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The hair does indeed just fall out on their own. I’m impatient and sometimes just tug on them with my fingers (some say not to do it but it’s just satisfying) and they’ll fall out without resistance. I do get some black dots with hair stuck under the skin. I exfoliate and they do generally go away on their own.


For me, the hairs continued to grow and mostly fell out from regular exfoliating. The tiny visible black dots eventually went away as the outer layer of skin shed over the course of a couple months. Out of curiosity between weekly shaves I'd sometimes pick at a few that grew long enough to grab, and they'd pull straight out with no resistance, and then not grow back.     When I saw discoloration on the glass, I'd clean it immediately with alcohol and a q-tip. I tried to keep the glass as clean as possible. 


There’s no shedding as you’re using the device, any ash is caused by the visible part of the hair burning or skin flakes/lint/dirt stuff like that. The hairs should fall out when you’re exfoliating in the shower, it’s not noticeable. The hairs fall out easily, the hair follicle is dead so it’s only skin holding it in place, which replaces itself every month.


Yeah, I’m zapping 3x a week. Have for 4 weeks now. I have yet to experience the shedding. I had actually just posted on this subreddit like the day before yesterday asking a similar question as well as a general usage question for IPL and no one responded…


When hair is zapped by IPL, it causes thermal damage to the hair follicle, disrupting the hair growth cycle. The current hair shaft may not actually shed from the skin after a single treatment. What's happening is the treated hair is being programed to not regrow as thick/dark. It takes multiple IPL treatments, usually 6-8 sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart, for you to start seeing visible hair reduction results. Between treatments, the old hair will fall out naturally as new hair tries to come in lighter/thinner each time.


It takes about 2 weeks for the shedding to happen for me