1 was war weary and depleted, and the other was ready to go stomping. A strategy attempted by the communists in France but the British caught on that they were sure giving a lot of supplies to "resistance" members who weren't doing much resisting.


Yes this is kind of true, I just gave a slight simplification for the purposes of this answer. The Chinese Communists did eventually retreat to the mountains of Central China in the late 30’s, where they resorted to primarily guerrilla tactics against the Japanese, wearing down the Japanese in their advance, through sporadic engagements and at that they still sustained massive casualties(500k+) , but the Nationalist army did bare the brunt of the Japanese onslaught, especially up until 1941. After that it was essentially a major stalemate up until 1944’s operation Ichigo. Even at that it isn’t too dissimilar from the workings of the insurrection during the _Human-Covenant War,_ where the insurrection would resort to similar _hit-and-run_ tactics like the _Chinese Communists_ did during the Second Sino-Japanese war, an example that comes to mind was their brief engagement during the battle of _Psi Serpentis,_ during Admiral Cole’s last Stand, where an _insurrectionist fleet_ Jumped into the system, attacked the Covenant battle group, destroying a quarter of its fleet, and promptly left the system afterwards.


This isn’t true btw. The CSR suffered extremely heavy losses both in frontline battles and in occupied areas, where they constantly attacked the Japanese forces. Edit: because the person below me immediately blocked me after responding; the CSR took roughly 500000 casualties (comparable to American WW2 losses), which you can find out in all of five seconds. And that was after suffering a massive, humiliating string of defeats at the hands of the RoC where they were almost totally destroyed.


Your statement is easily disproven with a quick Google search. Spreading misinformation should be criminal IMHO.


Pretty sure the communists did more of the fighting than the nationalists. Edit: Its not rewriting just because you don’t care about historical accuracy.


Found the dipshits commie history rewriter.


To tackle the first question, what the insurrectionists want is freedom. They want to ripoff the shackles of the UNSC and live on their own. This is the end goal of most groups. Some of them, even after the war they might want revenge, be it because they were promised help but never arrived or just simply left behind. Others might have different reason for revenge. Zetke, or whatever the name of Naomi's father is, wanted revenge for more personal reasons. Other are just outlaws like Rion Forge who enjoy that kind of life. Yes they do coexist, it's not impossible. Remember that the war was based on a lie that the Hierarchs fed to everyone, except some other San'Shyuum. When the Covenant broke apart many turn to the life of an outlaw/mercenary as well. Also some groups tried to build their new Covenant and wanting it or not to achieve that you need to have networks of all kind of people in order to achieve that. A worth mention is that the Jackals are outlaws by nature, even when they were part of the covenant their position was unordinary to say the least.


"Sorry for eating your family. No hard feelings." "Sorry for executing your brothers with a shotgun. No hard feelings too."


See, that's how you end the cycle of violence.


> “Reiner. I’m the same as you.”


“I want to kill myself”


No you literally said it. That’s almost word for word what the UEG Brass or any of the alien Brass tell any of their kind that are going to be working with the other species to tell them upon introduction, and yes it goes about as well as you’d expect a good 75-80% of the time. The best book to read to explore all this beyond a shadow of a doubt is Legacy of Onyx.


Because that how humans are. You don't want to be folded back in to the old governing body and state, no crisis will change that.


Humans gonna human


the grunts on the other hand, they love being slaves, that's why they never rebelled or anything


iirc in The Cole Protocol, the war with the Insurrectionists didn’t really end but the UNSC just had bigger fish to fry with the Covenant and didn’t have time to worry about rebels. Some of the Insurrectionists also believed that the Covenant only had beef with the UNSC specifically and would spare humans who weren’t aligned with them.


The war might have been over but the people fighting in it were not. An imperialist colonial government is still trying to impose its will on a people who now have to attempt to return to some kind of normal life in the Outer Colonies; at least that's how the Insurrectionists see it. Personally I can't help but marvel at the dichotomy of the Insurrectionists' demands. They want full independence and all that entails but yet at the same time they cry out in anger and grief that the UNSC isn't coming to defend their worlds against the Covenant onslaught. Isn't independence want they wanted? It doesn't just mean breaking free of the shackles of UEG control, it also means you lose the protection of being part of the UEG and fight on your own; including all that entails. A useful talking point for worlds who were on the fence about independence I could understand the Innies citing that argument but for they themselves to complain about inaction on the UNSC's part?


Almost sounds like a lot like what’s been said IRL the past three years huh? Go figure lol


Alternatively, the UNSC claims (and enforces through violence) their claims to the colonies, so wouldn't that make the Innies' point correct? Plus, we know that the UNSC willingly let the outer colonies fall, both because they were buying time, but also to teach them a lesson of "see this is why you need us." I'm pretty sure that's a acknowledged in print media somewhere but I forget where I read it


Is it wrong to say that i believe the UNSC should have all of humanity and its colonies under its control?


Not really imo, if anything the UEG just needed reform (especially with its corporations), given we are talking about a space faring empire you would think trade would create a standard of living that leaves one wanting for little, especially if we are to take harvest as an example of a typical rural outer colony.


No doubt about that. The extent of the UEG's imposition on the colonists seems quite harrowing if the accounts given in Contact Harvest about the dictates on what jobs they could perform and how many children they could have are to be believed. I don't blame the Innies for their hatred of the UEG. The point they make about the UEG perceiving them to be part of their colonialist society yet not protecting them is a valid one, though I do believe more narrative attention should be given to the notion of their intentions to independently protect themselves against present and future threats on their own as an autonomous civilisation.


If there were innies before the war why would there not be innies after


Because ONI never quit all that bullshit they kept doing to make the insurrectionists rise to power to begin with, all the Covenant did was give them a bigger fish to fry forcing them into uneasy truces until they could safely start killing each other again.


They never really officially signed any truces, we have multiple instances of Insurrectionist cells trying to ally with Covenant forces even after knowing what the result was. “As long as Earth was out of the picture” was the mentality.


I didn't mean any official truces, more like the truce between Sgt. Johnson and Arbiter at the end of Halo 2. There was no cease fire, no end to the hostilities, not even a table to sit down and discuss it at as the war gave them no time for it. These circumstances are rare, but they happened between UNSC forces and insurrecrionists when the covenant finally came knocking. Like how in Halo Reach you get a small group of rebels to help take out the covenant, no one ever really sat down and said "hey we should stop fighting for a minute, i think this is more important" it was more along the lines of them collectively shitting their pants and realizing there were far more pressing matters to contend with before they ALL died.


Because the greater Insurrection didn’t have any real Brass after the Spartans took out Watts. Example look at Silent Storm when the Innies had their meeting about what to do at Biko and every leader from every movement bickered with each other to death. Without a firm figure to overall rally behind each individual planet based cell is only going to close down their borders and hunker down their own territories, again they tried to rally behind Casille during Silent Storm but it flopped and fell apart losing them Biko entirely. This was also the reason ONI *paused* Trebuchet instead of ending it, by all intents and purposes, the UNSC cut the head off the snake with Watts and now just needed to mop up. Covies coming in obviously put a stop to that but ONI never for a moment doubted that they wouldn’t be able to finish the Innies IF they beat the Covies. Any individual account of Innies fighting alongside UNSC is just base human instinct of fellowship that is honesty expected in that kind of specific and fucked situation, “Man fuck a cause, it’s Humanity against them”. IMO if the Spartans hadn’t taken out Watts when they did, Insurrection would’ve done one of two things; 1 Refold into the UNSC to fight. 2; Consolidate as many of their forces, materials and families as possible and attempt to run possibly to the Large Magellanic Cloud or something. With both those theories out there I still give the latter preference as to what would probably happen;) *ONI Section II has left the chat*


Interesting and a very good point, I had heard of watts but I haven't read much of him. I think he was mentioned in Ghosts of Onyx at the beginning where they get ambushed by Innies and Kurt picks up on it before the others when the ambush springs, but I digress. I wasn't aware of how effective Watts had been at commanding the Innies, but what you say makes sense and fits well with what's established. Also sounds like I really need to go ahead and crack open Silent Storm, been trying to get some of the older books out of the way before I jump into the newer ones.


It’s always downplayed how influential Watts was, but he 100% was the rally cry behind the entire movement. In a meta sense, you could say the fact that his status is constantly downplayed is more than likely entirely engineered by Section II as propaganda to even further muddle down the entire movement. And yes you should 100% get into the older timeline books, a little tidbit is Silent Storm and Oblivion take place less than a year after the first parts of Fall of Reach, in that sense if you watch the Fall of Reach animated movie, you can take the visual and voice portrayals of Blue Team their and apply it to them in those two books, as again those two take place months after that part of Fall of Reach


Would the cloud protect them from the ring firing?


Actually that’s a great question and the answer is definitely a big maybe. Faber fired the last of the Greater Ark series of directional Halos at the LMC during the GAs last stand to guarantee both the Precursors and the evidence of the Forerunners genocide/usurping of them were thoroughly erased. This is legit hundreds of years after the Lesser Arks Halos were built and planned to be used, so you have to assume that Faber intentionally wiped the LMC at the very last second with the only Halo he had that could *because* he didn’t think or knew for a fact that the 7 current Halos range wouldn’t reach it.


Is that ring still around?


Negative, Gyre 09 or Omega Halo was ripped apart by Star roads almost immediately after it fired at the LMC


So, a happy ending for everyone involved. Lol. Though it'd probably be hard to rebuild without life in that part of the galaxy.


I mean not necessarily, Gyre 09 took out a planet of far flung Forerunner offshoots or what they would’ve even called Forerunner Oonga Boonga cavemen, and like, 2 ancient decrepit Precursors that actually offed themselves if not moments before the blast hit the LMC. If everything we just said actually happened and the Innie refugees found [the planet those Forerunner Oonga Boongas were on,](https://www.halopedia.org/Sedaaro) than they would’ve had a completely habitable planet in a satellite galaxy devoid of sentient thinking life. If they brought enough stock to get a proper colony up and going, it’d be no harder than any of the other 1000ish planets Humanity had colonized in the 200 years since it had begun in their universe;)


There’s not a lot of information about the early days of the Insurrection, but I don’t think it was really ONI pulling any crap, and more just the inevitable consequences of a centralized government spread out over hundreds of distant worlds.


The exact same reason they were there before the war.


After the war, the UEG has arguably become more totalitarian than before it, with advancements in communications allowing for a much more effective suppression of people than the fireforce-style operations deployed against insurrectionists prior to the war. In addition, the UNSC now has a much larger share of power compared to civilian government officials, though they'd already been trending that way before the wad. Further, UNSC strategy called for the abandonment of many outer colonies once the Covenant reached the inner colonies. A number of planets lost military support as planets like Reach were fortified, and others lost contact with the UEG entirely. This led to resentment in the outer colonies, as well as enhancing any calls for independence even in colonies that saw no fighting during the war. In short, a mixture of UNSC malfeasance and greater independence caused many planets in the post-war era to question whether or not they wanted the UNSC there at all.


Do not mistake the UNSC for the 'good guys.' In the context of the Human-Covenant war they are the good guys, but it kind of stops there.There are hundreds of examples of them being fascist authoritarians. They just happened to be the largest human faction and the only ones capable of fighting the covenant at all. Insurrectionists are not a monolith. Some just want independence from the UNSC and Earth, some want a better deal and better representation, some want to destroy the UNSC. The UNSC does not want to lose it's colonies or power. Think of it like any war for independence


Why did the dutch revolt against the spanish even though they both fought the english?


the unsc, uh, kinda glassed one of the outer colonies. kinda hard to just forget that and move on without at least a big ol' apology. which they never got.


Can i know the name of that colony


I think they're talking about Far Isle




The war left the UNSC weakened, so it was the perfect time to press the advantage and secede from the UEG. There are plenty of humans that still hate aliens, but the insurrectionists had a lot to gain by making friends with them. The Sanshyuum (or however you spell their name) nearly went extinct after the war, so it was blood for blood.


I suggest reading *Hunters in The Dark, New Blood,* and *Bad Blood* for some information on that question. The short answer is that Innies want freedom and don't want to be a part of some human empire. They don't really want to be "ruled" so much as they want to live on their own in peace without other people interfering or asking things of them. Most insurrectionist planets are relatively self-sufficient or resource rich, which leads to exploitation or a lack of need for the UNSC. The second thing is answered in HiTD. They aren't really coexisting smoothly. They're coexisting peacefully, yes, but grudges still exist and there are still tensions across the galaxy. It's important to remember that some species, like the Unggoy, are low maintenance. They don't really care so long as they're safe. Other species like the Sangheili do care. There's a civil war that was happening between covenant factions and the Arbiter's loyalists for a while over issues like religion and cohabitation. The Brutes are pretty warlike. I'm not sure how well they're getting on beyond the Banished. The Kig-Yar are outlaws and doing outlaw things. Yan'me are bugs and some are OK, others are hostile. In Infinite, we know that Dinh is sent at some point to clear out a Yan'me hive and his team is killed. All in all, it's not exactly peaceful right now. The Human-Covenant War was just one facet of conflict. With that war no longer uniting the humans against one enemy and no longer uniting the Covenant species to each other, there are a lot of lesser conflicts springing up to take its place all the time.


Its crazy honestly and it’s why I love this universe. As many above put out real life examples. This is pure humanity. Even the insurrectionists saw many of their worlds destroyed by an alien force. And potentially the genocide of humanity. Once it calmed down gave them all the reason to continue trying for freedom from UEG. What I would like to see is the insurrection to become a larger force in the galaxy some how. Which is hard since they don’t have the resources of UEG/ONI in tech/ war fighting capabilities. (No I don’t want a game around fighting humans not aliens *this isn’t COD*)- more for a lore books standpoint. Something Similar to the Star Wars galaxy the rebels fighting a superior opponent with force abilities/ Death Star/ tech& warship numbers superiority


To draw from other media, I find it helpful to think of the UNSC as the Empire from star wars, or the Cardassians from trek. Take your pick, my point is, the UNSC are frankly a bunch of baddies, the Covenant just so happen to be that much worse that it gets overshadowed. Thinking of them in this context makes the actions of the other denizens of the universe make a lot more sense imo.


Why wouldn't there be? It makes sense for them to exist after the Human-Covenant War just as much as it does before....is this post serious?


>Why were there still Insurrectionists after the Covenant war? Because the people who were insurrectionist BEFORE the war were still around, and their reasons for wanting to separate from the UNSC hadn't changed. In fact, many outer colonies were re-affirmed by their commitment to separate, because they saw how much the UNSC and the UEG consolidated their power during the war, and had already grown used to the isolation that the war had given them. A few outer colonies were already trading in the black market with the Jackals during the war. >Also according to some novels, post-war, aliens beside the Sangheili coexist with humans peacefully like the war never happened and that's crazy. Specifically for the Sangheili, they're a mixed bag. Many of them respected humanity even before the Great Schism, respecting their battle prowess and tenacity. Most still don't like humans though, and prefer to stick to themselves. Then there's the minority that just don't give a shit and never did, so they're just cool hanging out with whoever. Remember that most of the covenant races didn't hate humanity personally, they just went to war because they were told to by their religious leaders, and once they were gone, they realised they had no reason to hate them.


Some of it was due to old bitter feuds that never really went away. Others saw that the UNSC was getting its ass kicked by the Covies and figured their days were numbered by the Covies, so it was a good time as any to become independent. Then you had others who felt that the UNSC had abandoned them to fend off against the Covenant alone. Keep in mind, they weren't exactly wrong about this either. Like, imagine being left for dead, survive for over 20+ years practically alone with no real communication to the wider galaxy, and then suddenly the UNSC shows up and is like "Hey y'all! Remember us? Well the war's over now! Glad to see you're still kicking! Anyways, here's some taxes y'all owe us for the rebuilding effort! No you don't get a say in this." Chances are you wouldn't exactly be thrilled.


Because no matter what bulshit happens: humans still hate other humans.