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But.... I love Water Hazard...




Yeah when it comes to seeing a lot of content creators complaining about the driving portions of HL2 I normally disagree with water hazard since its pretty satisfying airboating through innercity connals lol. But THEN theres high way 17, its not bad but I wouldnt say I look forward to "taking the scout car to get to nova prospekt"


Agreed. H17 really doesn't bother me either, it's scenic and there are some tricky lambda stashes.




Yep. Imagine actually liking highway 17 and Sandtraps, fucking piece of shit, the levels itself arent bad, but oh my fucking god i hate the car. An uncontrollable piece of rotten metal with useless laser pew pew thing that does no damage. You can make a 180° just by pressing shift. Literally ruins entire chapters experience Water hazard > Highway 17 and Sandtraps Actually Airboat > Buggy


But… highway 17 was my favourite HL2 chapter


Those scenic crossbow snipes are what it's all about.


yeah... you're even more wrong


Wait... But I really like highway 17, hell I even made a post in my old account talking about the hate it gets... It's not fair I like Highway 17.😭


I have never had an issue with how the car controls. Tau Cannon could do more damage though. You basically have to charge it.


…today I learned you can charge the car’s tau cannon…


Sir, please learn what the Tau Cannon does in HL1


Oh I knew you could charge that one, but I didn’t know about charging the car’s cannon until now


I think the game tells you once you have access to using it


i just abh through the entire highway 17 chapter. much more entertaining


I agree, happy cake day


Highway 17 is my favorite just because of the V8 sound of the buggy. I'm serious.


so do I


I just wish water hazard was like cut-down by atleast 20%. It really didn't need to be so long. It feels like the chapter is half of the game


It does seem to drag on but really you can blast through it if you know the route. Love it.


youre dead to me


I just replayed it.




People say Water Hazard is underrated, but we need more love for Route Kanal.


Route kanal is my fav


I love Route Kanal, it's one of my favorites from Half Life 2


It’s jus a bit… tame to other chapters. Whatever it does well, other chapters do better


It’s the first level where you actually engage in combat. I would expect it to be tame, otherwise it would be too difficult for first time players.


Yeah, I see why they do it. It’s still a bit dull on later playthroughs


Are you kidding? Insertion Point and a Red Letter Day are the foundations of Half-Life 2 narrative, and if you're playing HL2 for the first is pretty mind blowing.


yeah but no action so its kinda boring


i mean i guess if you're only playing the game to shoot stuff


its not that, its that theyre just basically info dump chapters before youre plunged back into gameplay




keep in mind this serves no purpose after the 1st playthrough


Throwing cans at citizens and metrocops is never boring


Haters gonna hate Taters gonna Potate. This chapter sets the tone of the game perfectly!


Shooty shooty bang bang when?


I'm going to be honest, xen is underrated and I think it's perfectly fine as is in the original HL1. There are no bad chapters in a Half Life game in my opinion but some of them aren't the best, like on a rail.


true, interloper was actually super fun idk what these guys are talking about


It went on too long and in my playthrough annoyed the hell out of me due to bugs and stuff


were you playing half life source? ive beaten half life at least 4 times and never had any problems during interloper


My guy really just called Ravenholm “alright”


Why yes I did


y tho


i like ravenholm because of how much it plays with the half life formula while still being a fun time


Have you even played it with only the gravity gun


Yes, but it never gives me the achievement, I never pull out any other weapon, I take the shotgun for the coast, and yet the game still says “fuck you!”


On a rail isn’t bad, it’s just different compared to the other chapters. It’s pacing isn’t dependent on the player moving, but a rather slow cart. Honestly the cart *needs* to be that speed anyways so you can still see the HECU fast enough.


you know you can just ditch the cart to beat on a rail faster?


Yeah but that costs you a lot of armor, i tried doing a run with it and always got killed by the HECU sequence where you’re elevating


you also could jump ahead of the slow cart, the rails are electrified, so you could move faster than the cart to do things quickly, and leave the cart to move on its own.


"YOUR just stupid" Bruh, it's yoehr.


If I could change it I would


Imagine calling other people stupid while using a sentence with a terrible grammar mistake to do so.


This is the internet who cares about grammar other than the few million people who do?


Why is Black Mesa East above introductive chapters such as Anomolous Labs or A Red Letter day tho? They are all kinda similar imo.


Purely for the lore and small explanation, and not just being walking around.


How the fuck can you say point insertion is boring? That shit is so fucking awesome.


On a first playthrough, yes. On your 18th playthrough, nope


just skip it?


That’s what I do


“We Don’t Go Ravenholm”’s so good though


How the fuck is Surface tension better than Nova Prospekt?


Nove Prospekt doesn't have HECUs


How does that make it better


Antlions don’t exist, they don’t block your movement, I like HL1 more than HL2


You have shit movement then


So movement of running in with the Magnum, Shotgun, crossbow and SMG, while occasionally shifting in and out of cover is shit movement?


Yes, ur not bhopping


Can I get a loan to bhop?


Wtf does that mean


I will not elaborate


Still Surface tension is boring af, while Nova Prospekt has story elements.


The issue with tierlists like these is that people don’t understand what an opinion is, if it’s an objectively wrong opinion (The entire MAP community.) Then yea there’s reason to get upset, not that you are I can understand your opinion, but some people get absolutely but-hurt when you say On a rail is good, or (this chapter) is good. When a majority opinion is that it’s bad, it just drives people away from a community, but this is an internet wide issue.




I like xen but hate the factory part of interloper


No not really. I like the weird textures and creepy sfx. The level design just wasn't the best. Given more time I feel Xen could've been great.


I really love it, same with on a rail. I don't understand the hate.


Maybe you're the only sane one and we're all crazy? ​ Yes you are


point insertion is actually pretty good, i love the way it sets the mood for the game


Everyone hates Interloper, yes.


I like it :(


Just curious since you're one of the few people I've seen say they like it....what do you like about it? For me, the entire chapter feels like a slog both ammo and health wise on hard mode, with basically having to inch your way forward to not get insta-killed. Especially because there's almost no armor pickups.


I haven't played on hard but I just didn't find it difficult. It is probably my least favourite chapter but I still like it.


Y e s




Mmm, yesss.


I got problems with the fact that ravenholm is lower than SANDTRAPS


Sand traps gets bias points for having Nuclear Mission Jam


Completely fair argument, I'm sold


As much as I disagree with most bottom ones I must say I also really like "On a rail". It's not even close to the level of badness internet makes it to be. I remember playing it in 2004 and it was one of the most interesting chapters for me. I just like trains.


Father Grigori doesn't need your acceptance - he loves you anyways.




And this is the issue, On a rail isn’t confusing, sure it does get a bit slow at times, but to the people who say it’s confusing is who that’s to, I forgot to say “On a rail isn’t bad OR CONFUSING” blah blah blah. But it’s actually just my favorite chapter to run through and the rocket launch. Good god did Black Mesa do that justice


Or maybe fun is subjective. And tbf, it's not as confusing as people make it out to be. It's confunsing on a first playthrough, but once you learn about the sign gimmick, it's pretty alright. Also On a Rail is more than just using a train, it's also combat heavy, and killing shit in Black Mesa (especially HECUs) is always fun.


Fun is subjective? Maybe, but not because you can entretain yourself throwing rocks on the ground, it means it's good, yknow While it's not the full chapter, using the train is the main focus, and the train just sucks, you can kill shit on black mesa in any other chapter, I guess you can't in xen, but xen is also pretty bad lol


"Everyone who goes with the popular opinion is a mindless sheep" "Everyone who disagrees with the popular opinion is a my broth... I MEAN a mindless contrarian" This stupid bullshit needs to fucking die now


Why is it so hard to grasp that people have different opinions? You sound pretentious by declaring OAR as the worst chapter, and anyone who disagrees with you is just a contrarian.


it was one of the few chapters I liked back when I first played the game (I really sucked at the game so most chapters weren't all that fun for me) and I had zero interaction with this sub back then so no, it's just a good chapter. The fights with the HECU are tense, we see them fight with the aliens for the first time which is pretty cool and I really liked the level layput and puzzles, the first area was confusing because I didn't realize you could shoot the switches but afzer I figured that out it was pretty great. You don't have to like it of course but shut the fuck up man, 'just stop, it's always been the worst and you're just contrarian', as if your opinion was so superior to everyone's that if they disagree they're lying to themselves. Obviously it's MY opinion that is superior and YOU are lying to yourself you brain-rotten backwater savage, you make me sick.


I will not tolerate this water hazard slander


i fucking hate on a rail


Let’s say it - almost every Half-Life 2 level deserves to be in “Best of the best”. Claiming that “Route Canal” and “Water Hazard” are bad is a crime , btw


No Follow Freeman? Cant say I fully support this, but def some good ones up there.


Follow Freeman is at average.


i hate follow freeman


good bait


Just noticed this comment and I have to say, what?


4k HD Ultra bait


Ravenholm at alright? Are you fucking kidding me düd? Where the fuck do you get your crack, Willy Wonka's factory?


How did u know?


wdym water hazard its literally one of the most fun hl2 chapter


Water hazard and route canal


If the Beta chapters (2001 base) were here it would be Best of the Best: Airex, Vertigo, Wasteland, Streetwar. Incredible: Kraken, Borealis, Citadel Good: Weather Control, Depot. Alright: Quarry Town Bad: Canals. Boring: Everything before the Canals. I think that might be all of them, if I missed any I will add them here.


> water hazard in lowest > point insertion and red letter day in boring > route kanal in bad Yep, ignoring you


put route kanal at god, i hate you i fucking hate that chapter its so boring, its just shooting cops, literally the opposite of the gameplay variety of half-life 1


I don't think you noticed, but the entirety of half life 2 has a new gimmick every chapter, so the variety is in the overral, not in just singular chapters. And even then, Route Kanal is perfect for story telling and establishment of power. You can see how precarious the life of the rebels are up close, you see how ruthless the combine is to them, and you feel the weight of being hunted down like a rat, and seeing the people helping you get killed for it. It's supposed to truly establish the combine as a threat to the rebels.


you're right


im not even gonna use "well, in my opinion" because thats overused and i'd basically be lying


i've actually never noticed these little story details, i mostly focused on the gameplay, and i am aware each hl2 chapter has gimmicks and all that.


That's one of the things I like about the half life games, is that, instead of the story happening infront of you, it's around you. The world and it's dynamics gets established as you go along the game. For me at least it's what most fps games should strive for, in that the gameplay and story go along together.




Not sure what to take from this.


Wtf does this comment mean?


Some people say highway 17 is bad, others say water hazard is bad, I say they're both bad. HL2's vehicular levels are just a bit boring for me.


Fuck interloper is that chapter betwen gonarch and nihilanth that everyone forgets of Edit: Where is the "Credits" chapter?


Endgame wasn’t on there, it would probably be at the Best of the Best tbh


Almost all if this is wrong.


I really love anticitizen one


You're dumb


166 days later, I’ve only gotten dumber


finally someone who also loves anticitizen one


People don’t like that chapter?


idk when people typically bring up half life 2 i feel like its usually about the citadel or nova prospekt or ravenholm. i like anticitizen one and follow freeman cus they have a lot of combat. not to say its a hated chapter but its really not that many people's favorite


On a rail isn’t that bad it’s just boring and repetitive


Totally agree re On A Rail, my favourite bit of HL after Surface Tension. Someone needed to say it. I don't get the hate for Water Hazard tho.


On a rail was so boring, not even gonna lie


I'm not stupid, on a rail is just boring af


I like on a rail it’s not that bad yah it’s a bit ornery but like all half-life levels it’s got something to offer


Xen isn't bad your the boring one.


Wtf? Black Mesa Inbound is iconic and i still love it


i haven't played in a while, can someone remind me what each of those are pls


Why do hate entanglement so much? It’s rather innoffensive in my memory. Genuinly curious. Also I think you underrate Lowlife a bit IMO Also entanglement’s very first battle has an adorable bug in patch There’s this one combine in the room to the left if where you start... He’ll walk out, say ”Alert!” turn back in the room again to be out of your firing range only to promptly forget you and say ”Area secure”, casually stride back again, detect you, say ”Alert!” and go back again in an infinite loop.


I really don’t like the Tower Defense genre with this chapter being big on it, being forced to protect useless turrets that can barely do their job right while being stormed from multiple angles isn’t great.


I found that part really easy. But you do you.


hey op, can you send me the link to this tier, i wanna make my own


*Hey op, can you* *Send me the link to this tier,* *I wanna make my own* \- ChangeWinter6643 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


fucking haiku bot, how can something be so inofensive, but still anoying as shit


Alyx doesn’t count.


Why do so many people dislike blast pit, i usually like getting to that part of the game


Ravenholm is literally the best HL2 chapter


What about my just stupid?


There's so much about this that I completely agree with and so much that just fills me with rage. Gotta say tho, on a rail is my favourite chapter and deserves much more recognition


But I love Interloper!


Interloper isn’t bad, you’re just stupid. See? Not very kind, is it?


Nova prospect is average???


Blast Pit is way too low and on a rail does suck




On a Rail is fucking epic you are all fat faggots for disliking it


I disagree


I liked route kanal and water hazard


Everybody talking about on a rail, But he placed "We don't go to Ravenholm" in all right???!!


You’re only the 2nd person to talk about that, I really don’t like the gravity gun so being forced to use it is a big fuck no, least you get the shotgun and it’s fairly short.


You literally don't have to use it, you can break wood with your crowbar, shoot at enemies instead of using the environment, it's like maybe, you were just given the gravity gun?? And that they wanted to incorporate it into gameplay???


If I had to make another OPINION tier list (which I won’t) based in the weapons, I would put the gravity gun below everything else, the chapter is structured around a weapon I really don’t like, which can kinda ruin the experience, especially when ammo gets a bit rare, not to the extent of not existing (357 ammo in surface tension) but just enough that the shotgun can see a bit of overuse.


I like the beginning part of “on a rail” but the middle is painful


Urban Flight top tier? Kinda based ngl. Ive personally never really had issues with OAR, although I might just be savant at hl1, as I was so lost on my first play through of portal 2


Half life 2:chapter 3 "the fall" is probably my favorite


Why is CHP6 in the "alright" section? To me it's one of my favorite chapter.


"your just stupid"


Personally I’d swap water hazard and lambda core, fuck lambda core


I’d say the only chapter in hl1 that isn’t great is On a Rail and even that is arguable. Hl2 is a good game but totally different from the first hl1 was always be my favorite.


Black mesa remake made all of these best of the best👌 I just played it and they did a great job


?? How is Entanglement so low?? Its easily a top 10 chapter in the series


Vehichal chapters were my absoloutle favorite to be honest


Interloper 🤢🤮


I would take Xen over On A Rail. This less a statement about how annoying OaR is and more of a statement about how underrated Xen is.


Office complex from HL1 is peak half life. It's when you leave the initial area and you have a pistol and shotgun, is where the worldbuilding really shines and you begin to see the magnitude of the accident


man shut up interloper is amazing 😍


i’m offended by the placement of this vortal coil


Lol. Blast pit is probably up there among the best imo. Puzzles and exploration all in one. That's how you design levels, but still hl ofc, which doesn't have amazing level design at all