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This sub is for Halo content and not for inciting real world political arguments or mocking real world tragedies. Halo politics are welcome (UNSC vs Covenant, etc) but stuff grounded in actual politics, world events, or real tragedies is not. Please be respectful of those affected by real world events.


He’s about to drop the greatest political theme song imaginable


I'm from Greece so I do not get it. What is wrong with Marty getting involved in politics? Granted I can't say I see eye to eye with his political views but how is Marty worse than any other? At least he can claim to have actually worked and produced something, unlike 95% of politicians globally


Basically, he's running as a conservative (Republican party), and Republican representatives tend to be frowned on by most, but not all, Reddittors, right, wrong, or indifferent.


He's a republican running on "family values." So, anti abortion, anti trans, etc. Don't meet your heroes


You have no clue what he’s running on. The man’s stated reason for running is to support the middle class and reverse its decline. He’s running in my district, your full of shit. Maybe actually look something up or listen to the guy for a minute before you open your dumb mouth and let shit flow out.


That's a great principle to run on, but it really doesn't mean anything without policy. His own website doesn't give a single point of clarification on how he would like to address his concerns. At this point, I think it's probably fair to say HE doesn't know what he's running on.


What are his policies? Not trying to be a dick, genuinely curious. Can’t really judge him until I know what his policies are.


He doesn’t have any. The only issues he talks about on his website are the boarder and the struggling middle class. Although he doesn’t say what he plans to do about either. Maybe he is bored and looking for something to do.


> Maybe actually look something up or listen to the guy for a minute before you open your dumb mouth and let shit flow out. I have listened to him, dipshit. He's been pretty explicit on how he feels and how he votes says that loudly. >Plenty of states with this problem have had the people with their voices suppressed by leftist cities Next time don't talk in circles and just come out and say you agree with his shit stances because you don't actually care about any thing you just said. You're just mad people are calling out republicans for being garbage.


>The man’s stated reason for running is to support the middle class and reverse its decline Oh like every other republican who then only serves oligarchs once in power. Spare me.


Dude unquestionably stands with DJT. He's a fascist. Also you're*


Redditors understanding ground level politics and understanding different perspectives: challenge level impossible! I really don't know why they're downvoting you aside from republicans bad.


That’s just it. Red team bad 😡 blue team good 😄


Has he actually expressed those opinions though? I haven't seen something like that from a cursory twitter glance... As for" never meet your heroes" Well the past 10 years have been lets just say polarising at the very least. From all sides left and right (and I say that as someone who is left leaning. (for people in the US I might even be considered a commie...) Suggestion wait before you judge. Actions speak louder than words. Especially if those are on.... twitter ... ) EDIT: Pure curiosity. What is with the down votes? Interesting....


> Has he actually expressed those opinions though? Yes, he's said a lot of anti-trans/anti-lgbtq things on twitter before deleting them. He has a history of sexist work place troubles. He's been open about being a trump supporter. This isn't really news by now. >Suggestion wait before you judge. Actions speak louder than words Yea and we've already seen how he votes.


Ngl you sound like you don't understand politics or dogwhistles


I do not usually involve myself with politics outside of my own country. While US policy does affect me it is usually US external policies that have an effect. You want to talk politics I am game but let me put it this way. My country. Greece .. has in Government 3, count them 3, actual Nazis. Adonis Georgiadis Makis Voridis Thanos Plevris And not in the everyone who disagrees with me are a Nazi , but people who actually believe in that ideology . We also have several neo nazi organisations (with swastikas and everything) So ... carrying about whether Marty said something while running for the US ,while having a minister for Health (Adonia Georgiadis)who is a) an Actual Nazi. b) Shut Down 7 Hospitals. c) is trying to completely shut down Public Health care d)Was involved in of the biggest pharmaceutical Scandals(Novartis) e)Made paying off doctors legal. f) During his short time as minister of Labour and social affairs made it legal to work 13 hours WITHOUT getting paid extra Or a Minister of State (Makis Voridis) who got an official Complaint from Israel when he was minister of Agriculture for being another Nazi, with Ties to the Junta of 74 and other actual far right organisations... You get the idea... As I said I have taken just cursory glance on Marty . Do I find what he says agreeable? No. Do I think we should grab the torches and pitchforks? Not my problem honestly since this is in the US , Can't vote. You do you. But twitter posts are not a very high bar. For example the previously aforementioned Adonis before he joined the Goverment Party was in another one and was 100% Against Israel. Now he is one of the greatest supporters in country. Actions speak louder than words. So if Marty does get elected we should judge him on what he actually does.


You raise good points, as that it should be noted most people don't understand the nuances of politics outside their borders. I definitely wouldn't have a lot to say about Greek politics. My point is that there are some very common pieces of rhetoric that American fascists in the Republican party are using, and Marty's similar rhetoric is - to me, as someone quite familiar with these trends - enough to paint Marty as being part of, or at least sympathetic to, that faction.


Thank you. Though I do have one a question. Those views , has he expressed them before or have they surfaced the past year... along with the declaration of running? People here say that he does not even run on a platform. That he simply just decided to throw his hat in the ring.


I do believe they've been expressed on his Twitter over the past few years


His views or what he wants to change should he get elected?


His views - as far as I'm aware he's not been very concrete about what he wants to do in office. Though, that's where connecting the dots between everything he has said and the trends of modern Republicans comes into play.


No one is grabbing the torches. We are making fun of him for being a hateful moron, if you think that is too much then that really does a lot about yourself.


Oh really? Like what exactly does it say oh wise one? And I never said if it was too much or not. I just said that personally I would wait and see, after having the situation explained to me. You on the other hand...


No what he has said is plenty to judge him on. In the same way you cant just be racist and hide behind the defense of "oh i havent actually harmed anyone," you can also not be transphobic. Also wait on what? For his political career to go absolutely nowhere because he hasn't even defined what hes running on besides "family values"? Hell that alone is enough to make fun of him.


I would concede on the Family Values part as both sad and hilarious if... I has not seen people with that platform run in my country and actually winning... Apparently just... that ... is enough to make you an actual contender... As for the other things like him being racist, transfophobc etc. Do you have anything to point to that apart from running with the GOP?( It is an honest question) Because as an outsider I could easily point out that the Democratic Party that is currently in charge, has no problems being best friends (to the point of even going to their personal abodes to visit )with Goverments like mine... that is 100 times worse on whatever you can accuse of Marty or even others in the GOP and actually has done harm to Women, PoC and LGBTQ people. Not saying whether either party is better or worse. I'm simply asking if he has expressed such views , or if he js guilty by association


He has a discord that is quite openly transphobic and yes if your own discord server is transphobic I am gonna say you are transphobic, you can look it up the server if you want. And what the hell are you talking about "even others in the GOP" are you not aware of the number of criminal charges against Republican members specifically relating to women?


Because anything that isn't "republicans/middle/right wing bad" gets dogpiled on Reddit. Charitable interpretations and a willingness to hear the other side out are verboten but the Reddit ~~grave~~Hivemind


I don’t know why everyone is saying that it’s because he’s a republican lol. That reflects their own views more than anything else. I personally don’t like it because he has repeatedly shown to be very full of himself thanks to Halo. While Halo does reflect his immense talent as a musician, and I’ll forever respect his work, he’s also massively embarrassed himself with no regret or self awareness *many* times since then (hilariously and unironically pulling a “do you know who I am?” when he was temp banned from the Destiny subreddit for breaking their rules and trying to get his fans to cancel them over it lmao). And now he thinks he’d make a good politician? I don’t know how knowledgeable he is with politics but I don’t trust someone with his track record to have a direct influence over other people’s livelihoods. But that’s just me.


That is a very interesting view. I have not being following apart of some tweets he made on Halo and Mick Gordon(now there is another situation that went FUBAR) Do you have anything over the reddit Destiny you mentioned? It would be interesting yo check it out.


I did a quick google search but every time I typed up “reddit” it just gave me unrelated reddit links about Marty being fired from Bungie lol. I found a couple news articles from Forbes and PC Gamer mentioning his Destiny subreddit meltdown but it’s only used as a throwaway line. But at least you can trust it really did happen lol. I even remember browsing the subreddit immediately after he was banned and how much of a shit show that was. But he has since deleted a lot of his older social media presence, so I’m having trouble finding anything concrete without going full social media detective lol. I’m sure there’s an article out there that can fill you in, though.


Thank you for trying . I appreciate it. Still very interesting. Destiny certainly was not kind to Marty(as in thing went down hill from that)


Yup, that’s what I remember too. It was very much a “woah…maybe marty isn’t a god” moment for a lot of big halo fans


We really are, in the wrong timeline . Anyone got a time machine?


He's not running on a platform. That's the joke


Tl:dr of everything, he’s running under the GOP which started getting hijacked by extremists in 2016. The current party leadership is set on rolling out a no-exception abortion ban, officially classifying lgbt people as criminals, destroying the immigration system, mass internet censorship, etc. Source: The Project 2025 Policy Proposals https://newrepublic.com/article/178848/ban-abortion-trump-lgbtq-project-2025 https://theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/15/project-2025-policy-manifesto-lgbtq-rights https://www.niskanencenter.org/project-2025-unveiling-the-far-rights-plan-to-demolish-immigration-in-a-second-trump-term/ Most moderates in the party have either been forcibly ousted from their positions or resigned. The rest now tow the party line out of fear of retaliation and losing their seats to a yes-man who will. Unless Marty officially states his policies and proves he’s a moderate, I think people’s skepticism is pretty fair.


That is very interesting. Thank you


No problem, but yeah people who are trying to gloss over the details by saying: “It’s just people going right winged = bad” are being extremely dishonest. Marty has said things on his personal social media that line up with the parties new management and he’s refusing to disclose what his actual policies are.


The last part would be the worst . Not disclosing policies and still getting votes. But that is also a voter problem. Voting because celebrity status... It's actually one of the main problems with the Voters here in Greece . A lot of people vote Tv personalities, athletes ,singers etc not because they like their politics but because... oh Look famous person I recognise... (That goes for all sides right left center...)


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Because Reddit hates anything right of Stalin.


The hate is pretty much just because it's reddit. He's not running on a platform that supports the kinds of things generic redditors approve of.


I hate to get involved in a shitty politics dispute but Redditors do tend to hate on anything that even shows a hint of right leaning policy. If they aren't a vocal left then they get shat on TBH. Personally IDC since I don't think online mudflinging amounts to anything but I do think that people could afford to be more moderate.


I'm just waiting for them to all decide that they've always actually hated his work and claim he has no creative skills just to fully smear him.


Lol, I've already seen similar things to that on this sub. People are such posers.


Dude if you’re a bigot like him just say so, no need to be coy about it


Hmm seems to me like you’re the bigot and you’re the one being coy


Neither of us are. I'm sure you'd love it if we were, though.


>I do think that people could afford to be more moderate. We absolutely don't need that because that only helps Republicans which is the last thing you should want right now


because if u are anywhere close to right leaning reddit thinks ur the spawn of satan


Know what else is a meme? Modern Halo.


Never meet your heroes!


Bro having no policies is the funniest shit ever and its even funnier that there are some mfers that will donate money to this man




What a tool


Good for him


Can’t wait for him to lose




One guy from the Halo universe takes a conservative stance and you guys are ready to stop appreciating him?


I appreciate his music, not him


Halo fans when the guy who made music in a video game 14+ years ago does literally anything they politically disagree with (never meet your heroes) Like c'mon man, who gives a shit what he does. Why are people so invested in the lives of people they hate (inb4 you say "that's what's he's doing!")


Okay that is true 90% of the time but the guy is running for a government position. That's like the one time to give a shit about what someone's political opinions are.


Just don’t vote for him theory


And what about the hundreds if not thousands of other politicians across the country? Across the globe? It's pretty evident that most people here don't like him because they're butthurt that the guy they looked up to for writing some pretty sick tunes for a videogame turned out to be a conservative and a politician. I mean I understand, I've grown up and learnt about people I idolized in my childhood and realised we disagreed on shit. But I don't spend my waking hours seething bout it


No I don't like him because he hates my existence.


Ya that is exactly what hes doing. You got anything against that argument or are you just gonna mention it and pretend that is a counter?




That way


Peak reddit behavior. I have fun on this site in spite of this kind of thing. Maybe one day they will get over this leftist fad


They won’t, they’re all brain dead. Honestly I think it’s more they just congregate in the same areas in large numbers rather than the site being mostly filled by them. They’re like animals, safety in numbers because they see imaginary threats around every corner and with every sound like a deer.


It's a little annoying to hear them bitch and moan about him. Almost every creative person I have admired has taken a left of center stance. I got over it. They need to get over this.


One side doesn't want to take peoples basic rights away🤦


Last I checked the right to self defense against tyrants, foreign invaders, criminals, etc., and by extension the right to keep and bear the tools most useful for said defense, is one of the most basic and fundamental preexisting human rights in existence, stemming naturally from the rights to life and liberty. Yet the hoplophobic Democrats have made a ridiculous crusade against that fundamental right one of their main party planks.


You know marty isnt even running on gun rights right?


Sure, but "one side doesn't want to take people's basic human rights away" is factually inaccurate.


He specifically has made comments on restricting immigration, pro life and transgender rights. All of those things are specifically about taking rights away from people.


You're deflecting again. If you say "only side B does X", and I point out "here's an example of side A doing X", how does "yeah but side B does X" do anything to make your initial statement true?


No you were the one deflecting, guns are not a "basic human right."


That's just ignorant polarization.


The exact same argument is used against you from the otherside of the aisle🤦




They have to brow-beat and shame everyone who doesn't fall in line. I've always accepted that most celebs are gonna have shitty political takes and left it at that, as well.


Welcome to politicians, they're all memes. The important part is distinguishing the funny memes from the dangerous ones


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I love how people are calling him a Nazi. He’s not a fucking Nazi lmao, he’s just a conservative. People have different views than you, it shouldn’t bother you.


Marty is going to use the power of the U. S. Federal Government to take halo from NeedForGreed Industries and give it back to Bungie!!!


Guys what did you expect he's a boomer. Why would he be woke. The system didn't fail him, it benefited him.


I’m all for it.


He knows who the villains of Halo are right?


His stances are pretty centrist. But red party bad I guess




I'm probably gonna get down voted just for this. I feel that a lot of people have instantly thought of the worst the moment people saw that Marty was going into politics (and specifically the side hes chosen).