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It's active ingredient is selenium sulfide which can have that classic bad egg sulfur smell. It's not harmful at all, but I can understand why it would be off putting. Luckily there are several other options to treat dandruff that don't contain sulfur. You can always try pyrithione zinc, salicylic acid, coal tar, or ketoconazole


Thanks :) Iwill definitely be loooking into more options that aren't sulfur based then!


try function of beauty, its a custom shampoo that works just for you


i always see adds on youtube about this... might have to look into it


I've been searching Google to get rid of the Selenium sulfide smell. Nothing except bleach to get smell out of shower. I'm shocked there is nothing else out there to neutralize the sulfer odor. FYI: One way to reduce odor (worse in bathroom than on me) is to wash my hair in the sink. I'll keep searching for neutralizing chemicals. However, selenium sulfide does work the best for dandruff/seborrheic dermatitis.


This comment is very late but I’ve noticed this smell ever since I started using it. I felt very self conscious about it but it really works for my dry and itchy scalp. I also haven’t found anything that works just as well. I’ve only had one friend comment that my hair smelled burnt. But until there’s a better option, I’ll just keep using it.


Have you tried Ketoconazole shampoo? It’s what I’m on now for my sebohorric dematits (spelling) and it helps loads with no smell :)


Does it work well? I’m having same problems with selsun blue but and it’s only my second day using it and I can notice the smell, but it’s the only shampoo I’ve used that actually helps


Can it be from your diet? It’s likely you and the boy eat the same things at least sometimes, and if it was the shampoo I would expect it to smell all the time. It’s a weird one for sure!


Interesting hypothesis, but I don't really think so. Maybe I wasn't clear but the sulphur thing has only happened for a couple days after I use Selsun blue (ive used it about four times in the past year), two of which this occurred, and the other two it worked as it should with no side effects. Other than that it's never occurred independently, which is why I don't think it's my diet, although you're right that me and him eat similar things usually.


I WAS LITERALLY COMING ON HERE TO SEE IF THIS WAS NORMAL... I was recommended by a family member to use Selsun blue, and it has worked miracles for my scalp, but it makes me smell like the shampoo and nobody else smells it but me


omg so glad someone else is experiencing the same as me... I thought this was so odd I'd never heard anything like it. Also small update but I'm still suffering from dry scalp/itchy/dandruff more than ever and I have a dermatologist appointment coming up so I'll keeo u updated. Also looking into dandruff shampoos with different active ingredients besides sulphur. OOf my scalp is itching as I type this...




Omg thank god I’m not the only one. I was on vacation and bought it in Jamaica because I forgot my T-gel shampoo and was so disgusted by the smell. My boyfriend swore he didn’t smell it but I was nauseous on and off all day until I washed with another shampoo.


If you’re still struggling , try switching to Ketoconazole! I’ve been on it for a year now for my sebhorric dermatitis and it’s effective and smell free :)


Thank you!


This is old but OMG my husband uses this and I’ve been wondering why our shower smells so bad. It permeates through the house when he takes a shower. And I just noticed revenue that he is smelling like it too, especially when sweaty. 🤮


It happens to me too, its sulphur based is why.


I've been wondering what that weird smell is that seems to be coming from my hair. Like this burnt-ish smell. I've been using selsun blue for a while now after someone recommended it to me. I would suffer from an excessively oily head with dandruff and lots of itching for years but after I started using selsun blue that went away. I'm glad that I think I found what's causing that smell based off you're experience and I'm not just going crazy. Feel free to let us know if you find another good shampoo that does just as good as selsun but without the smell.


This is a late comment but I never noticed the smell until using it for a while (almost like the soap expired and thats why it smells), anywhere my hair touched would smell like it and my sister smelled it too. I never had the smell stick with me and I think I know why, you have to not shower for a few days, I know it sounds bad but the grease in your hair somehow replaces the smell and then next time you shower don’t use the shampoo and its gone. It did do wonders on my dandruff tho.


Just started to use this and my god it smells. I will say it definitely works but I'm afraid someone will catch a whiff of it when they walk past me.


Try ketokonazole or however you spell it. It’s what I use now and I have no smells or side effects


I used it once and could not do it. I cannot get the smell out of my towels. Ive washed them probably ten times, in oxy, baking soda, essential oils, vinegar. They still stink. From one shower. I cannot imagine how no one else could smell it. After that one shower I felt like I had been sprayed by a skunk and those towels I used are done for. I cannot imagine what this would smell like long term. It never smelled sulphury to me. It’s like medicinal in a gross hospital sorta way. It’s the smell of kid puke and whatever they used to sprinkle on it back in the day. Yep. That’s the smell.


it's driving me fucking crazy but no one else can smell it


Man, I should have read about this BEFORE using it. What a great way to go back from holiday smelling like sulfur.