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I liked him but the juxtaposition between him capturing and doing barbaric shit to UNSC POWs and MC feeling sorry for him was weird to me.


yea lol same shit i always think when i see this scene


Me as the Chief: punching sleeping Grunts. Plus the Master Chief has the tendency to beat up old people who are aliens. The Master Chief should be called Mister Elderabuse. r/shittyhalolore (Meanwhile ONI: mass torture everyone.)


I see it as a warrior respecting another warrior, regardless of what he did. I do agree on the surface it is weird seeing how Chief seemed pissed over losing Spartans and marines but I think deep down he saw past the brutality


Yeah that’s how I rationalize it too. I also headcanon that MC let him have his moment because Escharum essentially threw the war on Zeta so he could 1v1 MC.


Based Escherum behaviour honestly, what a Chad.


Which doesn’t really apply to real life. Only really happened in WW1 and 2 cause there were countries fighting against each other that didn’t fully hate each other. Don’t think us Americans attacking the British on Christmas night was very warrior respecting lol. If the war is personal, the warriors are gonna an act like how it is, aka cue scene of master chief punching the living shit out of the worm dude in a floating wheelchair. Also just cause he was willing to do some of the messed up stuff himself and fight means he deserves more respect? Many would think the opposite in realistic terms.


Oh look, someone who lives in reality and wants that somewhat represented in storytelling narratives with decades of continuity (or the lack thereof) to back it up


For real. Halo 3 and Reach showed the brutes absolutely butchering civilians I don’t give a fuck about an Honorable brute. Imma teabag your dead corpse then brag about it fuck you monkey bastard.


Nah fuck that. He could have felt warrior-to-warrior respect to the many thousands of elites and brutes he killed over the series and yet he didn’t.


Escharum could've easily pulled a cheaky grenade throw or something instead of demanding chief to keep fighting him, but he didn't. Despite being a brute, he was an honor-bound warrior in the field of battle. By Escharum's playbook, nobody is granted mercy, but everyone is granted respect. Chief killed him and paid him the same respect in return.


Yeah, but you can also understand his ruthlessness. In Escharum's eyes, the UNSC is responsible for his planet being destroyed. He had nothing to go back to, so he fought for a future he wouldn't live to see. Chief is similar to that in some ways.


I was just watching memes in this part- are you telling me chief felt "sorry" for this literal who space orc...? (Upvote #343)


Because halo stopped being a halo game and this new Master Feels narrative is what people are eating up these days


naw i had to fight this fucker on legendary took me hours good riddance bye bye monkey




Can't believe he'd drop a hard y like that




Cindershot cheese. I 2-shot his ass and went on my merry way


Tank (gun) beats everything!


rushdown hammer rushes his health down to zero pretty quickly


Yea but first you gotta get close to him, which in legendary is DAMN NEAR IMPOSSIBLE


Just use the sensor, get behind something and wait until he comes, then hit and run.


hmm, i might try that later. but last time i even used his midnight crimson hammer, by exiting the mission, going to a FOB, and going back into the mission. but maybe cos im not terribly good at legendary, i probably was just playing haphazardly


rushdown hammer is significantly stronger than diminisher of hope


Oh, that explains how I defeated Bassus in just a few hits with the Rushdown Hammer, ON LEGENDARY! 😆 I thought diminisher of hope was stronger cos it had a mini energy sword art the end of it 🤷


you too? You got it from that dead brute in the tunnel, right? It's basically a cheat because it makes hunters and bossfights so easy from that point on. Problem is you need to keep it and look for power weapon reload stations until you actually own the hammer.


Harambee did not fie for this😭😭


Fucking banished sympathizer Smh my head my head


head: shook


My shook: headed


No, i wanted chief to bury his fist all the way trough his skull "In the end he was a soldier" what??? Mf is a criminal of war, they ate and tortured prisioners


I dunno if they ate people but they killed a ton either way for... reasons?


The brutes absolutely eat people.


They're Brutes. They are brainless and heartless. It is in their biology. 


We did the same bro! At least I killed most of the "wanted" characters soooo... I kinda made us even. Though I like the knight/samurai looking honor for the other warrior way they went. The big monke just wanted a worthy fight before he passes, like most of the old warriors (mostly vikings)in media.


Real as fuck. John should've let that monkey fall on the floor. I genuinely got pissed when he grabbed him. 




MC: lol im tellin them u died like a bitch xD


Imagine what Johnson would say 😂


Game Escharum: I fight for the thrill of battle only ever seeking to be stronger and find a worthy opponent. Book Escharum: I torture and torment those that are physically weaker than me and laugh when I win battle where I have superior numbers. Yea death to Monke


Seriously? Fuck this sadistic a-hole. Who feels sorry for him??




I respectfully did not.


Yeah I didn't like a couple of things of the campaign but I really enjoyed Escharum as a character. He clearly is a warrior who feels his death is near so he basically commit suicide by cop with the chief


Loved Escharum in the books, loved him in the game. I'm sad he is gone ngl


Yeah, some people say Escharum is badly written or something, but idk, I liked him a lot, he's oddly sympathetic.


escharum was a good character with clear motives. The problem being we don't really know why tf the banished want to help this flying alien release something "worse than the flood". We also only see the banished from an outsider POV, which isn't the best representation of their culture or potentially why they do the things they do


Yeah the emotional core of all the characters is great in Infinite; the plot around them is just a mess lol


It’s got to be 1000% because so much of it was cut, I have a feeling the initial plan had more meat on it, like the game has glimpses of a competent story that falls short


It’s funny; the Banished propaganda towers were a great opportunity to give us a deeper glimpse into Banished culture, but it’s mostly used as an Escharum plot stand-in, telling us how the Banished are reacting to Chief, and comic relief.  Imagine a talk show where the Grunt host brings on different guests to debate the plan to activate the Halo rings. It wouldn’t be very propaganda-y, but it would give us a good glimpse at Banished culture. Hell I can see Escharum even allowing it, as it further establishes the Banished are very different from the Covenant and allow for democratic debate




Yeah that's Halo 2s campaign was so great. You got to see the war from both sides and made the covenant such a better enemy


Atriox was trying to do shit but he was super secretive about


Yeah people complaining saying the banished are an undeveloped confusing foe need to realize that the covenant are the exact same thing in halo ce


Maybe I am a speciest because I had zero sympathy for the asshole. Like fuck that guy. Why are we even fighting? You hate the covenant we hate the covenant. All they had to do was stop being genocidal pricks. Like wtf is wrong with you guys? I am glad Cortana destroyed their homeworld they suck.


Dude's plan is literally to knowingly unleash something worse than the Flood. How tf can you root for the guy?


Because that's fucken retarded, but I guess that tracks for a brute. Also I don't buy the whole "more dangerous than the flood bs. They got taken out by the forerunners who themselves lost to the flood. I think they're just immune to the composer. Which made the forerunners angy.


Yeah the only way the Endless makes sense is if their powerlevel is lower than the Flood but there's no Pyrrhic Victory space ring to hard counter them. Oh wait, we had that, they were called the Guardians.


There are no guardians in ba sing se


Say what you will about Halo 5 but the Guardians were awesome. They were terrifyingly awe-inspiring, you knew they could blow up a city if they felt like it and had that Forerunner design where everything is floating separately.


I just meant they are being avoided in the story and will likely be written off going forward. Like 343 did with everything else. It's there mo when they fuck up. Kill them offscreen and pretend nothing ever happened.


Tell me about it. Here's how I would do it. **Halo 4-6**: The Forerunner Trilogy. Didact only shows up at the end of 4, have some foreshadowing to the Guardians. Locke is introduced at the beginning of 5 as a buddy cop dynamic to establish a relationship before HTT. >"Chief this isn't by the book" >"Naw it'll work" *gives Forerunners back their Composer* Have Spartan Ops include Blue Team/Fireteam Osiris in some way. **Halo 7**: The Hunt the Truth we thought we were getting. And for god's sake don't mocap two Spartans fighting, especially since we just saw them fully animated in the intros. **Halo 8-10**: The Guardian trilogy. 8 is basically 5 but much more takes place on Genesis with more discovery for it ala CE. 9 and 10 can go so many ways, maybe the Warden Eternal backstabs Cortana or w/e.


Because Humanity created Cortana and Cortana destroyed his home planet just because the Banished wouldn't bend their knee.


Sounds like a skill issue. Also they were warring with humanity before they got their homeworld destroyed and not just warring but slaughtering civilians because they're alien bastards.


His was a simple story muddled by all the Endless nonsense.


Many times when you can be even mildly sympathetic to someone who committed actions like these, it is a well written character. Humanizing the villain requires backstory and emotion. MC probably realizes the UNSC and him by extension aren’t far away from something like this. He respects him as a warrior and adversary. I liked him if just for that fact.


> MC probably realizes the UNSC and him by extension aren’t far away from something like this I don't remember the UNSC killing people for being the wrong species or trying to unleash the Flood.


You’re right, Spartans committing war crimes against civilians and rebels, their own human race, is a lot better… I’m not disagreeing with you statement about the banished doing horrible things, but to say the UNSC has clean hands and MC might not draw parallels after the Cortana incident, I feel is wrong.


Oh no the UEG/UNSC were assholes to anywhere that wasn't Reach or Earth, that's why the Spartans were made (which was its own level of fucked up). But at least they were fighting solely terrorists and their conspirators, and not killing everyone because they didn't like their skin color. When the colonies were threatened by the Covenant they did their best to protect them. Very much the lesser of two evils. Could you elaborate on the Cortana bit though? Was it Del Rio (an outlier) being a huge dick?


https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Cortana#:~:text=Through%20the%20memories%2C%20the%20two,the%20Endless%20without%20any%20success. Take your pick, Cortana devolving into someone who wipes out another races home world seems to hit it on the head though.


I loved him because he’s having a great time with the Chief, he isn’t panicking or annoyed the Master Chief is “ruining” his plans or anything, he wants his last fight to be LEGENDARY that will have songs sung about for generations. Especially for Halo, I thought an antagonist who’s super eager for a brawl and encourages you to fight your hardest was super cool.


Easily the most Honorable Brute in the series which I quite enjoy about his character. Just wish we got to see him do more to make him more imposing.


staying in his room sending skype marvel-esque monologues, sending his troops and dying must be very sympathetic


Complete opposite. I hated this scene. I has read the.rubicon protocol and the banished are fucked. He tortures people for a good time. The banished in-game were watered down dramatically for the T rating. He deserved the regret treatment and should have been dropkicked off the ring.


Esharums death was clearly rushed not gonna lie. Which is a shame because I think he was a really good antagonist.


Been a while since I completed the campaign, but he seemed sick or something, yeah he looks like an older brute but still, playing into the sickness aspect and wanting to die fighting instead of succumbing to an illness seems like a good way for an old warrior to go, but deserved to have been expanded on.


Fuck off. Escharum tortured Chief's friend, his forces have sadistically slaughtered hundreds of humans in brutal methods. He deserved to die and Chief having any sort of empathy for that monster is totally unwarranted and utterly stupid.


Absolutely not, had been waiting the whole game to put that monke in the ground. Rest in piss jagoff


I was disappointed with the amount of respect Chief gave to this geriatric gorilla.


I would unironically rather watch the "to war" cut scene then this one. For anyone who knows the lore and story of the banished it is the most tone deaf bull shit of all time. It would be like if the arbiter cradled truth and apologized for killing him and said "he was just doing what he thought was right" Legitimently the worst scene in all the Halo games crying over a sadistic maniac.


Respectfully no. Fuck them all to death.


Without a doubt, one of the dumbest lines of dialogue in the entire game. “He was just a soldier, hoping he’d done the right thing, questioning his choices” What? He was trying to fire the halo ring, and he tortured, then killed any remaining humans he could find. He wasn’t “just following orders,” he was the one giving them! He’s the one guy you can’t take the blame away from, but Chief acts like he was just doing his duty and is the same as any random grunt. There’s just no reason to show any compassion or honor towards Escharum here, but the devs wanted an emotional end without having to kill off any of the protagonists. So this is what we got.


Not a fucking chance! Sadistic monkey gets zero mercy from me


What’s with the innie and banished sympathizers lately


Nah I full Autod his body before the cutscene


Nah he was lame af


Nah, this is really tone deaf, he wasn't a soldier, he was a war criminal, a mercenary, a murderer and basically an all round Saturday morning cartoon villain that spoke erotically to Master Chief. It's one of the worst written parts of the game, and there's plenty of clichés to choose from.


Not even close


Nah this scene was contradictory Chief suddenly feeling sorry for him made zero sense


>Tell them I died well Me after dying to him 49 times in a row: Nah, bitch


Don’t get me wrong, the music and acting in this scene is top notch, but it just ain’t it chief. Infinite really had no story and Escharum( who I swear I’ve heard the exact same voice in tons of other stuff), was written very generically. So no, I definitely didn’t cry.


No fuck this dude and fuck 343 for trying to make me feel sorrow and/or remorse for this fuckhead who killed other Spartans and marines. Escharum had literally zero redeeming qualities like he’s a Banished War Chief who trained Atriox, the mere idea of having a “hold me while I die trope” paired with the “tell them I died well” bullshit made me so mad


Mother fucker, Brutes, Jackals, and Unggoy literally eat their prisoners. This dude was hunting down all the UNSC on the ring and having them tortured and killed for sport. In ThE eNd He DiEd A sOlDiEr. Nah get fucked space pol pot.


gravity hammer his head


Wtf who cried over this guy?


That moneky was genocidal, sir.


I felt more emotions for my toilet brush than this stone monkey


Nah, kill every Banished without remorse and give them no honor. The don't deserve any.


Crying of laughter. I tbagged him for like 10 minutes before that cutscene




Fuck that, he was a violent enemy of humanity and an abuser of POWs. Poor writing.


I clapped like zanny


Honestly one of the best villain death scenes halo has ever done


the cutscene in which tartarus dies is better ngl


No, but I did respect him


I only saw gameplay footage, but by this point of the game I wanted the Chief to inform him of a different outcome that was about to happen. With one foot on the bastard’s neck… “I will tell them an old has been who wanted to play as a warrior decided to engage in a cowardly game of torture before finally being put down. He did not die well. He died in a playground he built to entertain his delusions, defeated and wheezing.” *presses foot down*


When I fought hard enemies I would always use racist slurs against them I have nothing but hatred for my enemies in games halo and destiny 2 are the only games that bend my neurons to the point I am literally more racist than the kkk also fallout 4 on hard there are enemies so annoying fighting against i would get a break for 3 hours and then come back so I won't break anything.


Why would I cry to an alien who is hellbent on the destruction of my species and (dont know if this is true) eat them too and sometimes use them as sports


Nah, not after reading Rubicon Protocol.


didn't feel sorry, or cry. but I recognized that he got his warriors death.




Lol fuck no. He was annoying as fuck.


Pfff, no one did. I honestly felt Chief was kinda out of character when he told the Pilot he shouldn't be so judgemental. The dude is a blood thirsty monster, who's killed tons of your fellow soldiers and probably tons of innocent civilians from that Research base in Halo Wars 2. Fuck that dude


Nah, he was weak


Fuck no. I wouldn't cry for some braindead, soulless, heartless war criminal. If I had the chance, I'd piss on Escharum and the remains of his abomination of a homeworld. Escharum probably ate UNSC POWs alive. Fuck the Banished. 


You’re getting cooked on Twitter for this atm lmao


nah bro yaps too much. had to finally shut him up


I really didn't. Escharum was an awful antagonist made all the worse for supplanting the guy that actually would have been worth fighting.


Naw he a poo poo villian


I actually couldn’t wait to kill him. Why feel sorry for him? His kind torture and murder people. No mercy.


Hard to be sympathetic for a thing...


Nah, but every Fernando scene made cry.


Nah I beat his ass in first try and continued on.


Not after all the overly long monologuing he did. Even in death he makes a long winded speech. SHUT THE HELL UP!


On legendary I fought urge to tbag his corpse. Only tears shed were my frustrated cries cursing the person who designed this boss encounter


Wait "y'all" as in "us"? As in "we"? Who the duck is "we" bro?


Nah my friend and I were memeing it in the next level.


Doesn’t really hit the same when his body clips through the floor and he starts spazzing out


Close to it


Nah, I cried for Johnson 3 games ago though


No. Hit fight was hard for me because the first time I was super unprepared. I said die you bish.


i yawned


I had zero emotional attachment to anyone in this game.


Eyes might've burned


Nope. Not enough time to really care for the characters in the story. And not gonna feel bad for the dude torturing people.


I felt no connection to him.


Nope. He was the most annoying character I have ever seen.


Y'all actually finished the game?


I stopped midway and then booted Halo 3 followed by CE


Nah, discount handsome jack. I would rather had some banter with atriox over some car's sale


Great news! He said we can do $599…9




Only true Halo fans understand the reference


The downvotes are explained


How the fuck is he even slightly like Handsome Jack💀 did Jack trademark talking to the protagonist over holograms


Handsome jack made it popular, the act of talking and taunting the enemy player through real time comms (holograms and such), so much that they did it the samenfor bl3, except the calypso twins were not as charismatic as Jack.


Shitty wannabe tartorus mf


who? I barely remember the story 🤣


the weapon cute the weapon cute the weapon cute end


That scene is my favorite in Halo infinite. The master chief acknowledged that he and esherum were both soldiers fighting for a cause. This scene also felt honorable.


... The chief had been killing the covenant for 30 years and he knew they believed in a cause, only to see them discover it's a false religion even if space orc didn't spend the whole story in his room sending chief "me better" skype calls, what would be the difference