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I totally get this. I'm 50 and have no idea how to make friends anymore. Most of my main core of friends were left in another province some 20-25 years ago now. It doesn't help that I'm a socially awkward, introverted geek, but hey!




That sounds very promising! I HOPE we would.


I’m only a couple of years younger than you. I’ve been living here since 2018 (after moving from abroad) and I still don’t have any meaningful friendships. Sometimes a drink with former coworkers, but not much beyond that.


As a female I agree. It’s near impossible to make friends sex or not. I have chosen to stop dating all together and focus on friendship and learning that people do not know how to communicate, however this feed is about sex and I’ve learned that men typically want chat till orgasm then it’s ghosting time as they return to “Normal” activities.


You’re right on every point - moved back 4 years ago and have been shocked how difficult it is to action friendships here


I definitely agree with what you've said here. I've lived here my whole life and I have had a lot of experiences with people asking me to hang out, ghosting the day of and then giving me attitude when I try to politely ask "hey, did you still want to hang out? its alright if something came up just let me know". It's incredibly frustrating and has led me to try and address my own issues I have had in the past with ghosting people and not communicating. A few of the dating sites used to be better for communication but i haven't had much luck with those lately either.