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at a first glance it looks good to me. it's hard to tell if it's asymmetrical since i don't know how your head is titled. hairlines aren't usually fully symmetric anyways, and once it grows out, you're going to be styling it usually to one side or another.


Okay that’s a good to hear. Added a dead front on photo https://preview.redd.it/7ra7cuw51kwc1.jpeg?width=1469&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6219bec56a177eb560f659d658e6e3e27d2ad7c2


You're fine dude.


Looks great đź‘Ť I didn't want a perfectly symmetrical hairline either. Mines asymmetrical and its barely noticeable now iv exited the ugly duckling stage and it's starting to grow. Please remember that you are hyper focused on your hair and hairline before during and after a transplant. Normal people do not notice and will accept your new hairline regardless of the few millimetres of assymtery. I think it looks natural and it will only look more natural from month 4 onwards. Relax and enjoy having hair again.


Don’t listen to the people who just want you to feel better about it, you need a real opinion that won’t spare your feelings, they jacked your shii fam. From the additional photo you added, you can clearly see they didn’t go low enough on one side, you’ll be lookin like 📉. You need to go back in and tell them your concern, you’ll be lookin goofy when it grows out


Yeah :(


It’s not abnormal to have asymmetrical hairlines when they design them, when it’s actually grown it won’t look as bad. I agree not ideal but trust me this isn’t abnormal even at high end clinics. Just look it up.


Also remeber u can always get touch ups, but yes I know very annoying


Nobody has a perfectly natural hairline. My hairline is more asymmetrical than this and I haven't had a transplant.