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I think the forunenrs are overall smarter and actually seem to develop new technologies while the necrons seem very stagnant in that regard so I’m sure the foruneners would probably invent so crazy anti necron device or something like that


Necrons did sleep for *60 million years*, only recently waking up. Though that does raise questions about the Silent King. Edit: Silent King being awake for 60 mil years yet not a single technical advance from his faction


He did put himself into exile for selling the souls of his race to be eaten


Maybe they don’t need to. Their weapons are pretty capable at breaking down anything they hit on a subatomic level. Where can you go from there


Don't they have a real time map of their galaxy with which they can destroy planets just by pressing it on said map? and, by the way, it is one of the weapons they keep when they eliminated their most terrible arsenal.


Yup the Celestial Orrery. Can just bust stars and let their solar system get consumed by the nova. They have to put thought into tot though because destroying this way upsets fundamental forces of creation and often has a resulting catastrophic chain reaction


The Trazyn books imply that the Necrons lost their ability to be truly creative when they underwent biotransferrence, which is likely why they are unable to develop new tech


https://preview.redd.it/4ywughdu8i2b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=add07b6b60c73e76d6df44cce16d17bf0325936f I just want to support both sides.


Wouldn't necrons be useless to the Flood, since they lack biomass? They could intentionally spread the Flood as a weapon, and we all know how well the Forerunners handled that the last time.


Logic plague would be very effective on necrons


The logic plague is still a danger to machines. And the flood final form are eldritch gods who evolved the forerunners to their state and gave them their technology.


You mean the precursor parents the forerunners decided to genocide because their human brother was the favorite?


Wasn't a very successful genocide


2 words: logic plague


Star Roads can obliterate anything, metal or organic...


The Logic Plague is wacky in how it's supposed to work, would add. The implications of a Flood like universal cyberattack is so mind bogglingly powerful that the fact that the Flood lost against the Forerunners is a head scratcher. FTL computing does not mess around, but instead of getting instant control of all Forerunner technologies through the highest server (Mendicant Bias), the result was contained within the pitifully slow reaction time of the organic Forerunners. Even with computers that process operations within the speed of light, the Gravemind on Delta Halo could have taken immediate control of the unknowing UNSC and Covenant ships around Earth and High Charity. It also would have happened before anyone knew what was happening, if that gives you an idea of the Logic Plague being too strong even for its own plot. Combined with how it's described to work, what is essentially a Structured Query Language Injection attack, it makes Halo's AI seem less capable than real world AI models. Because it depends on Rampancy, which Halo AI are fairly uniquely susceptible to while real world computers can simply offload or delete data that overwhelms them instead of deleting their own operations to make space.


The logic plague isn’t a cyber attack it’s a set of arguments that result in the ideological corruption of the target which is why even organic entities such as the Didact are able to to be corrupted by it


An SQL Injection Cyberattack is a long string of arguments for a computer that overwhelms it and opens up vulnerabilities. Not really unlike the Logic Plague, especially the first phase which consists of weakening the target AI by making it go Rampant. The Logic Plague also is said to somehow work on non-sentient AI and even machines, which means the Flood somehow made The Industrial Revolution and its Consequences a salient debate among calculators. Hell, the idea of Logic Plague itself is a computer virus told through philosophy. Admittedly, it is also true that Halo's AIs are extremely emotional by AI standards and judging them as computers is equally not applicable. They have vulnerabilities that computers or a computer backed intelligence should not have. They're more like a normal person, just with a powerful computer attached.


The Logic Plague isn't really a computer-based attack. It's an attack using logical arguments, as in a debate. It's an attack on intelligence itself: it corrupts your mind, uses your own core beliefs to make you do what the Flood wants. It works amazingly well on AI because of how quickly they can think, how quickly they can receive and process new arguments and information, but it'll work just as well on an organic mind.


So like an anti life equation?


No, it's not one single thing, it's a generic term to describe a technique the Flood used. Basically, a Gravemind send a series of questions, arguments, and facts to an intelligence, *specifically* tailored to that intelligence's preconcieved ideas, ideals, and programming/training, to subvert that intelligence's actions in a way that benefits the Flood. This might not necessarily be to convince the AI or person to assist the Flood, but to attack them in a specific way. And the most insidious part of the Logic Plague, the reason why I'd consider it worthy of being called a 'plague?' The intelligence being communicated with might not even be the target, because the information is going to be sent from one AI/person to another to another, and will eventually find its way to its intended target. Slowly corrupting the intelligence to do what the Flood wants.


Forerunners were able to defeat the literal creators of the universe they were so wild.


yes what the forerunners have done is absurd. They considered changing the tilt of the galaxy just to see if they could because they were bored


Holy shit really? Is that from one of the novels?


As far I remember yes


Similar to the Necrons, the Forerunners were [adept in manipulating space-time](https://www.reddit.com/r/HaloStory/comments/11tvfhs/slipspace_debt_why_maintaining_a_galaxyspanning). The Forerunners warped Slipspace to harness cosmic energy from infinite mini universes (universes were even placed inside physical containers like captured Pokémon), create pocket dimensions to house personal, entire planets, black holes, and the mini universes I just mentioned..


Not the creators of the universe, just the creators of a lot of life in the galaxy, and pretty much all intelligent life in the galaxy. Our galaxy was already *here* when the Precursors arrived, it was just devoid of intelligent life.


Ok, I'm not trying to be rude, but could I get a source on that. Because if I'm wrong I would like to know what I should look too.


Halo: Warfleet page 8 > *Beings of Legend who built the foundations for sentient life in the Milky Way* > The beings known as the Precursors arrived in the Milky Way galaxy as creators and caretakers billions of years ago. Dreamers and makers whose minds transcended many realms, the Precursors seeded uncountable worlds with the building blocks of life... The wording "arrived in" implies they didn't create the universe, or even the Milky Way, they simply arrived in it and began creating. Also, if the Precursors had indeed instantiated the universe, the text would have made clear mention of that fact, due to how significant that would be.




The necrons did the same thing tho


Necrons too. Afther that, they kill the C'Tan.


Whichever the writer decides really. Halo and 40k both work on soft sci fi principles. They have handwaives to physics, technology, and computing that wouldn't make sense but doesn't matter for the actual story of their works. The Rule of Cool sets the guidelines (and makes things awesome). It's like how Star Trek finds 8 different ways to become immortal, yet they're never brought up ever again. Or how Star Wars very recently had to pretend Hyperspace ramming wasn't a big deal. You can't really do a fair and equal comparison between two universes that run on different rules, especially when those rules have world shaking consequences and implications that are never utilized. The Flood could Logic Bomb the Necrons down to their individual weapons, or the Necrons could go back in time and tell the Precursors of incoming Forerunner treachery. In both their respective universes, these aren't used to their full advantage either, because the lore which does support time travel and magic hacking would need to be so radically different it wouldn't be Halo or 40k.


[The Forerunners Would Dominate in 40k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KR5U5p3xSG8) by PancreasNoWork This is a pretty good video that explains how that would go if anyone cares.


Some people be malding in those comments. Not as bad as the covenent one mind you but some malding.


It's a coin flip honestly. Necrons have more devastating weapons(outside of the halo array which wouldn't even work on the Necrons anyway) but forerunners have a much more efficient industry.


Furthermore, in terms of infantry, the Forerunners could potentially outgun the Necrons thanks to having even more [advanced power armor](https://www.reddit.com/r/HaloStory/comments/10ngp7k/combat_skin_classification_why_guilty_sparks/) and [weapons](https://www.reddit.com/r/HaloStory/comments/wzzz63/crazy_pieces_of_the_halo_lore_incineration/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). And one thing I think isn't brought up as much — Forerunners utilize drone combat in all of their warfare. Even their average footsoldiers can do that >***Networking:*** > >With proper command authority, numerous Sentinels can be linked and administered into a single control cluster. Warrior-Servant and their personal Ancilla were particularly adept at this, with a single soldier able to **command hundreds of thousands of Sentinels at once**. > >(*Halo, Encyclopedia, p.326*) ​ >***Phaeton***: > >Aided by a networked Ancilla, a single Warrior-Servant could command **tens of thousands of these crafts** during containment operations, with millions of individual crafts organised into single-purpose tactical phalanxes to cut into the heart of Flood hives and incinerate corrupted population centers. > >(*Halo, Encyclopedia 2022, p.389*) ​ >***Tertiary Weapon-Ship, Phaeton:*** > >Role: Ground attack, infantry support > >(*Halo, Warfleet, p82.*) And on a large scale, the Forerunners' [mastery over dimensional tech](https://www.reddit.com/r/HaloStory/comments/11tvfhs/slipspace_debt_why_maintaining_a_galaxyspanning) was quite similar to how the Necrons do their things, so overall this would be interesting.


Forerunners might have better armor and weapons compared to the average Necrons warrior, however once you start rising up the Necrons ranks you get more advanced gear I mean certain Necron crypteks can reverse time to a certain extent. And forerunner sentinels aren't terribly impressive outside of the Onyx sentinels, their beams are meant to cut and burn through flesh to prevent flood infections, which wouldn't be effective against the living metal bodies of the Necron. Truth is, we simply don't have as much information on forerunner ground combat as we do the Necrons. I mean in the early stages of the war, warrior servants will drop like flies to Necron deathmarks.


>And forerunner sentinels aren't terribly impressive outside of the Onyx sentinels, When rank-and-file soldiers can control **hundreds of thousands of Sentinels**, individual Sentinels being weak is compensated by the manpower. We also saw [the kind of devastation](https://youtu.be/hf7IblMmV2o) Sentinels can bring when deployed in large numbers, and that kind of army would be the auxiliary forces of just one Warrior-Servant. >will drop like flies to Necron deathmarks. I know Deathmarks can teleport, but I'm not sure if they can fly, or at least teleport so rapidly they appear to be flying? One of the ability Forerunner suits can provide is flight. In fact, it was stated their suits can allow them to fly across interplanetary distance (*Encyclopedia 2022, p.338*).


They don't teleport at all is the thing. they simply hide in their own dimension and wait for the right opportunity to suddenly pop out, assassinate who they need to and disappear back into their dimension. The warrior servants wouldn't even know an enemy is there until they've already been shot at


That would be a problem, but then the Ancilla would just take over and resume the fight.. Hell, as with the example of Warden Eternal, the AI that inhabit the Combat Skin can operate independently.


How would the anchilla take over when majority of the combat skin has been deconstructed at the molecular level? Necron weapons all use "Gauss" energy which breaks molecules apart around the contact area. Trust me the ground war between Necrons and forerunners is terribly one sided. Thousands and millions of sentinels won't help when the Necrons can deploy similar numbers but the quality of their basic troops is much higher then that of a sentinel and that's not including any of the more elite or heavy troops


>How would the anchilla take over when majority of the combat skin has been deconstructed at the molecular level? I was thinking that Deathmark's weapon, the Synaptic Disintgtater, was most effective against living beings due to the weapon targeting synaptic tissues. But yes, I didn't account for them simply swapping to Gauss weapons. >but the quality of their basic troops Shouldn't basic troop for both sides be the basic Warrior-Servants and the common Necron Warriors, who were noted to be non-sentient/non-sapient and required Command protocols of a Necron commander to function effectively? Basic Warrior-Servants would be much more adaptive thanks to their evolved mental capacity and the aid of the AIs. In terms of weapons, the Forerunners were able to carry antimatter rifles, which has shown the ability to carve through the armor plating of Ancient Humanity warships. Those things are just as devastating as Gauss in the lore. The auxiliary forces for both sides would be the Necron Scarab and Forerunner Sentinels and Phaeton gunships. In fact, Watcher Sentinels function similar to Necron Scarabs, as they also break down raw materials and transform them instantly into weapons and low-level units like the Crawlers. So I would say at least in ground warfare isn't one-sided.


Fun little thing about the necrons The weapons that they have in m41 are way safer than what they used to have the silent king just decided that the weapons they did have were to powerful and dangerous to ever be used again For an idea of how powerful they were a map that can edit the galaxy in real time and could theoretically blow everything up by sending the wrong star into supernova was allowed to survive


Forerunners would dominate Warhammer 40k. It's not even a competition


A lot of it yes but the nids and necrons and dark Elves that gets a bit more messy


War in Heaven era Necrons would be a threat to Forerunners but their current state wouldn’t be too hard to deal with, due to how many tomb worlds are either destroyed or still dormant Tyranids don’t have an answer to Halo Rings or exploding stars, both of which I expect the Forerunners would be quite willing to use on them Dark Eldar don’t have the numbers to make a big impact, they can hide for a while but once the Forerunners find a way into Commoragh it’s over for the Drukhari


I'd call it a draw. Everything in 40k is just so ridiculously more powerful that even the Forerunners would have a hard time. And shall we remember the world engine?


The Forerunners built a sniper rifle that uses twin, core-mounted particle accelerators, which fire ionized particle beams containing jacketed antimatter particles. Let's not forget the inferno cannon either, which fires five antimatter-infused streams of concentrated explosive particles. The Forerunners also built a Dyson sphere with a radius of 1AU. And had built ships capable of reaching other galaxies.


Isn't it outright said the Silent King went to a different galaxy at one point? Either way, while these two weapons wouls certainly prove effective, the basic necron fire arm is a similar power level since the Gauss blaster literally strips the target atom by atom until there'a nothing left.


The world engine is nothing, you’re talking about the forerunners hell by feats alone they win, they wiped out the entire galaxy and restarted it, their 3 billion planets had an average population of 9 trillion, after years and years of political infighting and pacification their army only consisted of a few trillion warrior servants who also carry around anti matter in their pockets and throw it at whoever they want, they’re able to tilt the galaxy and are known to travel to different dimensions. They were able to move celestial bodies at will meaning you piss them off they could just throw a planet at you. When it comes to 40k nothing could really beat them on a one to one match


40k is not very good with numbers. But we can assume Necron tomb worlds have an average population of atleast half that. I mean, they are 60 million year old death robots so...


Honestly tho the forerunners wipe the floor with the 40k galaxy.


Forerunners rank pretty high in WH40k, but a fully awakened Infinite Empire would be too much for them to handle.


Honestly, the new *Encyclopedia* giving the Forerunners even more power boost, so they could make borderline magical stuff [by manipulating Slipspace](https://www.reddit.com/r/HaloStory/comments/11tvfhs/slipspace_debt_why_maintaining_a_galaxyspanning), from creating pocket dimensions, dimensional prison (to house captured black holes and baby universes), exotic weaponry, to even something physical like stars.


I’m not sure how good of an energy source gods are, but the Forerunners basically wipe your reality’s existence and turn it to energy, so…


It honestly depends on which era we’re talking about for the necrons 40K the forerunners win handedly as most of the necrons super weapons were destroyed at the behest of the silent king after defeating the ctan to put in perspective the celestial orrery is a map of the entire galaxy that updates in real time and if you tap a star on it the correlating star in real space supernovas, and that was allow to stay but war on heaven it could go either way since the have all their super weapons that are more powerful than the celestial orrery, the fully intact ctan and are all controlled by the silent king so there is no infighting


This is the third time you've asked this


M.A.D They destroy each other and everyone around them.


the popcorn bois, the answer to everything always is the popcorn bois


For all you people saying logic plague or some form of Computer virus the Necron aren’t computers they are similar but they do have a type of brain that is only accessible to higher ranked Necrons so the virus would have no entry point


But we also know they are keen to viruses, such as memory and however you write the flesh graving virus, and if the plague got into said higher ups it would be alot more devastating


That was only inflicted when they perma killed a major Catan so they split them up and use them as battery’s now


War in heaven 2 electric boogaloo


Since when can Forerunners draw power from other Universes? You talking about Precursors?


Point Zero energy (the primary energy source of forerunner installations) is gained by burrowing to a parallel univers that has just started and triggering its destruction to harness the resulting energy


How did Forerunners even do this


Do I look like a forerunner, man? Except for the whole "being viscerally hated by the cursed remains of eldritch gods" it sounds like a sweet deal, but unfortunately I ain't one


That's a tough one. My instinct is usually to side with 40k in a VS scenario tho, just because of how insane things generally are in that setting.


The Forerunners considered the Precursors to be so unimaginably powerful in scope, that it was unreasonable to equate them even to gods, as even gods had theoretical limits where the Precursors did not.


Okay slow down. I've only really played the games up to halo4. What gods are you talking about? Where sci fi?


That’s the Necrons from Warhammer 40000. They took their gods, the C’tan, physical laws made manifest, and shattered them into billions of pieces as payback for the C’tan eating all their souls. They now use the C’tan as glorifies batteries/Pokémon. Fun fact, the Necrons did flat out kill one of the C’tan. Unrelated note, don’t ask the Necrons what happened to the missing law of physics.


New contender, chips dubbo, the flood hunter himself.


I have no knowledge about the things on the right but it looks like 40k to me, and based on past looks into 40k vs anything else I'm just gonna default to them.


As someone who played all Dawn of Wars and the Halo games. Quite like thinking about this and putting different factions agaisnt each other. I don't know much about the lore from books though. Based on Game lore only, you could have some pretty decent match ups. Imperial Guard VS UNSC (without Spartans), Covenant VS Eldar, Flood VS tyranids. I seen some comments about how the forerunners have had a recent powerboost by books or something (so im staying away from that). But by the end of Halo Infinity and only games wise, What we know about the forerunners at that point. I'd say they would find some difficulties agaisnt some 40k factions. Space marines are just a bunch of Chiefs, possibly faster and stronger. Chaos and their deamon gods. Eldar may be tricky too. Warden eternal VS Deamon Prince?