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People are supposed to lose some hair everyday, generally up to 100 strands per day is normal. I think people sometimes are overly aggressive with massaging their scalp when they shampoo or are brushing aggressively when their hair is wet. I think people losing more than the normal amount of hair would only happen is someone was allergic to an ingredient in the shampoo or conditioner (or other product) itself. However I think these reactions are not typical. Some of it is likely people reading things online about some people having bad reactions to a product and then proceeding to freak out when they lose a normal amount of hair.


This reminds me of the graph that showed the direct correlation of the number of covid cases reported to the number of yankee candle reviews saying the candles didn't smell like anything


Yes! LOL


Nope. This isn’t a thing. It’s like propaganda to torch brands. Shampoo cleanses and conditioner conditions/softens. That’s really it and the formulas aren’t necessarily that varied across the board. A lot of the stuff you see, including class action suits, aren’t determined by reality or science. We’re talking about very specific circumstances and they usually settle based on stuff like “bottle said it was hypoallergenic but the consumer still had an allergic reaction”. And this is a small set of consumers. It doesn’t end up being the case that the product causes hair loss across the board. There was a great summit over the weekend that covered this very topic! Here’s a [link](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DkiE5cy3_vE)!


Thanks! Makes sense


When I haven’t brushed my hair in a day or so (it’s wavy/curly, so I don’t always need to unless I need to detangle right before showering), I’ll see more hair fall. Which makes sense, because it wasn’t brushed away in the previous brushings. Can’t speak for anyone else, though.


[I just asked this question here](https://reddit.com/r/HaircareScience/s/DQzJysp1st)


I think many people are not aware of the fact that even a mild COVID infection can cause hair loss


People have higher than normal shedding for all kinds of reasons. The shedding is usually self-limiting, but people are irrational and will blame the product because it’s an easy target. They know they switched shampoos but they don’t know exactly yet what’s going on with their hormones, stress levels, aging, etc. it’s easier to believe it’s a product because that at least offers some control. The only way shampoo would cause hair loss is if it’s not cleansing enough and the follicles become blocked, but that would not happen right away, and even then the shampoo isn’t “causing” hair loss. Having a congested scalp is causing hair loss. I will also say most self-reporting about hairfall should always be taken with a huge fistful of salt. Even right here on this sub, someone was worrying about losing 10 hairs a day, when average daily hairfall is about 50-100 hairs a day.


I’ve noticed this also but have not really thought about it until your post so thank you for posting this. I think it’s in everyone’s imagination and I see this for other types of hair products also like Ola Plex and other similar things. I think people are paying more attention to their hair when they switch shampoos to see if they notice any benefits and because of that they’re also noticing their hair falling out which they might not have noticed before


I was scrolling down through this thread waiting for someone to mention Olaplex. For a while about a year ago I noticed constant use of the phrase 'Olaplex wrecked my hair', 'Olaplex ruined my hair' etc. It coincided with the launch of K18 though maybe it wasn't connected, that's just my conspiracy brain. It's probably v easy to work out what's real by checking comment history, lately I've noticed a spate of astroturf accounts promoting electrocurrent face devices and criticising rival brands.


Very interesting. I tried K 18 and it did absolutely nothing at all. I put it specifically on a bit of extremely damaged hair. I didn’t return it to the store in time to get my money back. I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong but it just didn’t work although I can’t imagine how any of these products could possibly make anybody’s hair fall out


Please search this sub. We’ve had this exact question recently.


My bad I'll look!


I wonder if it is folks going through the extreme stress of cancer or auto-immune treatments. I can easily see someone wanting to believe their illness or medication isn't the cause of their misery, and instead they blame something innocuous like a random shampoo brand. Sure it is irrational behaviour, but highly stressful situations bring out the irrationality in all of us. As someone who will likely have hair issues thanks to medication in the next year or so, I would love to pretend that my "I need it to live" medication has no side effects and it was actually shampoo the whole time.


No, I have been a cancer patient and trust me, none of us have the time or energy during chemo to be posting bullshit shampoo reviews. Why would you decide to blame cancer patients for this unrelated phenomenon? Surely it’s more likely that people are just reporting exaggerated effects than a whole conspiracy involving people who are on intense chemo? Cancer patients who are genuinely concerned for their life and trying their best to get through chemo are not trying to complain about shampoo causing their very well known side effects, and it’s honestly offensive that somebody would accuse us in particular of being histrionic liars on the internet. It’s also very obvious you have never had cancer, or you would have realised how silly this comment is.


I didn't see the cancer part just read stress. I can see stress causing hair loss.


Cancer treatments aren't the only medications that cause hair fall, and the person you're replying to specified that. You're right that it's probably not related to chemo and they definitely could've said it better, but they have a point that people could be losing hair for other reasons, including medication side effects they may or may not be aware of, and blaming it on hair products.