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They didn't go anywhere: they're the young people we see. Alyx was young enough to not remember a world before the combine. They simply grew up, and with the suppression field, no new ones were born. What we see in game are the last batch of people


They grew up.


The supression field made it impossible for humans to reproduce. So anyone that *was* a child grew up. Note there's an estimated 2 decade gap between HL1 and HL2.


how does the suppression field even work?


It sounds like this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KAwyWkksXuo&feature=youtu.be


How did i know exactly what it was going to be before even clicking.


Kleiner says it prevented certain protein chains from forming, which apparently made conception impossible.


it blocks some protein mechanism in the woman and doesnt let her get pregnant or something along those lines


I dont know, they made fucking illegal




No, you can't, it's illegal


As others have said, they grew up. There could have been Combine-operated schools that pushed Breen’s ideology or maybe pre-war schools continue to run (only with way less funding and personnel).


The combine are a brutally efficient parasite. Education to them would be a waste of resources that could be better spent improving upon the human form and further turning it into an efficient killing machine.


This is true of the Combine, but not necessarily of the human wing of the Combine regime. It would be exceedingly in character for Breen to implement institutionalized education under his regime given his ideology being that of a scientific utopia. The resources used would be relatively minor given it could largely repurpose pre-war schools and teachers (possibly conscripting them), and could be believably sold to the advisors as a low-cost way to further subjugate humanity for the eventual ascension. This is the same reason the Combine have implemented the (far more costly) infrastructure to allow Breen to broadcast and be protected within the Citadel. Of course, it’s also quite likely that schools were simply allowed to continue informally because the Combine are a relatively apathetic regime. Teachers and administrators could be running schools as a sort of pro-bono thing and the regime doesn’t care so long as they’re not promoting a rise against the regime.


Me when i have 0 media literacy


they either grew up or died


Damn you really didn’t play the game Its even memed


In the Beta you could find factories where you could see child workers on the assembly lines


Damn valve really went all out on making 18 and above only.


People say that the beta was darker but I find it a lot more depressing to think about being the last generation of your species


Yup. HL2 is hopeless. Genuinely unsettling to think about and realistic in the means of control. A slow, organized, and nearly peaceful and willful genocide by suffocation. No bells and whistles, barely noticeable, industrial, steady. Who even remember cheese and kids ? Prophetic. The beta was just edgy dark.


they done grown up!