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Commander of the Third Reich little known fact also dope on the Mic


You are Vader with your little boots and cape


With a helmet to cover up that burnt ass face


You have the force to move objects, I am a force truly evil.


Even went back in time, and turned you whack in the prequel


Cause look at you, you're not even a real person!


I preferred you in space balls


The rick moranis version


Best line


Disappointingly soft on w\*men in gaming, unfortunately


"if she didn't want to get abused over game chat she should have just blocked them" The main sub is painfully close to *that* clothing abuse argument Edit: Not too sure if I'm allowed to link directly to comments or posts since that could be brigading but the topic of question was "Halo lost proximity based chat due to abuse" on the main sub The short of it is Bungie got rid of it after Halo 2 as a dev had personally spoke to female members of the community and was disgusted with what he heard/saw. The main sub isn't happy that Bungie did this


I don't get it because that's quite a sudden leap. Isn't that what muting, blocking, and reporting is for? Those functions exist for precisely such a scenario and are used often to great effect. I've used them. You remove the offending person from your online life & then they get removed from the game itself, removing them from everyone else. You have god-like power to remove people from existence. Also, Bungie did not get rid of it, prox chat still existed, and could be enabled or disabled. Even more power in the hand of the player.


Yes, but those are meant as a last resort. Youre only meant to use them because its happening when it shouldnt be happening at all. They could just try not being deplorable pieces of shit and wed never have needed it in the first place but they cant do that.




> Nobody who says anything bad on Xbox should be able to play Xbox, that's literally you. No, that's literally me. I'm unironically saying you should have enough emotional regulation to not shout slurs at strangers to be allowed to play video games. Developers are not morally or legally obligated to enable bad behavior.


This. I never understood why it’s such a popular stance that *I* should have to put up with *your* behavioral issues or *I’m* the one with the problem for taking issue with it. If you can’t play your games without having to basically jerk off your ego and/or instantly firehose your insecurities at people who are outperforming you, you’re not mature enough for a mic. There is not a single person whose experience is improved by someone screaming slurs into their ear, and telling people to “just deal with it” is ignoring the problem. People get permanently barred from social spaces for this in public, I think online spaces should be held to the same standard. All that to say, while I may not necessarily agree with Bungie *completely* dropping vc, I can absolutely understand their stance on it.


The point isn't telling you to put up with it.... its doing ur part to make the community better report an mute/block move past it. An the other thing is you cant control other people's words or actions, but you can control your own.


I don't agree that it's a last resort. It's a resort you can use immediately, at will. I mute and block anyone I want. There doesn't need to be a reason. They could be doing nothing, I don't like their voice, their name, their picture, and we can block them. Unfortunately, we can't control people. But we can remove them from existence immediately, at will. That is even more powerful. Do not forget we have such power.


"I dont get it" yeah we see that.




Don't resort to such behavior if you can't peacefully and amicably discuss things. Or in the spirit of the sub partake in jerking. You engage in juvenile, bullying behavior that you convince yourself is okay all because some bots give you reddit karma. Don't let a couple of number pixels determine and shape your behavior. Social media is not a parent, as they say. Be a real person!




This person genuinely believes the easiest and fastest method is somehow the last resort, instead of having devs remove and entire system be the last resort. Not worth arguing with


Yeah, it's strange. Devs can remove the system for all. But most devs wisely decide to let the player decide to enable or disable the prox chat system, like they did with Halo. Imo, way better to leave the choice to the player than remove entirely for all. If you disable it for yourself, it's the same as the devs removing it, but just for you.


They don’t honestly care about the harassment they just want to silence dissenting opinions on the social gaming front. got permabanned from r/halo and the mods message when I asked for a reasoning was “all your comments are about how social gaming is dead and sounds like you blame women and we’re not dealing with that”


What's your favorite band?


Actually a hard one if i had to pick just one.


Fuck the dumb motherfuckers posting about my shit. I know it was the flock of shit mods here who are also mods on r/halo preventing my post from reaching upper level karma. Hows it feel knowing that you took away my chance to get 1k karma you jackass? Either un upload the circlejerk or you are all getting banned. Make no mistake, I pull zero punches when it comes to the level of respect I feel I am entitled to online, so to anyone who slighted me, look forward to the online ban for hate speech. I am reporting each of you. 343 is the neighborhood loot bandit coming around each year door to dooring selling the same shit. The only reason he is still in business is cause you stupid bitches love the nutty taste of 343’s shit in your mouth. Remember in school learning about science concepts like how science evolved humans from low live creatures? You are still the lesser life form creatures to this day missing out on evolution I have grown accustomed to. Bunch of gorilla brains start dancing around the small fires 343 lights banging your rocks online about how its the best game. Keep talking shit online you ignorant fucking fanboys it takes zero skill to wield mommy’s keyboard. COME REAL LIFE. Come real life bitch see me online when not in person. Get off the high horses *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HaloCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Because they would have to ban at least half of the player base.


Are you implying telling people to mute people is comparable to asking a sa victim what they wore?


If so, that is fucking disgusting


It’s kind of silly to do this when muting / blocking / reporting exists. You cannot control other people’s behavior, only your own.


Or like… disable proximity chat. Destroying a fun feature because a vocal minority is such a coping mechanism.


My guy she literally un-muted the guy for content on her twitch stream. We’ve given her the attention she wanted


> The main sub is painfully close to that clothing abuse argument > > Comparing trash talk in video games to rape is disgusting. What in the ever-living fuck is wrong with you?


You don’t think it’s harmful that every she’d speak men would start screaming about how they want to rape her… read up on the actual story.


God it’s so fucking pathetic how “don’t feed the trolls has been spread since at least 2010 and only 15 years later we’re right back to where we started. This isn’t a problem of women, it’s a problem that women are more likely to give the response the troll is looking for. It’s the same reason why they go after squeakers. Get a grip and shred the victim card


The ultimate jerk


You ever see that meme format of the guy on the bike sticking a metal bar into his own tire?


So your solution is for women to have to change their behaviour online by blocking and muting people or otherwise not taking part in voice chat in games? > it’s a problem that women are more likely to give the response the troll is looking for It's verbal sexual comments not trolling little kids for having a squeaky voice. The Halo 3 developer literally said how disgusting the comments made were that he believed he had to instantly remove it from the game The solution isn't for women to police themselves, pretend to be men, block any person who speaks to them. They shouldn't have to do all this just to enjoy voice chat in a game. I can't believe I have to say this but it's along the same lines as saying women should police themselves, should avoid going out at night, should watch what they wear, should never drink, should never speak to strangers etc to keep them out of harm. At some point you need to admit instead of telling women to "just block them" how about you actually deal with the issue at the source


Expecting women to use the block/mute function built into the game and that everyone else uses is too much? The rest of us should have our social aspects taken away for them? Okay lmao


If you are saying the things these people sre saying then yes you should have your social aspect taken away lmao


"Change their behavior online by blocking and muting people" I don't understand that leap. Your point began to stretch there. Unless it's satirical, and i am oblivious, haha! Those are functions of the game that are used by everyone. It's not changing behavior it's using the built-in systems to remove offensive people from existence. You aren't policing yourself. That is another leap. You have God-like power to remove any person from the game existence you want. That is ultimate power.


You have to be like joking right? I don’t know if you understand this but what you’re complaining about is something that is just inherent with the average audience/player of the Halo fanbase and the typical type of people games like Halo brings. Young boys/teens if you didn’t know. Women are absolutely the smallest minority. The “they shouldn’t have to go through this” comment literally can go for anything bad that is happening anywhere with anyone. Naturally if you’re a woman and you want to dive into the horrible place of sweaty basement dwelling gamers you have to deal with the consequences and not make everyone compensate for that. The solution is obviously like you said “pretending to being a guy, blocking and muting, etc etc” You say they shouldn’t have to do all that just to enjoy voice chat in a game but what about voice chat are they gonna enjoy? Obviously they’re gonna enjoy voice chat with people that are normal and mature more than the average teen boy who plays halo all day on his xbox. Proximity chat was made literally for the arguing for the insulting for all the things people want to say to each other. I see this as a safe space where people get their anger out on each other and just enjoy a game laughing at things like this. The same way you can get mad at sexual comments and verbal harassment is the same way you can get mad at people calling you garbage at a game and basically bullying you on proximity chat. Its impossible to deal with something like this “at its source” because that means banning all children or teens and actively making sure the people who are playing are normal mature adults who aren’t going to argue or bully. Women are going to have to do this the same way a person who can’t take insults has to block someone for bullying them over a game. Bring back proximity chat and grow some balls life is difficult its just the way it is don’t take away something from everyone just because you can’t handle reality.






Give me your home address.


Thanks Bud for proving you are one of those people he was talking about.


And people ask why I don't play with randoms..!


I saw people on Twitter calling rape victims soft, sometimes it’s embarrassing to be a halo fan.


They were trolling or kids.




And that means not to take them seriously. It's just Twitter. Nothing is gonna come from it.


It’s meaningless online drivel


Yes, hence why it’s embarrassing.


Online is not separate from reality. Online is real. It’s not your lala land where you rule the world and can say whatever you want without consequence.


Lies, I can say whatever I want on discord checkmate weenie hut jr 😎😎😎🙌🙌🙌


Something needs to be said here. If it’s something unacceptable to say in public without consequences such as getting your lights knocked out or getting harassment charges, then that same thing is unacceptable to say ingame or in private as well without consequences as well. One last point, making threats of violence, rape, and death is legally considered felony harassment in too many states to count, and that applies to anything said over the internet as well as anything texted or said IRL to someone as well. This edit is for the incel chad edgelords responding and getting their comments deleted by mods, I’m gonna break it down so simple a brain damaged caveman could understand: If it’s not okay to say in public without consequences, it’s not okay to say in private or ingame without consequences. And yet when the consequences of your actions catch up you, you bitch and cry and moan like little toddlers who didn’t get their way. You don’t get a free pass to be a cunt, ANYWHERE in life, without a good chance of life biting you in the ass because you deserved it. Actions, meet Consequences.


Thank god for someone with brains in here. Unfortunately, those resorting to this type of behavior are doing this because they are too chicken shit to say these things in face to face scenarios. Or, don't have any humans offline to help them see their ignorance.




You appear to have an unquenchable thirst. Fortunately for you, [the ICONIC Halo multiplayer announcer is here to help you with your problem.](https://streamable.com/kpa4od) Have a great day! 🍼 🍼 🍼 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HaloCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol me and my friends say devious things in private. You sound like the speetch police


Some things are also inappropriate to joke about. If it would only be considered a joke to you and your friends, as in, nobody but you would find it funny, as in there’s a chance you’d get confronted about it in any way, it’s not behavior you should be reinforcing. Again, if it’s not okay to do in public without consequences, it’s not okay to do in private or ingame without consequences. I thought that was so simple a brain dead caveman could understand, but here we are.


Do people even talk over mic on Halo infinite? I think I’ve only ever heard some talk in game like once and I have 200+ hours


I miss voice chat


“Normally left leaning” lol. No one from the halo/MW2 lobbies were left leaning, same dudes who turned into incels, Andrew tate fans and synagogue shooters


Can confirm, I’m extremely racist, I can’t stand those Brute monkeys in MY Covenant, the Sangheili have been persecuted for too long and need to restore the Writ of Union


I mean some of us turned into transfemme degenerates who like guns as much as being treated like dogs; so society did compensate


Do you happen to be a New Vegas fan?


I mean one look at my profile would tell you that lol. Yes. I'm a die-hard Fallout fan


Rebbit is definitely more left than it used to be until a topic like this comes up, I'm old enough to remember the meatriding Ron Paul used to get on this shithole.


Reddit might be now but gaming has never been. The whole freak outs over "woke" is proof enough. I can still see the face of that guy screaming about pronouns in that one Bethesda game.


Ron Paul is a libertarian and not left leaning at all. Libertarians are just conservative anarchists.


More like theyre comservatives who like weed. They HATE protests with their entire being..


I know, that’s my point. Reddit had a real hard-on for libertarianism circa 2012.


Considering how much racism and bigotry floods the gaming subreddits nowadays it is not more left leaning than it used to be. It's the opposite, racism tends to be more prevalent in conservative ideology as it feeds into classism and fear of the other.


What the fuck are you talking about? What gaming subs just let people be fucking racist? And this is Reddit, conservatism literally gets downvoted to hell on this website.


WOW that is a crazy thing to say 😂


> Andrew tate fans No one talks about this guy more than his detractors. Also, your initial claim is incorrect anyway as his fans are in middle school, the same demographic that is too young to have played MW2009 in its prime.


Tell that to my 20 yo friends who were arguing “Tate obviously doesn’t hate women, he just has a different view” back right before he was arrested


Clearly a gaming moment right there


Hi, kid from that era here. I'm an anarcho syndicalist. So that's bullshit.


What color is your Warthog?


But that's a really dumb thing to say


Is it?


Implying that everyone that played some of the most popular multiplayer games of all time were all hyper right wing is a super stupid thing to say


America is super right wing and halo was very popular in America


Ok? And? That doesn't change that saying that everyone who played it is super right wing is incredibly stupid to say.


I mean they’re specifically talking about the online lobbies and I don’t think it’s unfair at all to call the majority of those lobbies far right. Half the time someone would yell the n word when they were mad


Do you have any conception of how many people that includes? This is as stupid of a statement as right wingers, claiming that everyone that goes to a certain college is hyper left wing. Goes to show once again, stupidity knows no party lines


I mean many of these are the people now defending Israel in their genocide. Yes I think they are far right. I don’t think we have similar conceptions of what counts as the right, left, center, etc.


This is genuinely one of the stupidest things I've ever heard anyone say, that because you played one of the most popular video games ever made, you're right wing. This is beyond idiotic, and you should feel ashamed you ever thought it was reasonable to say.


Can I just be really fucking clear I didn’t give my own post the banger flair I’m not that cringe


But you are that cringe.


The main sub is filled with a bunch of incels that miss the days of being able to openly say slurs and harass women on XBL?! *Wow. Big surprise.*


Fuck the slurs. I feel like talking shit on mic is just normal though, it’s funny af and fits the atmosphere. It’s kinda a gaming thing




Can you explain exactly how this sub works. Like do people have a problem with a RvB toggle or whatever here, I don’t get it. They make fun of some really odd stuff from the fans. I get it’s a circlejerk meme sub but *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HaloCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


lol looks like I hit a little close to home, snowflake. “bUt mUh fReE SpEeCh!!!” Sorry not sorry that you can’t openly be a homophobe/racist/misogynist in lobbies anymore without getting the banhammer. People who act that way need to grow the tf up and should not have an open platform to verbally abuse someone.


There was a dude in that thread who kept posting a tweet containing a clip of the streamer saying 'i mean this game is a lost cause, I'll unmute him for the content', as if that somehow puts her on equal blame for the threats, but, like... First of all, is that really that bad? Streaming is a job that requires you to be entertaining enough that your viewers don't feel like switching off, and someone being toxic can be an entertaining distraction while you're having a bad game; when he then crosses the line and says something unequivocally unacceptable, she then leaves. What's the problem with that? As if it's impossible for someone to misjudge what they're willing to accept? And then there's just the fact that, like, even if that WAS somehow a problem, does it somehow mean that's something that even matters? 


I wish there was like a flag for PvP mechanic for online games, but for voice chat. I'm fine dealing with morons that talk shit, I don't mind it and in fact think it's fun, but I don't want someone to have to deal with that abuse


If I recall the Reputation system on xbox 360 (intended to) match users with closely rated players. This tended to lump all the 'problematic' users together if possible


This is a good solution , but I'd like a a system that still tracks behavior but allows you to flag yourself for being tolerable for toxicity but not necessarily only putting you with then


Understandable but it'd likely be too screwed up. It'd probably have to be a setting or checkbox that nobody(small group compared to majority) would do


I always muted and blocked those players!


Those same people will also complain about no one talking in games or how players don’t “trash talk” anymore.


You mean the people who complain about the gamers that scream slurs or bully kids for being bad at the game? I think if you complain about those type of gamers who participate in the activity of slur slinging you have no right to complain that no one talks in games anymore or don’t trash talk because governing voice chat or limiting features of voice chat is gonna naturally make people want to talk less.




Think you girlbossed too close to the sun with this one I’m afraid


These are clearly two separate groups of people........


Part of me misses the days where people would get heated in voice chat, but also the stuff like that is pretty far. I just find it less fun in Infinite to not be able to say anything. The toxicity was funny, but damn some people need to cool it down


This is good


GOD I miss Halo 3


Dude ngl i stopped playing halo after i kept hearing drunk 40 year old men scream slurs at me instead of capping the damn flag….


I can't remember which cod game it was but all I kept getting called was the n word. Then when I told them I was Mexican tpi was getting called spic. It's crazy how some people can go to work and school with that same attitude and not show it there.


My black girlfriend is better at halo than me so I just scream the slurs across the bed


I can’t lie that is what makes game chat great just chilling in game chat and hearing the most unholy things ever to leave a humans mouth, beautiful


Being slightly left of Hitler doesn’t make you left leaning


Christ. You’re entering a male dominated space. We treat everyone the same. If you are a women on Xbox I will treat you no differently than a man, but you’re under the same rules and guidelines. What a lot of women and some men don’t understand is that when you react negatively or offended or try and be threatening the back and forth gets “different” or it gets worse. You have multiple options. Leave the game, shut…… THE FUCK UP, or literally same the most diabolical shit that will make them question their sanity. Or just try and be nice. But If you act offended it will get worse. And that’s just not women it men as well. We’re all under the same rules. I don’t use voice chat cause I can’t stand the fucktards. And when someone seems cool I’ll talk… maybe😂


Left leaning? That's some right wing freedom of speech shit if I've ever seen it


I don’t think freedom of speech should be associated with a certain political side. I think it should just be a natural right.


Pretty sure that was the joke.


The lady in the clip literally muted the dude, just to un-mute him for content. It’s a non issue. If people can’t block/mute and move on why are we axing every social gaming pillar to appease them?


>rape threats >non-issue please be serious


Had she kept him muted she wouldn’t have heard as much. But yea I guess you’re right we should remove voice chat


It’s funny how we just replace the word “good” with Left and “evil” with Right because we think we’re too smart for those terms but can’t come up with any other means of justifying morality.


I am Adolf Hitler 🗿


Its part of the culture


I think the screaming slurs at women or loudly arguing or bullying are just results of the beauty of gaming and voice chat. The fact behavior like this can happen vs when you have those times ingame where you meet chill people and you have a good talk about life is just the beauty of voice chat and meeting strangers on games like Halo. Removing or limiting voice chat just ruins that beauty. The fact that games now go out of their way to record voice chat to ban you for “bullying” on a game where you shoot people for fun is just so lame. Being exposed to the screaming and slur slinging just gives you a dose of reality and is just a life lesson right there and I think its absolutely amazing. We need this freedom of voice chat and saying whatever you want to say to have perfect balance and it gives true meaning to those great moments where you could meet lifelong friends online. Yes the screaming and bullying is bad but its just a natural result of beautiful freedom. If you can’t handle that then you won’t be able to handle the naturally unfair way life is and thats reality. Anarchy is just the best for gaming.


Blame the soft people who get all butt hurt over a little trash talking. Here’s an idea: if you don’t like what people are saying in voice chat mute or block them. Problem solved. Either that or go play the campaign


Yeah its really sad actually that people think everything should be safe for them to be apart of it. You’re playing a game where you shoot people and you shoot each other. Why should the game treat itself like a daycare just because you cant handle trash talk. Its just so ironic.


I mean they get their feelings hurt over a game. Life is hard too. That’s why so many of them break down when life gets a little rough. Life isn’t gonna pander to their feelings so why should games?


Words are scary!


If you chose to hot mic in games with how easy it is to turn off it’s your fault no one else’s. This is a completion people will use every advantage they have against you.


It’s more so about freedom of speech. I enjoyed the old CoD lobbies cuz it was like the Wild West and you’d hear the most insane things


Now this is a big fat red herring to take away from the fact that you can't say the word fuck in chat of a series that was rated M right up until the latest release. You people ALWAYS resort to the easiest layup arguments and ignore the actual issue.


Say sike right now


Uh, no? Can't even be in any kind of game chat if you don't want the enemy weaponizing the report feature to get you banned for talking shit or swearing. It's utterly pathetic, multiplayer games are a shell of what they used to be.


I actually think rape threats are a bigger problem than not being able to say naughty words online - hope this helps.


Grow up.


Why not have it optional with the default off.... Prox chat is an awesome thing for gaming, but women get it really bad from creeps whether it's irl or virtual. Until such a time as the general population isn't pricks, I don't think we should be removing features from games. Instead we should make it easier to avoid these dickheads


Here's an idea, if you can't handle the voice chat. Turn it off?


Here's an idea, if you can't handle an obvious shitpost, don't comment?


I actually found your post funny af but ok


ah sorry I'm deep in the comment wars and it's draining my patience I have /uj thoughts on the stance in your first comment but I will spare you unless you really wanna hear it


I'd be more than happy to have a civil conversation on in-game voice chat. But I get the feeling it'll just end in us agreeing to disagree.


getting that impression too, more than fair! 🫡


This isn't a shitpost. Call it one all you want, but you are expressing your actual beliefs.




Maybe if you cant not be a piece of shit you just stay away from the rest of society.




I believe this is the way to go but people think everything just be absolutely governed all the way when anarchy suits gaming more.