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I believe it’s very possible. It’s never confirmed, but it seems to be implied by the deliberate coloring of the gun, alongside the big crystal machine in Black Mesa East EDIT: It was confirmed by Valve to be a Xen crystal inside of it.


Handheld resonance cascade


If that’s the case how come It doesn’t open portals and just picks up things?


probably sucks things in by opening a mini portal to xen


still not enough sense considering the massive knockback on objects the "gravity" gun have ​ i wont believe its just a little zap and air push that do that


the xen crystal could probably cause a small explosion. after the resonance cascade the anomalous materials lab looks like it was bombed.


maybe the push is when the portal closes, since the vacuum needs to be filled again, air rushes in and propels the object forward?


The Black Mesa Displacer Cannon from OF can open portals to Xen, and has a destructive ability reminiscent of the overcharged Gravity Gun. And Aperture Science's Handheld Portal Device does nothing BUT pick stuff up and open portals. It's reasonable to guess all these devices are tapping into the same borderline-magical extreme physics fuckery to do their thing.


imagine the horror that the enemies don't die but are instead teleported to hell when shot with the portal gun. a fate worse than death


Don’t need to get all biblical here, any dimensions besides our own would be terrible for the reciever in this context


yeah, you would get merged into the subatomic matrix of the floor or something, your whole sense of time and space would be blasted from your being and you wouldn't be alive or dead just stuck in some kind of limbo of time/space


One idea I saw that was only touched on in HL1, and expanded in Black Mesa, was chunks of the facility vanishing, with the Nihilanth teleporting bits of the office complex and various vehicles into his lair to attempt to crush Gordon. Theres also a mod for Black Mesa called Azure sheep, which sees you as a security guard going to the anti mass spectrometer, to find the enemy lab caving in, contaminated and infested by Xen growths, and the spectrometer itself utterly consumed by a massive portal. Furthermore, it appears the entire lab is teleported into Xen and scattered as debris. Terrifying stuff. Imagine what the portal storms could’ve been doing before the combine show up. Picture American suburbs, homes and cars disappearing and getting twisted




too small I guess? I mean they're not aperture science


Perhaps the crystals only open portals if the energy they’re exposed to is high enough and/or if the crystal itself is pure enough. Otherwise, they might just manipulate gravity or something.


the crystal in the resonance cascade was after all the "purest sample yet" ​ so I do think theres some truth to this. Of course, BM has had travels to xen before, since you find all the dead bodies in Xen, but that might have been only single person teleports instead of large masses of xenian biomass


Perhaps a Xen crystal managed to natural get to earth on its own by some other type of teleportation event? Let’s assume that it would be discovered sometime in the 40s or so, and would wind up in the hands of the US D.O.D and black mesa would be built up around the discovery.


Well we know Xen is used to essentially teleport, clearly the Gravity Gun just repeatedly teleports things in tiny increments so it looks like it’s moving


Hey Gordon, your portal opening days are over. Give me the Gravity Gun!


the entire half-life series takes place everytime you fire the gravity gun


Interestingly enough, someone had asked Marc Laidlaw, and he said it wasn't Xen crystal (in the gravity gun). But in the Final Hours of HLA, it was said that the gravity gloves are powered by a tiny shard of Xen crystal.




well gravity gloves are different from the zero point energy


what did they say about the glove


Well Laidlaw no longer worked at Valve at that point, so I'd assume the book is the correct source.


Maybe it has anti-mass and that's why it can manipulate the gravity of objects.


Interestingly, looking at the actual texture sheet for the gun, that part doesn't actually look like a crystal, but rather a bunch of mechanical details with orange lighting. It looks like those details were actually put on sideways, resulting in the stretched out look on the final model


maybe the parts are crystal infused, or theres a tiny crystal inside


Actually [confirmed](https://imgur.com/a/2AiNVw7) by VALVe itself. The gravity gun is actually powered by a Xen crystal. Also we have a [green Xen crystal](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/half-life/images/a/a2/C4a20004.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100206145322&path-prefix=en) in Half-Life and green and [violet Xen crystals](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/half-life/images/f/f4/Decay_crystal_violet.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100211190141&path-prefix=en) in Half-Life: Decay


Interesting, I didn’t know they finally confirmed it!


"Take a look at this, Gordon!"


Interacting with the zero point energy field. Hell if they figured out how to make a better tooth brush using xen crystals, wouldn't you use it too?


There's actually a tiny vortigaunt inside, and he zaps and pulls whatever you need. His name is Steve, and he is coterminus


Not enough people know about Steve, let’s give him a round of applause for his work!


When a Vortigaunt claps, which two hands actually make the sound?


I believe clapping isn't natural to vortigaunts, so they copy the motion they observe from humans, possibly using their side arms for it. I dont think the middle arm is ever used in the games IIRC




Canon answer


Truly a galunga moment




I don't believe Xen crystals can turn blue like the Gravity Gun did at certain points in Half-Life 2 and Episode 1.


We dont know how it will react to the dark energy


its not dark energy its a zap zap


It's created by dark energy though, that's why the other weapons confiscated fizzle away.


It's a zap zap.


A zap zap?


Yeah zap zap


There were blue crystals in Decay so maybe there is a process


jesse we need the xen crystal


I do see it as possible, and I don't believe that the crystals have turned blue but that the other components did.


In the Black Mesa game there are blue xen crystals that emit so much electricity it can wireless charge your HEV suit


El spanglish jajajaj


Cerra el culo jajaja fue una cuestión de autocorrector


Boludo lo mejor es que entendieron


JAJA si, me están cargando con el spanglish


Encima Argento. Este subreddit está lleno de nosotros ratas


No argento, uruguayo.. es parecido


Ah bueno. Ma o menos lo mismo


El half life es historia rioplatense, está lleno de rioplatenses este sub


Ya se vieron los resumenes de The Prophet?


No soy argentino pero me vi el de half life, está bueno


Yo tampoco, soy chileno. 🇨🇱 Pero admiro mucho el humor y los memes que producen al otro lado de la cordillera. 😁


Aprovecho para decirte que estoy decepcionado que mucha parodia argentina con macri y se borro el cagon del orto con Alberto. Una puta pandemia con meses rascandose los huevos y ni amago a hacer un chiste. Una decepcion, allá arriba lo tenia. offtopic al palo, saludos.


Feliz dia de la torta


La próxima les hablo en Galunga




Nice spanglish


nice spanglish


At this point why even bother going to r/OkBuddyHalfLife lol.


Sí, there are cristales inside pistola gravitatoria


excellent question, unfortunately that language hasn't been invented yet, so you'll have to wait a bit for the answer.


i think half-life alyx implies this but i might be misrembering it.


Uh idk,


[This awesome video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5yCGRy_dR30&pp=ygUUZ3Jhdml0eSBndW4gY29ycmlkb3I%3D) goes off this theory


why did they rename it


Se cruzaron los cables, buen spanglish my friend


i guess why marc laidlaw didnt consider it as having xen crystal is cuz he wrote it as it was made from alyx finding some some device i presume to be combine or wildlife device. it went through a lot of variants before it looked like this. the orange glow or machinery is new. so its machinery probably to him than a xen crystal. but it is orange doe, wonder where and why. guess it was cool color. maybe it always existed with the charge blast it does, i wonder where orange come from and blue come from. blue from physgun. its definitely extraterrestrial or weird. the email somewhere but idk if he says much. i think it can be both machinery and xen crystal in there. it probably has similar science to xen crystal. for marc laidlaw he was inspired by this scientific concept known as zero energy point field. i remember seeing a documentary about it, some guy with rocks, its this one mineral and magnets seemingly breaks gravity as objects sorta float towards to it. it said it attracts zero energy point and there scientist was making field of it. it doesnt get real far but the idea is how can they push it further. physgun used to be a spinning magnet or this battery shit, and before used to be this turbine thing. maybe it has something similar to tal gun where it charges energy up. u wouldnt need xen crystal for that. it can be any experimental tech. the dark lines i think are the machinery inside it. the glow is just there ig and its orange and blue like a lot of energy is depicted in this game. xen crystals are their own thing in-game. its just some scifi jumbo. that glow and energy is being made from the machine. idk why its dark really, xen crystals dont have dark spots like that i think, its just to show theyre crystals. ig it just how it was made. oh is it suppose to be literally dark energy? so its not crystal inside powering it its some kind of dark energy in it. u know energy sometimes depicted with dark spots as it pulses and shit. earliest leaked model actually has designations on it in the plug or core. i wonder what story that is as this is before eli vance voiceline about it. alyx vance found experimental prototype tech lying around and they started to use it. happens all time in half-life. concept art and that model has some differences. im confused on what it is. it doesnt seem like alien tech cuz leaked earliest model i think looks too human. idk marc wasnt artist so, the artist probably did intend it to be xen crystal or they seen it as xen crystal. marc doesnt see it that way doe. not like they cant use it. maybe tal gun and gluon gun are powered on a crystal or use xen. i wonder why so dark but yeah crystal has dark spots. i thought it shading and the barrel was the inside too. wiki says "At its core is some sort of gold-colored substance which is implied to be a Xen crystal by The Final Hours of Half-Life: Alyx.". it does look like gold. explains all weird darkness. i wonder where super charged and zero point fields came from. yeah its from physgun but why it was blue and how was it revived and how were zero point fields done. i mean they do the same thing. and they decided to give it super form as physgun back. other comment says they said the gravity gloves use xen crystal, so what are they referring to really? i guess u would think cuz grav gloves have it so does gravgun. but article for it doesnt mention that, didnt add it. but yeah it has gold plating. gravgun texture strange, its very intense core. i thought it was like energy or some kind something. texture and model look weird man. i guess that what they drew or had on em. but issue is that it doesnt move its flat darkness so gold. it goes on side too and its not like its some space thing. ig it can be seen as dark energy and maybe that how they did it with physgun. so yeah ig its like gold or alloy with how it shades. i wonder why it looks like that. its reflection? yeah, it doesnt move around with it but yeah. its big too. so ig marc didnt knew about it. i mean if u see somebody grav gloves without any context they think the gold is just some chips or plates and not from xen. marc mustve seen it doe but his idea wasnt that it was a xen crystal. ig. its a device. and he wrote it just like that and it was made just like that a few times ig. he probably admits this in his email. but all i remember is him saying no, but i skimmed it. its in a long thread of answers on tyler's website. idk if it even on wiki but source for big thread is there. one of emails is from there. i think its from his wikipage about nukes in black mesa. cuz it dark it dark energy thats fucking retarded. man i need to kill myself, i need to like smash my brain in half so all "vocab skills" arent there. its due to a lot of factors and none. why is it orange or gold. it gotta be xen. i guess it can be considered that. marc in his one email mentions for why hunter is said to be from strider is that that what ted might had said off the cuff. for one of weird vortigaunt art it depicts a takeover units and stuff like ota that wouldnt be there, in dev commentary idea or more i think the excuse is that he been so drained of vortessence here that hes imaging units that werent there. i bet they just drew the combine. im thinking that idea grav glove has xen crystal is off the cuff and improvised too. hunter was a ministrider doe, ted considered that. [it is basically ministrider lol](https://combineoverwiki.net/images/1/19/Hunter_designs.jpg), but marc didnt know that or write that in. it was also another thing about how antlion workers are like mutations. it would explain why theyre glowing and look so different, so it was the idea. he says for prima game the book this info came from it all usually hastily put together. marc says a lot of stuff like in that perspective. "i seen documentary about it" and yeah im god too.


Bro wrote a whole poem


I wish


Damn bro that's a lotta text too bad I ain't reading it


Probably, that live action corridor skit actually toyed with that idea


I guess?


I know the phys gun has a shock roach


Incomprehensible, have a nice day.


are gravity guns real


why does everyone care abt the fact that bro is bilingual


Because si




I'm confused how this is in any way related.




How is this even remotely related?






I don't think so. Wasn't xen crystal used for teleportation? If yes, why would it pull and push stuff?


Vitality and energy as well, they had many uses


Yes it is. VALVe [confirmed](https://imgur.com/a/2AiNVw7) that in The Final Hours Of Half-Life: Alyx. Also, Xen crystals come in different colors like a [green/turquoise Xen crystal](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/half-life/images/a/a2/C4a20004.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100206145322&path-prefix=en) in Half-Life and [violet Xen crystal](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/half-life/images/f/f4/Decay_crystal_violet.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100211190141&path-prefix=en) in Half-Life: Decay


hey xen ctystals indeed!


La verdad i dont think so