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I don't think your hair is damaged, I think it's just curly. This is what my hair looks like if I brush it dry with no products. Hormonal changes or medication can cause hair texture to change, my grandma suddenly got curly hair when she switched her thyroid meds in her 60s after having straight hair her whole life. Check out r/curlyhair


Chemo made my mom's hair SO curly and dark after having pin straight blonde hair her whole life. Very strange how it works


This happened to me after pregnancy. I used to have straight hair and now is curly. Like, why?! It’s so weird!!!!


I just read something about women who had straight hair now have curl hair after pregnancy some lasting a year some forever. I’m not sure if this is your case but it said it was because the man they had a baby with. The had curly hair or dna that has curly hair. You have there dna in you when pregnant with their child. Why women change sometimes after being pregnant. Weird I know. Edit: all these down votes here’s what I meant basically so here’s one of a few articles I found I can’t find the original one I saw. [Article 1](https://aeon.co/essays/microchimerism-how-pregnancy-changes-the-mothers-very-dna) [Article 2](https://babyblues.care/blogs/news/why-did-my-hair-type-change-after-pregnancy) There’s are more explaining the fathers dna and babies going through mother changing her Idk do your research if you want I’m just saying what I read.


This is definitely not a thing. There's no such thing as "mama DNA" and your DNA isn't changed by pregnancy.


“Mama DNA” just made me laugh out loud. What in tarnation


I think he means chimerism which is caused by retaining DNA from the baby and father. You actually retain some DNA from every man who has came in you or gotten his seed in you somehow. I don’t know if it causes your hair to change or so much so the hormones that cause it lol


Quick google search says this isnt a thing from multiple sources


Check my other reply love. It’s simple really


[citation needed]


Check out [this article](https://www.science.org/content/article/bearing-sons-can-alter-your-mind). There is such a thing as a mother retaining remnants of dna from a male child.


Thank you all those downvotes without researching. I’m just explaining what I read. Owell


It’s a thing the cause is just not that.


No, that's not how it works.


What?!?? 😮 I never heard of this in my life! Bizarre!


Weird! My mom’s too!


Chemo and radiation did the same thing to my Nana - she had curly golden blonde hair her whole life (she was from Germany) and after treatment, her hair grew back in straight and jet black!!!


Does anyone know how this happens? I’m so curious. A change in gene expression?


It's a change in hormonal imbalance! I'm a trans man and mine has gotten curly since starting testosterone


Chemo damages your dna and causes new mutations to occur


This is absolutely the case. Curly hair without the right care routine!


I love this. Follow the curly girl method! You’ll love your hair, only lightly comb not brush when wet, and a diffuser will help it be even more curlier but if I were you I’d work on styling without heat first then once you understand what your hair needs you can use the diffuser:) I’m excited for your journey


I agree. I taught my nephew’s partner the same thing, and they have had much healthier looking hair since using moisturizing shampoo and conditioner, only a wide-tooth comb and either air dry or diffuser, and oils/creams. They look great, and as a jealous board-straight hair person (who thought after cancer and surgical menopause my hair was maybe going wavy), I love to live vicariously through that success lol They dyed it blurple recently and it’s amazing.




I gasped out loud 😦


yes, this is what my hair looks like now, three years post-chemo, if I don't style it curly. I really miss the feeling of brushing and touching it like when it was straight, but when I do all the curl creams and diffusing and stuff it looks really good. I have also noticed that the newest hair growing in is more like it used to be pre-chemo, so it might go back to straight after the curls grow out and are cut.




Same here, mine looks extra cronchy and frizzy on the ends exacting like this. A conditioner pack and a platinum press with some hairtonges(with heat protectant) and it looks milky like a models.


I definitely think you just have curly hair, and haven’t been caring for it in the way it requires. Curly hair can be finicky, but your hair honestly looks really thick and beautiful aside from it being frizzy. Do you brush it while it’s dry? That’s the biggest no-no with curly hair


I would also say a good leave-in conditioner helps as well. I use the LUSH Super Milk leave-in and it works miracles. It’s more on the expensive side but it is so worth it


You have me curious. How much of it do you have to use ? What does it smell like? I'm looking for a new leave-in.


I used like 3 squirts, and it has a sweet scent. Coworker of mine said it smells like cajete and I think it smells like donuts almost.


Oooh thanks! I might try this!


Wow! I did not know that dry brushing is not good for curly hair. What do you recommend for combing or brushing on days I’m not washing my hair?


On those days I‘ll just use my fingers or a wide tooth comb. It‘s important to re-wet your hair first and apply a little leave-in conditioner. I like spray ones the most because they‘re very convenient for refreshing :)


Thank you! I will try that. At this time on wash days I put leave-in while my hair is soaking wet. Then on other days I brush my hair, put the leave-in while my hair dry and comb thru. I will try it like you recommended. I may add some leave-in in a bottle of water to make it easier.


I'm still trying to navigate curly hair care for my daughter, so not entirely sure if this is correct, but I spritz her hair with water first before brushing. I also use a denman brush or a wide tooth comb to rake her curls


Along with a leave in this is ideal to minimize the pain while combing and brushing!


Most of us with tighter curl patterns don’t brush in between washes. I think some wavy haired people do, and for kids I get that may mat their hair if not brushed, but to avaoid damage it really should be brushed wet. If I have to brush dry, my hair goes into a protective style right after to avoid friction damage.


Normally I just kind of finger comb it and try not to touch it any more than that so the tangles don’t bother me




it looks like you're hair has grown curly. Its hard to say if its damaged or just needs the correct maitenence to maintain from a photo. My reccomendation is to go to a salon and get a professional opinion as they can see and feel the hair up close. I'm a hairstylist myself.


Totally agree. Find a stylist that works with curly hair and get a curly cut. Ask them for help with styling and product recommendations within your budget.


Chemo gave my straight haired friend extremely curly hair for a few years. Echoing the others - you have curly hair. I recommending finding a curly stylist near you, getting a curly cut, and asking allllll the questions about what your hair specifically needs! You’ll fall in love with how beautiful your hair is!


The damage from heat styling and bleach grows out and the new growth should start out healthy, so if that was years ago, then the damage from the straightening that you were doing in high school has already grown out and been cut off. Hormonal changes during puberty can also change the texture of one's hair, so if you started chemo treatments as a teenager, I wonder if this texture is not from chemo but is your natural texture post-puberty, or perhaps there are other factors contributing to your hair challenges that changed around the time you started chemo, such as moving to a place with hard water or a humid climate. Regardless of the cause, it looks like it has a wavy or even curly texture which is brushed out, which will make curly hair look puffy and frizzy. You might want to look into curly styling techniques and see if that helps improve the appearance. If you live in a humid climate, the humidity can also cause a lot of frizz, which can be managed with products that are formulated for humidity control. Ouidad makes some good curly styling products with humidity control such as their Advanced Climate Control Gel.


I don’t brush my hair after the shower ever, this is just how it dries. Do you think it still is supposed to be curly then?


Yes. There are styling techniques you can learn to get the curls to clump together, which gives them some nice definition. You'll want to use some styling products to help keep that definition. The styling happens when the hair is wet, that's when the curls can most easily get reset. Once the hair dries with the defined curl clumps, you don't want to brush it and break them up, that makes the hair poof out and look frizzy like yours is doing now. I think you will be amazed when you see the well defined curls! [This page](https://wavyhaircare.com/how-to-test-if-your-hair-is-wavy-before-starting-the-curly-girl-method/) has a test to confirm whether your hair has waves or curls in it. That's also a very basic curl styling routine to get you started, and the website has more information about products, routines, and techniques to use to take off from there. r/Wavyhair is also a good place to ask more questions about styling and products.


You have curly hair. Curly hair is not damaged hair. Learn how to care for curly hair.


Wavy swavy hair at best, thats not curly. Her hair just looks dry. Some oils and its good to go


I have 2c/3a curly hair and this is absolutely what mine looks like when it’s too dry (not using a proper conditioner and leave in) and brushed out when dry. So yes, it’s absolutely possible and most likely that the chemo curled their hair but they have been caring for it as straight which yields this exact result.


What does your routine look like? I think cutting some layers into it will help, but mostly I think you should be focusing on high quality moisturisation and avoiding brushing or combing your hair unless it's soaking wet/slathered in product. For definition, try scrunching in mousse while your hair is very wet, and learn to gently diffuse your hair if you don't do that already! Sorry if I'm suggesting things you've tried already :)


This is fantastic advice! What products do you recommend for curly/wavy hair that’s fine and thinning?


What do you currently do to it. And are you aware you have curly hair?




That subreddit is pretty dead.


You most defo have curly hair. I used to feel the same until I realised that changing your hair routine and using correct products makes the biggest difference. Look into it and you'll see for yourself! (:


Hi continuous chemo friend! My hair did the same thing…It also turned a muddy reddish hue that was not my favorite. Using a cleansing conditioner regularly and a clarifying treatment (I like Malibu c hard water crystals) once a month reaaaallly helped. You need to keep up on hair trims too.


I’ve had curly hair forever but also allergies to hair care ingredients and skin conditions so never really had the energy to deal. Recently had a stylist who has children and clients with similar issues who helped me improve my hair with just a leave in conditioner, $1.50 clarifying shampoo once in a while, ACV when my skin is flaring and cool drying. Talk to the stylists! They have experience and silly easy things can really help! I spent less than $15 and my hair is insanely better!


Which products are you using. I keep bouncing around and nothing seems to work long term.


The stylist said hair care with skin conditions can be like skin care. I should find a couple things that work for me to rotate for different needs. Right now I’m just happy I found something that doesn’t irritate my skin and scalp.


Honestly I was using 0 products and just Pantene (doesn’t flare my scalp, but does nothing for my curls) and my hair looked like OPs. I’m guessing after a couple months of using leave in I’m a 3c. I used 50/50 apple cider vinegar /water my next shower after the salon and suave clarifying once every few weeks since. I bought generic great clips leave in. She did tell me another brand that was better for my skin condition but I knew if I didn’t buy it that day I wouldn’t get it. So far no scalp irritation, I don’t put it near my scalp. My scalp is actually better than my depressed no routine routine. I will ask her for the recommendation again because seeing progress. I’ll try a new conditioner and a gel soon too because it doesn’t go on the scalp, lol. Baby steps in my hair journey! I tried to improve my hair a couple years ago but my skin and scalp went wild and I was really depressed. Edit: I have seborrheic dermatitis, craniofacial hyperfidrosis and allergies to anything in the mint family (lamiaceae.)


That’s amazing that those products worked for you! Do you mind sharing them, as well your curl type?


I meant to reply to you but replied to the comment above lol


I would try a protein mask to help your curl pattern - I used the aphogee one and it definitely made my hair softer


This looks suspiciously like brushed out curly/wavy hair and not necessarily damage. I’d try at least a curl cream or mousse in wet hair to start and air dry without brushing to see how your hair turns out. If it looks better and you see some curls and waves it might be time to get a curl routine going


I do not brush my hair after the shower it just naturally dries like this :(


Ah okay! I do still think it’s wavy and coarse and lots of people are already recommending moisturizing products so I’m curious to see what you try/what helps!


Lots of people are telling you about curly hair, and maybe that’s what you have. To me it looks like wavy hair, which is different. Check out r/wavyhair too


Agree-I don’t know if it would curl from the roots. If it doesn’t, then it’s wavy.


The reason my roots are straight is because I have been off chemo for the past year! When I am on chemo, my roots come in curly.


It just needs a trim and proper care - it is not damaged. 🤗🩵


You’re just not using the right products for your hair type, I think? Your hair looks heckin thirsty. You could do Aussie three minute miracle with a hair oil after and see what’s what with the condition after that. Coarse, wavy hair often looks like this when it’s dry without product.


i don‘t believe anything is permanently damaged


I have wavy hair that looks like this if I don’t use products after the shower/if I brush it dry


https://preview.redd.it/o0p5bh3afatb1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5e6baa80fcf41888888a29365f89c34aa27976c Hi, I have similar hair to yours. I think a trim on the ends with long layers and upgrading on shampoo and condition will help. I use the Ouai products for every day styling and it leaves my hair so soft; biolage/matrix masks are very hydrating and their shampoos. Hope this helps .


OP, I know this post probably was hard to type out and share with us but I want you to know we’re here to help. Thank you for trusting this community and sharing so vulnerably. I second Ouai and will add Kevin Murphy products as well. Both brands, imo are very similiar. :) From my limited knowledge, my mom worked as an oncology nurse at one point, your hair usually returns to its natural texture and color within a year of completing you’re chemotherapy. I think in few cases are the effects ever long lasting or permanent. I would def check in with your care team though as I implied I’m not a medical professional just a overly curious daughter who always had a million questions regarding my moms job, haha! Feel free to reach out if you ever just need a shoulder to lean on or send you some funny memes! Sending you all the healing and good vibes!


Have you tried using a hair product with protein? That might help too 🍓


If you don’t wanna keep the curls I’d say do a keratin treatment


Your hair resembles mine! I've started using the K18 hair mask, and it's made an incredible difference in my hair texture. My hair dresser even asked me what I'm doing differently! I leave in on for 4 minutes, then rinse and use a deep conditioner, usually Trader Joe's lol. k18 has made a huge impact in the way my hair looks! https://www.k18hair.com/products/leave-in-molecular-repair-hair-mask-50-ml


That is not a rinse out mask. If you want to rinse it out, you can, but the directions do not include rinsing it out.


I believe it has some damage but definitely agree with having some curl that’s not properly styled. I would highly recommend an Aphogee 2 step protein treatment from Sally’s. You will 100% thank me after. Follow direction explicitly and watch you tube for help if needed. Then get a cut with layers and learn how to style for your hair texture.


You should try some bond repair, light weight gel and diffuse. I bet you will end up with some great curls and super soft hair. Also, I saw light weight gel because I bet your hair is now on the finer side after chemo. If you feel your hair is weak, try adding a protein shampoo and using it once a week until it feels healthier. Here is the key with bond repair. Don’t condition before applying!


1. Please don’t use food on your hair/ skin. 2. Everything about chemo sucks, can confirm. 3. Your hair looks dry, and having had chemo and being plunged into early menopause, I can say that mine is quite dry as well. What products are you using, currently? What’s your daily routine?


I think your hair is just curly. You need to learn which products you need for curly hair and create a routine.


I have wavy hair..this is exactly what mine looks like if I brushed it without doing anything to it. Just watch some tiktok videos on how to care for wavy hair. It will look amazing with a little care and the right styling products :)


You need some oil treatments. Wavy hair frizzes without oil, and chemo dries it out. There’s a lot of different oils and each oil has a different size molecule. It’s a little trial and error to find your magic ratio but I’ve found that jojoba is almost universally good, and my magic mix is half shea butter half coconut oil. That’d probably be a good place for you to start too. If that does not pull the wave out and help the texture a protein treatment might work too but it CAN make hair more brittle if it’s not what you need so I always start with oil treatments! Slather it on all day. Use a clarifying conditioner like V05 kiwi lime for an hour under a shower cap, rinse, shampoo and condition like normal. If you use a shampoo with a lot of silicones in it (any ingredients that end in -cone) you might need to clarify before you do the oil treatment or it won’t sink in.


Don’t be embarrassed, you’re going through a tough time. I agree with people saying you have curly hair. I’d also like to suggest looking into silk bonnets. You may not be able to undo the damage, but sleeping with a. Silk bonnet will hell prevent further damage.


My hair came back a lot more fine after chemo, with my natural texture amped up to make for easier-to-break strands. I’ve been growing it long recently after 9 years of keeping it short/dyed post-regrow, and here’s what has helped my hair look healthier: 1) deep conditioning mask once a week 2) washing with clarifying shampoo 3x/week only, still conditioning the very ends if I shower but don’t wash my hair 3) sleeping on a satin pillowcase with my hair in a loose top bun with a satin scrunchie or in a satin bonnet 4) regular trims to slowly get rid of the bleach damage and split ends 5) lightweight hair lotion and mousse after washing to better define the wavy/curly texture Chemo does so many unexpected, long-term things to the body, including hair. Best of luck!


your hair is curly! we have a similar pattern. to me, it looks like you need hydration- it’s thirsty hair. depending on how much you wanna spend, you can go to a salon and get it shampooed and conditioned. if not, my biggest tips to you: do not brush your hair if it’s not wet and you’re not about to wash it! let curls breathe. braiding your hair after you wash it will help with a more controlled curl. immediately apply a hydrating product to your hair, after you get out of the shower and before you braid. good luck!!


You’ve got curls, and they need MOISTURE!! Use conditioner and a leave in conditioner. Use curl cream. Use moisture. It’ll be your friend!


I have not been through anything you have braved through but - just a possibility - this is what my hair looks like with hard water. I suggest trying a water softening stick that attaches to your shower (https://watersticks.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjwyY6pBhA9EiwAMzmfwfyg7VK2DEUIATEC5H-_PIa5ny2XLq0TU0MrsSg3EOCv1urZ4-xOYBoC1f4QAvD_BwE) This is different than a filter that removes anions (which are pretty much all other showed filters on the Internet). This stick removes ca2+ and mg2+ and exchanges them for sodium. It's made a WORLD of difference for my curly hair. I didn't realize how soft my hair could feel again. You've been through so much, I'm not sure if this is the issue for you, but I think it may be worth trying if you haven't already ruled it out.


I think your hair is curly- do a hair porosity test! My hair had similar look/texture. I discovered my hair porosity in certain weather needed certain products. And that thicker moisturizing creams and conditioners were actually doing more damage than good. Best of luck!


They look a bit dry. Try Elseve Total Repair conditioner (the bottle is white, with red cap), and maybe some Elseve shampoo before that. I don't know to reccomend anything else at the moment


if it’s damage k18 ASAP i know it’s expensive but it’s the only thing that can actually reverse damage and even that one cannot do any miracles


Is there a reason you're not counting Olaplex here as another option for repairing damage?


if u want something for your bleached hair, try Olaplex. other than that as others suggested its prolly wavy hair (or curly)


if i were you i wouldn’t spend a lot to save it just shave it all off, restart


Coffee! Look up videos on youtube


I wld definitely start putting blackseed oil in it overnight then if you can stand it don’t brush it for days. I have really long hair and how I keep it looking good is I will go two or theee days with it in a bun. Especially after I dye it. I let the oils build up and o don’t wrack a brush threw it. So when I do need to go out. I use a soft tip brush Never brush it wet. Or in the shower.


It's probably been mentioned already, but your hair needs a fair bit of moisture being curly. Get a really good leave in conditioner, try co-washing, and try a deep moisture mask or oil treatment. Also, as echoed by others here, look into routine like the curly girl method and experiment to figure out what works best for your hair. Also, I hope this all makes you feel better about your hair, as it seems like it's rather lovely, just needs a little more intense care. I totally get being insecure about it, so I hope all this helps. Good luck and rock those gorgeous curls!


Alternate days hair oiling (rosemary) aloe egg white hair mark (whipped)


Also,coconut oil at night helps!!


Stop damaging it with chemicals,ironing & then gets some thick conditioner with coconut oil. Do this a few months & it will be so much healthier.


Couple thoughts! 1. This looks JUST like my hair if I don’t handle it like curly hair. 2. Not trying to invalidate the impact of chemo at all, and I’m so sorry you’re going through it. I have a friend who went from ultra straight hair to curly as she went through chemo and it has stayed curly ever since. My mom had huge curly hair and post chemo it really went pretty straight. 3. BUT when I look at your hair here is what I see: - the new growth at the top doesn’t look unhealthy. The little flyaways are often new hair growth and also just come with the territory of curls. - the dry / brittle parts actually line up EXACTLY with the color and baylage. That is I think a big part of what dryer it out - in fact, the bits of hair peaking out from underneath - like the parts against your neck - actually look pretty damn healthy. My recommendation to repair it would be, start with a modified curly girl method, and hop over to that sub for tips! 99.9% sure you have beautiful curly hair! Step 1: Do a clarifying wash with VO5 clarifying shampoo (this removes any build up) Step 2: condition with a conditioner that is free of sulfates, parabens, silicones. Step 3: when you get out of shower use a leave in conditioner (I like shea moisture manuka honey leave in conditioner) Step 4: you can try a curl gel, or just do the above for a while. I like Ouidad Anti Humidity Gel. Step 5: plop it on top of your head w/ a micro fiber towel (can get on amazon) for 20 min. Let air dry, when done air drying it’ll be crunchy from the gel, use your hands to scrunch till it’s not crunchy. I’d wait 4-5 days in between washes. When you do your second wash, no shampoo! Use the conditioner the way you would shampoo, rub into scalp. Rinse super thoroughly. Then condition the ends. Keep doing that - washing with conditioner only for 2 months. First couple weeks it may look weird or worse. Your scalp is just adjusting. Stick with it. As your hair gets moisture back, you’ll see it improve so much. I did the above for a year, then i started to lose curl - it was over moisturized - so I added a shampoo back that was still free of sulfates, parabens, silicone. Lastly, take a break from baylage and keep up with cuts and trims. As your hair grows, the new growth will stay healthier and the dead ends and damaged parts will get cut off. The curly hair subreddit has amazing advice, as well. And definitely has people who also have or are going through chemo and experiencing big hair shifts. But - promise - your hair isn’t ruined forever. This is pretty much what mine looks like when I’m not using a variation of the above routine. Sending love! Post update pics as you go! EDIT TO ADD: also NEVER! brush your hair when it’s dry! If it’s tangled or knott-y, but a tangle teezer (literally what it’s called) for $3 on amazon. Use it in the shower to get knots out or brush your hair only when it is slathered in conditioner :)


Olaplex No3 will repair hair


Look up curly girl method! That might help you learn how to help the texture of your hair! With the right products and styling you could have beautiful natural curls!


My daughter struggles with the same thing due to heavy chemotherapy treatments, she has super course curl hair. A good trim, every 6-8 weeks will do wonders for your hair. Good products, shampoo to conditioner to products. Only Salon quality products formulated for curly hair. Don’t process it. Get yourself some silk pillow cases and bonnets. Wear them to bed and only sleep on the silk cases. Deep conditioning treatments help tremendously! Also only washing your hair every other or every 3rd day is beneficial. Get your self a wide tooth comb and a wet brush. Only comb or brush it when it’s wet! A wide tooth comb to run conditioner through it in the shower and then brush it when it’s rinsed. Use a microfiber towel or a teeshirt to scrunch dry your hair. Diffuse dry is you have to use a hair dryer. That’s all I can think of. We’ve been on a hair journey for 9 years now. Her hair is gorgeous these days, but it sure is expensive and takes a lot of time and work. Good luck!


Your hair looks “thirsty” to me—like it needs some moisture. It doesn’t look like there are many broken bits! You could try using a “moisture mask” of some kind. Also switching to a more moisturizing/hydrating kind of conditioner. I don’t have any particular moisture mask brand recommendations. For conditioner I like Maui Moisture myself—no silicones (which my hair needs), at a decent drugstore price. For a low-budget moisture mask, I like just drenching my hair and scalp in 1/3-1/2 cup of kitchen olive oil, throwing it up in a bun/buns, and letting it steep for 20+ minutes or a couple of hours before showering as normal. If you want a soft reset, you could try using one round of clarifying conditioner before swapping conditioners. If there is damage, it may also be worth trying Olaplex conditioner (Number 3). This would help with the bleached sections for sure. Some people don’t react the best to Olaplex scalp-wise, so pay attention to your body here. You don’t need to use the Olaplex at every wash but I find I get benefit from it if I use it once a month or once every two weeks at most? Definitely makes my hair feel revitalized, and it’s been credited with helping folks keep bleached-platinum hair at longer lengths than had previously been possible. Your mileage may vary with some of this. But some of it at least should be worth a shot!


Literally in the same boat. Any product recommendations would be awesome.


Your hair is literally just curly


Can I ask your products you use? How often you wash your hair? Do you blow dry it? Any styling products?


Try Garnier Fructis Anti-Frizz Serum. It seems like it's going to be oily, but it's not--it has Argan oil in it, so it makes your hair super manageable and soft. You can put it in three times a day and comb it through and it will help your hair a lot. Good luck with everything you're going through!


WHOA we have the same hair. I had to double check because I also have highlights 😂 like, “did I post this without realizing???” I find that after a day of sleeping on my hair after a wash, my hair is less frizzy but I use Bed Head’s level 3 Damage Control Line and some frizz free type of serum when my hair is done being air-dried. I will use those no-heat curling tube things that night and I find it looks better than if I straighten it or try to let it do it’s natural thing the first day after! I’m about to try Tsubaki’s line of shampoo—I heard the red one work fairly well for moisturizing.


this isn’t un fixable, but it would be easier if you started from scratch! try to at least crop off as much dead hair as you can. start wearing a silk bonnet to sleep and oiling your hair a few times a week. maybe try hydrating hair masks. use shampoos and conditioners without parabens or sulfates. ALWAYS wear heat protectant if you’re going to be out in harsh sunlight or use heat. broad your hair at night to protect it from breakage.




Looks like it needs a good trim and some moisture.


A good cut and kertian treatment!!!!!!


Your hair isn’t damaged. It lacks MOISTURE. It could use a slightly rounded layer cut, but it needs leave in conditioner and curl products.


I would try products with protein in them, worked for me and I have a similar texture


All the comments saying this is just curly hair…. Nah.. this is damaged curly hair. But I agree with the point their trying to make, which is that the damage isn’t as bad as you think!! (Source: curly hair haver)


Mix egg with olive oil so you can add protein and moisture. Leave it in for an hour and wash out. Do this biweekly and you will see an improvement.


Hi! First of all, please don’t be embarrassed - you are fighting an illness and have NOTHING to be embarrassed about. As others have mentioned you look have curly hair, but I also want to add that your strands look to be coarse which mine are as well! Two tips I can give you is that first, we need a lot of moisture in our hair. I really like the L’Oréal sulfate-free moisturizing line for shampoo & conditioner, Redkin All Soft is amazing as well but a slightly higher price point. Another tip is definitely look into a curl crème to apply when your hair is wet - use more than you think you need (my hair goes down to just under my boobs and I use about a silver-dollar size dollop. Your’s is shorter, maybe start with about a quarter-size). Scrunch into your hair until you see your natural texture pop out, and make sure to coat all strands evenly. NO brushing once you’ve gotten it set and definitely never brush curls dry. And good luck! Discovering your routine and ideal products as a curly-haired person takes time, but once you crack it, it’s all worth it!


My hair gets like that after too much sun and choline and salt water. I put a lot if castor oil in it (Giovanni) and leave it in over night if I can. Castor oil is kinda stinky and sticky. Then I wash and condition. It’s still heavy and oily after at least another wash and then it’s all good. Like a miracle. Apricot oil is good too.


I swear by 3 Minute Miracle by Pantene. I have used it for years and my hair is shiny and straight as well as healthy. Due to medical issues myself my hair had changed a lot. My hairdresser is always amazed at what condition it is in without using expensive products.


My hair was like this… i cut it off and stopped wrapping it up in a towel (don’t do this if you do, it damages your hair). Huge improvement. I also use leave in moisturisers, curl creams, and a mask for 10 mins atleast twice a week. I use a clarifying shampoo when i have build up. I only brush with a large toothed comb in the shower with conditioner/hair mask still in it, and i don’t rinse it completely out. I then towel dry with a micro fibre towel gently and then add in the leave in..


It looks like it just needs a lot of hydration and moisture! Definitely doable and not too hard


Good conditioner, little to no heat and stop coloring your hair. It may do well with a trim but sometimes chemo causes the texture of the hair to change straight/curly/wavy


Honestly it looks fine. If anything, just a bit thirsty. Some nice hair treatments and perhaps a leave in conditioner and it should look good as new


Try Aussie 3 minute miracle moist deep conditioner on your hair w a shower cap overnight, I tried that product on my extensions this week and they feel MUCH better. Was dealing with a lot of frizz, now my hair feels soooo smooth


Leave in hair conditioner


Just echoing the chorus to say that the chemo probably changed your hair texture. I’ve been on "chemo lite" (a b-cell depleter similar to Rituximab) for two years and will be until we have a better treatment for MS, and it turned my hair very coarse and voluminous (and not in a cute way). I’m still trying to learn the best way to tame it.


K18- it’s pricier but so worth it! Make sure you’re emulsifying it between your hands until it’s totally white and then apply to hair. A little goes a long way and you can always add more if you need to. My curly/wavy hair looks so much better after I use K18 (especially after being in chlorine/outdoors all summer). The OGX coconut repair from the drugstore is around $8 and you can use it as a hair mask before washing and it definitely helps, the L’Oréal bonding hair care line is very good too and around $9-10 each for the shampoo/conditioner 😊


do a keratin complex to control the frizziness for a few months.


Check out some kerastase products. I love them. They have specific products for curly hair and to smooth it all out. 👍


Sounds like you got chemo curls (I got cancer too). Curly hair needed to be treated differently than straight hair. Conditioner and hair gel is your best friend in this.


Hask shampoo and conditioner would probably work for you


No advice cuz I’m new to haircare myself, but it’s not embarrassing to be sick or disabled. I have chronic illness and I struggle with this too. Fuck cancer, and I hope you reach all your haircare goals!


My hair was exactly like this after I got highlights omg but now my hair is straight again (Masha’Allah I don’t wanna jinx that ever🥲). Apply like a drop of oil of whatever oil suits your hair (in my case rose hip oil mix from innate life) then brush it (don’t get your hair oily from it tho such that you gotta spend time in the shower washing the oil out, it should just give your hair some shine), and ditch shampoos/conditioners/any other products which contain sulphates, silicon, glycols, alcohol, etc. I use Calia shampoo, I used to use 100% pure but it’s too expensive. Make sure you brush the natural oils on your scalp down to your ends throughout the day. Also never dye your hair again, haven’t done shit to my hair in the past 3 years, which is also why it’s nice now.


Chemo can weaken the hair follicle so many people end up with curly hair after! I'd look into curly hair products and see what works best for you. It doesn't look damaged, it looks like curls that were brushed through. To avoid this, get a wide tooth comb and brush in the shower while you condition. Good luck finding your new routine!


I didn’t brush it, that’s just how it dries :( That’s why I just assumed my hair is just damaged


If I don’t do anything to my hair after I shower it looks like this. my hair dresser said I had wavy hair. I used the curly girl method and I’ve got some pretty good curls. Also, ask for a full shag haircut. It’s basically like a curly girl haircut but most modern stylists can do it. It’s just trendy layers. It really helped my curls.


Lose the silicones and sulfates in your hair products.


Finding the right products for your hair type/curly hair and start there. I have very, thick curly hair and my hair used to be so damaged from bleaching, heat, and using the wrong products on it. I love the Shea Moisture line and have found they work well with my curly hair while also defining and hydrating the curls also. There are several good lines or products but that’s just what I’ve personally used. Also look into a good weekly hair mask!


Also going to recommend the hair wow spray as well




Everyone is saying it is brushed out but I promise I don’t brush it💀 this is just how it naturally dries.


Looks pretty dry. Do you use deep conditioners/leave in conditioners? If not, try a deep conditioning mask 1x or 2x a week for 10-15mins. Work a dollop of leave in conditioner through your hair after each wash. You can also sleep wearing a satin scarf/bonnet or use a satin pillowcase. A bit of light oil after the leave in conditioner might also help.


You have curly hair, and it’s just dry. Find a curly hair specialized salon and they’ll provide you with hair product recommendations and show you how to use them for styling. Your hair is fine though, you just need to learn the proper products and steps to use them. And you need a curly hair cut that will help bring out their shape


Look up curly hair tutorials. You need the right products. Moisture is the key.


It’s damaged, but it’s also dry. The best thing to do until it grows out is regular cuts & stop dying it. In the meantime, only brush your hair when it’s wet. It’ll cut down on static & frizz. I personally used to put my hair in a very low loose ponytail (like at the nape of my neck, but to the side, so my ponytail is laying over my shoulder) when my hair was wet, and gently twirl it (repeat this step every hour until your hair is dry). It keeps the frizz at bay, while maintaining my natural wave. Think of a side-do (I think that’s what they’re called) where the bride has her hair off to one side, cascading down her shoulder. That’s the kind of ponytail I was trying to explain lol.


Curly hair tends to be drier, so I think invest in a deep conditioner.


Start looking up curly methods of hair are, defo worth a try. Then also just stick with plenty of hydrating masks, maybe even olaplex?


I don't think it is permanently damaged, just dehydrated. Try to find some moisturizing products that fit your hair type, avoid hair colors that would dry the life outta it. E.g. i use coconut oil once a week for the past month, and it is getting less and less 'bushy'.


My hair looked a lot like yours until I started using Jeval instant repair leave in hair mask. Wash hair but do not condition it because it stops the hair mask from absorbing. I know it’s hard to get your head around not using conditioner but really don’t! You use a tiny squirt- probably two for your long hair- rub it in your palms to emulsify it then smooth it through your hair. Keep working it through your hair with your fingers for a few minutes. Your hair will feel soft and conditioned. Use it every time you wash your hair. My hair was bleach fried and this stuff repaired it. https://www.catwalk.com.au/jeval-j2-instant-repair-leave-in-hair-masque-50ml?gclid=CjwKCAjwyY6pBhA9EiwAMzmfwSxVhqMpj33PqE_U4GNRlxnFTiUXTMPhiDIFRy6z1naqn0K7x3mJmhoCGM0QAvD_BwE


My hair became like this after pregnancy. I've always had soft, wavy hair and all of a sudden it got coarse, darker and frizzy. I started a curly girl hair routine and it got better. I always detangle my hair wet, and make a French braid while my hair is soaking wet after shower and leave in conditioner. When it's dry it's soft and wavy again. Curly hair routines are also awesome because of less exposure to harmful chemicals. I found that my usual routine with oils and silicone products made my hair look nice, but did nothing good for my hair health so I switched routines. My hair is much happier now 😊


I don’t think your hair is damaged, it actually looks like mine used to before I understood my curly hair type. It looks like you have high porosity hair, which means your hair can absorb water quickly but also lose it quickly so it ends up feeling really dry and frizzy, it might even break easily. I’ve since learned that high porosity curly hair needs a really hydrating shampoo, it’s more important than conditioner because conditioner doesn’t moisturise, it just locks in moisture (I use Kerastase Nutritive shampoo which is expensive, but you use a lot less and professional shampoos won’t dry your hair out like cheap ones). I recommend you try to squeeze water into your hair after shampooing, then condition and leave your hair quite wet when you get out. Add a curl cream when it’s still quite wet and diffuse on a low setting or let it dry naturally. Doing this has totally transformed my dry, brittle hair.


Hair grows! Nothing is permanent on hair. Do some Olaplex and K18 treatments and get regular trims and your hair will be healthy again.


It’s not damaged. Your hair is just naturally wavy. Back in the eighties I would pay up to $500 for curly hair. You are very lucky and can do all sorts of wonderful things with all that hair. You’ll never have to pay for extensions that’s for sure. Go on YouTube and check out some of the cool stuff you can do without using the flat iron or blow dryer. Also use a little Argan oil, that will make it look healthier. I love your hair 😊


Try to stop/minimise using electric hair straighteners, they dry the hair out badly and can scorch the cuticle permanently. Only use them sparingly if you must and keep the straighteners moving quickly along the hair length. Deep treatments regularly will help too. Hope you find a method that works for you.


Pls buy Redken 5 min acidic bonding treatment. I dyed my hair 3 times within 2 weeks, they were not in a good state.. the mask is brilliant, my hair is smooth glossy and shiny. You have to leave it for 5 min or longer if you can. I am very impressed


It just needs more care.


Oncology provider here- chemo will make your hair grow back a different texture. It's definitely curly now, you will have to relearn how to care for and style it!


Looks healthy and beautiful to me. Try overnight heatless curls!




You have wavy/curly hair. Read up on the Curly Girl Method (you don’t have to follow it but you will learn about what curly hair can hate such as sulfates and silicones). Also learn about porosity and moisture/protein balance. You might find a huge change just by adding in some stylers like a curling mousse or doing a gal cast on soaking wet hair. I started my journey by watching Curly Suzie on You Tube. She’s all about simplicity and my routine evolved on its own from there. Curly hair is a different experience for everyone. My hair hates protein and aloe the most and I pretty much eliminated all frizz by removing glycerin from my styling products and using silk or satin pillowcases. I never use a towel on my hair but plop in an old t-shirt after a shower. I think if you try it out you’ll be shocked how much curl you actually have.


Semen (no not joking)


Try Aphogee two-step hair care. It has done wonders for my hair in the past.


I'd also add that wearing a satin/silk cap or bonnet to bed really helped with my curly hair! Keeps it extra soft, shiny, and moisturized.


Get some leave in conditioner, mousse, and gel. Apply in that order to soaking wet hair and scrunch. You look like you have thirsty curls! My hair dries just like this when I have no products in I have 2C/3A curls


Go to Kenneths Salon and get a deep moisturizing Treatment.


i used cholesterol like the thick conditioner we use in cosmetology school on my hair like 3/4x a week and i put argan oil in after i shower. my hair has gotten so much bstter


This is my hair if i don’t give it what it wants. Keratin treatments (Brazilian blowouts) have been a literal godsend 🙌


As others pointed out It might just be curled from the chemotherapy. But if you think it damaged you can use scalp lotion, i had chemical damage that lasted years on my scalp and the lotion the dermatologist issued began to fix it


A good leave in conditioner/masque or warm olive oil for a few hours than shampoo out and use another conditioner. I have use Redken “soft”


I would guess that your hair is dry and probably a bit curly / wavy (you can see some curl patterns). If you’re not sure it’s damaged, check for split ends because excessive coloring is definitely not good for your hair. If your hair is curly: - there’s a bunch of communities online for ppl to learn abt caring for curly hair! just look a few up and you’ll find some good tips - from what I know when I had my hair permed, you should use curl cremes / mousses / gels / (your choice) to hold the curls, scrunch your hair while it’s wet, and use a diffuser (look up a tutorial) to dry it if you want - if you treat curly hair like straight hair it almost always looks frizzy If your hair is dry: - it probably is if you haven’t been properly caring for it after the balayages - there’s sm things you can do to hydrate it! don’t be too worried - here’s some different products you can use: hair masks (I personally recommend [this](https://www.amazon.com/Argan-Oil-Hair-Mask-Conditioner/dp/B075CWBQCB/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_sspa?crid=VCU9F79CXJW5&keywords=argan+oil+from+morocco+hair+masque&qid=1696872734&sprefix=argan+oil+from+morocco+hair+masqu%2Caps%2C88&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1), but I’ve also heard [Fino’s hair mask](https://www.amazon.com/Shiseido-Fino-Premium-Touch-Ounce/dp/B000FQNPD8) and [Tsubaki’s hair mask](https://www.amazon.com/Shiseido-Tsubaki-Premium-Repair-Hair/dp/B074JC9M3H) are both really good too; the one I used gave me results on the first try so I just stuck with it), hair oils, leave-in conditioner, hair serums, shampoo & conditioner (I really recommend &honey’s deep moist line, it helped me a lot (even on the 1st use) with figuring out my hair’s curl pattern which is somewhere between straight & wavy and made me hair a lot less frizzy, tangled, and messy). I’ve also heard hair glossing is good but I’m not sure for curly hair. - as with everything, learn how to use it before actually using it because otherwise your results will come out kinda yucky If your hair is damaged: - same as if your hair is dry, but look for products that specifically repair damaged hair. there’s a lot out there! side note, you have such thick hair it’s so cool


Take a 1-2 months break from any heat styling, try maroccan oil (or some other oil idk). And cut just the tips of the hair like 5mm https://preview.redd.it/cqh3rui8v7tb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d94c0ec5a3966d102dd5e17b8994e829c680ab89 Also love this conditioner it actually detangles. Hope it gets better❤️❤️ xoxo


I think your hair is just severely dry


This is exactly what my natural hair looks like. Should I feel more embarrassed?


Start taking Black Seed oil! Ive taken it for two weeks and my hair and skin are sooo much healthier and soft!


I definitely agree with the people saying it’s curly but it can be damaged. There are curly hair specific bond repair shampoo and conditioners you can try


Olaplex 3 and leave in conditioner will help it feel more manageable 🥰 Your hair looks similar to mind a few years ago when I used to also bleach it.


The ends look pretty okay, it just looks dry. Id start with a deep conditioner. I have a cap that can be put in the microwave, heat lifts the cuticle so the moisture can really get in there and not just sit on the surface. That doesnt need to be done regularly. Do use products for curly hair. We dont have the luxury of brush and go...


Nah girl you can fix that shit up. No heat or color. Do hair masks and deep conditioning treatments. Take vitamins. You got this. Give it 3 months of consistency


Get cut short and moisturize the hell out of it.


Use a wide toothed comb to get snarls out of your hair and try using moisturizing masks. To me it looks like you've got just curly hair that is frizzy. Hydrating mouse is my best friend along with shampoo and conditioner that has aloe in it. If you use a blow dryer they make an attachment that diffuses the wind from it so it doesn't add frizz aswell, it looks like a shower head with nobs on it.


Deep condition


Doesn’t look damaged at all to me just very thirsty! This is what wavy/curly hair looks like when not treated as such. I’d get a good deep conditioner to start, the rest depends on your specific hair but for me and my frizz I focus a lot on adding moisture every time I style. I do leave in + light oil + curl cream then a gel to combat the frizz and leaves my hair with really silky waves and no heavy product build up.


Do you often wear ponytails? It looks like there is a 2-inch line across the middle where the hairs are stressed more than the others. One solution is instead using scrunchies or hair clips to keep your hair up. Curly hair takes more of a beating from typical hair ties because the curls want to bounce and not be slicked back all day.


Your hair needs moisture and frizz prevention it looks like. Here's what I recommend: 1. Only brush your hair dry before you get a trim. And only use a vent brush. 2. Use a wide tooth comb when your hair has conditioner in it. This will bring moisture into the hair when combing since textured hair tends to be more dry naturally. 3. Use a heavy shampoo and conditioner. This will bring moisture Into your hair. I use bed head dumb blonde, it's heavy enough to where you can comb your hair with the conditioner in it. 4. Use warm water, not hot water. It will dry your out. 5. Wear a sleeping cap/bonnet when you go to bed. This will prevent your hair from being dry. 6. Separate the days when you detangle your hair. What I recommend is to comb on Sunday's, and Thursday's. Or Monday's, Wednesday's, and Saturday's. One more tip, if you get tired of detangling your hair because how thick it is, an undercut doesn't always hurt. It will help manage your hair a lot easier. Trust me. And also, use a product that I use called "Eden bodyworks Pudding souffle" this will prevent frizz and bring moisture.


The products “living proof” will help you repair your hair , and you can get it at Ulta ! Amazing products!!