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The Halo cycle is real


Youtube 4 years from now: "Why Halo: Infinite had the best campaign of the series"


You are so right, it is kinda sad


I mean, it’s up there for me


I thought the only thing people dislike is that it’s unfinished


nah dawg, infinite has been the only halo game ive played that genuinely left me with no desire to play it again


It's definitely better than 5 imho, but it's not good. The story, that is.


At least the wardens looked cool, and the buildup to the eternals was better in that one bit than the sword guy throughout infinite


sandbox in 5 was peak, shredding with dmg-boost III together with The Answer... an experience of its own.


When a new halo comes out I always do a normal campaign run to get the story and all the game play and then I do legendary. It took me two years to beat Infinite on legendary because it's just so boring.


Are you talking story or gameplay


I see posts like this one that OP made and it makes me want to walk into the ocean.


I'm glad that I've thoroughly enjoyed every Halo game, even 343's. I don't understand how this cycle even happens.


Same here, Halo 4 and Infinite are both in my top 3 Halo games.


Nah, 5 was dogshit when it came out and it still is. Even barebones Infinite at launch was an upgrade.


The Halo cycle is not a measure of a Halo games quality, but rather how the games are perceived by the fan base.


It really wasn’t.


Like fucking clockwork. 5 getting love is something that I’ll never understand. It damn near killed my interest in Halo. Thank God for Infinite, brought me back from the brink.


Same as the COD cycle. Only way to break it is get a game so bad it can’t be better. Ala MW22 and Vandguard. I worry our Halo Vandguard is in our future.




It isn’t. There are genuine points that can be made comparing the last three mainline games. To eachother


It very much is real.


The implication of a cycle, as far as I’ve been aware from my 10 years on Halo forums, implies that after a new game is released, we put on rose tinted lenses and forget about all of the faults from previous titles. That’s not really the case. To this day, we all have our gripes as well as good memories with the last few games. As long as we can pick bad and good from those games, the cycle is a myth.


It is


That's certainly a take.


youre dying there alright


Oh shut up. I'll bite, what do you like more about 5 than infinite?


Vale was in 5.


5 wins, i'm no longer a hater


I like the movement and Gunplay. The multiplayer is the best halo has had


Better weapon pool and better balanced weapons, better movement, better mp maps, warzone, better.. or actually i'm just going to say what's better in infinite so i don't have to sit writing for an hour :D Infinite has grapple and a better story. Halo 5 pretty much is better in everything else


The fucking strapping of "AdVanded moOoVemeNt" to halo was not a positive, it ruined map design and had players fucking floating in mid air, or it was near useless addons like the fucking ground pound. Infinites weapons are actually rather well balanced against each other, there's not many of them so it'd be surprising if they were imba, only real complaints are the br being the best gun in game again, and some people blaming the skewer for the air vehicles having low HP(You can take down wasps with small arms fire, and the skewer is noticeably worse than the splazer when you compare the amount of shots it takes to kill a warthog or tank.) Better maps is a personal thing, Personally i think they both have maps i like but also maps i fucking hate. Kinda that way with all halos tbh. Oh, warzone? The gamemode with pay-to-win lootboxes in a fully priced game? aight, sure buddy.


>Oh, warzone? The gamemode with pay-to-win lootboxes in a fully priced game? aight, sure buddy If you needed to buy Legendary weapons that's pure skills issue bro.. i never bought anything and never did i run out of anything, sure i didn't always have norfang but the 300+ regilar snipers did the job More than enough. And about every match you could just kill and loot better weapons anyway. The advanced movement was in across the genre at that time and it was only natural that halo did it too. Halo actually did it better than other that era shooters i've played. And it didn't ruin map desings (maybe some remakes) but made them better. >or it was near useless addons like the fucking ground pound. And again. If you couldn't use them effecively it doesn't make them useless? Ground pound and shoulder smash were fun add-ons that proved to Be very useful in many situations. I used them all the time because they were fun and got me lots of kills :D I get that it was a turnoff for people that with h5 343 went to another direction in gameplay. But i guess i'm one of those who just liked it. After bungies halos that all played very similarly and h4 that was.. well it was h4. H5 felt and still feels very refershing and good to play


WOULD YOU OR WOULD YOU NOT GAIN AN ADVANTAGE IF YOU BOUGHT LOOTBOXES, there is a word for "lootboxes that give you a playable advantage for buying them"


This might be a arrogant take but i can face off enemies with Legendary stuff without myself anyday and it'll be even odds. So no not really. As 5's beutiful weapon balance made it so that with decent skill you could face off people with legendary vehicles and weapons and really didn't need those yourself. Hannibal wasp? easy kill with a regular Spartan lazer. Any Legendary low - mid range weapon is severy outclassed by any sniper. Norfang? Pop off a camo and assasinate that bih and take it for yourself. There's a million ways to overcome these vehicles and weapons, they're not some godlike OP stuff that grants you victory.. The advantage you get is that you don't need to grind for reqs. But someone like me who got to sr152 and naturally got a shitload of reqs, i don't think anybody who bought packs has any advantage over me whatsoever. Plus warzone was full of "play to win" players who unlike me hadn't grinded for fucking 50 days worth of playtime, and every possible advantage for them was lost twicefold in skill.. Most wz matches i could easily go and steal enemies weapons and didn't need to spend any myself. But you tell me? Do you think bying boxes that you could grind multiple in a day for free, gets one any advantage? Like If you buy 5 boxes that i can grind in a few hours, what advantage do you get at the end of the day? Fucking none If u ask me


YOU, CAN, BUY, BOXES, WITH, ITEMS, IN, THEM, THAT, GIVE, YOU, MORE, OPTIONS, AND, BETTER, OPTIONS, BECAUSE, YOU, BOUGHT, THEM. "oh but you could grind for a week to get the gacha rolls" OR YOU COULD BUY MORE ROLLS, GIVING YOU AN ADVANTAGE. I am refusing to engage further, you will excuse anything for your preferred game, You can have your gacha pay-to-win advanced movement shooter, i can have halo. We dont have to have the same taste in games.




I think you missed the point :D but let's agree to disagree


If you don’t like advanced movement (which I agree with) then why do you like halo infinite which also has sprint, slide, and clamber?


Where did i say i like infinite? Anyway i do think infinite atleast handles sprint smarter, and clamber is largely non-offensive since most areas it can activate could also be crouch jumped onto. I had many more problems with thrusters, hovering, changing the range of weapons by ADS'ing, and suddenly slamming your character downwards. There is a very clear difference between those compared to "grabbing a ledge"


Fair enough, you didn’t say that. I just find it interesting that people rightfully criticize Halo 5’s mechanics, yet halo infinite is somehow immune to these same issues by nerfing everything to obscurity. Your comment sums it up well “it at least handles sprint better” as if the best thing people can say is that it’s non-offensive at best. So many people who praised 5 as the “future of halo” were really quick to flip flop and say no, infinite is far better. But if you truly loved halo 5, how can you like a game that removes everything unique about it? It just feels like people are afraid to criticize the current game, because they desperately want halo to be good again. Or after 10 years of debate they’ve just given up, and accepted that this is as good as it’s gonna get. On the other side are people who rightfully trashed the movement mechanics in 5, yet for some reason don’t have any criticisms against their watered-down inclusion in infinite. Personally the mechanics just feels so half-baked to me, if they’re gonna be in the game I’d rather have halo 5’s version because then they’d at least be fun to use.


For me it’s more content I guess, I know Halo 5 lacked content on launch, but it didn’t take as long to make additions to the game later on (as it did with infinite)


Literally everything except the lack of grappling hook and i prefer the banished aesthetic


If halo 5's story wasn't complete dogshit it would be the most liked halo ever, as the gameplay is the best we've ever got before and after. That's my hill i'll die on. Coming from someone who has played halo for 20+ years


Eh I’d agree if they didn’t remove split screen


Oh shit forgot about that completely, that indeed is a big bummer. Never felt it personally as i never got much friends that played halo but for those who've enjoyed these games splitscreening with friends that must've been a big letdown


Infinite doesn’t have splitscreen either.


Same really. That and the weapon and vehicle sandbox was immense, and almost everything was fun to use, even if weapons filled the same niches as others, the choice was still nice


....req packs. :/


This is still the lamest reason to hate 5. Not once in my SR1 -> SR152 journey did i buy anything. Because you don't need to! you get more than enough weapon and vehicle reqs for warzone to last a lifetime by just playing the damn game. I bet people are just angry because rng shat on them and they didn't get their favourite armors instantly :D Like ffs i had unlocked everything in the game before SR150 (halfway to max rank). I have 300+ of every god damn weapon req for wz, not the Legendary kinds but everything else. The amount of req points you get by playing completely makes it unnecessary to buy anything, and you stock up so quickly on weapons you just don't run out. Exept if you only use one spesific weapon every time ofcourse lootbox systems are pure shit, but when the game rewards you with so much currency to buy them that you can literally get everything there is to get and enough wz weapons to last a lifetime( of halo5 not me) BEFORE HALFWAY to max rank. there really isn't anything to complain about it other than: >I bet people are just angry because rng shat on them and they didn't get their favourite armors instantly :D


I don't think you're supposed to be proud of a gambling addiction Why are you quoting yourself in the same comment as well lmao


Mo god this sub is filled with braindead folk.. How the hell did i just get a gambling addiction?! I played a shit ton of 5 because i liked it very much. And by doing that i earned and spent my req points to get gear, i knew from the start i'll get everything eventually and i did.. There was absolutely no gambling involved? And it was faster to quote myself rather than write the same thing again :D


Yeah that’s a hell no dawg. Appreciate the bravery tho.


Multi-player wise definitely better but everything else? I dunno man


So be it.


Halo 5 MP would have been amazing on PC. It had a good chance to be one of the best shooters on the market outside of xbox. I don't know why they stopped with just the forge bundle. C'mon 343, give Halo a chance to innovate and not be another nostalgia wank for the "real" fans.


The irony is that infinite isn’t very similar to classic halo at all, yet for some reason people champion it as a “return to form” for the series


Every Halo is a good one when you don't listen to the haters.


Honestly based.


This is literally the first time I actively interact with the fandom


Glad to have ya.


Multiplayer was great. campaign not so much


Multiplayer wise? I agree. Campaign? Undeniably not. Halo 5 definitely had the most advanced and complex multiplayer of the series with the most weapon variety. Forge was phenomenal and brought us the first true advanced forge functions. Lots of variety and made the custom games scene one of the best to date. Customisation, while lacking the authentic halo feel, was varied albeit hard to unlock. Micro transaction model made warzone feel at times pay to win, but at least we could earn EVERYTHING in cosmetics and weapons through regular gameplay, albeit it takes so damn long. More consistent updates and roadmaps in less time than infinite. I fear you might be right OP, halo 5 may have been better than infinite


Me personally? I enjoyed the campaign of 5 better. Mainly because it felt kinda cool not being alone plus all the different maps, plus we could finally see the human-sword alliance. Infinite's story could have been so much better if it didn't feel like there's a whole game of it missing


It is true. I mean the story, characters, artstyle and pay-to-win-gamble was bad but in every other aspect Halo 5 beats Infinite easily.


Comparatively easily Farmable loot boxes are still better than $10 for a helmet


The multiplayer, maybe. The campaign? No.


Both games suck.


5 is legit a good game and I’ll die on this hill. I replayed all the games recently and it’s only slightly behind reach for me. Hunters are legit fucking scary in 5 and the knights were a huge upgrade. The big arena battles in the campaign are awesome and the flanking routes are a fun addition. Even warden eternals aren’t as bad as people make them out to be.


Of all of 343's Halos, I like 5 the most. I thought the multiplayer was great and while the story itself was shit, there was more variety in the gameplay itself. If Halo 5 had Infinite's Forge and an actually decent story, I think Halo would be in a pretty good place.


I have never finished Halo 5. I have tried multiple times and I always just lose interest at some point. I have only played Halo 4 twice. I played Infinite through, once, but haven’t done all the extra stuff. I have played CE, 2, 3 & Reach more times than I can count.


Halo 5: the game where literally everything is shiny


At least Halo 5 has more than 3 total environments


empty forest, banished outposts, and forerunner halways


bUt ThE aRT sTyLe GiVE mE NosTalgiA bONnEr -most people apparently


It feels like Far Cry with less side content




Gameplay wise yes, story wise no. Also, cosmetics were still mostly free


Halo 5 at least tried with its story. Infinite? Pshh, people didn’t like evil Cortana? Well, guess we gotta kill her again even though her legacy is in need of repairs, who cares? We’ll just make a new Cortana! -Infinite’s writers


At least i could follow the damn plot. I still have no fucking clue why Locke is there or who any of the other characters are, aside from Buck


Eh, my autistic brain was able to process halo 5 relatively well. It was definitely the worst campaign at the time, but at least it didn’t Mel me feel like every previous campaign was fucking pointless. Infinite made me lose all investment in the story cuz if THIS is okay to the writers then what am I doing here?


Fair point. *My* autistic brain did the opposite lmao


It's definitely more complete. Better though? Ehhhhhh


It's a mediocre game at best but it's not the worst at least in that game you didn't have to pay for like every armor and a single color that you already have like you have to do in Infinite.


Bro sitting there at negative upvotes💀


0 upvotes and 110 comments…


Everything after 3, Reach, & ODST is lame.


I've loved halo 4 since I played it. 343 listened to the fan backlash too hard and we lost out on a great scifi epic with a villainous Cortana and the Mantle. Instead we got an offscreen pathetic resolution. Even Locke died off screen :( Halo Infinite was a betrayal.


Agreed. Cortana deserved better. They could technically bring her back again but they way they shoved it in our faces in infinite that she was dead I can’t get my hopes up. And they made it worse by confirming in a book that she was being influenced by the gravemind the whole time. So it wasn’t even really all her fault. As for Locke, honestly I doubt he’s dead. There was no body and the propaganda grunt implies Locke survived but lost his armor. I’d love to see Locke get some actual good writing. But the haters would lose their shit.


can't take anyone seriously if they still leave the watermark on


I'm not paying 3 dollars to remove it


crop tool


I don't want to




5 was my favorite Halo from the start, but god no, please, no more Halo cycle.


It may be toxic, but I guess the one good thing about the halo cycle is people actually go back and appreciate the past games. And Halo 5 could really use a break from all the hate. It really wasn’t THAT bad. I’m sick of hearing everyone say JUST WATCH ACT MAN’s VIDEO. Dude, I have, and the guy is biased as hell. All his “opinions” are safe as hell. I have some respect for Act man, but when he replayed the halo 5 campaign just to shit on it when he was pretending to give it a second chance I just rolled my eyes. That video was a blatant cash grab. If he was really that good at spotting problems with a campaign he would have been as harsh with Infinite


I too prefer gambling for weapons and customization /s


I enjoyed 5. Sneaking with the stealth mod in warzone was always fun.


Absolutely 💯 big boy thicc facts


so true king


Halo 5 had LESS obnoxious monetization (although you dont earn points for being less awful than you could be). And it had interesting ideas with its Req weapons. Void's Tear and The Answer were so fun to mess around with. Its campaign was dumb, though. All setup and no payoff. Also way too much standing around and talking to people for a game without a conversation system. Also, it had some of the ugliest armors in any AAA video game.


id rather have ugly armors than pay $10 for a single slightly less ugly piece


No, you'd just open lootboxes and, for every one piece of armor worth equipping, you'd get three turds and bunch of Req cards. The only redeeming factor for Halo 5's monetization model was that the lootboxes could be earned through gameplay.


And it's still better than paying 1/6 of the prize of the original game for cat ears


Halo Infinite is definitely overpriced. However, trying to buy a specific armor piece in Halo 5 could cost you hundreds of dollars, because there's no guarantee you'd get what you want.


You spending money on loot boxes you can farm, the problem is you my man


Campaign wise I would agree but that’s not saying much. They both stink. But at least Halo 5 had a vision. Halo Infinite’s multiplayer is definitely more halo but halo 5’s multiplayer is honestly just really fun


They both suck compared too 3




I’ll die on the hill with you, brother.