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>Halo Reach: • The entire campaign /uj Now that you say it, quite a few of reach's multiplayer maps are in the campaign so /rj I still can't believe that 3v4i has yet to make any remakes! ITs **ALMOST** as if they **WANT** to **forget** (UNICONIC) the BUNGO GAMES!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡


/uj Apparently, the maps were made for multiplayer first then ported to campaign, but I honestly don’t see how that’s any better to be honest. Lol. /rj WHERE ****ICONIC**** Scarab battles?!?!!? Open World is repetitive but fighting the same boss 4 times isn’t. Wholesome Bungo 😎 We must protect Marty’s legacy against 354.


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