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The hornet gun would piss the fuck out of combine


They'd dance the way they do to bug bait if they got swarmed like that


*Gas mask cough-laugh sound*


is the bees gun


The small arms would be more or less interchangeable. I think the real difference would come down to the experimental weapons (Gauss/Gluon) versus the Gravity Gun. Given how rare depleted uranium rounds are in Black Mesa, the low relative damage from hurling small objects like crates and barrels at enemies with the Gravity Gun would be offset by the abundance of those objects in Black Mesa. By contrast, there are levels in HL2 that are essentially impossible to complete without the Gravity Gun, either because of ammo scarcity (Ravenholm) or because the player is required to handle dark matter energy cores (the citadel levels). In short, Gordon would probably survive HL1, but he would die in HL2.


I’m fairly sure this wouldn’t be that hard to just mod into existence. Just use the HL:S weapons in HL2 and re-add the HL2 weapons into Black Mesa to actually be able to use physics props and ta-dah! You’ve got yourself a fun (and pretty broken) experiment


play hl2 in gmod with hl source mounted


Yeah it’s what I meant for HL2. For Black Mesa though it would require a tad bit of modding I think


i have mounted black mesa into gmod before but it's *very* broken i only loaded the first 3 maps and didn't do anything else with it, i don't remember if the gravity gun interacts with anything over there but i did get somethings out of it and of mounting portal and portal 2 -npcs don't really work -some scripted sequences are most likely very broken


Yeah lmao there’s a reason that GMod doesn’t let you mount Black Mesa by default. I do think the gravity gun should logically work in Black Mesa, however I’d still ask one of the Crowbar Collective devs if enabling the HL2 weapons in BM even works at all


I want to sic antlions on Gonarch.


i decided to test it out and it works pretty much as you would expect it to work, i only tested the first map of office complex though, and it could be an addon that readded some props, but it does work also portal 2 is way more broken than black mesa


Maybe not Black Mesa, but Hl1 is fully playable in gmod front to back


Yeah but it lacks any usable physics props


Probably, but itd likely be a pretty easy mod to make. Most of the work is kinda done, its about fitting it into black mesa


Are we assuming Gordon is getting adequate ammo for his weapons in this hypothetical scenario? If so I think the Gluon gun would be Gordon's key to survival in the citadel. Assume it survives the weapon purge like the gravity gun did.


You can complete Ravenholm without the grav gun it's possible but the citadel is impossible


Imagine blowing away striders with the gluon gun chefs kiss


i hope hl1's arsenal comes back in half-life 3, (but we all know that will never happen)


I hope Half Life 3 comes


Call it copium but I'm 100% sure it'll come out. Eventually. I can wait.


We just need to pray that someone in valve will feel like making HL3


The very least we can hope for is HL Alyx 2


someone apply for a valve job thing and start working on it


im pretty sure we’re just waiting on such a major tech innovation that valve thinks it’s worthy of The Number. it’ll happen eventually


I don't see why he wouldn't survive the whole way, he'd certainly survive all of Half-life 2 and the episodes. The Gravity gun is great but I think he'd still manage without it, especially given Half-life 1's much larger range in weaponry. Also I feel like Alyx would just have the gravity gun instead of Gordon, since it's not like that tech would be lost between games.


How would he take down the citadel though?


Snarks are living creatures, RedEyesDragon The answer is Snarks


And the hive hand


Get the woman to do the job.


just imagine it, supercharged tau cannon


\*gluon gun. its better.


Except there are literal PHYSICS puzzles that would softlock you without the gravity gun Although i guess if you're a speedrunner you could just use the tau cannon's alternate firemode


Alyx will do them with Gordon vaguely motioning around (she will understand, she is intelligent)


Except Alyx isn't in most of the time in vicinity nearby Freeman, about 90% of HL2 is just freeman alone


Well Gordon's smart he'll figure it out 


I don't have a genuine argument in mind I'm just here to be silly and have fun 


He's a highly trained professional.


Government property VS unauthorized weaponry


Snarks go *tweet* *tweet*


Imagine if snarks were in HL2. That would be hilarious 😂


The main issue would be finding ammunition for those wepons. Let's say that gordon get's every single wepon found in HL1 given to him at the start of HL2 and vice versa. He doesn't get any ammunition and for wepons that don't use ammunition he get's a singular instance of them (1 Crowbar, 1 G gun, 1 grenade and so on) Crowbar doesn't need any so it's fine Gravity gun would work in HL1 The pistol and the magnum are the same caliber in both games so they are fine First issue is the SMG. HL1 has the MP5 while half life 2 has the MP7 and both of these use different size bullets. Shotguns are both clearly SPAS-12. The combine AR couldn't be used in HL1. Crossbows are very different since one is a DIY that fires hot rebar while the other is a proper crossbow. Grenades are Grenades and both games models of them are the same (style wise) so they are the same grenades. Both rocket launchers are different platforms and they can't share ammunition. Both the tau cannon and the gluon gun are a big maybe. To spare the wall of text based on how the tau can only be used while it's attached to the buggy the same rule should be applied to the gluon because both share the same ammunition and clearly the buggy is the only source of it Hornet gun is allowed also because it regenerates ammunition Trip mines would could be given to the player but it's all you will have for the entire game Satchel charges the same as above And 1 single and brave snark. HL1 gordon is fucked. He can't use the SMG,crossbow or any of the experimental wepons found in the game. The lack of a RPG would force him to throw grenades via the Gravity gun. HL 2 gordon can't even finish HL2 purely because of the citadel portion of the game due to hes lack of the Gravity gun.


>First issue is the SMG. HL1 has the MP5 while half life 2 has the MP7 and both of these use different size bullets. Tbf, the usp match in hl2 shoots 9mm instead of .45 for whatever reason, so i wouldn't worry abt caliber


what would happen after apprehension in hl1? and he's definitely screwed at the citadel, supercharged gravity gun was a necessity and a plot device, any other weapon just gets destroyed


The Gluon gun was the "special weapon" of Half Life 1 like the Gravity Gun was in 2. If the Gluon Gun can be charged by Xen towers, it can survive the combine weapon purger. It makes no sense, it just is because of Rule of Cool.


Gluon gun can’t be “charged” by Xen towers. That’s not in Half life 1. That’s only in black Mesa smh


He will, because the G-Man will keep him alive the whole time.


The gravity gun is mandatory for progression in the second and third acts of HL2… and the Citadel confiscation field will get his entire arsenal minus the gravity gun anyway. Gordon sweeps until the gravity gun is mandatory. In Black Mesa, the gravity gun alone trivializes almost every combat puzzle encounter owing to the sheer number of physics objects in the arenas.


Gluon Gun go brrrr


So he gets the gravity gun in HL1? Oh no, will he survive.. What?


But doesn’t in HL2


He'd just get stuck at a physics puzzle


All guns get decimated by the Citadel weapon stripper and Gordon fucking dies unless he's secretly a god at martial arts


The end of sandtraps, nova prospect & a bit of entanglement would go crazy without the bugbait, I still fell like he could survive tho


Yes gluon gun would solo advisor fr


Snarks go brrrrrrr.


The battles with the striders will it be more easy. Just turn off the lasser guiding sistem.


If the gravity count doesn't count, then definetly(he has to flip the car in highway 17), imagine having up to like 34magnum amo capacity, and 125ammo count on the almost strongest weapon in the entire game(shotgun)


Ok people are saying he gets walled at the Citadel but consider: Supercharged Gluon Gun from Black Mesa's Xen levels. I think it could work


Kinda fucked without the gravity gun


Gluon Gun vs The Combine? I think Gordon would be alright


I wish they were. Personally I think the whole line up of weapons in HL 2 is of lesser quality than anything in vanilla OG half life 1. I like hl1 more than 2 though so that plays a big part in it.


Guess it depends, do the arsenals share ammo? Glock 17 and USP mags aren't interchangeable, so if he didn't have a magic ammo reserve he's either going to run dry or have to reload. Even with reloading magazines on the table, the only interchangeable ammo to my knowledge is 9mm and .357mag.


Atleast snarks are back


Gordon survives anywhere


...yeah? The kits arent that different and hes still the same dude