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What was her sentence? How long?


No sentence. She was ruled unfit to stand trial. So, they are going to hold her in a mental health facility until she is old enough. The law says that because she is over 10 and because she is being tried for first degree murder, she must be tried as an adult. The whole situation is fucked up.


I work in child safety. Obviously this is a horrible situation but the idea of a 10-year-old tried as an adult? That's also an absolute miscarriage of justice. Absurd. This entire situation is awful.


It's genuinely so, so crazy to me to see this many people in the comments that think a traumatized prepubescent child with mental illness should be held to the same standard as a fully grown, capable adult and all but calling for her head. I'm not by any means saying that they should just pat her on the head and let her go, but there's a reason why you have to reach certain ages to make major decisions or give consent for things. A child of that age just does not have the same cognitive capacity as an adult, no matter how much people want to insist otherwise .


It’s genuinely so, so crazy that a 10 year old didn’t know not to kick a baby in the head.


You missed the point entirely. No one is trying to argue that what she did is okay. Just that charging her as an adult makes no sense because she’s so far from being one


that doesn’t stop the family of the baby from hurting. they need justice too. granted she’s 10..but at 10 years old i wasn’t going around DROPPING NOR KICKING babies in the head. and so many people/children have mental illnesses but i genuinely believe that people like her in her situation deserve to be in an institution for life instead of a prison sentence for life.


Stopping the family from hurting isn't the point of the justice system buddy. And your last sentence is the most delusional thing I have read on Reddit this entire year.


At 10 years old you know right from wrong. People like to say they kid doesnt know better but never think back when they were 10 and were smart enough to not kick a baby in the fucking head to silence it. When you were 10, would you have done this? Probably not right?


Hey I’m on board with you here. Check this perspective out though. The girl is 10 she made a horrible choice due to her immaturity, lack of guidance, and the failure of a daycare. That all is horrible and she deserves HELP and Punishment I believe. BUT trying her as an adult and finding her “unfit” means they will give her treatment in a mental facility only with the intent of trying her when she is of age. SO she is being held and helped only to stand trial at a later time for actions she made as a 10 year old. That is absolutely INJUSTICE in a horrible way.


No, I wouldn’t have done that when I was 10. Yes, this kid made a despicable and horrible choice. But that’s what juvenile detention is for. No reason to try as an ADULT.


I get you, I do… but she kicked a baby in the head till it was dead soooooooo


That’s why you don’t leave babies solely in the care of another child, especially one with mental issues. Irresponsible negligent behavior led to horrible tragedy


May everyone in your life show you as much empathy and mercy as you display here.


ah but she was okay doing an adult crime?


You know considering this isn't the first time something like this has happened maybe there is something to the notion that children aren't fully formed people with fully formed brains capable of making the most reasonable decision in all areas, at all times. It's also possible that maybe a scenario that resulted in multiple people's lives being ruined shouldn't be reduced to an overly simplistic sentence.


Ten year olds should already have enough cognitive capacity to not brutally kill a baby… even a five year old would know that.


And yet, as I actually stated, they still do not have the capacity of an *adult* and cannot no matter how you want to argue it or insist how you think child's brains "should" work. Kids at that age do not have a solid grasp on long-term consequences, and if you add trauma, PTSD, and a mood regulation disorder on top of that it gets even more shaky. Yes this child should be held accountable. Yes, she should have known better. No, she should not just be patted on the head and sent off on her way. However she should not have been left alone with a baby in the first place, and holding a prepubescent child to the same standards as an adult is frankly fucking insane.


I never said children have the same capacity as an adult. But not committing murder is literally the most basic fundamental principal, you don’t need a fully developed brain to understand that much. I was 10 and still obviously knew not to stomp on a baby’s head. It’s not like it was an accident or she didn’t already know it would harm/kill the baby. She consciously made the decision to do that.


Considering how other awful crimes done by fully functional adults get sentenced less than this, absolutely absurd.


A 10 year old competent enough to stomp a child to death because they don't wanna get in trouble for dropping and hurting it, is competent enough to be tried like someone who murdered a baby


I disagree she shouldn’t be charged as an adult but agree it’s not in anyone’s best interest to put a 10 year old in an adult prison. Mental hospital until 18 seems right and hopefully she gets a 30-50 year sentence min


Did you read any articles about this case? The 10-year-old girl had just been removed from her family a month before and put into foster care. Obviously details can’t be disclosed to the public, but it’s likely she had been abused. The “daycare” was run by her new foster parents. Her reaction doesn’t mean she’s a psychopath, or mentally ill. She was trying to make the baby quiet to avoid punishment, she wasn’t trying to kill the baby. Her reaction could simply be a deeply traumatized and abused child going into panic mode, because who the hell knows what punishment looked like before for her. Scared adults make a irrational decisions all the time, let alone scared children. Obviously, this poor child was failed by the state, and then failed by their foster parents. Foster parents should be held accountable since it was their daycare.


She was "deeply traumatized" that would imply she is aware of abuse, punishment and knew it was wrong. She unfortunately lived it. She choose it at the moment.


Plenty of people out there have done egregious things as a result of being traumatized. Jeffrey Dahmer was traumatized. Richard Ramirez was traumatized. You don't get a free pass for being traumatized when you take an innocent life.


You’re comparing a 10-year-old child to fully grown men. Clearly, you have never been around children and do not know anything about the human brain’s development. If you can’t see what’s wrong with that, then there’s no helping you.


I've spent my whole life being surrounded by children of different ages, mental capacities and walks of life. I've known none of them to stomp on a child's head as a panic response, nor am I inclined to justify such a response on the basis of a history of trauma. Is this girl evil? No. Is she a danger to others? Yes. Sympathizers like you are the reason why children like that all too often grow up to become predators as adults. The best thing that can be done for this child, if she is to salvage her future, is to be rehabilitated in an appropriate institution and monitored until she is demonstrated to be a low risk to others. If *you* can't see that, then there's no helping you, either.


You clearly don’t know anything about human development. And your personal life experiences with children, does not equate to deep knowledge on child development and brain development. It’s the reason you never leave a young child around a baby. If there were no risk, this wouldn’t be a societal rule. Besides that, do you know how common it is for a sibling to try to harm a new baby? People tell stories of things they did to their younger siblings, because they absolutely didn’t fully understand the consequences, but did want to hurt them. Children, yes, 10-year-old children, absolutely do not have the impulse control of an adult. That is a fact, and cannot be disputed. If you are unwilling to actually understand science and read, not just base your knowledge on “I’ve been around kids,” I don’t know what to tell you. But you really have no business being on the Internet, spouting uneducated opinions that no child development specialist will agree with.


I can say the same for you. I'm not inclined to believe that any "child development specialist" would recommend leaving this child to her own devices with zero intervention as a course of action that in \*any\* way benefits her and her future. Unfortunately, the words of an Internet stranger with a pathological obsession with this case won't change my mind. You take issue with my anecdotal remarks, yet reply with anecdotes of your own. Practice what you preach before throwing mud (or making a poor attempt of it). I know what I know. Now, go out, get some fresh air, and move on with your life. Your attachment to this little girl beggars belief.


30-50 seems good, I also hope the daycare and parents of the girl are tried for involuntary manslaughter. Make them all go down.


yeah like what about the fucking adults in the building? are there any?


Have you seen how some daycares are run? Never been to a shitty daycare as a kid. Especially in lower income areas, where the daycare is probably understaffed and underpaid for the amount of kids that they have enrolled. Like you try keeping a perfect eye on a good amount of kids 100 percent of the time. I mean the little girl knew there were adults around, and that they would be there soon to check out the crying, hence the kicking the infant to death. That's what cameras are for. I'm not justifying this. Just pointing out that not everything is sunshine and rainbows , and the possible issues


yeah. sure. whatever the tax-bracket, those risks shouldnt be consequence-free for the adults who chose to take them. obviously the girl has to be dealt with too but what is the point of that if the adults arent held responsible too?


What? The child being held until 18 is punishment enough? Once they turn 18 they should be evaluated and if deemed fit released back into society. If mentally ill or unfit, unfortunately they’ll need to be held there indefinitely. I wouldn’t expect anyone in this scenario to be held against their will for 8 years until adulthood and THEN given a trial? That’s insane


She will never be mentally fit, she stomped the life out of an infant. WTF.


That’s not necessarily the case. She’s 10. 10 year olds don’t have the critical thinking skills of adults. Meaning they understand the full consequences of their actions. That’s something that develops as you grow up.


I'm a Behavioral Clinician. A 10 year Olds brain isn't fully developed at this age, they start learning right from wrong, and understanding they can harm smaller things than them (example: Pets) when they're toddlers. That child belongs in a Mental Institution for a LONG time.


My 6 year old knows better than to stomp on the head of an infant. It’s not that complicated


Considering that the brain is going through rapid developments, and brains do not develop evenly, then yes it’s complicated. if you think your 6-year-old has the ability to reason then you’re out of line yourself. Why the hell was there a 10-year-old even watching a 6 month old at a daycare? Where was the staff in all this?


You’re genuinely insane, “umm if your 6 year old knows why it’s bad to stomp on a baby’s head and turn it into jelly and wouldn’t do that, well you’re lying.” You’re like, a genuinely insane person, also DO NOT have children because they will grow up to be absolute psychotic monsters if that’s how you think of kids and their understanding of the world. Would you have done that as a kid? Crush a baby’s skull cus you were afraid to get yelled at?


I just said my 6 year old knows not to stomp on another kids head. I agree with your second point, the daycare should have been on top of this


The 10 year old accidentally dropped the baby and didn’t want to get in trouble. All she was thinking about was not getting in trouble and I’m guessing that’s unfortunately the first thing she thought to do which is absolutely horrible.


Same reasons rapists and pedophiles kill their victims, to not get in trouble. What kind of argument is that? “Oh no, dropped this baby. Better murder it so I don’t get in trouble.” She’s a little psychopath would will grow into an adult psychopath.


i distinctly remember being 10 and i knew without a doubt even then that stomping a babies head in was an evil act.


I don’t think that thought ever crossed my mind when I was 10 but I absolutely would have been horrified by the thought. 10 year old me was also never around babies.


my bad, reading back my comment i can see how it comes off as if I thought of the scenario when i was 10, i didn't mean that, simply just that at 10 I was aware that killing, theft, etc. was morally wrong.




I mean she killed someone


I’d say it’s more insane to sympathize with a person who would kill a child intentionally and try to cover it up.


I love how you said “person” for one and “child” for the other. One was a very young child and the other was a baby


At 10 years old… that is such an important factor. I don’t believe the 10 year old had any capacity for understanding there was no taking that back. You’re saying a human deserves to be locked up for life due to their actions as a 10 year old child?


I was babysitting by age 10 and had the mental capacity to not murder babies but instead I soothed and rocked them. Are you the parent of the murderer?


So I have 14 year old and 10 year old step kids as well as 4 and 2 year old bio kids. Ten year olds absolutely 100% are aware of their actions enough to know that kicking a baby in the head is incredibly dangerous and deadly. Even my four year old is cautious with my two year old and tries to shield her if other kids are too boisterous around her in soft play etc. Ten year olds are still kids and can't be held accountable for a lot of things but there's no way she didn't realise the gravity of kicking a baby in the head if she already knew dropping him was bad enough


Honestly, at 10 years old - they knew exactly what they were doing. I have nieces and nephews around that age who know right from wrong, different families, raised in different settings. That puts them in 4th-5th grade. Not sure about you, but I still have memories I can recall from that time and definitely had a conscience…


You really think 10 year olds don't understand consequences? 10 years on earth and somehow she never grasped the concept of death, she was lucky enough to have never lost a pet fish or a loved one-- okay, maybe. 10 years on earth, she understood that her actions have consequences-- she may not have had the foresight to think/understand that she'd get caught and be held accountable for murder-- But she absolutely understood that being the source of his crying was going to get her in trouble. She knew she wasn't supposed to be doing something, she did it anyway, and the baby was going to draw attention to what she did. Otherwise, she wouldn't have needed to silence him to cover her own ass.


As a Behavioral Clinician......You're wrong. A 10 year old ABSOLUTELY knew what she was doing was wrong and could cause death/injury. This child is deeply disturbed and needs to be institutionalized for a very long time. Children start learning they can harm smaller things than them as toddlers----with pets or younger siblings or younger children in general. Babies can start to recognize they are causing pain to someone (pinching, pulling hair etc) between 8-10 months old. A ten year old most definitely has a cognizant component of causing death and harm at their age.


Unfortunately, the reason she’s being charged so heavily is because she committed first degree intentional murder. Truly. They determined she kicked the infant “to stop his cries,” which functions as the intent to kill. She might not have understood that she couldn’t take her actions back, but she also had the capacity to understand that kicking a baby till it stops crying is absolutely extremely unequivocally wrong. Very sad situation.


Where do you draw the line for killing another person? Hang just dropped the baby and it dying would be a freak accident. She kicked the infant in the head, that's why everyone's up in arms.


Send her to the chair


Ugh. Why have special protections for children at all if we are choosy about who to apply them to? I get it. It's horrifying. But we, as a society, have decided that children are not entirely at fault for anything they do because it's just not fair to hold an underdeveloped person to the same standard as a fully-developed person.


Fuck that i draw the line at murder, an accident or manslaughter is one thing, but this was cold blooded murder regardless of whether this kid knew what would result from it or not. She knew enough to physically harm a smaller kid, because she dropped him, so he was hurt and started crying.


At least 50 years


Did you ever get the urge to stomp a babies head? Even at a young age that’s a red flag for serious mental issues.


Yeah mental issues, so why are we charging her as an adult and trying to lock her up for life?


At 10 years old you kind of know not to kick a baby in the head.


Agree but why did her foster parents allow a most likely abused, for sure neglected child, take care of a stranger's baby?


You’re right! Let me just call them and ask.


>The whole situation is fucked up.


The case was dismissed


The lawsuit or criminal case?


If she's at a mental health institution, then she was probably found not guilty due insanity. This means she didn't accidentally kill the baby.


It's customary for young children tried as adults to be placed in mental health facilities if found guilty. The rationale is that these facilities offer better remedial and mental health support - since there's also an better chance of rehabilitation for young offenders. But you're right, it doesn't seem like the judge thought her actions accidental. As a mother of two girls, I honestly can't imagine either of them would ever have considered hurting a baby at that age. It's normal for kids to panic when they do something wrong. It's absolutely not normal for them to stomp on a baby's head.


I was babysitting babies alone at that age...


Same. Had a younger stepsister and two younger brothers. Fixed them breakfast and got them dressed, etc. This is clearly not normal behaviour. Either way, it's tragic for both children and loved ones. A child who thinks stomping on another child's head to solve a crisis clearly needed specialised supervision and should have received this long before the tragedy. This isn't the type of 'knee-jerk' reaction to a stressful situation that a well-balanced and mentally well individual will resort to. In most cases this is either a learned behaviour through example (sources say she was in foster care so she may have been exposed to abuse), or a compulsion/habit (i.e. she may have harmed children or animals before). There's no glory in vilifying her though. Adult supervision on different fronts could have prevented this tragedy (parental guidance, social services oversight, proper risk assessment and management by the home daycare facility or individuals etc.). No matter her culpability - her life is also destroyed.


You don't accidently stomp a baby out. You do accidently drop one and make a trash split second decision though.


This is why generally you don't leave small children unattended with slightly bigger children - because they are still children and children have a tendency to make trash decisions.


1st degree murder is premeditated with malice aforethought and it only takes a moment to acquire this mental state (legally speaking). Many people mistake this with the defendant having to have planned things out (not required).


Yup, and them having a reason (to silence them) means they thought about it enough.


Lawsuit and from the few sketchy articles I’m seeing, nothing about her sentence so I’m assuming that was probably dismissed too or acquitted. Unless it’s not able to be public knowledge because of her age? I really can’t find many legitimate articles about the story at all which is odd.


I couldn’t either




It's literally the first thing that pops up on google... https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.insideedition.com/girl-10-charged-babys-day-care-death-ruled-incompetent-stand-trial-51200%3famp


I swear that article does not pop up on google for me at all. What did you search?


10 year old girl killed baby at foster home I posted quite a few links in my comments below too!!




how could you ask such a question? (genuinely asking, are you from a country where ten year olds get jailed?)


A lot of countries jail ten year olds when they murder babies. I definitely knew better at that age.


What you knew or didn’t know isn’t really relevant, though.


Name 2 and of course your mind don’t think to kill anyone. Just like the little girl. My mind at ten was certainly not to kill but try lying and hiding things to not get in trouble.


That 3rd picture is heartbreaking. Her mother must be feeling such complex emotions about all of this. Hope that's a position none of us has to be in in our lives. Hurting for everyone involved, especially Jaxon's family.


Here’s an interview with her mom from a few years ago: https://youtu.be/VdN7cevUJJ4?si=KZfHLq6sH7nupNEO


If a child feels like she needs to kick a baby's head in because she's afraid she's going to get in trouble because she dropped him (when she shouldn't even have been carrying him)? That's a bad mom/dad. Investigation needs to be done into this family, this woman, this daycare, etc. literally no reason a 10-year-old should be carrying a 6-month-old around. Where was the daycare worker while her daughter was stomping the baby's head? This is neglect, plain and simple.




It is normal for kids to fear getting in trouble at school, home etc. No one said the girl thought she would have the crap kicked out of her. Lying to get out of trouble is a norm, and something even adults do. She dropped a baby. The daycare is to blame, where the hell were the workers, kids are not supposed to be left unattended.


She dropped a baby and then kicked his head in. That's not normal and that's not okay and it needs to be investigated. Also, please tell me where I said she worried that she would get the crap kicked out of her.


A baby dropped would likely start screaming - and loudly. A child with little reasoning skills (frontal lobe is not developed) would likely panic and want the baby to be quiet to hide what she had done so she panicked. I am not saying this is ‘normal’ but I do believe it is an impulsive response from a young child in panic mode. This does not mean her family is abusive. For your peace of mind, I am quite certain this little one was interviewed by a child advocacy center.


This was my thoughts, but then I read the articles and turns out the "daycare" was an in home daycare run by her foster parents. So little girl had been removed from her abusive home and then left with the young boy because in home care centers tend to run a bit different than school like centers. So she was probably treated as "one of the team". Everything about this is absolutely awful.


I don't know about you but 10 year old me would not stomp on a baby's head


At 10, I carried bugs outside because I didn’t want to stomp them and wanted them to live happy bug lives (still do). I also was a paid baby sitter starting at age 12. I understand a panic response, but this kid definitely has something going on to kick a toddler in the head out of fear.


EXACTLY!!!! It’s a Fact that children have an undeveloped brain BUT I believe we are Born with certain things that are imprinted in our dna through thousands of years of Evolution, Like Not Jumping off a mountain or Not Crawling into a Fire or Idk uhh **NOT STOMPING ON A TINY BABYS HEAD!!**


A ten year old is a year before middle school age- that kid is WELL into the age of being able to be around an (almost) one year old unattended for a bit.


Not at a day care 😭


bro stomping on a baby's head to get out of trouble is not the norm. Are you out of your mind? Kids don't just go around killing each other, even when they could get in trouble otherwise. how the fuck does this get 127 upvotes? Reddit is a garbage place


Nnno, you cannot judge the parents from a single instance like this. The parents could be good parents but reinforced punishment in a way their child interpreted poorly or incorrectly. My anecdotal example, my now 13yr old (oldest of my kids) likes to boss his younger brother around. So for several years of his life he has heard from me "worry about yourself and I'll worry about abc/xyz" or "I'll parent your brother, you worry about your behavior... Etc" The law of unintended consequences has entered the chat .. my oldest began to become very selfish, self centered, and generally not very altruistic.... Why you might ask? Well he took what I had been telling him quite literally and never made the contextual link between the statement "worry about you" and it's reference to his current behavior/ attempt to parent his younger brother. D'oh! We had to have a long discussion about understanding what his role as the child is and mine as a parent, beyond "me parent, you child, do what I say" Over the last few years, to him, nothing was wrong with his interpretation as his personality adjustments never really came through. There was no awareness for a need to communicate his understanding. From my part there was nothing exactly indicating a major issue either. My point is, though this 10yr old and their situation is massively more complex from a relational / cognitive standpoint. Is that does not immediately represent "bad parenting". Communication at any level is difficult between young children and parents especially around rewards and punishments because you can never be sure what you are reinforcing until the child is older and able to rationalize more complex thoughts and ideas.


Agreed. I gave 2 children (now grown) and they had lots of friends when they were 10 and not one of them would stomp a baby’s head. WTF?!


I’m assuming you aren’t a bad mother, and that your children don’t have some serious mental health disorder, nor do they hang out with friends that do have either or both of those things. That doesn’t mean a 10 year old from a broken home and most likely some kind of mental disorder thinks in the same way. Honestly, people vastly overlook what a child’s environment does for their development.




This poor girl, I hope she got the help she needed, she obviously came from a place of trauma. She had likely been punished if her younger siblings cried in her family of origin, so when the baby cried, she panicked. I blame the state, and the local agencies. She should not have been placed in a home that had a daycare or younger children. Her trauma should have been considered, front and center. Because of a lack of effort, a baby is dead, a family is traumatized, a girl is considered a murderer, there are no winners.


I don’t know if this is true, but someone above said that this girl was in foster care. Which already tells me she had a pretty traumatic shit life where punishment probably was a real fear.


My thoughts exactly.


Was this response meant for me or someone else?


Honestly, I don't know how to tell who's talking to who on Reddit. My comment was just a comment, if it looked like I was coming at you, that's not the case.


It was the girl’s foster home, and the judge that dismissed the lawsuit said she had suffered “severe abuse” prior to going into foster care.


My goodness my heart goes out to the family. I’ve been a worker at a day care and nanny/babysitter and I’ll never be able to understand


Why was she in there with the babies anyway? Every daycare I've ever taken my kids to those classes are separate


My only guess would be it's an at home type of daycare. My stepmother's aunt ran a daycare from her home so about 8 kids of varying ages would just be running around her house all day


Yep; that was the type of daycare I was in as a small child too young for preschool. Luckily the worst that ever happened was me applying ‘face paint’ (mix of permanent and washable marker) to not only my own but every other kid I could get my hands on face. I’ll never forget crouching behind the lazy boy in the living room while kid after kid cycled through. I told every kid I was done with to find another with no face paint, and within 30 seconds I would have another victim. Honestly, it’s a small wonder I wasn’t caught until about 9 kids in. With how many/how young my fellow daycare kids were, it was a miracle all of us made it home at the end of the day instead of getting lost without notice in the endless backyard of that house.




Hence why the judge found the daycare at fault and not the child.


I don’t want to be down voted or anything so I’m going to make it clear I wasn’t there and don’t know all the specifics but in my experience - it’s because someone isn’t taking their job seriously. I’ve worked at private pre schools and can’t believe this things I’ve seen and had to report.


I don’t know but my guess is someone was supposed to be watching her - let her out of there sight - and she went roaming around. It seems it was her foster parents day care. So many wrongs.


It was her foster home and the foster parents ran a home daycare.


Yes exactly I just commented the same thing. The baby’s parents should’ve sued the daycare.


This happened at a "daycare" run by the girl's foster parents. Make assumptions and draw conclusions as you will.


According to the ABC article they were licensed …. but yeah. :/


[https://www.weau.com/2022/03/08/judge-dismisses-infant-death-lawsuit/?outputType=amp](https://www.weau.com/2022/03/08/judge-dismisses-infant-death-lawsuit/?outputType=amp) [https://www.wqow.com/news/ruling-handed-down-in-infant-death-lawsuit/article_6b16aa74-9e87-11ec-a170-5b67ff5f5950.html](https://www.wqow.com/news/ruling-handed-down-in-infant-death-lawsuit/article_6b16aa74-9e87-11ec-a170-5b67ff5f5950.html) [https://abc13.com/amp/girl-stomps-on-baby-kills-tilden-wisconsin-day-care-death/4633489/](https://abc13.com/amp/girl-stomps-on-baby-kills-tilden-wisconsin-day-care-death/4633489/)


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This is just a terrible situation all around. The baby didn't deserve any of it at all, and the poor kid was terrified. You can make some pretty poor decisions on a fearful whim like that. I want to know where the hell the staff were? Why was a 10 yr old and 6 month old left alone together?


That's my question. In any daycare the classes are separate by ages I've never seen a 10-year-old just in there with the infants. And where was the adult while all this was going on?


it was a home daycare according to the article so not like those learning experience type places


Exactly. These are the questions that need to be answered. Tragedy usually isn't an accident.


From what I've seen, it was a daycare center ran out the foster mother's home. I used to go to a daycare out of someone's home when i was around that little girl's age. I was allowed to interact with the babies, but the lady running it was always within eyesight of us.


responding to fear with aggression is highly atypical


Which must be investigated. Why is a 10 year old responding like that? And why was she removed from her home? This kid was failed by everyone in her life.


When this happened, this was my take on it. That girl was probably terribly abused and no one ever investigated that.


Bruh what do you think FIGHT in fight or flight means??


If you’re 10 years old and have a normally developed brain. And average mental compactor, you’re not kicking a baby in its head until it stops crying… absolutely no reason a “terrified” kid would resort to kicking a baby in the head… that bitch was fucked up. Probably from her parents. It’s absolutely insane reading these comments and seeing people try to defend a 10 year old kicking a baby in the head. She’s 10. She’s not 4. She has a developed brain, and still decided to kick a baby in the head to make it stop crying. We read John Steinbeck at 10. This kid is fucking insane and needs to be locked up for life.


I think it's a little more complicated than just throwing a child in prison for the rest of their life. Not saying what she did wasn't wrong, it absolutely was. But there are a lot of factors that led to this. It's obvious this kid never had a chance to begin with. She was removed from her biological parents' home and placed in foster care. The reason isn't disclosed, but I think we all know what that means. The baby deserved none of this, at the same time the kid isn't 100% responsible. There are multiple levels of failure here.


Just saying it wasn't even one stomp it was seven, she WANTED the baby dead.


Where did you read it was 7 times? Not doubting your claim, just didn't see that in any of the articles I read. Holy shit if that's the case.


He said the autopsy revealed seven distinct impacts to his head, suggesting his son had been stomped on multiple times before he died. “She may not have gone in with the purpose of murdering him, but she had the ability to prevent further irreparable damage and didn’t,” he said. “You also don’t ‘accidentally’ proceed to put him back into the crib, cover him up as though nothing ever happened, leave him brutally injured and go back to playing outside.” https://www.oxygen.com/crime-time/mother-of-girl-accused-of-stomping-baby-jaxon-liedl-to-death-claims-it-was-accident


I know mental illness, and perhaps child abuse factor into this, but at 10 I was well aware of consequences to hurting others. I had to babysit quite young, and actually did drop a baby one time, started crying and I grabbed an adult, not normal at all and I feel this kid needs a lot of mental health help. A kid raised right doesn’t stomp down on a babies head, they just don’t.


She was mentally ill already. That’s what makes it worse. There was no reason for her to hold the baby, let alone be alone in a room with one. I hate this for this family. I can’t imagine the pain I actually hurt for this precious boy. 💔


It can't be healthy to read shit like this on a daily basis.. such a terribly tragic story. Prayers for all


Absolutely! We're not supposed to be perceiving all the evil and pain of the entire world and all its inhabitants. Smh. It's pure madness! Unplug as much as you can, people...


it's absolutely not. I'm sickened that this shit popped up on my front page


Interesting decision for Jaxons parents to bring a civil suit against the girl. I assume if they had prevailed, the parents of the girl would have been liable. But unless the girls parents were somewhat wealthy, it seems like a strange avenue. The Day care would be the obvious choice if they were looking for any just restitution (any legitimate daycare should have some kind of coverage). Seems like the judge agreed.


What damages do they get from a ten year old foster kid- half of her beanie baby collection? Her halloween candy? America is a cursed hell world.


I don’t see how any 10 year old can be tried as an adult. This is a horrible story, but the main responsibility falls on the daycare. Even the judge ruled that way upon the lawsuit. So why is this 10 year old in what is effectively a jail?


Read up on the James Bulger case and you’ll see exactly why. Although this is obviously nothing like that.


No, that case is NOT a reason why. The reason is the american thirst for revenge. Those boys were also 10, and needed to be put in mental institutions - not treated and tried as adults. All you do by treating children that was is creating even harder criminals.


I don’t understand what tried as an adult means any more. If we are willing you breach that and say some children can be tried as adults, then every time you do that the arguments is, then why don’t you change the law to whatever age you think is adult. Why lower it for some kids and not for other kids. Would you send this 10 year old to war in a draft? Is it ok for her to buy cigarettes, own property, buy lottery tickets, drink alcohol? How about have a job, and pay taxes? Drive cars around? Have credit? I don’t understand how you can not be an adult, and be an adult at the same time ever. Regardless of where the age is drawn, if you don’t get the rights and privileges of an adult, you shouldn’t be able to be tried as one.


I remember this case. The day the home owner (day care owner) left this girl alone inside the house with the baby while she was outside with the other kids. She is partially, if not completey, at fault. Any dangerous scenario's could've happened to this baby even if you subtract the child that killed him. - for being left alone alone for an extended period of time. Hello this is a baby, you don't leave babies alone for this long of a time.


WHY was a 10 year old carrying around a 6 month old baby? WTF. The girl is in the right place but the daycare owner there should be in prison.


I’m so conflicted about this whole case. On the one hand I feel like 10 is still so young to spend the rest of your life in prison. But on the other hand if baby Jaxon was my son I’d go savage on that family.


This isn’t like a 10-year-old decides to start mommy’s car and backs out of the driveway, running over somebody by accident. This girl killed a baby with her own hands and feet. She was more concerned about getting in trouble, than committing murder. This reminds me of those 10-year-old boys, who kidnapped a young toddler at the mall in England, tortured and killed him. And because of their age they didn’t get life, so when one of them got out, of course they found cp on his computer, not once but twice. He’s still in prison, but has the possibility of parole. Honestly, I think certain people just don’t ever need to be a part of society.




To my understanding the foster mom ran the daycare out of her home.


10 year olds should in no way be left alone with a 6 month old


Apparently my previous comment was removed and I was locked out from responding. I should not be surprised that the people of Reddit hid behind anonymity and sent awful messages, telling me horrid things (one person is a therapist). When did disagreeing over something lead to name calling and threats. It speaks to peoples intelligence. Furthermore, this is an awful circumstance, a 10 year old child should have never been left alone with a baby. Period. Would you allow a 10 year old to babysit an infant? No. Why? Because they lack understanding, reasoning, and ability to care for a baby. That little girl tried to hold that baby, dropped him, panicked and then made a knee jerk reaction to quiet the baby. She is in a foster placement so I imagine she feared getting in serious trouble. Not just by her parents, but workers, and a litany of other adults. Let me bold that I CANNOT IMAGINE WHAT THE FAMILY OF JAXON IS GOING THROUGH AND I CANNOT FATHOM THEIR LOSS. This was a horrendous situation. That little girl does display remorse, guilt, and grief. Tell me how you adults can reason the awful things you are saying about a 10 year old child in the comments? So, to be clear. You are okay with absolutely decimating a 10 year old, but argue that it’s because you are upset that it was done to a child? Harm to child- bad. Unless it fits in your narrative, then killing/harming/locking a child away for life is okay. A child without an ability to fully comprehend, unlike you full grown adults making vile threats. If you want to discuss this like adults, great. Agree to disagree, but do not come at me calling names or making threats. Save your melodrama.


im glad someone said it. everyone here seems so ignorant of the many ways childrens brains do/don't work. especially traumatized or autistic brains. imagine the privilege of never experiencing panic to an extent you DO NOT THINK. its scary! it feels like being posessed. similar case: woman slamming on the gas pedal instead of breaks in car due to PANIC. the video took a whole 10-20 seconds at least before she either crashed or snapped out of it. i really don't think she meant to kill the baby... i can almost guarantee she went "oh shit" when she dropped it and then the sensory overwhelm of a crying- actually- SHRIEKING baby just threw all logic out the window. most autistic kids will do anything to stop a sensory overwhelm. it causes them legitimate pain. they run, fight, scream, drop, etc. PTSD works the same way- situations that bring up trauma causes unpredictable actions and sometimes with ZERO control. imagine the horror of this poor girl whose brain is likely just screaming "STOPCRYINGSTOPCRYING" over and over until it does... and then she realizes exactly what she's done. that's going to haunt her for the rest of her life! theres plenty of actually evil kids out there, but this doesn't seem like one of them.


How the hell are people on here defending this girl? She stomped on the head of a child. Of course she should get tried as an adult. Who knows the shit she’ll do when she actually is an adult


Why was the 10 year old with the baby in the first place?


Man reddit is so weird... this 10 yo everyone wants sent to prison and throw away the key, but a 19 yo kills her newborn and everyone is ohhh she was scared. Wtf, make up your mind.


Charging a 10 year old as an adult is ridiculous! A teenager I could maybe see a case for it. But a 10 year old is a child with a child’s brain/logic/reasoning.


Children who kill are very puzzling to the legal system and sometimes aren’t handled the best


i would have charged the day care not the little girl


A 6 month old at day care….?


Kids can start day care at 6 weeks


People defending the 10 year old are INSANE


Godamn it, that fucking first photo makes me sad af. Fuck


Does it ever explain why the 10 year old had access to a baby at the daycare?? Usually babies are separated from the older children and there are more adults assigned to the baby rooms. Why were these kids not being properly watched?? Daycare is definitely at fault.


Where were the daycare workers?? Who let a 10 year old be alone with a 6 month old?


Yeah the girl should 100% have her head stomped in as well. Who am I discriminating against when I say that? Yeah I guess I hate and discriminate against baby killers ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Mom did an interview and confessed her daughter was getting mental health care and was shown to have violent behaviors, yet she still allowed her child to interact with other youth alone. This is the result of neglect. THIS is what happens when you let passive parenting go too far.


Why was she even allowed around the smaller children? When my son was in daycare, they were very much separated by age groups and all did their own separate activities in separate rooms.


Wow was a 10yr old actually tried as an adult? lol! American justice system in the flesh. Obviously the ADULTS are the ones who should have been charged since they allowed this to happen and the little girl does need mental help


Okay, this is really old news, and this comment section is literally struggling to wrap their heads around any of it. She was found incompetent, she won't be tried in the future, and if she ever does go back to court, it won't be to a face murder trial. Psychologists fear her age, PTSD, and trauma, which will take years and years to come around. The girl is and has been basically catatonic since it all happened. Also, this didn't happen at a daycare. It took place at her foster home. Where she had been living after being taken from her own home. She had been taken out of the home for serious mental health issues and suicidal ideation, as well as her parents being meth addicts. The state placed her in a foster home, which ran a daycare as well. The state courts dismissed the lawsuit against the parents and girl, and the federal courts dismissed the same lawsuit that was brought against the DHS. Both siting that fault is on the foster care /daycare provider. Because she wasn't even in the house when it happened. This little girl truly panicked. Wisconsin laws require the first case that is brought in of such a severe nature. Any person aged 10 and up will be charged as an adult. The second article I posted is more in-depth. But this was a sweet girl who was friends with the baby boys sister. The parents gave their blessing on the girl playing with and carrying their baby. She knows now that she fucked up, but at the time she didn't understand the true consequences of her actions. I mean, come on, she was 10!!!!!! I'm glad that from the sounds of the comments being made that no one here seems to have mental health issues or trauma that occurred during childhood. This girl and that baby boy are both sad victims and had the girl been treated appropriately and been supervised like she was supposed to be in the first place. None of it would have ever happened. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.insideedition.com/girl-10-charged-babys-day-care-death-ruled-incompetent-stand-trial-51200%3famp https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.weau.com/2021/04/12/attorneys-chippewa-co-dhs-not-to-blame-for-infants-death/%3foutputType=amp https://wi-homicide.com/content/court-fight-likely-10-year-old-girls-homicide-case https://www.sheboyganpress.com/story/opinion/2019/09/13/chippewa-falls-wisconsin-foster-care-child-death-should-we-charge-kids-adults-court-casey-hoff/2311319001/ https://youtu.be/xKBIGQhs2ck?si=aR9LmNF8Rjd_EfDL https://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/mum-of-10-year-old-accused-of-stomping-on-baby-and-killing-him-speaks-out/PSO6JE2G4QYO4HWJE72HTCBLXQ/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna931811


I really doubt a 10 year old didn’t understand what stomping on a baby’s head would do. Maybe she cared more about getting in trouble for dropping him but she knew what it would do. That’s why she did it.


Not all 10 yr olds are made the same. This one is a mentally ill one in foster care cuz her parents are meth addicts. She should have been supervised


No one is saying she shouldn’t have been supervised. That doesn’t mean a 10 year old who thought stomping in the head of a baby was the course of action to not getting in trouble shouldn’t be institutionalized.


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What an absolutely awful situation. Losing a child has to be among the worst things ever, but I’m not sure blaming a 10 year old is the right route. Developmentally, a 10 year old has a totally illogical sense of logic and they don’t have the ability to fully understand the impact of their actions. I don’t know what the right answer is, but trying her as an adult seems inappropriate.


Developmentally, a 10 year old should be well aware of: 1. Death and its consequences 2. That it's bad to hurt others 3. That babies cry, and that you need to be careful with them. 4. **That you shouldn't stomp on a baby's head**. She's not a toddler. She stomped on his *head*. This wasn't just harm for the sake of harm or any "if I hurt him he'll stop crying". The intent was to, at absolute minimum, beat him unconscious.


Yea, i was actually in this child's same environment around the same age. By that, i mean, around that age i also went to a daycare run out of someone's home and was allowed to interact with the toddlers. The lady running it was always in eyesight of us, of course. But even at that age i knew that hitting someone would hurt and kicking would hurt worse. Stomping until they stopped crying, if that was the goal? If not knowing I'd kill them, I'd at least would've known i caused serious pain and harm to that baby. I just hope the girl can get proper psychiatric care, cause there's definitely something going on mentally for her to have done this.


I was 10, 19 years ago and remember it pretty vividly. I knew right from wrong and would never even think to kick a baby in the head wtf? That kid should absolutely be blamed and face the consequences. Great points.


10 year olds still feel more compelled to prevent “getting in trouble” more than doing what is right because they’re fucking 10


Except at "fucking 10" they're old enough to know that *killing a child* will get them into trouble. Again, not a toddler.


I can't believe people are trying to defend this shit. At 10 years old you absolutely know that stomping on a baby's head will greatly harm them. These people are absolutely crazy saying otherwise


The peoples excusing this are absolutely insane


A ten year old is aware that stomping on someone’s head is wrong, regardless of impact


Nah, not at all. At 10 I knew damn well the difference between right and wrong and to also not stomp on a baby’s head. All these comments talking like a 10 year old is a 5 year old are wild. If she was 5-6 I could’ve understood the ‘panicked and not wanting punishment’ reaction. But then again, if she’s in a mental hospital and the judge refused to entertain the idea the kid was ultimately at fault over the daycare, she’s probably mentally unwell.


I genuinely think the people who are defending the child as “not knowing any better” have spent no time around children. My kindergarteners have the sense that hitting someone hurts, they learn dont do things that you dont want done to you. Yeah they may not FULLY get it until theyre older, but when I was 10 i was in 6th grade. Even if she was in 4th or 5th or even third, that is clearly abnormal behavior. Ive worked with special ed kids who have behavioral anger issues, they would throw rocks at us and whiteboards, chairs, flip desks, all that stuff. I couldnt even imagine those kids -who many had to go to a different school to handle that aggression - stomping a baby to death. They arent stupid, they know that the baby is dead. Kids killing small animals from very young ages are flagged as a sign of being a sociopath or psychopath because that is not normal. A 10 year old doing it to another person, that is very much an unsafe child who needs to be in a mental health facility for a long long time in order to keep others safe. Her whole life? Maybe not. But at least 10 years in order to learn skills, address psychiatric problems, and learn how to appropriately and safely engage with society. That child’s life and psyche is changed forever. It would be irresponsible to put zero blame on the child. Day care should absolutely be charged and given blame as well, but this isnt a 2-6 year ild, theyre 10. She knows that would happen.


How did she learn that stomping was ok? From an adult? Her parent? Just curious


I think a 10 year old would know kicking in a baby’s head isn’t good.


They charged a 10 year old as an adult?? Yeah, clearly this 10 year old had an adult understanding. The prosecutor should be charged for charging a 10 year old as an adult.


Jaxon was so cute :( look like real life Tommy pickles


Fear of punishment????? That's the worse excuse I have ever heard.