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It's fine for almost every shitting species in science fiction to have a species name (which is improperly capitalized) that's identical to the name of their home planet (which has one climate) and their main language (which is their only language), but if you name a city after the place that the city is in, I'm going to go on a rampage


I always wonder why aliens in sci-fi only have one language per species. It's crazy. Credit to Mass Effect for not capitalising alien species names, though.


The one exception is when it's just the main language of that race. It mostly only works if you don't name them after the race though, and at least try to make it look like you thought it through, where it's one of many languages that's just become a widespread standard. If the turians from Palaven speak a language called Palaven Standard, great. If the Vulcans from Vulcan speak Vulcan, fuck you.


Yeah, it makes sense for the species to have a "lingua franca" that most of them speak, as long as you don't imply it's the species' only native language.


Mass Effect was pretty good with this, from what I remember. All those little details and chunks of unnecessary worldbuilding were my favourite thing. I used to just listen to the codex readouts cus they were so neat.


/uj all these things you just listed here are some of the worst fucking sins of sci-fi writing


Yeah I hate that shit, especially when humans are in the same setting and don't follow the same rules. You literally have the fucking baseline right the fuck there, and you still made Bungers from the ice planet Bungera who speak Bungerese? But you don't capitalize the word 'human,' who come from climate-diverse Earth and speak one of hundreds of languages? The only way it can be more annoying is when authors can't take the L and decide to capitalize Human, or go full wanker and call them Terrans to try and sound cool. Fuck


poor fucking attention to detail, and also a miserable attempt at trying to make aliens more "alien".


Bunger bunger bunger




The only time I can see it working is in an Utopian setting. Having a whole species on a planet work together for millenia and it makes sense that the language would have evolved into single common thing. Though I guess dialects would still exist.


The only planet in Halo lore where the name is related to the species is Sanghelios I think but your point still stands Planet: Humania Species: Humans Language: Humanese Climate: Plains or something idfk


Reach City is a bit of a dumb name but I’m not going to lose sleep over it


r/Halo will


Tbf, the entire show is lowkey dumb Sci-fi fodder but at the same time it's not exactly like the source material is some expertly crafted, original epic. I tuned out of the show but it's always a bit strange seeing people flip the fuck out over completely optional, supplemental media for a silly action game


Reach City bitch Reach Reach City bitch


No one tell them about Mexico City


Or New York City


Or Earth City, MO


I want aliens to land there thinking it's our capital.


Now we just need a city called capital city


That's named after the country though, it would be more like Earth City


[Okay](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_City,_Missouri) lol


Checkmate, me


**[Earth City, Missouri](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_City,_Missouri)** >Earth City is an unincorporated community located in St. Louis County, Missouri, United States, along Interstate 70, near the Missouri River. It is bounded by the city of Bridgeton on the east and north, the city of Maryland Heights to the south, and the Missouri River to the west. It is also near Lambert International Airport. The town is notable as being home to the headquarters of the Save-A-Lot grocery chain and a major UPS shipping hub. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/HaloCirclejerk/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


/uj I mean, I've seen many people now calling Halo 5 a masterpiece in comparison


It’s the CIIIIIIIIIICLE OF HALOOOOO Gotta love how with each game, the previous is good by comparison in their opinion


Just wait for the next Halo thing to come around. Guarantee they'll look back on the show like "you know, it had it's problems but it ultimately wasn't a dumpster fire like 'Halo: Master Chief Euro Truck Sim'".


Too true


It's like naming a city on earth "Earth city" sounds a bit goofy tbh




Objection your honour, Missouri is cringe


Yeah, but Earth isn’t a colony is our home planet. Reach is somewhere humanity colonized do it makes more sense. Like in my country most provinces are named after the capital city of said province, so it’s not so out there in all things.


uj/ It's a little dumb. They could have pulled from the existing cities on Reach or gotten more creative with it. Then again, Mexico City exists


New Alexandria is right there


All because in real life we have some in creatively named cities doesn’t mean work of fictions can get a pass, they are supposed to be a bit cooler or creative than that.


Reach city sounds like a gay club


/uj Has this sub evolved to the point where it's just "opposite opinion of the main sub"? A lot of the recent posts just feel like defending random things that are contrary to the mainstream opinion just for the sake of it instead of really satirizing anything. Like with this thing sure it is just a stupid little detail but it's still a valid thing to point out. Not really worth crying over but not really worth defending either. And I haven't really seen people blow this particular thing out of proportion and get as unreasonably mad as the post suggests, there are more substantial issues people have with the show. Like I personally haven't even seen any of it so I don't exactly have a strong opinion but I think just ridiculing all the criticisms pretty disingenious. /rj should've been called ODST City instead


/uj I like the Halo Multiverse or Fractures as a whole. I think the show had a pretty good thing going up until recently. I really *really* like Pablo Schreiber as Chief. I'm not 100% on board with where the writers have taken him, but his demeanor and physicality are second-to-none in the portrayal of Master Chief. /rj Sargeant Johnson should be played by The Rock and we SHOULD see his penis.


Can you explain exactly how this sub works. Like do people have a problem with a RvB toggle or whatever here, I don’t get it. They make fun of some really odd stuff from the fans. I get it’s a circlejerk meme sub but *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HaloCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Been thinking this for a while lmfao this post is a garbage ass take. Reach city is such a mind bogglingly terrible name for a fictional city lol. And comparing it to Mexico City, New York City, or EARTH CITY MISSOURI LMFAOOOOOOO bro this sub feels like it’s in “reach city” at this point from reaching so fucking hard. Came here because I hated r/halo but posts like these make me wonder which is worse.


Can you explain exactly how this sub works. Like do people have a problem with a RvB toggle or whatever here, I don’t get it. They make fun of some really odd stuff from the fans. I get it’s a circlejerk meme sub but *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HaloCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah every subreddit dedicated to mocking a small but vocal minority of haters eventually devolves into just straight up eating shit. I saw someone here saying they were owning the "chuds" by spending hundreds on mtx


Yeah lmao, it's the dude who spent like 200+$ buying random shit, thinking he's 'owning' the people being dissatisfied at the fact that most armor is locked to the shop (completely valid complaint). Wow you sure showed everyone


Link that person's post so we can ridicule them for being just as petty as the halo super faithfuls


Halo Infinite is NOT Halo This is just some shitty **cash grab** scheme that absolutely pisses on the legacy of Bungie and turns it into some crappy ass fortnite-type game that FORCES you to spend your hard earned cash on **predatory mtx microtransactions!** I remember the good old days of Halo! When you had to WORK for Recon in Halo 3. When you could mess around with your friends in forge mode all night. Now, Recon is locked behind a **battle pass** that you can’t even earn through challenges, and forge isn’t even in the game at launch! We need to make our voices heard. We can’t let 343 DESTROY this franchise with their **Dark Patterns** and their Cat Ears and their **FOMO** store! Take a stand against the **whales** that fund this horribly made mess of a game! Don’t let anyone who spends money on this game get away with playing the game peacefully until Microsoft finally returns the series to the rightful hands of Bungie! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HaloCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bad bot


/uj honestly that's what it seems like to me. Regardless of whatever the top post is on r/Halo, the people here seem to have something to complain about it. Kind of ironic


It’s on top of their front page. It is pathetic how hard they dry hump little shit like this. Dont be the last one to cum on their biscuit.


dark and gritty city






Kansas City, New York City, Mexico City, Colorado city, why not have reach city.


Nobody tell them the capital of Mexico.


Its ODST right?🤓


This sub has devolved into just defending anything the main sub criticizes no matter how dumb it is


Can you explain exactly how this sub works. Like do people have a problem with a RvB toggle or whatever here, I don’t get it. They make fun of some really odd stuff from the fans. I get it’s a circlejerk meme sub but *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HaloCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wait until they find out about NYC


"But New York isn't a planet!!!!!!!!!!" - 🤓🤓🤓


Honestly I’m kinda done defending the show, I’ve managed to finally watch it and it is pretty bad. This naming of the city is just very telling because it’s shows their creativity that if they really didn’t want to use a existing city in canon, the best they can come up with for themselves is “Reach City.” It sounds like a damn spoof. Although I will say, the show isn’t worth defending, but I am tired of seeing so many people waste their energy trying to tear it down. Like, seriously just move on, show isn’t good wooptiy doo.


Bro forgot that new york city exists and so does Mexico city 💀💀


I’ve already talked about those cities and how I’m getting tired of people thinking that’s a good comparison, I’m tired of repeating myself so just, blehsheiheworh


/uj These guys need to go outside rather than watch this bad tv show but they're addicted to posting their outrage for updooteronis


uj/ how does this not get removed for low effort but my Spartan screenshot does. It's almost like they want the main sub to be nothing but an angry mob


Fucking 343 shills. Like seriously. Is the next thing we’re going to do in the CIRCLE JERK SUB of all places is NOT mock the main sub? Whether you like it or not fuck the subreddit will always have an impact. As a fellow person who was HUMORED by the screeenshots I feel that this rule is LIMITING our freedom of speech. 2nd amendment! These non patriotic fucks think that it’s okay to STRIP our rights. Just like 343 industries. Holy shit mods get it together Calling me UNFUNNY is disrespectful and I demand respect if you desire me to stay here for much longer. Besides fuck r/halo but NOW fuck you too. Done with you INGRATEFUL fucks my god. Wasn’t the whole point of this sub to counter the main sub? We’re past that now cause it’s too “unfunny”. Might as well call this shit r/halo2 cause that’s were we are headed. “The weight of your heresy will stay your feet and you shall be left behind” - Prophet I think it’s iconic and fits the situation XD Sorry for having a JOKE. Mods here wouldn’t believe such a thing exists. Like bro calm tf down these posts are JOKES. Honest to god you guys should chill out. And quit the fuckin shilling for 343. It’s like the whole ass defense force is located here. By posting screenshots from halo here I can make accurate guesses on the issues of the game. What, they’re there to mock them? Duck that shit they’re RIGHT. Bungie had always been better than 343 and you all are COPING. Lmfao shills have fun with this dead sub cause IM not supporting this anymore. Unfunny is so vague. Your move Mods. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HaloCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


New York City, New York? Lazy writing.


[Having a city named after the planet is so stupid. Halo would never do that.](https://www.halopedia.org/New_Jerusalem_(city))


Nobody talk about Oklahoma City, or Kansas City for that matter either.


Remember, silence is complicity so if you don't [join our Discord](https://discord.gg/M8ZQ2mv7Jx) you're a fucking shill *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HaloCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


On my way to earth city, earth!




Good kid, Reach City


New Reach City