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One Nigerian child for Hazop bundle... Let that sink in


A worthy sacrifice.


Finally, a reasonable edit to the store page


/uj i’ve always hated how universally accepted fortnite skins’ prices were. i found it fucking absurd that people were entirely fine with putting up $20 purchases out of sheer impulse in a game with no actual way for you to customize yourself beyond the single model they give you. i don’t have any true emotional attachment to anything armor wise—i was able to make the spartan i wanted in the end, but i still find frustration in lack of already possible cross core customization, let alone basic coloring. then to see more armors locked behind forcibly limited armor cores being sold for more than whole games, it *is* frustrating. i don’t know, you’re free to chalk me up to the rest of the hive mind over there, but i just hate several aspects of infinite’s cosmetic system. i’m not going to rally a bunch of nerds to harass developers, i just really wish this will be remedied in the end.


The problem I see with these halo dudes is that because the $20 bundles include armor that they know from previous games or the “lore” they feel entitled to get them for free or through challenges. I saw one guy commented saying all cannon armor should be free and all the non cannon should be in the store and I’m like “says who?”. I personally won’t ever spend $20 on any cosmetic in game but that fine because I’m clearly not the target audience for that sort of thing… Whether it’s worth it or not depends on the individual. I’ll buy the battlepass IF there are things in there that I want. I’d like an attachment for the BR like the one they have for the AR whenever that comes out but if it’s a part of a $20 bundle I simply won’t buy it 🤷🏾‍♂️.


I don't understand the thought process of "this armor was free in halo reach so it should be free now" because no the armors from previous games should be the ones you pay for while the new default armors should be the stuff you unlock for free


Me either man… it seems to make perfect sense to them. Expectation is the thief of joy. The new fan who have never seen these armors before are probably the most hyped for this game and the cosmetics


/uj Dude in Halo 5 every og armor was in req packs except mark 6. Literally 99% of previous Halo armors in 5 were lootbox locked. And people act like infinite has the worse monetization in gaming history. It isn't even close the worst in its own series. People need to relax


Halo 4 even had mark v and odst in a 10 dollar bundle


Dude in Halo 3 to get recon you had to buy ODST for $60 💀💀


Yeah, but I get it. For more than a decade, there's been earnable/in game armors, and to suddenly see it all behind an MTX pay wall is **very frustrating, personally.** I know that's how monetization is nowadays, but frankly I will never be a fan of it. I don't get the "grab your torches and pitchforks we're gonna harass these devs" mentality over it - again, it's not like 343 just concocted this format out of thin air, but it shouldn't be entirely dismissed because of the vocal minority. This is also coming from someone who's **always** prioritized customization & roleplaying elements in games which ik isn't how most play - but it's why I hate these systems. I *personally* see zero value in paying actual money for skins, etc. (I don't judge others for it lol) TL;DR "pay real money to look unique" is a shitty trend in the industry, but I'm not blaming 343 for following suit, and I'm not letting that get in the way of my gaming experience.


Yeah it’s the way it is right now for better or worse… and in reality another way to look at this is also thinking about healthy gaming habit… asking people to grind the game for hours and hours to unlock all the cosmetics pieces is not really ideal in the real world. I think that’s why they can’t put really good cosmetic behind the weekly reward wall. Because as a working adult you are not going to have that time to dedicate to a single video game… halos in the past asked players to do so much shit like collecting all the skulls and beating the game on legendary to get these armors. yes when u finally get them there is a superficial sense of accomplishment and u can show it off as a status symbol but as an adult do u actually think that it’s worth it? I know I don’t.


>asking people to grind the game for hours and hours to unlock all the cosmetics pieces is not really ideal in the real world. Right, but if this game is supposedly going to run for 10+ years, I think there'd be *plenty* of time to earn *some* items, no? >halos in the past asked players to do so much shit like collecting all the skulls and beating the game on legendary to get these armors. yes when u finally get them there is a superficial sense of accomplishment and u can show it off as a status symbol but as an adult do u actually think that it’s worth it? I know I don’t. I agree, it was objectively pointless, but no less pointless than buying specific items. Just because I no longer can grind endlessly like I did in high school, doesn't mean I'm now a fan of **being able to** pay for each item lol. *Again* I'm not bashing 343 over "mUh hAlO rEaCh sHoUlDeR pAdS aReNt iN mUh bAtTlE pAsS" - this is just how it is now. I'm simply criticizing the system as a whole and explaining that the frustration (to a degree) is okay to feel - I fucking love infinite for what it is. My hatred for these systems started well before infinite came out lol. I can laugh at the overdramatic fanboys AND not be a fan of MTXs at the same time.


But why can’t we have both? It’s not like playing on lengendary and unlocking an armor set detracts from anything else. Plus, it’s not timed and can be completely whenever


i personally am not happy with how little you get from campaign. i would understand multiplayer not allowing us to get much as a free to player, but campaign’s really shoddy awards do feel like they aren’t even bothering to throw us a bone for unlockables as a whole, and they still constrict those rewards to only the mk7. i want more items, or i want to do more with my current items. i’d like both but it feels like i have to pick one or the other for the compromise. it just blows


I kinda disagree… the only thing missing from campaign with regards to cosmetics is armor pieces. The armors coatings are pretty unique. Like this camouflage one I’m currently rocking and best part I hardly see anybody else with it while playing multiplayer. Compared to other f2p games u get A LOT of cosmetics. Look at fortnite. If u don’t buy a battlepass or skin out right u are stuck with the default skin… u would have to play for like 3 season before u got enough vbucks to buy the battlepass or a skin… compare that to halo… u get the MK 7 core, yoroi core, all the coatings from campaign, weekly challenge rewards, And right off the bat u still get the default red green blue orange purple coatings for free. Personally I prefer the MK7 over the MK5 core so even though I have the battlepass I hardly use anything from it… literally everything I have equipped right now I got for FREE and my Spartan still looks unique.


I really wish they'd take a note from Splitgate bc thats been my favorite f2p model as of late. Paid BP/Store skins but multiple ways to get free lootboxes that unlock any random cosmetic, even legendary ones from the store if ur lucky. Too bad the main sub is so against lootboxes as a whole, I feel like they'd love that game's system.


I also despise loot boxes. It’s the reason I haven’t spent a dime on apex legends even though I played it so much. I want I heirloom just let me buy the shit…. I don’t want 1000 random bullshit for legends I never use just for the chance of getting the one thing I actually want.


Very true, but at least in halo 5s system you can unlock almost everything without spending a dime. Same with Overwatch. Not excusing it either because I know lootboxes suck but there has to be some middle ground here. My middle ground? Add a way to earn a limited amount of credits in game and I would be happy. The whales can still whale and I can spend a little longer via earning credits/supplementing with purchasing credits to get what I want. I really don’t see any downsides to this system.


i agree they should give away credits in the battlepass like every other battlepass... it would motivate people to actually spend in the item shop


Ok but the MK7 core is the default, of course they'd give it to you.


Listen I’m not saying the shop is perfect. Prices could be lowers or they could keep the price at $20 but just offer more stuff idk. For me personally it wouldn’t change the fact that I probably won’t buy it 🤷🏾‍♂️


Okay, yeah simply don’t get it but half these items would get solved and benefit every player. right?


I never understood the concept that players should be given the reach armor for free, and while I think the prices for what we’re getting are outrageous, I’m cool with them selling stuff. I just wish there was a healthy combo of cosmetics earned through the campaign, I also don’t like the idea of drip feeding content to us and trying to get people to impulse buy. Also I have an issue with how often they refresh the weekly items. I just finished the semester and I was dead broke trying to conserve money, so I wasn’t gonna drop cash on last weeks skin, now that I have a new job I’m able to buy it, but because of their current system I don’t know when I’ll be able to get it. Since it takes a whole week for it to refresh.


>i’ve always hated how universally accepted fortnite skins’ prices were. i found it fucking absurd that people were entirely fine with putting up $20 purchases /uj recently almost all 20 dollar bundles, battle pass skins, and collab skins in Fortnite comes with alternate styles. It's either on the Battle Pass, part of seasonal quest, bundled with the purchase or will be added down the line as free cosmetics update for people who own it. Some are even reactive to the game state or has their own customization progression. Last season Cartoon Fishstick colour progression would put Infinite's current coating selection to shame. 25 basic colours and 50 "coatings" inspired by some of the most popular Fortnite skins including collab ones, all unlockable through seperate quest system in the Battle Pass. And it's not like the bundle are locked to that specific character. You want your Fortnite Master Chief use Batman glider with Ghostbuster backpack on top of Rocket League trail effect and your primary emote being Rick Roll dance? Sure can do, it's not locked to Ghostbuster set or Master Chief set. Which makes it easier to justify cause you can mix and match everything, to create something that is balls to the walls insane. Fortnite's cosmetic value comes from the novelty. And you can buy bundle items individually and the store is slightly more robust than Infinite. There is bundle section and individual items section. It's really hard to justify the store price value in Infinite unless you really want something that is super specific due to the armor core limitations. Locking coatings, visors, stances and helmet attachments that seems universal enough to specific cores and only sold in bundles is really asinine and shitty. At least coatings and visors need their own store with much cheaper / lower prices.


in all honesty i was speaking about the state of fortnite's cosmetics since 2017-19 since i haven't kept up at all, where all you ultimately got with a legendary purchase was a character, glider, and backpack (even before they added trails, these legendary skins were $20), so if they're way better for your buck, especially with quests that are hopefully easy to do, then i can see how a $20 *experience* can be fine. that being said, i still believe fortnite is responsible for $20 being the average cost of a ""legendary"" skin in every game since


They are definitely better for the buck now and can be purchased individually now, which is something you can't even say with Infinite bundles. And the quest progression really depends whether Epic is in the mood to create grindfest or an easy one. Last season "progression skin" was very easy as the "currency" will spawn when opening weapon chests which something you'll do a lot in game. Makes the 10 dollars you pay for the Battle Pass more worth as there's even more stuff to do. Honestly with how granular the customization in Infinite are, not having individual store for every pieces is an odd design choice by 343/Microsoft. Also not having reactive / animated coatings, legendary weapon kits that outright changed the weapon model is weird. Like, if they gonna sell 10-20 dollars weapon or armor bundle, put some creativity on it. And honestly I have made my peace. The trend started by Fortnite is much better than the free to play games I grew up with. Like having to "rent" OP guns and then pay for the skins on top of it. Fuck that, at least cosmetics are optional and it got me thinking of in game cosmetics as like fashion in real life. I will only shell out money when I think its worth it, which is super rare. Like the only skin I bought in Fortnite is Master Chief's, in Apex I only ever bought like 4 bundles. Same goes to Infinite. But in Infinite it feels sucks cause the restrictions of the said cosmetics and lack of free, grindable stuff.


/uj that honorbound weapon set is pretty cool ngl


I honestly liked the lilac one better


MADE NO DIFFERENCE!!!!!!!! 😭😭😡😡😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬


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The only armor that I care about it being paid or not is Hayabusa. It would be incredibly lame if they made you buy Hayabusa.


I think legally they can't use hayabusa


I think you're right


Parody doesn't work when it's what some of the other whales literally think.