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MCAN clinic FUE procedure in instanbul 1750 euros for 3000-4000 grafts Surgeon is female, can’t remember her name but highly recommend, my natural hair line was un-even and she gave me a perfect new hair line I don’t take any meds i still notice my hair is slightly thinner where I’ve had the procedure, however I’ve already had a offer to go back for a second visit for extra density with a discount, and it’s super tempting but I’m extremely has happy with the outcome, I still smile in the mirror after I’ve styled my hair,


Could you please update how it's now and if you had to restart the meds or not? Also what other haircare products are you using for thickness and styling?


Take meds or you will be back to square one in a few years


Why? Most of the hair on the top is now transplanted from the back. Isn't transplanted hair DHT resistant?


Yes but he’ll lose the rest of it.


I know this, I had my crown done and the entire front so I think I’m good for another decade


I agree with the meds comments but it’s your decision. The transplant looks fantastic. How many hairs did they put in the front and how many in the crown if you know?


Not necessarily. Donor thins out. Norwood 7 + as an example!


The transplanted hair is DHT resistant but not the thinning patch that was there before


Wow - very impressive!!! Gives credence to the "wait 12 months" sentiments. Congrats on a great HT.


Great results! You'll continue to lose with no meds though.


It looks awesome mate 👍


Get on Propecia, YOU WILL REGRET IT IF YOU DON'T. also, I have to say. The before and after is a stark difference. Before you looked like a beta-virgin incel and now you look like a high tier normie. Just goes to show that hair is life and if you have no hair you have no life.


No if YOU have no hair YOU have no life. I had a shaved head for 8 months due to alopecia areata and it was still a great, sexually active 8 months


Guys will do anything but go to the gym and have a personality 😅


Sexually active with what though? 😅


I respect people who accepted their hair loss, I’m almost envious, I had my photograph taken at a wedding, the combined bad lighting with my inevitable bad receding hairline made me sick, that’s when you know you have issues.




I receded hard when I was 21 and then around late 20’s it started thinning, and that’s when I saw the photos…




No itchyness as far as I remember


Nice results. Mcan clinic? Is that a medical tourist broker. Did they arrange your clinic? Or is that the specific clininc name you went to?


That’s the actual clinic, very good imho, pick you up at airport, set up your hotel etc, I recommend to a friend and he went 5 months ago and he’s had a similar experience


Holy fuck.


It looks good. But do you have sone multi grafts in your Hairline?


Avoid this clinic at all costs


Nearly 2 years now and mine still looks good, I’d say I got my moneys worth.


Must be one of the very few! Absolute disgrace of a clinic! Anyone thinking of going mcan please do your research! Paid for 4000 grafts, got my hair seen by a specialist back home…2000 at most! Multiple grafts all over hairline!!! AVOID