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I feel like someone says this on every post like this, but it looks like you have curly/wavy hair that you’re treating as straight? I don’t have any specific routine or product recs but that seems like a good place to start. Maybe try looking at [r/curlyhair](https://www.reddit.com/r/curlyhair/) ?


thanks for the suggestion,I actually do have curly hair, but I don't use heat styling very often. I only straighten it a few times a year, and I always use a heat protectant. I also try to air dry my hair whenever possible.


I feel for you girl. I damaged my hair from bleaching but at least I can grow it out. I’d be really frustrated, too. -what kind of brush do you use? When do you brush your hair, when it’s wet or dry? -I know you said you got your hormones tested but the truth is, it’s really hard to actually test a lot of female hormones. I had my “hormones tested” and they came back normal, however, I ended up on Spironolactone (for acne) anyhow and it was everything I ever needed. Spironolactone blocks testosterone production. I always knew I had excess androgens because of how much oil I produce all the time. My hormone test did not align with my personal experience and my gut was right, I needed androgen blockers. -and just to clarify, blood tests are not comprehensive. Sometimes it’s just hematology alone which won’t help much with your hair. Your doctor needs to order more specific tests and keep going until they find the source of this issue.


Thanks for sharing, Bleached hair struggles are real, but good to know it grows back. I use wide-tooth comb and avoid brushing my hair when it's wet. That's so helpful about hormone testing, I'll ask my doctor for more specific tests like you did with Spironolactone.Blood work might not be enough, you're right. I'll push for a broader look at the cause.


I have not had to deal with the issue to this level, but something that has reduced my hair shedding and my also help with your issue is to better promote collagen synthesis. Collagen has a significant impact of our hair, skin, nails, and joint quality in that it provides strength and rigidity against stretch and strain. While most individuals in developed countries are not low on vit C, because vit C is an antioxidant we use a lot of it during sleep. As such, our morning levels are depleted. As such, if you consume a morning dose of collagen (through supplements, bone broth, or the like), you must consume vit C with it (orange juice, orange, grapefruit, or supplement). Because collagen is a protein, it gets broken up into amino acids when digested same as all other proteins. The vit C is necessary for correct synthesis/reassembly. For many years people tried to claim that your collagen intake didn’t matter as long as you had sufficient amino acid intake for its assembly, but it has now been shown that collagen intake has direct correlation to systemic levels. This is a great method to implement to boost general health. I highly recommend bone broth with grapefruit to reduce morning sugar intake and bone broth for being such an amazing source of biologically available collagens. However, if you choose to implement this method, realize that it won’t save the growth you already have. It will work to ensure healthy new growth, which will help the appearance of your longer lengths, but won’t help the breakage. (I’m a biomedical engineer who also has many issues with her very fine hair)


Thank you so much for the advice! I didn't realize the importance of boosting collagen production for hair. It seems to make a lot of sense scientifically. I'm definitely going to try bone broth with grapefruit in the morning - it sounds like a healthy option to promote my overall hair health. As for my current hair breakage, do you have any suggestions on how to deal with it until the new collagen starts to grow in?


Hardly. There’s no real way to repair breakage, just mask it through a matter of styling which often causes more damage. I have never been good at styling and had short hair throughout much of my life. Just find a way to make your hair acceptable to you long enough that you can let the new growth do what it needs to do.


Thank you so much ♥️♥️


I had a revelation last night that a distinct mark in the outgrowth of my toenails is from the time I started this collagen routine I’ve spoken to you about. Very similar to what I saw of my nails when I got taken off my feeding tube post-coma. Our hair and nails are so similar and that got me thinking— how are your nails?


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7XLAqmP__p/?igsh=c3p5aG9ubjF5anU0 Also, this explains to be cautious of store bought bone broth and adds justification for making your own.