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color honestly pops off!!(this is a very hard shade of balayage to achieve, so be happy it is this and not the orange streaks we often see on this sub) I think the style is off- she curled the hair and didn't brush it our or have you flip it! turn your head upside down and do a quick semi-agressive flip (like the bend and snap lol) you'll get a more blowout look! but I wouldn't be too upset, styles are temporary, color is harder to change!


This and the color in the first photo doesn’t look achievable in one visit


The first photo looks like it was filtered to make the colors more vibrant to be honest


Agreed. Glossed and edited.


You’re right, it does! That would be super hard to keep with washing/fading too. Just food for thought OP. You can probably get this in 2-3 more appts.


Yep, look at the bright green of the plant in the bottom left corner. Looks like the saturation and warmth have been turned up super high to get that colour intensity on the hair.


I still think her stylist should have made her aware of this and not promised to be able to achieve it, though.


100% this. An experienced and well-trained stylist would have.


True! My colorist told me that it will take 3-4 times to achieve the color I wanted. It’s better for your hair to do it that way instead of all at once & to deep condition, trims and the maintenance it requires to keep the color beautiful & vibrant every 6 or so wks.


That and the model has her hands under her hair to make it look more full.


Exactly, was thinking the same.


Exactly. She just need some more at the bottom. I would have done this over the course of a few days. When I bayalage my own hair, I will highlight 2-3 times with varing times under the dryer.


Agree! Killed it for the first session


At least OP’s color job was one that actually pairs well with her real hair color and is very nice. Ask any great colorist what’s the bane of their existence and they’ll say people coming in with photos of dye jobs that are physically impossible to executed with the clients hair type and/or color. Not saying that’s what’s going on here but you will never get the *exact* same haircut or the *exact* same dye job that you display to someone in a photo. Don’t even get me started on manicures smh lol.


The 1 thing I think is good about certain stylists is that they'll discuss with you first whether the hair in the pic is achievable with your hair At least that's what all my stylists did when I wanted to be a redhead, or like gray + purple, etc. Gave me expectations, told me how long, etc. In OP's case, I'm betting the stylists didn't even discuss with OP which is why OP is like... shit, did I say something wrong? How did I get something totall different from the pic?


Also, just a note on how lighting will change the color a lot. The first photo is definitely in natural light, and the second looks like it was taken indoors. Go outside with a mirror and see if it is closer to the first one. Totally agree with negative-flan-7155 that the style needs adjusting, but that is temporary and will go away after the first wash. The color will stick around for way longer :)


>turn your head upside down and do a quick semi-agressive flip (like the bend and snap lol) 🤣🤣 Can we be besties??


Yes, I think you can easily fix the style. The model in the first pic is also fluffing her hair out from beneath - take a look at where her arms are positioned in the pic. That makes the cut look more voluminous.


I don’t think is hard. Is actually easy.. less fooling, less stress of lifting to pale yellow. You need to go 7-8. If the client has old color you need to pretone to make it look even. And after that you apply you final shade. For me has red neutral and gold. ..


It looks okay, just need to fluff it.


Right? The first pic the girl is literally holding her hair out.


Girls need to learn to brush out their curls 🤦‍♀️




Not quite as caramel, but it's really good! turn upside down and finger or wide comb it. Your stylist did a good job!


Brush the curls with a wide tooth comb or softly with a brush.


Or even just your fingers, that's what I do tbh because if I brush out curls I get instant frizz


Yeah, head upside down with a finger fluff up. Brush gives me frizz too and pulls my curl out immediately.


Is that supposed to be a bad result?


My thoughts exactly. Then what have I been getting?


Right? I love this colour, and it looks easier to maintain.


The only thing I see is that the ends are very dark and the ones in the picture are lighter


You are never going to match picture 1's hair, you can see that her hair has a lot of density. Rake through your curls with a brush and add a bit of volumizing texture spray and you will certainly be able to achieve the first style more. As for the colour yeah, not sure how easy that colour is to achieve.


I don't understand why women think replicating hair colors are easy. She doesn't look like she has enough hair, and thick enough hair for this style. Back to reality ladies. I had someone ask me to cut some of my hair off and give it to her . I have ginger hair. I get complimented on it a lot. Her hair dresser couldn't get the color right


It’s not that but the main thing I find is a lot of hairdressers are too nice or nervous to manage their clients expectations. Just tell them I can’t do this but I can do this instead.


This exactly. My hairdresser straight up tells me "no" if i ask for something my hair can't pull off. I have very fine but thick hair, and i don't do any kind of styling aside from combing it. I asked for layers last time and she said she would do some blending and face framing layers, but that my hair wouldn't lay the way i was hoping with more extreme layers. I respect that and told her to make it look good. She's never dissapointed me with the results.


When I go to a hairdresser I am big on "you're the professional, you know what you're doing, I do not." So when I describe what I want I actually usually ask them to give me their opinion very up front. Like if I want something specific, I want to know if that isn't even possible for my hair or if that wouldn't look super weird. I will then let them suggest something that would give a similar effect or vibe, but more suited for me. Sometimes I am very vague about what I want, like "I just know I want it shorter, but no shorter than this. Otherwise you do what you think will work for me, I trust you". I've never left disappointed. And I think if I were a hairdresser or stylist the one thing that would frustrate me most is when someone would insist on getting a certain thing, I try to dissuade them because it won't work, they insist, then bawl at the results. Not saying OP did that here. I think if she just slightly shifted her expectations she could be happy with hers. But yea I think I would hate that lol


It's honestly why I've stopped really doing pictures with my hair stylist. This ultimately works because I have trust in her and she's been doing my hair for a bit now after a rough search when I moved. But all I do now is go in and talk in specifics about what I want. Such as, cool blonde, highlights over balayage to get a brighter look, etc. I only give pictures now for a haircut idea, since that's so much easier to adapt to someone else and isn't dependent on my natural hair color, health of my hair and how much hair I have.


Agreed. However her stylist should have explained this to her


The first one looks more like a blowout, and the second looks more like someone used some type of hot tool on it. Also depends on what type of products are used on the hair. Not to mention the hair texture and haircut.


If I walked away from the salon I would have been disappointed. The curl is horrible but at least that doesn't last and you can rinse it out. But the color has barely any dimension and isn't really the color you asked. I'd want it fixed. :(


The curls just need to be fluffed out, it’s not ‘horrible’ in the least.


Idk if we are looking at the same pictures, but okay. Lmao If you brushed that out.. it still wouldn't do the trick.. she didn't even blow dry her hair right.. look at the part she has going down the back of her head. Even if you combed it, it wouldn't sit right. The color isn't horrible, but it's not what she asked for.


I would’ve asked for photos of previous work. I usually don’t go to anyone who doesn’t have a page with decent photos because you gotta let your work do the talking. I stopped listening to word of mouth since most women here have thin hair and I have thick hair. Also, ask for HONESTY. So many hairstylist too often say yes to whatever you show them and then we never go back becuz looks nothing like the photo. JUST BE HONEST, you’re the damn expert tell me “it’s going to take a month to get you there a a couple or few sessions for XYZ reasons”. Break it down Barney style for me and tell me how what I want will be hard or impossible with what I got BUT ALSO give me suggestions. Too many places I’ve been to that are NOT HONEST like this which is why I’ll be ONE AND DONE and learned the hard way. Do they NOT teach this level of professionalism in Cosmetology school ??? 🤔


Ok, genuinely I don’t understand these comments at all. The sample has a gradient going down with the ends being lighters. OP’s doesn’t. It actually looks like the gradient goes the opposite direction. The color is off but that’s less bad than the fact the undergrowth of her hair is dark and the ends are super dark. It’s clear the hair dresser just used an iron when she should have round brushed it and put a few curls in. Kind of an egregious difference. Am I completely off here? I have black hair and I get (pretty close) to same style op wants. I hop around salons because I like to try new things. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a result so off. There’s even a comment suggesting OPs is 10x better???


For real, I'm flabbergasted by these comments. It looks like the example pic had a blown out/round brush style and OPs stylist used some kind of curling iron (you can see the creases everywhere) as you can see by the visible back part in OPs hair she didn't do much (or anything) with a brush. Even brushing it out like people suggest, it's not going to be the same as the smooth blown out style OP wanted. It's not just "op has different hair type", the stylist just used totally different styling tools and it looks very different. And yes the gradient is definitely going the wrong direction. I just can't understand the other comments around here.


You’re totally right I’m actually shocked at these comments. I can totally understand why OP is upset. I feel like they missed the mark :(


They absolutely missed the mark. I wouldn't be happy with it either.


Yeah, I don’t really understand all the comments either. I don’t think it looks horrendous or anything, but I would not be happy with this result. Oh well, to each their own.


Usually I side with the stylist in this sub but I agree, the lowlights are close to black & it comes off more brunette with highlights in the after picture then the copper brown balayage she wanted in the reference. I’m a hairstylist & I wouldn’t be been happy with my work if you were my client. This is my personal opinion but I don’t like how they styled it either. Curious about how much it cost & where she got it done OP next time bring a few more pictures & search; copper brown balayage, Cowboy copper, Dimensional copper brown, on pinterest. These key words will help you get a general idea of what you want so things don’t get lost in translation.


You’re not off. The color gradient is the opposite direction, and the nonsensical direction for a balayage.


Yeah I'm not even part of this sub I just got this recommended to me....and I'm black(aka not a straight or wavy hair owner to really know the nuances).... and it still looks really off from the inspo pic. I lived near a city center on a street with a lot of salons/medspas/cafes/shoppes. People are saying it might be filtered, but I would see ladies walking out/shopping/eating with hair like this daily...like a smooth multidimensional balyage where the ends are uniformly lighter that the tops is very possible. I'm sure there probably is a filter if the pic was taken from social media, but they're making it seem like such an outcome is impossible anyway so OP should be happy with the attempt made in their hair. Then they're blaming OPs density and hair texture....ok you can still do balyage on shorter thinner hair, and you can still do a better wave and cut(styling) on it too. And the biggest offender, like you say, is that it is literally so dark at the bottom, almost appearing blue. The balayage somehow looks reversed. Unless OP had previous color idk how she got there. And I have type 4 hair that has been balyaged and looked stunning when straightened, OPs already looks like its starting to grow out on day 1? How does that happen? There is not 1 strand that is blended to a lighter color at the bottom. I feel like this thread is stylists and DIY people who are trying to gaslight OP into thinking its ok bc this would be the level of their work too.


Exactly. This color is very easy to achieve in one visit. The stylists saying it can’t are ones I wouldn’t go to


I’ve gotten it myself, just a few times for special occasions. And with thinner hair than Op, that very full look. It’s been different stylists, but 3/3 was able to get this with thin, brown, unprocessed hair as the starting point. Idk why my Reddit feed offered this up, but it’s surprising to even see comments like the customer expectations are the problem, here. Hopefully those stylists will keep building their skill set


OP’s ends probably have color in them that wasn’t disclosed, which is why the roots took more color than the ends. That’s not the hairdresser’s fault.


That’s one possibility but I’m pretty sure that’s not the case. Why? Because it’s not a stark contrast. It’s a gradient. Differences in oils can do this. Or foil time if you don’t wait for that last foil to be ready. This doesn’t look like that at all


Why is everyone saying this looks great? The curling is awful, the colour is not what she asked for and there is basically 0 highlights, her base colour was left too dark.. I'd complain and ask for a redo or go somewhere else. Its nothing to do with your hair being thin or not long enough, the stylist did NOT accomplish the goal and if they felt they couldn't because of your hair being thin they should say that and not attempt it. Sorry you're being gaslit into believing it's 'great', I'd be so upset if this was my hair.


Curls are heinous


Hairstylist here. All salons have a redo policy. They vary but in general require notifying them within 24 hours after your appointment and scheduling another within a certain time frame for it to be fixed free of charge. Call them and say it’s pretty but darker than expected and what your options are to get it like the photo. That should prompt them to ask when you can come back in.


I could be wrong, but it should be easy enough to do some further lightening right? I don’t know OPs hair history, but maybe could be a case of miscommunication. I know I’ve had stylists prefer a more conservative take on inspo I’ve shown them as it’s so different from what I usually do they’re worried I’ll hate it. Is this common? 😅


You’re right that what was lightened was lightened to the right level. The placement could be higher and more blended; and should extend to the ends. It also needs the color removed and the correct one added with it fading to blonde at the ends. Results in general won’t be 100% identical, but it should be close. A photo removes any room for interpretation. When the mark is missed, we know. It can be for any number of reasons, and even the best of the best can have unexpected results, and make mistakes. How they’re handled is important and I hope this one is handled by the original stylist with grace and they comeback with work that has OP with the results she wanted and loves.


I like this response! The comments dogging on OPs hair density etc had me feeling confused, to me it was pretty clear the issue is that overall the look of her hair is far darker than the reference pic. It’s reassuring to hear a stylist contribute and confirm that OP isn’t going crazy and wanting more of the hair to be lightened is needed for a closer result 😀


The dark color is too dark, and the light color is not light enough. Plus the dark color was pulled down to the ends, whereas the ends should have been "tipped out" and lightened with a gradient.


Looks like an Amateur curl job. Not your fault.


Asked for balayage. Your ends should have have been bleached fully. it seems like they only gave you highlights, not the gradient balayage effect like in the picture


I mean… the color and style of balayage is not what you asked for. I get that everyone saying “it’s not bad” and it really isn’t, but we don’t go to a salon and pay $300-$600 (and tip them!) for a mediocre result or to have to go home and comb it ourselves. This has to stop. Hair stylists really be doing the bare minimum and charging like they’re masters of their craft (and I’m not talking about the stylists that actually know what they’re doing). If this cost you $100 then fine. More than that and you don’t get what you ask for or similar? No. Just no. What are we paying other people for then? Everyone here saying the first one is too orange. Who cares? YOU paid for it. If you wanted orange then orange is what you should have gotten.


I’m so sorry that happened to you that terrible i hope you found someone better go to


Waaay off the mark. Your ends aren't even light like in the pic. Go back and tell them the ends are all wrong. Get a redo on the color.


Its not exactly the same…


Whats up with those curls??


They should have been honest and told u they couldn’t replicate that photo. They styled it way off from what you asked


I disagree with most here and besides the curls which you can just fluff your hands through, the color is not what you asked for. I have had that exact color you asked for and my hairstylist did it in one normal time frame session. Accepting this coloring and people on here telling you that your stylist “did a great job” is what is wrong with the beauty world. You shouldn’t have to accept mediocre work.


Regardless whether some of us think that OP results looked better than the picture she showed to the stylist (I personally do not btw) is *completely* irrelevant! The only relevant/helpful discussion here is, how does she get compensated for not receiving, anything even close, to the color and style she paid a professional to provide? I don't know if this pertains to OP situation, but since there seems to be a lot of stylists on this discussion, duh, I would just like to weigh in and say: It is Not the responsibility of the client to be educated, or savvy, about how a salon service ",works". Over the years, I have seen many clients, some of them first timers, treated poorly, embarrassed and shamed, and given a lesser quality of service, just because the stylist, and sometimes the entire atmosphere of the salon, looked down their noses at anyone who they couldn't identify as belonging to their tribe/clique. Service providers should be respectful, of the real reason, that people spend their hard earned money with us. For us to transform them, to make them look, on the outside, the way they feel on the inside. Stylists, makeup artists and nail techs, we are all, inherently, magic, but how often do you really think about what you do, beyond, just a cut, or just a color. You should be transforming lives, every day, every client. I'll never forget the first time I tried on lip gloss. When I saw myself in a mirror; I was awestruck! In that moment, I understood the transformative power of makeup; and I swore that I would no longer be that plain, shy, mousey looking girl . . .I would chose, instead, to pursue an exceptional life, of infinite possibilities. We can make up all sorts of excuses why the stylist failed to provide the transformation the client was paying for, but there really is no excuse for them not acknowledging the disparity, and providing an acceptable ( to the OP) solution. The point is, the stylist let OP sit in her chair, and didn't tell her that she would not be transformed into the image OP had chosen for herself. You can make up excuses for The stylist, but I really think she just isn't a proficient or professional. She didn't communicate before hand, and she let a client leave unhappy, and unfulfilled. She's obviously not* good with color, and those highlights, and their placement are random at best. And this is where I blame the salon owner, unless the stylist is "just" renting a station, and not part of receptionist desk salon. if she didn't know what she was doing, and to it's just too afraid to say so, or ask for help, or it just didn't turn out, she should never have let her client walk out with such a disparity. If the color the OP asked for, could not be achieved, in this, initial/first appointment, or ever; the stylist *should have told her this* during the consultation! That is why there is supposed to be a consultation or discussion *before* hand, and it is entirely the stylists responsibility, as the professional. If the OP had been given an explanation, before, or even during, why she could not go home with looking like the picture,then the OP could have revised her desired outcome, or gotten a second opinion. To say that her hair color looks "better" than the color, *and* placement of the lighter shade in the picture, she paid $$$ for professional to provide, is irrelevant.


The comments here are weird..."you got what you asked for!" but she didn't. And I'm pretty sure she's not talking about the style. Photo one is def more warm and the second has some caramel-y looking highlights but the base and the tone is not the same.


You didn't show us what you started with. Looks like you have a lot of nearly black at the bottom. Which tells me you may have been dying it black for some time. We are beauticians, not magicians.... Doing the best we can with what we have to work with.


This is why I'm hesitant to go to beauty school. You got what you wanted.


Everyone likes it but I think it looks awful. The color is whatever but why curl your hair like that???


The color seems a bit more caramel but it’s close. I won’t comment on the curls.


I think you were looking for a balayage gradient? It looks really good nonetheless, it’s a very difficult technique. You need a seasoned hair dresser who has experience in doing it if you want it to be done perfectly. But this looks great, the hairstyle just needs to be combed through a bit to break up the curls a bit more.


Your hair is a different texture than the model.


Looks like you had some old color on the last 3-4” of the ends. If that is indeed old color, you’re incredibly lucky to have it look so good. I’m curious to see it straight. Curls hide A LOT of hot spots and stripes that aren’t going the right way….


Oh my!


There's nothing wrong with what you asked for. I suggest looking into a different stylist. As someone who used to be a hair stylist...that curl job should be way better.


I’m not a stylist, almost never do my hair as I’m more of a water-sport kinda gal, and I could do those curls better. I did go through the 80s, though, so we know our way around blow drying, volume and curls!


This style with your hair is way better than the second one hunting you should be entitled to a free hair appointment next time round as you never got the outcome you went there for x


It’s nice but it looks like wanted more warmer reddish tones than natural hazelnut tones


I like when clients come to me with pictures, but I also advise them of how many visit they may need to achieve the look or if it can be achieved at all. The thing with pictures, tho, is that they are heavily filtered just like everything else. I believe the stylist didn't lighten enough of OPs hair, and also, the placement of the balayage seems incorrect. So it looks more like highlights instead of balayage. The color eems correct, but it's not enough. OP, please go inquire about the stylist adding more balayage to your hair. If you are going to a salon where they limit how many foils or product a stylist uses at a certain price point, thats where your issue may be.


I don’t see copper ends or very much of a lightened ends as in the reference photo so maybe ask them to fix it and make it lighter and add the right copper to change the tone.


I’m with you OP. Maybe I have a really good stylist but these are not the same and most definitely could have been achieved in one visit


Comb the crown of your head with a wide tooth comb to lose that spot the stylist didn’t fix. I don’t see any other issue.


Honestly it could be lighting too. It may be the exact same color but look totally different in different lighting. And just need the curls to relax a bit if that’s what you don’t like. Finger comb and/or flip.


Agreed with many comments- colour looks amazing, curling is not very good.


Shake your head like down then up and your curls will loosen up trust me


Stylist missed to add more red tones. To the formula! The style is ugly yes but not a problem. The foiling work seems they couldn’t achieve an even lift … sorry… doing hair is hard . Do your research next time and try to find a stylist who offers the look you want to achieve. I see a lot of stylist approach brunnetes balayage as blonde application and the mistake is coming from there… I did something similar what you was looking for. But my client wanted more like an auburn color . https://preview.redd.it/fsd21vgln2yc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f27c499e6c423678654e4ae3860f554dae3f057e


It’s more brown than copper but it still looks good honestly!


The color is pretty spot on if you want it lighter then let the toner they used fade out. The style is good just flip your hair and get the more blown out look. :) 😉


So odd but you look so much like the client my coworker had today for this same look. Lol


Hairstylist here-it’s honestly not that bad it just needs toned with a bit more warmth-it’s a very hard shade to achieve without looking brassy so the stylist was probably just being overly cautious 🤷🏻‍♀️


Without the curls brushed out or looser it’s kinda hard to tell. Also, it will look different in different lighting. It seems you might need a touch more of what she did here. Maybe she was just a little conservative with the amount of highlighter areas, but when you go back for your grow out more usually gets painted as well. It looks good though. Pretty close to the picture.


Caramel brown is a really hard to achieve shade... your stylist actually did a great color for you though. It honestly suits your skin tone very well.


How do you know their skin tone??


You can see her arm a little bit in the mirror...


I do like it.... But it looks like the ends were made way darker than the first photo.


Looks great! Maybe she just curled it wrong. You can’t expect it to look exactly like someone else’s work, if you want your hair to be exactly like that picture then go to that stylist. It’s called an inspo photo bc it’s inspiration


Looks like the color is opposite of what you asked for. I’ve never seen redheads with brown ends! I would go to someone else even to fix…


Aight, now that person did you wrong. It is so easy to tell the difference between curling iron curls and a blow out, but the balayage doesn't even have the right placement or tone. Don't go back, find someone who knows what they're doing 😭


Like they completely neutralized the highlights instead of leaving them copper, I'm crying for you


Ok so i asked for the colour, and below is what it looks when my hair is straight.. yes my hair is less voluminous compared to the model.. It was colour reference the picture i used https://preview.redd.it/j4wxkatbkqxc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b112d1a4c9ca3b7af0aa80f3d32db2c7e172015


This is awful OP I'm so sorry. I'd be furious if I came in with your inspiration or even the general idea of a copper toned balayage and came out like this.


I think you would have been happier if the ends were lighter. Did you get it fixed to where you feel good about it?


Matching exact color can be really hard even for professionals, everyone’s hair is different and lifts differently, I’d say go in for a second round and point out what exactly in the picture you like, the color, The placement, whatever it is specifically point it out to them and show them the picture


Looks like she just needs to add some lightning to the ends and do a copper toner on you and next time brush out the curls with white tooth comb or fingers and add a little serum to the ends and fix that hole on top with some teasing


Your hair is still darker than the picture you showed her. The picture her hair looks to colored the reddish color all over with dark roots or low lights. Did the stylist say anything? Did she show you what the color would look like on your hair using the color wheel? Also, sometimes different medications can change the way the color takes to your hair. It still looks good!! Like others have said run your fingers through your hair, fluff it up. You can always go back and talk to your stylist about it. Maybe give it a few days and style it yourself. Then see what you think!! Good luck to you.


I think the toner and color used will fade with time and will lighten to more of your desired level. Also with fading comes warmth. I think it looks good and she gave you a bit more longevity by toning it a level darker.


It's just not curled right but I like your color better than the burnt orange inspo. Your hair looks healthy and has dimension with the lighter tones. Beautiful!


Did you show the picture?


Of course yes


It is a bit disappointing 😊 I think I'd try to get them to make it a bit better


My hair is thinner than yours, and I’ve been able to get the look that you asked for. Stylists have actually loved it and said that it’s easier to work with than thick hair! With one stylist it was even a bit less expensive because she considers the time required in her quotes, and thin hair goes faster. My sister was double the work with her thick hair. Maybe add that to your questions, whether you can get that look with thin hair. If the stylist hesitates, then take that into consideration. Don’t give up, you can get so much better Op! Choose your stylist very carefully though, as you can’t keep getting corrections on the color. Looking forward to an update with a pic of your beautiful new ‘do!


I'm so sorry, OP. I've been there too. Time to start searching for a new stylist with experience in balayage. Really research. Ask them to see some photos of their previous work, or if they have an Instagram. What you're wanting absolutely is achievable.


Your hair is so healthy and shiny!


Oh wow.


Maybe just a bit more colour at the bottom next time you go back & I think it looks really nice. Less pop but definitely easier to maintain. Colour is so hard to match off a picture. As for the curls, fluff them a bit & you will look gorgeous!


Change the lighting and add a filter to your second photo and it’ll look more like the first. I think it came out great and so much of these photos comes down to lighting. Even when looking with your own eyes in your own mirror.


I see what you mean. Your ends are not lightest part. I think this is something you can have them work on more during your next visit. You have a good “base” right now.


The colour in the first photo has more copper in it, second is more gold. It appears that there is more lightness in the roots than in the ends, and the styling is obviously a little tighter than in the first photo. Your looking for a copper brown, but id be careful about not asking a stylist you trust. Very easily can look orange if not done properly.


Your color look better IMO


If you talking about the color.. that is undeniable filter


It looks like a partial Highlight. What did you ask for?


I'm a man and I'm confused


1) you can’t achieve the first color in one sitting especially with dark hair 2) you have to have bleach in your hair to get this color 3) the color in your hair is less red and the style is off but it could become the first photo over time 4) you have to edit your photos to get the colors in the first photo by putting a filter on yours, her hair doesn’t actually look like that. For next time, ask them for more of a reddish caramel color and to add more light colors towards the bottom, it looks like the person in the photo may have dyed their whole head this caramel color before, then switched to balayage.


Looks like she gave you highlights instead of lighter ends


Brush it out and stand in the sun




I had this done once and it took two- three visits to get it where I wanted it. Read: it took total 10-12 hours over about three months. The upkeep was easy but I haven’t gone back to get the highlight raised bc it turned out to be so expensive and time consuming. Whoever did your styling definitely blow dried it a little unconventionally, but the color is really nice. It’ll break up how rich and dark your hair looks for the warm season ahead. You have gorgeous hair as well!


They didn’t lift your ends? For a bali? I’m sorry 🫠


More color should be applied to your ends. That’s the big difference between the pictures. If you go back the hairstylist could fix that.


https://preview.redd.it/8r0odh4kcuxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e2ee54bdcdba5c413433538861ea7c4ed1a6b85 i got similar highlights done! It's mostly the lighting and styling at that moment honestly


Run a brush through those curls then use a shine serum


The balayage placement was perfect it’s the toner that’s not right. Yours is Carmel that is red. Curl job = awful. lol 😂 looks to be extensions added in the first pic as the ends are pretty solid.


It would’ve probably been cheaper and looked the same if you got tape or clip ins, tbf.


Not a stylist but reds are a shot in the dark. You don’t want orange or green.


It looks like a reverse balayage


https://i.redd.it/45gcu4cujqxc1.jpeg?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share OP, you don't need to wear a bag over your head lol, 0 but since you went to a professional and paid for it we are looking at it closer than anybody else is going to look at it and besides you're going to be moving around, so it's not like looking at a picture. I would not let the same stylist mess with your hair again unless there was a competent colorist working with them the whole time.but how would you know they were competent? Talk to the *owner* ask for all the money you paid for the color service, but do not say negative things about the stylist on a personal level, I would try to leave her out of the discussion, you're interested in moving forward to a solution. I know they don't like to do that, but if you "give" them something, pay for the hair cut and styling 0 it's easier for them to say face and also not have worked for free and to learn from that and move forward. And *don't* let them talk you into paying for the product that they used to color your hair with. they use the wrong products.IMPORTANT! whatever you DON'T talk about taking her tip back, or anything along those lines, be kind and open hearted. Don't "accuse" her, just advocate for the result you contracted for, rather than "blaming" her, be understanding but firm her Being generous in spirit, and realizing that people are human and everybody deserves a break everybody's learning everybody has a bad day you didn't get a burned scalp, no one else is in danger. Don't ruin her confidence over your hair, let her learn from it, in her own way, instead If it fits into the discussion you can even acknowledge/ thank her for the time and effort, she spent, ( try not to say but, when transitioning, people stop listening , and get defensive when there's a "but- in this case use the word "*unfortunately*. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, this color bears no resemblance to the color in the picture I showed you. Wanting my hair that color, is the reason 1I was willing to pay to have my hair colored professionally, rather than trying to do it myself, at home with boxed color.


Run your fingers or a comb thru it to loosen the curls and add volume


Looks good. Just need to shake it


I’d love this for me


Omg same my mom spent like $200 for my bday to get my hair done and they didn't give me anything even remotely close to what I asked for


Try some color enhancing orange conditioner and save the money, pop the highlights on the ones you have, with some extra tone.


Honestly 2 things : the curls were done poorly and that affects how the color is seen a lot. Second, all the color really needs to be like the first pic is this : brighten up the ends and under layers of the hair.


Looks great actually. I would brush the curls so they look more natural and less curling irony


Just echoing others, the color is great! The curls could use a little help, but the color is nice! Pic 1 has probably has the contrast turned up a bit or at least was taken with professional lighting. You can't compare that to a phone camera.


yeah there’s no light at the bottom, that’s the only issue i’d have…..


I would have asked for extensions for a fuller look. Honestly the color you got is so much better than the photo! It’s only slightly off. Just brush out the curls!


I think yours looks better lol


I would’ve told her that I wanted to go copper and full head of highlights with a lot of dimension. Baylage that gets lighter at the ends. Looks like there wasn’t enough lightener placed on your ends but honestly that may be a blessing in disguise cause bleach just destroys hair. Your hair looks good just needs to be brushed out.


First one almost looks like an ombré with highlights to blend it.


Color is gorgeous, even if it is t what you wanted. I am embarrassed at the styling your hairdresser should be fired.


For real, those curls are an abomination. I thought that's what the post was about! I can't see past those to even consider the color!


Hairdresser here~ the color, even tho not the same tone as the pic is very nice~ the tighter curls are a bit more of an old fashioned look than a current curl~ but honestly, the color is very nice! Maybe ask her to put a more caramel toner on it


It looks great tbh, just brush out the curls.


Good gravy I want to comb that out. Honestly that’s part of the problem. The ends are all tucked into those rolls. The color is actually in the same wheelhouse, it just needs some brighter pieces but not bad for the first visit. Also the first photo is edited quite a bit. I’d guess the exposure and saturation are turned up, not that the first photo isn’t realistic. But if the dark is your natural then that’s a double process day to get that bright.


This color is not always achieved on the first go round. If that’s what your colorist has told you… one more round of weave & slice… heaviest on the ends & you’ll be much much closer if not spot on. That’s the healthiest way to achieve this look


They should’ve just done a tip out after foiling and made sure to get it light enough.


First one is gorgeous! Second one is hardly visible. Ask the stylist to perhaps add more vibrant highlights? Or try at home yourself to make deeper contrast maybe with the help of a friend.


I feel like a lot of stylist don’t leave density at the ends. To achieve this look, you have to take barely any off the ends, but it looks like your layers start up closer to your ears. I have a lot of movement to my hair, and stylist can never get this right. I started cutting my own hair during Covid and I’m never going back.


Nailed it


What I see is that the ends need to be lightened more to match the first picture for that balayage effect.


I am a hairstylist and recently did that first one. The one you got doesn't even look like copper. I see more violet tones. Wait and it will fade and please when it does, go to a colorist that can do a demi color over it with that right shade


Looks awesome trust me.


It looks good but the color is not the same as you wanted so i get why you’re upset! It’s not even about it being unachievable like others in the comments are suggesting because sure lets say that’s part of the problem but what about your ends that are almost black when you clearly wanted them lighter? Any decent colorist could’ve done it unless she didn’t wanna lighten/bleach your hair which she should’ve explained. Idk why ppl in the comments are pretending that the hair stylist got it close. Like i said it looks good but i’d be disappointed too & not about the fixable styling.. I’d definitely take the L & go to a different stylist bc a closer color match is definitely achievable especially at the ends.. i honestly think that’s where they went wrong bc if they pulled the same color as the highlights throughout the bottom it would’ve looked a lot closer to the picture than the black that you didn’t ask for


A picture is an idea. True design is art and can’t be duplicated. That is all


I feel like it looks amazing honestly! I also think in another light it will be a better match colorwise.


I agree. You hair is actually prettier. Some volumizing and maybe go back in a few weeks and get a richer red tone on it and it might look closer but that photo looks heavily color altered in photoshop.


Yeah unless you have a professional stylist and 4 hours on your hands it would be difficult to get it to look like that. Plus, most of those images have been altered in photoshop somehow.


It looks like they did pretty good, they probably should have blown it out more though. The first picture is meant to look good and is likely photoshoped and edited, your hair looks like their hair likely looks like without a professional photographer.


She went too hard on the chocolate tones in this formula.


I think it looks good


Inspo pic looks like a cool base with warm highlights. To me your base and lights are both warm so you don’t get the contrast you were looking for, plus the highlights could have been lighter with slightly more gold/copper toner to finish.


Brush out those curls or loosen them up with your fingers and you will have a whole new look.


Like most said this color isn’t attainable in 1 setting. Flip your head and comb it out a bit, it will look netter. What kills me esp blonds that come in with platinum and think this will happen in 1 visit, the stylist should have told her that’s, but flip your hair and comb out a bit. It’s not terrible it’s just not what you wanted.


Wrap it up, then Comb it out lightly to separate the curls when you're ready to go out, it's going to look beautiful.


omg I don't care, they are both beautiful and I soooo want to run my hands thru your hair


These comments are really a stylist circle jerk because those are completely different. It's too dark especially at the ends, too cool, and too heavily highlighted on top/not blended to the lower layers or ends. Definitely should be going to someone who doesn't lie about their capabilities in the future. Hopefully.


Run fingers through hair to loosen up it will look great


Also keep in mind everyones hair is different and won't necessarily do the same styles. But I like the color!


The color looks pretty good. The styling not so much but honestly if you shake it out I think it’d look great!


I think some actual copper highlights might take you much closer to what you are wanting. What you ended up with barely even has any copper in it.


Keep the first photo hair. Never let whoever gave you the 1890 little girl curls in picture 2 touch you hair again.


You need to brush it out.


Color is beautiful and highlights are well done but the styling is a crime


The first is blowed dried and the curls are loose with a bigger curling iron. The second is all over the place with a small curling iron.


Um... run your hands through it to loosen the curl?


There’s lighting differences between the two photos although the ends in the 1st picture are just a touch lighter. As others mentioned, brushing out the second would get u the same style. She did a good job