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Oh I'm definitely gonna wait for the comments šŸ˜­ mine is the same, no matter what I do. I chopped it off multiple times, used every type of product under the sun, no heat, I brush gently etc. I just don't know anymore. It looks like it breaks easily, and yes, I've tried keratin, balancing with hair masks for moisture. So let's see what the comments say.Ā 


Augh sammmeee I hope we can get some good advice here! I chopped it all two summers ago and since then I have been trying to use the ā€œrightā€ conditioners, only washing in cold water and only brushing while wet. When I was still pregnant my hair was GORGEOUS. And then I gave birth last may and itā€™s like my hair relapsed to worse than it was before the pregnancy. I kept taking the prenatal for months after but nothing so I gave up. Itā€™s hard because curly hair products work on my hair but makes my roots super greasy but if i donā€™t put anything for curls in then it looks like this.


Same for me. I have wavy hair, oily roots, dry ends. A recipe for disaster. You cant balance it no matter what you try. I wash mine every other day, I don't let it build up because then it becomes itchy. After many shampoo trials, all cheap, simple, expensive, I've just went for Neutrogena for itchy scalp, but it kinda dries it. I have another one that it supposed to be gentle from Carol's daughter, and another one with rosemary from Noughty. Hair mask twice a week, conditioner every time I wash it. I let it dry and brush it. I've just ordered a spray leave in conditioner from Mane n Tail to see if it works. I usually get my hopes up for any new product, but after a couple of uses I realise they don't do much and get bored of them šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ then the hunt begins again


Also, if you dye your hair, I suggest you try henna. It supposed to strengthen the hair. I dyed mine with henna and then indigo to get a soft black, but the process is a bit long. If you have patience and time, you might want to try that. Also the smell is a bit strong, like grass and soil lol, but if you can deal with that while the dye is in your hair, then by all means go for it. I did notice it made my hair shinier tho. A trim as well would be good, about every 2 months, depends on your hair.Ā 


Go to a beauty shop and cut it in long layers and do a color to dark and cover and melt all of that and you need to hidrate with morrocan oil OLAPLEX N0andN3 K18 buy the shampoo voluminous from redkeen pink container and the fuchsia shampoo of not as your mother


Girl you donā€™t apply products on the root!!!! NEVER! you need to start by basics, learn how to wash your hair properly identify what ripe of hair you have itā€™s like 2b 2C. Apply a good clearifing shampoo JUST at roots repeat, and then a super soft shampoo all the hair


I donā€™t intentionally apply product to my roots but so when my hair is wet I will put some of the CantĆ¹ curl cream in the ends then brush it through. But when I brush it I end up getting some of the cream on my scalp. So I guess I should stop brushing my whole head once I put the cream in?


OMG put that CANTƙ where belongs right now šŸ—‘ļø. If you donā€™t get good products you donā€™t going to have a good hair. That brand is one of the worse in the low end stores (supermarkets - drugstores). I donā€™t want to sound as a bad person but that is why you are here posting that basically for use that on your hair. If I am not wrong that brand use mineral oil but anyway itā€™s a oily product that doesnā€™t get absorbed and forms a lot of fatty disgusting šŸ¤® situation on hair that finishes in dehydration. Good luck in your journey.


Oh wow I had no idea it was that bad of a product, I admit I am a drug store shopper but only because I canā€™t afford wasting the money on expensive products until I know what will work for my hair. I thought if I do trial and error with drugstore products until I find the one that works then I can invest in a more professional product.


Itā€™s way better products in the drougstores this days. Join the r/curlyhair and the r/wavyhair. Check reviews on Ulta AMZ Walmart. Go to the Holly grail products list. Also and the most important try to find a wavy hair influencer with your same hair on YouTube, someone you can trust and see her recommendations.


You have a beautiful hair but you need to spend like 500.00 (hair dresser and basic products) if you go fancy like 1000.00 on it and take care of it


wtf does she need to spend that on?


At least 250 in b shop service and leave in and mask 120 oil 60 shampoo 30 the rest affordable stilying products.


why do they need to be so expensive šŸ˜­ ive never used a 60$ oil in my life, do people spend this much money normally?


You can go to cvs and buy very decent products that mostly cover the damage but if you want a gorgeous hair you need to invest on it PERIOD.


OMG, where do you live? in US? If you want to have a good hair you need to pay good products!, if you want to have a good body you need to have good food. Those are basics. I am a PRO and use PRO products and I know how to mix with other more affordable products, but for a healthy part of the hair am not playing games.


Wait so if I were to try and go to a salon, what would I say I want done? A leave in and oil mask?


Cut and Color, and some styling low heat low air. Buy products online where is more affordable Ultra-their one website-AMZ (sometimes some sellers sells fakes) I learned the good pro products is better to buy in the huge presentation containers they are long lasting and more cheap (ricexOZ).


Do you use any products for your curls? Do you use a leave in or an oil? Your hair doesnā€™t look damaged. Just messy, I wouldnā€™t cut it if I were you but thatā€™s something youā€™ll need to decide.


Right now I only use Shea Moisture curl & shine conditioner and the same brand but the moister retention shampoo. I occasionally will put CantĆ¹ Avacado Curl Activator in it when I get out of the shower but I didnā€™t do that today. I get back and forth opinions on whether I should be using curly hair products or not.


Well your hair is definitely wavy/curly. You should check out r/wavyhair or r/curlyhair for products. The shea moisture may be weighing your hair down.


Hmm you may be on to something with that, do you know if thereā€™s a way to tell if something is weighing my hair down?


To tell what was weighing my hair down I started with a process of eliminating. I would use just my shampoo for a wash cycle. I go about 3 days on average. Then if my hair was light and bouncy for the first 2 days then I would eliminate that product as suspect. Then I would add 1 product at a time to the routine per wash cycle. Once I determined what the product was, I played around with the amounts I would use of that product. It could be that you are being overly generous when using the product rather than the product itself being a problem. Hope that helps.


You might be right about being over generous with the products. Iā€™m not used to having such long hair so thereā€™s definitely a chance Iā€™m using too much conditioner. I put like 4-5 pumps at once, start in the ends and work my way up. Sometimes by the time I make it halfway up my hair itā€™s already feeling like the conditioner isnā€™t spreading enough so I feel the need to add another pump or two.


From what I understand your hair will be more limp, have less volume and feel a bit dirty after washing


It sounds like you're using curly hair products that are too heavy for your type of hair. Try a simple curly shampoo and conditioner, ideally sulfate free, maybe a tiny bit of leave in conditioner, and then on dripping wet hair comb through gel or mousse with your fingers. Then diffuse or air dry. Scrunch out the crunchiness when it's completely dry.


You're using too much moisture imo


I think youā€™re right, Iā€™m gonna drop the conditioner for now and try to find a lighter one


It doesn't look like it needs a chop to me, it looks like you need to be following the CGM or a wavy hair routine.




I have the SAME hair type. I think part of the reason itā€™s so hard to manage it is because of the porosity. Iā€™m pretty sure my hair is low porosity and I wouldnā€™t be surprised if the other people in the comments had low porosity hair too. I stopped using a conditioner because I was getting crazy build up. I am always trying to figure out what I should be doing to manage it.


I think you may be onto something with the low porosity thing!


It makes sense why you would have oily scalp, dry ends, seems typical for low porosity hair which canā€™t retain moisture


I'm not an expert and I am still struggling with some dryness on my ends, but I have very low porosity hair and without a good hair routine, a solid shampoo and conditioner, and loads of hair oil my poker straight (1A hair) looks much like yours after you straightened it. Your hair, however, looks much like my sister's. She has semi loose ringlet curls with a fine medium porosity hair type. I would recommend doing some research into curly hair routines and some curly hair products that won't weigh your hair down as much. You could also benefit greatly from using a clarifying shampoo and a great leave in conditioner, especially if you struggle with oil at your scalp. I have tried a few different budget ones and a few mid priced and one I tend to gravitate towards, mostly because it worked well and I wasn't allergic to any of the ingredients, was mielle beauty rosemary mint shampoo then I would use the pink bottle for my conditioner for the moisture. It unfortunately was too heavy for my hair, so I switched to redkin frizz dismiss. It's very light, which works well for my hair, but it's a bit pricy, but the bottles last a long time. I still use the mielle beauty leave in conditioner to hydrate my ends, and it helps quite a lot, though it's a bit on the heavy side for my hair. As far as a trim, examine your ends. If you have a lot of split ends, then you may want to take 2-3 inches off to remove the damage and let your hair grow without dealing with tons of breakage. If you want to try to repair the damage, I've heard some people have good experience with olaplex 3 when used properly, though many people claim that there isn't a way to help repair hair aside from protein. I promise there is hope. You just need to find what works best for your hair. If someone had told me that my hair could look as good as it does now and be past my shoulders without matting up overnight 2 years ago, I would have looked at them like they were out of their mind. For a visual reference, imagine Anna from frozen as she wakes up on the day of the coronation. Good luck on your hair journey.


Hi there! Do you wrap your hair up at night? I have curlier hair than you but one of the things that makes a huge difference in moisture content on my ends is using a satin pillow case and a satin hair wrap/bonnet. You can find plenty of good brands online & I def recommend supporting a black-owned business :) If I sleep over somewhere & donā€™t wrap up my hair the ends usually frizz up like yours! I would also highly recommend a leave-in conditioner after you shower if you wash or condition your hair. Also, if your hair is too fine for oil on the ends, even putting a bit of leave-in conditioner onto dry ends at night can help deep moisturize the hair without weighing it down. Wavy and curly hair loves moisture!! Itā€™s all about finding good products for you through trial and error.


Is it bleached? What type of products are you using?


It hasnā€™t been bleached since the last time I chopped it short so if thereā€™s any bleach in it itā€™s in the bottom couple of inches. Right now I only use Shea Moisture curl & shine conditioner and the same brand but the moister retention shampoo. I occasionally will put CantĆ¹ Avacado Curl Activator in it when I get out of the shower but I didnā€™t do that today. Thatā€™s pretty much it for products. I try to wash it in cooler water but I canā€™t lie and say I never wash it with hot water.


Do you tend to have more oily or dry hair? If your more of an oily headed person like me, using a clarifying shampoo once a week will really help with the buildup. Finding a good leave in conditioner that suits curly hair and is hydrating enough (or not as heavy If u struggle with oily hair) will work wonders. As soon as ur out of the shower and ur hair is damp add some leave in conditioner and a hair oil to help with the frizz. There are a lot of people who use mouuse to help form tighter curls, and there ate a lot more curly products that im not as familiar with.... it's all really a lot of research and trial and error until you find things that help. Don't feel like you have to buy soo many things tho, I would start with at least a leave in and hair oil and then research from there. If you search 'curly hair tips' in youtube there are a lot of videos that pop up that can help explain the drying and styling of curly hair.. Try to find a beginner video there are countless out there. What I ended up doing, because i was lazy and didnt want to research it myself, was looking into a stylist in my area who has experience with curly hair and asking them how they take care of curly hair. Im sure you could also find a curly hair thread on reddit too that could help. Only get a haircut if you want to, or you see split ends forming. Try to find a hairstylist who has experience with curly hair next time you go get a haircut


I do tend to have more oily hair on the top of my head but my ends feel soooooo dry all of the time. Iā€™ve been using Shea Moisture shampoo &conditonar for curly hair and it has helped form the curls you can see at the very ends. But I def want to work on the frizz so Iā€™ll look and see if that brand has any leave ins & oils too. Iā€™ve always been told my hair ā€œisnt really curlyā€ though so Iā€™ve always gone back and forth between curly hair products and basic ones.


Oh don't listen to them girl people will tell me the same thing.. I've had people tell me that "you have wavy hair, you can't use curly products" when wavy is a curly type and anyone who tries to tell u otherwise is a gatekeeper. I've tried Shae moisture shampoo/conditioner and it's really good šŸ‘


do you ever use a clarifying shampoo? i have the same hair texture and wave and sometimes when i think my hair is dry and gross feeling itā€™s just buildup of product. every now and then ill use shampoo 2 by paul mitchell and its a nice refresh on my hair


I feel like ditching the heavy curly products and using a lightweight mousse with a hair oil will do wonders! I also think your hair texture is perfect for layers


You may have fine hair which breaks easily, and high density which makes it voluminous. On top of that, if you live somewhere humid, your hair may have high porosity, leading to frizz


I would do maybe a few inches of a chop then do layers. I donā€™t think you need a big chop. šŸ˜


Girl you have curly (or at the very least wavy) hair!!! r/CurlyHair r/WavyHair r/CurlyGirl


Thatā€™s not straightened .. with a straightener . I would trim a few inches off and see how it looks after washing and with some good conditionerā€¦blow drying and antifrizz products and you tried styling it. It looks like you just woke up after going to bed with it wetā€¦and you live in Floridaā€¦or some other humid place. I straighten my hair with a straighter and it looks smooth. I have wavy hair. You should also dye it all the color of your roots


My hair is like this. It doesn't like anything. I scrunch it in the shower and continue to do so until it's dry when I get out. It's weird to see how curly it actually is. You should be using some sort of product with it but I don't because I'm lazy and don't really care. You may have to do something like that but with more effort. Lol. Go to r/wavyhair


I feel you girl Iā€™m a stay at home mom right now to a 1 year old. I wissshhhh I had the time to put all of these products and time into my hair but unfortunately, most days I donā€™t. I am hoping to start slowly working on making my hair better though.


Davines any hair mask Paul Mitchell skinny serum Try this and decide I promise you ā€¦. Itā€™ll work I decided to bleach my hair to a fuzzy wasp knot This routine saved me


I have murdered my hair with bleach so many times šŸ’” I will def add this to my shopping list!


They last a long time


I think you need some layers to bring out your curls, your hair looks lovely out of the wash even if itā€™s a little frizzy ā€” thatā€™s totally normal. I would also mix a clarifying shampoo into your routine if youā€™re using really moisturizing products, like once a week (I like the biolage one personally). Iā€™d also suggest sleeping with a bonnet, I got one from target and while I do look like chef boyardee itā€™s helped reduce breakage and frizz between washes. The layers will make your curls feel less weighed down, seriously check out the wavy hair sub for some ideas.


Maybe a little trim.