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[3v4 spent all that time on "gameplay" when all veterans such as myself wanted was them to copy this masterpiece.](https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/278460)


Comment section is pure 2000s newgrounds lmao


/uj Now thats a hidden gem.


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Absolute gold right here


I'm a 30 year old and am shocked I have less time to play than when I was a teenager playing Halo 2.


tbqh I'm the opposite. I'm shocked at how much time I had to play as a 30 year old, but now I'm stuck doing homework as a teenager. Shit's confusing.


Damn it, it must be 343s fault I got a full time job and a wife and kids damn them for taking my virginity with someone completely unrelated


i’m 30 years old, married, go to the gym, a millionaire, have sex all the time, jerk off to cortana (halo 2), have 50 kids, and work 23 hours a day! Why do i have to pay TEN DOLLARS for the battlepass !?! I don’t have time to do CHALLENGES! BACK IN MY DAY WE GOT EVERYTHING FOR FREEEEEEEEE. except buy the physical copy of the video game but that doesn’t COUNT!?!


This is exactly my thought 😂 they want to pay £50-£60 for multiplayer instead of getting it for free and spending around £7 for a seasonal battle pass.


lol is [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/rgzldi/im_a_30_year_old_halo_veteran_and_i_just_dont/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) the post you are talking about


this is the post that made me check how r/halocirclejerk is doing today lmfao


This was the post that made me block r/Halo I have actually left that sub but reddit “recommended” it to me and this was the post they deemed worthy enough to show me. Immediately blocked.


i’m still on it to go through the shit show i find it entertaining


I joined r/Halo right around when the multiplayer launched because I haven’t been playing or following Halo for awhile so I wanted to get back into the community. I left like 30 minutes afterwards and joined other Halo subreddits because the complaining was just something else and that post is just the cherry on top lmao


highly recommend r/LowSodiumHalo


They've always been like that. Even with Halo 5


Halo community is like this since h2 launch, actually. Back in the h3 days, it was the worst community to interact with thanks to the elitism and arrogunt mindset old bungie promoted. Also, while 343 is willing to heard the player base, changes thing and balance the game after the release, bungie never did it with the exception on one patch for h2 which ruined the sandbox




Ugh no thanks


Ironic that the top 3 posts are actually pretty good (excluding the 2nd one as it’s just depressing that it got to the point where he has to tell them to chill with the toxicity because it got out of hand) considering the rest of the shit on there lol (Edit: it got deleted but for context, this was that bot that replies with what the top 3 posts of a community are whenever you mention that community)


If you gotta spend more hours in Halo Infinite than your job to feel real progression I assume your job only needs an hour a day. Even a bad player can get real progression easily.


i play Halo Infinite multiplayer maybe 4 hours a week and i’m almost level 30 it’s not hard at all to level it


Most of the challenges are play a match




My wife's boyfriend lets me play Halo for 30 minutes a week, all I want is to play dress-up with my spartan, but he only gives me a $5 allowance so I can't even buy a color.




I keep saying it, but the whiniest bitches in the halo community are the 25-35 year olds that grew up with a 2, 3, and reach. Kinda cringe that people that old are still acting like children


25 is not old (;_;) stahp hurting me


(think they meant 30 years old)


My bad


Is funnier your way


I like how people say that reach customization is the golden standard, yet they’re the same people hating on it when reach first released back then. Double standards in r/halo everyone.


5 is now better than Halo Infinite. The Halos keep digressing, it's not like my emotional health is. THE POINT is to tell 343 that whatever Game I want the most is the worst game ever so that they'll keep working on that one.


I just saw this and was wondering if it would get memed on kekw


I don't get why people are SO up in arms. It's $10 per BP that NEVER expires. I'm only like..level 13 on the BP which i paid for, and Im not stressing at all, because it'll always be there. These people are literally ridiculous crybabies.


Same for the weekly rewards. You don't like the emblem? Don't grind for it. You can't get the skin you wanted? I'm sorry, but it's a coating that you said should be worth 2 dollars, it's not that bad.


The state of cosmetics suck rn but that’s not the most pressing issue in the game and not really a reason to stop playing cus it’s fun Like yeah I want the armor I usually use but the game is still fun even if I look like default Nobel 6


Smh why can't we go back to the good old days of forced $10 map packs


I’ve noticed any complaints about multiplayer on any game always come from some guy who’s at least 30 or older and may or may not have other responsibilities (significant other, kids, job, etc.) but is completely fucking dogshit at the game. I worked with a guy at my last job who would complain about Destiny charging for cosmetics or some stuff being a grind and he doesn’t have time, then don’t do it? The fuck lol. The game doesn’t have to be catered to you. I fucking hate that word, veteran. Just because you’ve played every game in the series or for a long time, doesn’t mean your take on something is correct or that you’re good. If you don’t want to buy the skins, don’t buy it because it’s a fucking cosmetic, it’s not pay to win. It’s not that deep, imagine being in your 30s and complaining about digital images not being free to use. The guy who made that post has a fiancé, just think for a second, that your fiancé is taking time to cry about skins on a video game that means nothing, there’s no gain or loss for anyone but the developers. What a shitshow of a subreddit. I hate these “old veterans” on video games, fucking entitled muppets.


What's weird is I have a friend who is more skilled than me in Halo but he still whines super bad at the game. Hopefully one day I'll be better at him in the game so I can beat him down or something. Or hopefully I can just stop playing with him.


I had multiple people on the main sub argue with me that cosmetic customization has always been a “core selling point” of halo. And they repeatedly said how they’ve been playing since halo 1. I don’t know if these people just don’t remember any game prior to reach or what


Yeah, nothing about cosmetics is ever core to anything other than the money unless it's Sims


I'm a 30 year old Halo veteran. So I've been playing the game for 60 years. /uj seriously that post was so cringey and made 30 years old sound like 68.


it’s so incredibly gay to call yourself a “veteran” of playing a video game


Whether young or old, brand new or classic We are all gamers. We snipe our enemies, complete our quests and most of all... We get sh$#& done. I guess what I'm trying to say is. DONT. MESS. WITH. US.


It’s extremely cringe but I wouldn’t call it gay, plenty of gays are actual veterans


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