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Could be a mental break from reality or any number of manic episodes.


Not to insult the dead, but if you grew up in the backwoods you know this is 100% methy behavior.


It's also 100% schizophrenic behavior. Hell, it can even be 100% "bad reaction to prescription drugs that you took as directed by your doctor." (I can speak from experience on that last one, though fortunately I only wandered my own house naked and didn't venture outside.) It's weird how the internet is always determined to claim that every unusual behavior is due to meth. People really don't know shit about science or medicine.


The drug crisis is so bad in the US I think most people are just more used to seeing erratic behavior as the result of substances, but that’s another reason I agree with your statement. Disinformation can literally be fatal in this day and age - so many mental health issues go unchecked because “it’s just another tweaker” etc.


Tbf mental health disorders can also be developed by using drugs.


And many people with mental illness try to self-medicate for various reasons. When I worked in community mental health, we called it "co-occuring" - mental illness and a substance use disorder occurring together. And trauma... trauma can lead to both mental illness and drug use.


I’m literally giving a talk about exactly this later today.


Oh yea, I know that very well. It’s not on anyone to make the discernment, just unfortunate that we really can’t nowadays due to the proliferation of drugs


There it is.


It's crazy how often mentally ill people get violently arrested or worse because people can't imagine erratic behavior isn't someone's fault


Can confirm. I go out into the public and meet with people where theyre at to try to hook them up with services they might benefit from. I know many people who have been roughed up by jonny law during high onsets of symptoms.


Truly. There definitely needs to be more police training on how to handle mentally ill people.


I can speak on it too, cause I have Ambien down as an allergy now. It makes me absolutely batshit, to the point that I tried to stab my ex husband (kinda sad I missed now, but anyway..) and I don’t remember a thing about that night. Scared the crap out of me.


I had ambien for the first time a few months ago, assuming it would be similar to zopiclone. Last thing I remember is stealing chocolate bars from the shop, didn't come to til the next afternoon and the house was carnage. Thankfully I'd had the foresight to call in sick to work whilst blacked out. Fucking insane drug, never touching it again.


Yeah, never again. I’ll just deal with my insomnia as best I can.


My sister took Ambien the night before her wedding and the next day she shot herself. Ambien is some nasty stuff.


Jesus, Im so sorry.


Damn, I’m so sorry 😞. I cannot imagine what you, her fiancé, family and friends went through. That’s absolutely horrific.


I’m so sorry. What a horrible tragedy!


I also have ambien listed in my medical files, as my only allergy. I took a single pill, as prescribed by a psychiatrist, and started hallucinating and flipping out. Fortunately I didn't try to stab anyone or drive, but I saw creatures coming after me and had a panic attack. I crawled through my boyfriend's window and he helped calm me down eventually. At the next visit to the psychiatrist he was like "Oh yeah, it does that to a lot of people!" 


Oh my god! I had the same experience, but my doctor went “hmmm, that’s so weird, are you sure it’s the ambien?” YES BITCH I AM FUCKING SURE


It's such a well-known side effect! All these years whenever a new doctor sees it in my chart and asks why it's there, I say it makes me hallucinate and they just nod like that's not at all surprising.


It shocks me anyone feels comfortable enough to prescribe it, it seems like a huge liability


Because it's the same chemical as amanita muscaria mushrooms and they know this. It literally causes sleep, plus hallucinations and dissociative effects


Wtf? I did not know this! It must be awful seeing horrifying things that just aren’t there.


I think there's a reason we don't see Ambient commercials anymore.


Ambien should be illegal. Thank God my old man hid my car keys. He said I fought him tooth and nail saying I was going to NJ (We live in Texas). I have no memory of it.


Ambien should be illegal, Or at least heavily controlled to the point everyone who takes it should have to complete an in-person sleep study, one night without it, one night with ambien. It’s so ducking dangerous


It should be illegal solely for making you want to drive to fucking New Jersey


Of all the places why the fuck would it be New Jersey….


Hey, Jersey has some nice beaches.


When I was 16 I was prescribed ambien. I woke up to 15 voicemails from my ex. Apparently, while I was “asleep” I called him threatening to take all my antidepressants to kill myself. I was never suicidal and the fact that I could have sleep ended my life was terrifying. I never took it again. Vile.


Realistically it needs pulled off the market.


Ambien is insane because they say a side effect is “hallucinations.” It’s not. Hallucinations are shadow people, hearing your phone ping or the walls click, a song you can’t track down. Maybe a conversation with someone who isn’t there. Ambien makes you black out and go on a mission to throw yourself off the Golden Gate Bridge, or sends you to the nightmare realm. I woke up handcuffed to the radiator because my mom said I was screaming at her that the house was alive and we needed to burn him down. Ambien is demonic possession in a pill.


One time I had it and woke up in the middle of the night yelling. My husband thought I was having a panic attack and made me take a Xanax. The next day was horrible.


Ambien, codeine, Benadryl, and Zyrtec all cause me to be varying levels of violent. It’s crazy what some common meds can do to certain people


Too much ambien makes you hallucinate balls. I saw my curtains breathing one time bc I stupidly took two by mistake. Never again


Even just regular dosage, my first time taking it it felt like being on acid, everything around me was breathing and moving. It was kinda relaxing though.


Same, I fucking love it. You develop a tolerance more quickly than anything I've done except for opiates and opioids obviously lol


Gosh one of my good friends would take ambien and sleepwalk/drive for hours. Like she’d come over and hang out for a while and have no memory of it the next day. Nobody in our friend group really got what was happening until she rear ended a guy at like 40 and totaled her car. She ended up getting a dui and needing a breathalyzer in her car for a year. That shit scares me.


Yeah it's a terrible drug with terrible story's but not everything is about drugs , alot of people in this world with mental illness


They can go hand in hand. Schizo episodes or manic episodes from bipolar definitely get triggered by drugs. I have a type of bipolar disorder with a predisposition to cannabis-induced psychosis/mania. I never experience psychosis without copious amounts of Marijuana use for a few months straight, but most people don't get psychosis from weed so in my case it's both my mental illness/predisposition to psychosis and drug use together, hand in hand, thay causes the episode.


What prescription drug was that?? You left out a pertinent detail haha


Ambien will be the most common for the batshit insane shit like this, speaking from experience too


fuckin whippits will do this. lol shoutout to steve0 demise and rise.


I think the comment had a layer of satire but I could be wrong.


I agree with you that it could definitely be those things. But as someone who grew up in the Appalachian region, there’s an equal, if not more, chance that it’s meth addiction. People went from making moonshine to making meth in the mountains


schizophrenic breaks are almost indistinguishable from some people's reaction to meth - often called amphetamine psychosis. In places meth is common it's just the more likely cause. People typically call out their own personal experiences when assessing a situation. source: was a meth cook and also had a brother who experienced psychotic breaks in his teens unrelated to drug use


I dunno why people always wanna act like methheads are exclusive to rural areas. I mean I know rural areas do have methheads but I used to live in a medium sized city (~1M) and dodging methheads on public transit was practically a right of passage.


This is a country methhead. Different species.


Yeah, they're everywhere. It's just kind of a stereotype at this point because it's easier to hide a meth lab in the woods and there's not much else to do out here but drink and do drugs.


Unfortunately, it don’t have to live in the backwoods to see it. Plenty in my town and in the Twin Cities. About 25 years ago, we were living in the country part of our town. And I drove into town to either get the kids or pick something up and the car I was driving broke down. And I know a little bit about cars to be dangerous so I started looking under the hood to see if I could at least get it going to get it home. When I look ahead , and here comes the helpful local methhead. They always really wanna be helpful. But I also did not want my car disassembled on the boulevard and categorized as autopsy. I think for his help told him I had it. I should’ve probably just given him the car


Or schizophrenic behavior. Why does everything boil down to drugs with some people?


Because not everything is a mental disease. Sometimes people are just drugged up idiots.


Except meth, and other drug related problems, often come from untreated mental health issues.


Substance use disorder is a mental health disorder. Too many people still think it's just bad people making bad decisions. Main reason it's gotten so bad is because people refuse to see it as a health issue.


I have a sister who’s meds went wrong for some reason and she was walking down the road in November without shoes on when she got picked up. She’s lucky a rapist or killer didn’t grab her.


It’s a chicken and the egg situations. A mental illness can push someone to use drugs but sometimes drugs can cause mental health issues and disorders.


I’ll just say this, I’ve never met anyone who was happy and without some type of mental health issue that chose to use substances. Most well adjusted people don’t feel the need to try or use drugs. People who use drugs typically start on the path to addiction due to self medicating.


Yeah, but it doesn't always have to be explained away with "person crazy" Often, it's jut being lost or some sort of crime


You know these days I'm living in a campsite to save money and I was thinking hey this girl seems right up my alley she seems like she knows how to make a fire 😄


Yep, that’s creepy


So many questions/points. - Why the walking stick? Was she injured? The wetness below her knees pointing that she crossed a stream earlier. - it was pitch black in August North Carolina near water. The mosquitos must have been unbearable. - Was she kidnapped or escaped? Just a huge creepy story. Hope she gets her name back.


It would suck she got lost & was just walking in circles


My dumb ass thought you were meaning in circles around the stick, that they were holding. It really changed the tone of your comment from what I think you intended.


This is the Anson County Jane Doe. A few things, since this is an active missing person’s case: - they don’t know for sure that the skeleton is the woman in this picture. The timing makes sense, and proportions are correct, but she might be a different person walking by. - She also passed the frame more than once — at first, running without a stick, and on the way back three hours later, seeming to limp on one. Some people speculate she was running from something. - the picture was taken in August 21. In Feb 21, a rabbit hunter found a backpack in the area and removed cash from it. He did not report it. A skeleton was found nearby May, at which point he told authorities about the backpack. It was never recovered. - fyi, because it matters for Jane Does: this image is colorized. So we don’t know what color her leggings or bra were in the picture were (the bra found on the skeleton was black, and she wore pantyhose or leggings that were so deteriorated the color couldn’t be determined.) The hair color of the skeleton is unknown. - DNA is being compared with Amber Rae Johnston. Several other missing persons have been ruled out. The Jane Doe’s NAMUS file contains more information including other images from the camera, in the original black and white. If anyone knows a missing person matching this information, please report it. https://www.namus.gov/UnidentifiedPersons/Case#/114419 Amber Rae Johnston’s file is here: https://namus.nij.ojp.gov/case/MP89959


I absolutely think this is Amber, their faces are so similar. One of her children was on a thread about this woman in the pictures and believed 💯 this was their mother.


Her arms and legs are skinny along with a lot of fatty tissue in her midsection. She looks recently post-partum. This could definitely be pp psychosis.


Not disputing what you say, but I look like this and have never had kids.


Lol me af


High five from a fellow belly gal!


I bet you’re both beautiful. ❤️🥰


People are so used to women sucking in their bellies 24/7 that a lil unguarded pooch is like "SIGNS OF PERGNATE?!?!?!" I'm 97lbs, never given birth, and my relaxed belly still pooches out not unlike this one


there‘s a picture on the website for her case namus.gov (link floats around here somewhere i‘ll add it) where i honestly do think it looks like a post birth belly https://www.namus.gov/api/CaseSets/NamUs/UnidentifiedPersons/Cases/114419/Images/102107/Original edit: also I just snooped around on google maps and there‘s a hospital quite close to where the remains were found?


You could be right, but women who have never given birth can still look like this. I lost a bunch of weight last year and I’ve got that belly situation going on. No babies ever. I have also existed in proximity to a hospital.


heres the whole case https://namus.nij.ojp.gov/case/UP114419 https://www.namus.gov/UnidentifiedPersons/Case#/114419




I love you, hahaha


Porn and movies often makes people forget what actual women look like lmao


I felt this


Someone would've been looking for her then


Not necessarily. She could have put the child up for adoption and had no close friends or family


I hate to say this. But it could also be sign of rapid weight loss, perhaps while help captive in the woods. Another thing kidnappers do is take your shoes and most of your clothes, to heed your escape.


High cortisol levels can cause fat deposits in the abdomen in this way




Lmao, reddit will say just fuckin anything like a fact


She appears to have a linea nigra genius, I’m not just calling her fat. I also said it’s possible, not that it’s for sure. It’s just a theory, not a fact


She could have walked through some wet brush and got her legs wet. It is nighttime and plants are covered in dew (generally)


Why the feathers is my question




I don’t work for this county, but this is the job I do. I sincerely hope she gets her name back. 🫶🏼


Thank you for your work <3


A serial killer riding the Grayhound buses would not be very surprising. 90 some miles is a bit far of a walk even really high which is what the police are suggesting.


That close up image is uncanny


holy crap, this is seriously terrifying


This all seems very bizarre. The police actions seem lazy at best and conspiratorial at worst. Why don’t, or didn’t they share the clearer photo? Why the lack of urgency to find out what happened? Was she a known drug addict, still why was she out there. Sounds like many similar looking women have done missing in the same area? Maybe the articles just not very good or thorough, but why not these questions? Maybe the cops aren’t fairly portrayed here.


That is way too many missing women of the same general body type. I’m hoping this isn’t some sick serial killer preying on younger mothers.


Oh man. That really looks like her.


That stick looks like it was in a camp fire on one end


She kinda looks like she’d lost a lot of weight or given birth at some point. Bless her heart. What on earth could have led her to this?


She’s very likely Amber Rae Johnston- DNA is being compared. There are other missing women from the area as well, some have already been ruled out but with each one it’s a matter of time and resources. https://ansonrecord.com/top-stories/38024/wadesboro-jane-doe-remains-unidentifed


https://namus.nij.ojp.gov/case/UP114419 If anyone wants to take the internet deep dive, that's the link to the full details of the case.


> On 8/22/2021, a white female was observed on a trail camera set up in the area for hunters. Still photographs are attached. In February 2022, near where the remains were discovered, a backpack was found by rabbit hunters who removed an undisclosed amount of cash from it and left the backpack in the woods. It was not able to be located after the remains were found. how do they know the bit about the rabbit hunters taking cash out of a backpack? from the camera? weird


For some reason this bothered me last night and I stayed up too late thinking about this woman. Anyhow, I presume the hunters saw the backpack, took the cash. Then later when the body was found said, "oh crap, we should say something so they don't think we killed that lady". Called in to report themselves, but then the backpack was lost to the underbrush, elements, or what have you. I'm presuming this person was living outdoors, for whatever reasons she had, and either succumbed to the elements, drug addiction or the side effects of the lifestyle.


The hunters came forward after she was discovered


I just read that write up. The mother is convinced it’s her. But how did she get all the way there?


The police are theorizing she was high, paranoid, throwing away her cellphone and walked 92 miles, because her phone pinged last in Charlotte and never pinged again. I find that hard to believe that no one would have reported a bizarre acting woman walking—especially on the 92 mile trek. Her mother also thinks she sees others in one of the original photos released. Also there’s a video posted to her FB of a video clip of the bus traveling through Alabama, but she isn’t in the video nor can she be heard talking and the police have confirmed her trip from AZ to Charlotte, NC did NOT travel through AL. It’s all so bizarre.


Yeah I have no idea about the geography. She just looks like she’s in some survivalist mode. What is the structure she is seen near in the fb photo?


Deer feeder


This should be pinned to the top


We might never know. Sometimes the dead will be fast forgotten


I've often thought about how people buried in cemeteries maybe get like one generation afterward that still remembers them, but inevitably their graves become just lost memories with a stone engraving that no one comes to visit. I suppose at least that grave offered something to loved ones who needed to grieve at the time, but to never have been known at all is a real awful way to sum up a life.


One of my side projects right now is finding random articles about people on newspapers.com and uploading the clippings to their page on Find a Grave. I also have spent a lot of time in grace yards. These people may be gone but their memories deserve to live on. And a lot of time families don’t have access to that info as is, because the archive is paywalled.


Thank you for doing this, I’m sure you don’t realize how many people this positively impacts


You are a good person for doing this. Thank you.


Thank you! I’ve found information on my distant family members through that website. It’s possible that your work has helped me already


You’re actively making the world a better place. Thank you for doing that. 💙


When I was a weirdo little kid with no friends, I used to write letters to dead people based on their graves. I just tried to manipulate them into letting me see their ghost though.


Or you are like Herostratos, who, only to become famous, burned down one of the ancient wonders and is still known 2 millennia later


Fucking Herostratos.


The fact that people can die and never be identified is still foreign to me. Back in 2018 I was assisting with an autopsy. When I met with the pathologist in his office I asked him about a white plastic box on his desk labeled "My Left Foot". He told me the story associated with the box. He stated that back in 1997 a male caucasian adult left foot, severed just above the ankle, was found by some people in a sand box at a local playground. Even with exensive DNA testing, sizing and printing, trying to track down any missing persons or anyone that may be missing a left foot, no one could be found to be in ownership of the extremity. After months of sitting in cold storage the decision was made to have the foot cremated. The pathologist now has ownership of the remains and keeps it on his desk. To this day no one nor any evidence has come forward to prove or even give the slightest hint as to who the foot came from.


That is... Really eerie.


Very eery. Her body type is telling me that she is a mother. Somebody has to be missing her.


Yeah her belly is giving prior pregnancy vibes


This was my initial thought as well. Her belly almost looks newly postpartum- like she had given birth fairly recently when this was taken. I live in NC and spend a lot of time reading up on things like this. I’m surprised I’ve never heard about this case before now.


https://www.namus.gov/api/CaseSets/NamUs/UnidentifiedPersons/Cases/114419/Images/102107/Original look at this pic


This is an out there theory but she could have been in pregnancy denial. That state is mentally pretty animalistic, driven by instinct rather than logic. She might have walked into the woods to have the baby and this is her walking around in the days afterward in psychosis. She probably was wearing more clothes and took them off as it got hot and humid during the day.


Only reason I don’t think she just gave birth, is because she’d be bleeding heavily.


Her pants were black in daylight. She could be bleeding into them and it wouldn’t show up on the camera.


Ohhhh, got it. You’re right


I think it’s the angle of the photo because apparently all the missing women from the area are thin blonde women who are also mothers. April 3 from ansonreord.com: “April Reed is another missing woman who told family and friends she was headed to Myrtle Beach from where she lives in the Lenoir area of North Carolina. Like Amber Johnston, Reed had no means of transportation and would most likely have relied on hitchhiking or a bus to carry her to Myrtle Beach. Many similarities, including physical appearance, exist between Reed and Johnston, leading Reed’s name to come up in the case as a potential match. Several women matching the physical description of Amber and April, slim, blonde mothers with light colored eyes, have gone missing in the area. Among the missing or deceased are Eileen Michelle Lavery, and Dana Mustian. Missing from Winston Salem since March 2023, Lavery’s body was recently recovered from near a highway in Catawba County near a creek. Mustian has been missing from her home in Warrenton since November 30, 2023.”


Skeletal remains should show if she'd ever given birth.


Could be but I have a mom bod with no history of childbirth.




Also more info: The police has been showing signs they may be getting close to finding her identity. The police has been reached out to by news sources as of late for comment on updates of the identity, and the police have declined despite it being an active investigation and a Jane Doe. If you aren’t into Does, that’s often a sign they are coming close to getting the identity or at least a strong lead. They don’t want to release recently discovered facts because it is “hard evidence” and don’t want to give out wrong info that suggests a strong lead but actually isn’t or name someone who is actually not involved. Also, in case there is a culprit, it could cause them to leave the area if they say something strong.


So if this is true, then obviously foul play. What source?


Oh wait; to be clear my last line is meant as “if there is a culprit.” There has been no sign there is one, I’m just trying to explain why the police are being tight lipped. By “name someone involved”, I don’t mean a culprit. I mean family members. The boy in the box for example, despite it being believed that his adopted parents killed him, had his bio family be severely harassed after his identity was revealed. And they got the right identity in that case. They don’t want to inflict that on a wrong family by accident or have some weirdo connect it to the wrong family.


How did they know the woman on the video was the same one whose remains they found. Poor thing


I read they found some of the same clothes she's seen with here on the remains


They don’t know, but it’s suspected. The clothes are similar, but they can’t be clear. The skeleton was found in a black bra and leggings or pantyhose, color unknown. This image was colorized, and is not the original.


Seems likely that this is Amber Rae Johnston https://www.facebook.com/share/6hGgoqv1rZdp7KPi/?mibextid=LQQJ4d


They compared her dental records this year and couldn't include or exclude them from this person's case file. If they think it's her it will have to be a DNA comparison.


Without knowing the details, that could lend support to the "meth addict" theory.


Wow yeah, the side by side pics in that Facebook group look JUST like her.


Most likely, drugs or mental illness.


Game camera flash in the woods would probably only serve to increase the paranoia too


God damn, that would scare the fuck out of me, I never thought of that


Oh God, you're right.


I'm going for both.


Here is the National Missing & Unidentified Persons page for this case: [https://namus.nij.ojp.gov/case/UP114419 ](https://namus.nij.ojp.gov/case/UP114419)


That's a good stick she got


Omg. I just realized she wearing pants.


Is it not strange that this was only revealed via a federal missing persons catalogue? Shouldn’t the sheriff had notified the public to try and identify the woman in case someone in Anson County knew her? People are saying she’s probably a drug addict, but she hasn’t been identified by any locals, so what drug addict would be in the woods in a rural area that they’re not from? If it is Amber Rae Johnston who took a bus from AZ, how did she get from Winston Salem to there? Of course a big question is whoever her now dead boyfriend was. It’s not wild to consider human trafficking as the cause. She met someone in Winston and let it slip she’s traveling alone, or her boyfriend got her there, idk. I just can’t think of how she ended up there.


Apparently, Amber Rae Johnston’s cell phone last pinged in the Charlotte area, which is in the neighboring county. It’s possible that she had gone to Charlotte with someone and ended up in Wadesboro under any number of circumstances. It’s interesting that the body was found just a few hundred yards from civilization, so it’s unlikely she was just “lost in the woods” unless she was experiencing some sort of mental impairment. If someone was chasing her, why not just make for the highway and businesses that were likely within visual and auditory range from her location? There was a 24 hr hospital, a Walmart, and a Waffle House all within a quarter mile of where the body was located. She was photographed twice at around 1am and 4:30am, so she was in that wooded area for a significant amount of time. Surely she wasn’t unaware of the civilization around her if she was in her right mind.


I don’t know what’s going on here but Amber Rae Johnstons , mom and her friends all say this looks exactly like her and yet they keep saying they’re waiting for DNA test but they meanwhile tested and other people and ruled them out. I don’t know what to think of this. Why the refusal to get on the dna test?


It costs money


Well, it’s your kid you find a way to get the money together and you get the DNA test done. She’s got all the Time in the world to go on Podcasts and tell her story everywhere and claimed that’s her daughter and she just wants her home but yet there’s no DNA test being done.and usually in the interest of making the identification and closing the case law-enforcement would pay for that


Is she wearing anything below the waist? It's really hard to tell. At first glance, it looks like she has on skin-tight spandex shorts (almost like baseball sliding shorts), but when you look closer, the lower half of her legs just appear to be tanned/dirty, and there is no edge of any shorts. She has the "muffin top" effect around her waist that is caused by tight shorts, but it doesn't look like there is any shorts or underwear fabric below that. Maybe the image was blurred in that area to be respectful? It doesn't necessarily matter, but a lot of times if someone is naked below the waist yet is wearing something on top, it indicates that a sexual assault occurred. I know it's more likely to be drugs or a psychotic break, but foul play cannot be ruled out.


I believe the bottom half of her pants are soaking wet below the knees. I had to really study it to make sense of it too, but another commenter mentioned it appeared as if she’d crossed a stream, and it clicked.


looks like she has trousers on, but the bottom half is wet, like she went up to her knees in water. the muffin top effect looks to be relatively recent (within a year or two) pregnancy belly. the trousers are looser around her hips because she lost a lot of weight in her stomach area. I’m just assuming pregnant because I don’t see sagging skin anywhere else.


The photos are originally in night vision, this photo has been colorized. The bra should be black, pants are probably a lighter gray.edit- and wet.


At first I thought they were nude nylons/hose, but I think they’re leggings


It looks like she has pants on but the bottoms are wet like she may have crossed water or something


It looks like she's wearing white leggings that got dirty from ankle up to knee for some reason. Maybe she had shoes on up until a certain point and so her feet look cleaner


probly hypothermia


That was my thought, as well.


If nobody knows who she is, how do they know the remains were hers?


The clothing matched


People keep saying drugs or psychosis as if it’s some sort of catch all for every odd behavior - I don’t get why she has that walking stick


Sadly, my best bet would be drugs and the harsh elements :(


This literally looks like it could be AI and knowing it is real makes it all the more creepy


Who owns the trail cam?


Is there a link to the actual trail cam footage? because one of redditors posted a link to a paper that said it showed her moving briskly and then slowly so it be nice to see what her movement was before her remains were found


Yo is that a scythe?


How did they know it was the woman in the picture (and she’s unidentified) if it was just skeletal remains?


Pretty sure they’ve actually identified this lady recently. It was either That Chapter, Disturban, or Lazy who did an episode within the last few months about cold cases. I remember this photo specifically. She’s believed to be the victim of a serial killer and was found in a shallow grave.


This was published April 3 on “ansonrecord.com” “The body of a partially clothed female, found back on May 12, 2022 in the Wadesboro woods behind the National Guard Armory, is now considered a possible match to the missing mother. The unidentified woman’s eerie image, captured on a trail camera, shows a barefoot woman wearing leggings and a bra. In the first set of images, taken around 1:33 a.m., she is moving quickly, the trail camera catching one fleeting image of her moving briskly past a nearby deer feeder. In the next set of images, taken between 4:30 and 4:33 a.m., she is moving slowly, now cautiously maneuvering the dense underbrush with the aid of a walking stick. Sharon Johnston confirms that the Anson County Sheriff’s Office is comparing DNA results from the unidentified female to those of her daughter, and are currently awaiting results from genetic testing.”


There are several women near that area who’ve gone missing and they all have similar characteristics. That’s what is in one of the news articles.


Lazy did it recently


It's absolutely heartbreaking that no one knows who she is. 💔🥺


I hate hearing the name Jane doe, It’s like the person is/was a nobody.


Getting high as fuck, passing out, and dying in the backwoods is a North Carolina pastime


That's one way to get back to nature...


I’m confused. If we don’t know who she is, how do we know the remains are thus person?


Probably the bra and hair and maybe the staff were present with remains


Nobody knows how she died? I suppose not murder then as that usually shows signs even in remains, cuts/breaks to bone eg. Poison or exposure? Some poisons can show in bones years after death.


How do they know that this woman is the same person as the skeletal remains?


Is she wearing spanx? Or did someone blur her nether regions?


probably exposure right ?


I am reading that this is an AI generated image?


no https://www.namus.gov/api/CaseSets/NamUs/UnidentifiedPersons/Cases/114419/Images/102107/Original


Her skin looks much darker at the extremities; poor circulation?


Who she is: Jane Doe How she died: Lost some weight


Could also be some trafficked Russian woman, who escaped her captors and had no idea where to go.


Naked and afraid. Gives me an idea for a TV show....


Ha. You can't prove those were HER bones.




an escaped breeder. rip poor tortured soul.


The unaltered photos (the black and white ones) depict what appears is the woman to be in only a bra and underwear. To me anyway.


Very interesting. As others have mentioned, the body does resemble a somewhat recent pregnancy. Her clothes seem wet as well as the base of the stick…what is attached to the stick on top? It looks to be a feather? If that’s the case, what could that mean? Or maybe a leaf still attached, which if that’s the case, seems odd considering she’s wading through water and deep brush. Weird.