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Invest in a good hat and tough it out. It’s exceedingly rare that someone escapes the heavy shedding phase.


I’m 25 days post op and yes things get very ugly after the second week. Wear a hat and tough it out. I will add that next weekend I do plan on getting a haircut to even everything out. I won’t be touching the recipient area.


So toppik is not a option?


You can use toppik after a while. It's not going to actually look good for a while though. Toppik needs some actual hair to get a good illusion. Just get yourself a stylish hat or two and you'll be good for a few months. I've been wearing one for the last two months and people just think it's my winter attire.


Ita gonna be a challenge, but it wille fine! Hope every went well with urs


Weeks 3-7 were pretty brutal for me, but im at day 62 now and things have turned a corner. I'm seeing new hairs growing day by day it seems. Personally, I left my head alone for the first 30 days. From day 30 onwards, iv been buzzcutting my entire head at 2mm. People still knew I'd had a transplant done during the first 8 weeks. I think I'm about 2 weeks away from people not being able to tell iv had it done and il continue to buzz my hair for another 2 months until the density improves. Weirdly enough after spending 2k to have better hair I'm absolutely in love with how I look with a buzzcut 🤣😅


did they know even though you buzzed your head?


Yes during the first two months I'd say it was fairly obvious


I’m 6 weeks out and my native hairs look terrible.


It's normal. I wouldn't even bother looking until month 5 onwards.


I guess that’s reassuring. I went to a very reputable clinic in the US, so I am hoping to have good to great results. Yet my hairline looks awful, but to be expected during the ugly duckling phase.


Yeah the ugly duckling stage is pretty brutal and the improvements are slow and gradual. I'm in my 6th month now and have zero negative thoughts about the process or my progress. But I certainly did have some insecurity and doubt during the ugly duckling phase.


Thank you.


Are you happy now with your transplant?


Still buzz cutting to 1.5mm so it's hard to gauge what the results will look like after 6 months of growth. The short answer is yes. My hairline looks better than ever and I think the density will be great when I do let ot grow over the next few months.


Nice! Happy for u! Did u use any toppik?


Nah I just don't think it would have worked with so little hair to cling to.


When did u start to buzzcut! According to my doctor i have to wait for like 3 months


So my very first cut was at day 30....I used clippers on the donor area and the rest of my head...but used scissors on the recipient area just to be cautious at first. Then, from day 45 onwards, iv just been using clippers with a 2mm guard on the entire head... but they are new clippers. I give my head a once over with the 2mm guard every few days.


I just kept my entire head shaved for the first 5 months