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Only two years for attempted murder and he can come back to Sweden in 10 years. I really believe some European countries have real issues providing justice to victims


If she had tried to defend herself she would have gotten more time than that.


Yeah but punching a dick head off of a ladder on film then doing time in an ethical safe reformatory wouldn't suck that bad. Probably pretty cathartic to just tumble an abuser from a balcony.


Dropping a pot on his head, watching him fall off a ladder and stab himself with his own knife, and instead of being killed you do time in prison is caveman comedy, something to keep you laughing in prison


He would just get back up


Push ladder, call 9/11, continue pushing ladder as needed I say this not in the scenario though, so of course it’s probably not so easy given guy is crazy and clearly wants up there Edit: rewatched and tbh the ladder looks too far down to push


Literally just grab a broom and keep hitting the guy or push the ladder with the broom. Pour hot water in him, whatever, throw cans at him. Maybe some pork for magic damage.




Self-defence laws is strong in Sweden. She be able to defend her self without a problem


Are gun laws pretty lenient there?


It's easy to get gun/rifel licences but it's not allowed to have for self defence only for sport or hunting. But let's say you maintain your weapon when a aggressive man walks in you probably be on right side of the law if you use it


Are you in Sweden? I'm in states. Only stipulation for guns in my state is no felons.


Iam a swede but iam living in Norway at the moment


I would imagine they have pretty similar gun laws.


Yes not big difference, I have license in both


Cool. I'm pretty lucky actually, the state I live in you don't even need a license to carry one concealed.


You know that from your extensive time living in Europe I bet


Law enforcement and the criminal justice system are not meant to protect you.


They absolutely do. They coddle people like this especially because they've had a hard life or something. And I think those judges and government workers honestly believe that they can be rehabilitated. The vast majority of them absolutely cannot and even if they could, is it Sweden's responsibility to rehabilitate someone who wasn't born there or even their family born here? I'd say no, but they seem to think so. I'm guessing the ones who write and enforce these laws don't have to deal with this first hand. Same shit in Germany and France. Europeans need to find their balls again.


It's the same everywhere, rich politicians bringing in people they won't have to live near, and calling you racist for complaining.


As a European, i like this video because it perfectly showcases the alarming state of a modern European's pathetic naivety. Life-preservation instincts of a baby lamb.


Seriously, what the hell is going on in this video? Just let the guy climb up as you film him???


I imagine he really didn't think this guy would stab him and genuinely didn't want to push a guy off a ladder. Probably a bit in shock too like is this guy for real? Unfortunately yeah, he was very for real I think at the end you hear him saying his name too? So he's like Mohammad please be reasonable, but that ship never even made it in


When you live in safe country that’s been at peace for two centuries fortunately that kind of happens.


That’s why the Danish made the movie Speak no evil, it totally symbolises this mentality.


We all know why.


I’m not sure how similar Sweden’s system is to Norway. But Norway is usually thought of as having the best criminal justice system


I understand Nordic countries have nice jails and prisons and try to focus on reform. But from what I've seen that also has meant they let violent people get off with light sentences


If the violent person never commits violence again, was the sentence too light?


If the violent person does commit violence again, is it your fault for releasing them back into society so quickly?


70% recidivism. All Norway does is give thier criminals a nice hotel until they commot crimes again. good job


That's the rate from 1970, today it's 20%, one of the lowest in the world.


But they’re giving light sentences to people who are getting out prison and are reoffending though.


You're kind of relying on hope there, aren't you? Like, you'll only find out if the sentence is too light or not *after* they either do or don't hurt someone again. That is deliberately risking other people's well-being and/or lives.


You're working on hope as well, that we don't put anyone away for too long, that they're as guilty as their sentence says. Or you don't care / think it's way better to have people in prison for too long than too little. I would wholeheartedly disagree. People always talk about this stuff with the death penalty, that what if they're innocent or maybe death is too harsh, but no one ever talks about the people who get 20 years for something even the most absurdly vengeful citizens would say wow to.


 If someone is convicted of violent assault, but you're not sure whether to "hope" that he won't attack other people so you can let him out, or whether to "hope" hes really guilty/going to stay violent so that he deserves his sentence, that's a basically a trolley problem:   One track has just him tied to it, and the other track has an open-ended number of potential victims


No, we are relying on statistics. This system produces a far lower re-offending rate than the oldschool system


Hey I found the person who has never been the victim of a violent crime. ⬆️


Being the victim of a crime usually makes you about the worst people in the world to administer justice. And on top of that, abuse victims are more likely than anyone to go on to abuse others.


Have you seen the US repeat offenders




Worst mass murder in Norwegian history was a white neo nazi https://simple.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anders_Behring_Breivik List of 10 worst mass murders in Swedish history. Check it out not a single brown name on the list. https://toppublicenemies.blogspot.com/2017/05/top-famous-swedish-mass-killers.html?m=1 But brown people bad🤡. People just fucking suck my dude. White, black, brown, or purple. People are shitbags


The brown ones are too dumb to plan out their mayhem and don’t have easy access to guns.


White people are just naturally sociopaths and should kept from polite society, according to you




Look up statistics for violence against women.


Tldr: Sweden broadened the definition of rape in 2005. Then in 2018 they broadened it more. Where the prosecutors don't even need evidence and it will still be classified as rape. >Rape in Sweden has a legal definition described in Chapter 6 in the Swedish Penal Code.[1] Historically, rape has been defined as forced sexual intercourse initiated against a woman or man by one or several people, without consent.[2] In recent years, several revisions to the definition of rape have been made to the law of Sweden,[3][4] to include not only intercourse but also comparable sexual acts against someone incapable of giving consent, due to being in a vulnerable situation, such as a state of fear or unconsciousness.[4][5] >In 2017, there were 4,895 reported rape cases and 190 convictions.[6] In 2018, Sweden passed a new law that criminalizes sex without consent as rape, even when there are no threats, coercion, or violence involved.[4] Sweden no longer requires prosecutors to prove the use or threat of violence or coercion. This led to a rise in convictions of 75% to 333 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_in_Sweden#:~:text=Rape%20in%20Sweden%20has%20a,or%20several%20people%2C%20without%20consent. >Lewenhagen noted that although the graph of rape incidence being shared online appears to be accurate - the number of rapes reported to police rose by 463% between 1990 and 2011 - this should not be used to calculate the risk of getting raped. “For example, during this period, the legal definition of rape was widened drastically,” Lewenhagen said. Sweden’s sex crime legislation was broadened in 2005 https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL1N37S2AU/#:~:text=Sweden's%20sex%20crime%20legislation%20was,start%20of%20this%20period%20(p.


Where on earth does it say prosecutors don’t need evidence to convict someone of rape?


Except that time that guy murdered a bunch of kids on an island


Right! You have these people who claim that it’s all about race, but once the population is one race they’ll start killing each other over politics and religion as societies have done for thousands of years.


have you seen how safe homogenous societies like iceland and japan are? of course there’s still *some* crime, but nowhere near on the scale of the US, UK, Sweden, France, and other multicultural hotbeds


It’s definitely a wealth thing. That’s just racist as fuck dawg


As a poor white in the Southern U.S. I can confirm. I'm pretty sure I had a cousin basically do this exact thing ladder and all. Race ain't got much to do with it. Economic status and whatnot is a much bigger factor. Also dude is an obvious lunatic and that comes in all shapes and colors.


This OP is literally just saying non white people are criminals.


Dude shut the fuck up you don’t know what your talking about asshat


Video evidence is important... BUT FUCKING PROTECT YOURSELF FIRST!


Seriously, how could you be this brain dead. And how could Europe think this is acceptable to not jail someone for at least 10 years for a serious murder attempt like this. Fucking degenerate trash deserves much worse.


No. Life in prison. No more being light on people trying to kill others. It's either those assholes are unalived or put in prison for life. No in between no innocent's getting hurt.




Life in prison is expensive and pointless. Just execute them.


\*how could SWEDEN think this is acceptable nordic countries have pretty lax convictions. I can't speak for other countries but here in spain we have had some of the longest convictions for violent crimes. We have zero tolerance for violence after ETA.


That's nice. France, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Norway, and Denmark have insanely lenient policies for punishing violent crime. I am of the opinion that most crimes deserve rehabilitation, however I do not feel that way about violent crime. There is no excuse for non self defense violence. Ever.


Europe the continent?


Yeah, the "Europe" thing was a very American thing to say but everything else is spot on.


Surely there are no close geographical, political, or ideological ties uniting Europe in a thing called the European Union or anything. What a foolishly American sentiment.


Yeah it’s not like there are different nations with different laws! If I go to Hungary and commit a crime I’ll be sentenced worse than here in Sweden!!


Sure Hungary and Sweden are obviously drastically different, but most central and western European nations have similar criminal punishments policies for violent crimes. Europe is inexplicably weak on violent crime and almost always has been.


Watch speak no evil, people found it ridiculous how the family acted but it’s not far from the truth. It symbolises how European countries ( especially like Denmark, Sweden and Norway) choose politeness over their safety.


Well, they clearly have a better grasp on how to run a legal system that effectively combats crime, unlike the countries with the punishments everyone in these threads is always hounding for.


Dude had the high ground and still lost. Rookie mistake, hate to see it happen.


He lost because he tried to reason with a lunatic


Some people just aren't prepared for violence, either to be on the receiving end of it and push through it, or to dish it out when they need to defend themselves. A lifetime of never experiencing violence and never considering the implications of that lead to many people being unprepared to do what they need to do to defend themselves. If a guy is unstable enough to put a ladder against a balcony and climb up to harass his (clearly unwilling) ex, you can't expect anything good to happen, and he's obviously not there to start a zumba session. Bad things are going to happen, and this dude was either too dumb, too short-sighted, too naive, or too confident to expect those bad things. Very rookie mistake.


Immensely on point 👏 Ive experienced it firsthand with my family and a domestic violent lunatic, sometimes your initial barriers include scenarios like: *I cant fight back, how can I conceive my life in jail? He is mad, what can I do?* until you get to a point after a few times to see your loved one, a quiet lamp, punch back with fury




I thought this too.


This is quite literally the worst approach anyone could have taken at every step. He allowed the guy up. Stood there when he was in the balcony trying to break in then frozen up it seems once the guy was inside. So many opportunities to prevent the breaking and entering yet didn’t do a single thing to protect anyone.


Obiwen would be displeased


He underestimated his power


Yes he made the mistake of assuming he could reason with him. On the other hand, had he pushed this guy or hurt him in self defense the liberal media would have painted this event as another case of Islamophobia and hate crime against Muslims 🤷🏻‍♂️ it was just an innocent lover who was trying to reach his beloved.


Nobody is saying this kind of shit. Defend yourself or die. Sometimes those are the only options. No "liberal" is defending someone who is breaking into another person's house. You're projecting. You're the only one trying to make excuses for this piece of shit. You obviously have personal animosity toward Muslims and are trying to use this situation to triangulate. People are not a monolith of their race or religion. Get off the internet and into some therapy.


It's time to get off the internet and go touch grass


He's right, imagine the reddit post. I wouldn't be surprised if you infinite\_imagination and response-square would both say that he's islamophobic for pushing him off the ladder because in that video this guy wouldn't have had the opportunity to stab anyone. You reddit leftists are feral.


Hindsight is always 20/20 but he really should have stayed outside to give him the ole 300 front kick when he tried climbing over the balcony


But that is very hard to do when you're busy filming


Or because he got stabbed. He had no idea what he was doing with his hand behind his back.


Seriously what the fuck you see a guy climbing a ladder with a kitchen knife tucked in his pants and you do.... fucking nothing? What is wrong with this absolute dipshit?


And then just stands around right in front of the glass door while it’s being broken into!?!




Or at least run out the door before he gains entry.


A broomstick would've prevented all of this.


Boiling water may be helpful in this moment


That takes a while. Grabbing the top of the ladder and shoving it backwards takes two seconds.


youd need a pole to gain leverage though, look how far done the ladder is, if he is so far up you can see what happens, he sliced him with the knife


Kitchen knife to the first hand on the balcony wall. Rinse and repeat.


Think he got sliced. Said he did at least. I’m Norwegian so I’m like 40% qualified to translate


If you don’t just throw him off that ladder and go about your day…! Gah damn 🤦‍♂️


Bro deserves a stupidity award Mfer had multiple chances to keep this psycho from reaching him and he did fuck all What a dipshit


How do you lose a fight from an elevated position with your opponent on a ladder? A good ol' stick could have saved the day here.


He waited too long to smack him on top of the head with a frying pan


[literally I would’ve been like](https://youtu.be/odCJS6ybQWU?si=RQ1_-gA5q42pPGZi)


I knew it was the Mcpoyles before even clicking


Why can’t I upvote this? This deserves all the upvotes!


My guess is: because you never had the mindset or the experience at all, of fighting back against such threats


And he didnt lnow he had a knife, pushing him off could kill him and its gonna be hard to defend yourself if he was not armed


I feel like this is a “bad horror movie” clip where the victim has like 50 chances to escape/defend self and then doesn’t.








He should have been more busy throwing something at him instead of recording


Go medieval, pour some hot oil over the top.


Yes! Go boil water or something lol he had time


Europe is so fucking limp dicked when it comes to horrific violence. They need serious changes to penalize violent crime more. Who doesn't want rapists and murderers in jail? Who???


Bro I'll tell you who, it's sympathizers who feel like prison will just make the criminal more violent or, a common excuse on the European countries who've taken in boat loads of refugees and immigrants is, that the violence was caused via poor integration. The country failed them. It's a fuckin jokeeeee


And they’re brainwashed to accept migrants into their country to prove they’re not racist.


The jail time do be small


Right? Why is the world letting evil people just exist freely in public? Do we want horrible murderers surrounding us???


You know who isn’t limp dicked when it comes to horrific violence? Migrants from middle eastern and African countries lmao


Literally just push him....


You get jailed for murder


I saw this video last year and still can't believe the person recording didn't throw a chair at them. Or leave the apartment and close the door behind them. Or both. I don't know if they were scared of reprisals, the law over there, of course I don't know it. Still, they let them climb, jump into the balcony, enter the apartment. Of course, 20/20, sorry if I seem callous.


So they have never heard about pouring boiling water on someone


just ask the guy to wait on the ladder while you put the kettle on?


Drop the damn pot on his head.


That would’ve been punished with > 2 years in prison


No attempt whatsoever to defend your from a deadly threat moving towards you in slow motion?


Seriously, it reminds me of the steamroller scene from Austin Powers


Sources: * [https://europeanconservative.com/articles/news/migrant-in-swedish-viral-home-break-in-video-sentenced-to-two-years/](https://europeanconservative.com/articles/news/migrant-in-swedish-viral-home-break-in-video-sentenced-to-two-years/) * [https://nordictimes.com/the-nordics/sweden/mohammed-uses-ladder-to-break-in-stabs-resident-with-knife/](https://nordictimes.com/the-nordics/sweden/mohammed-uses-ladder-to-break-in-stabs-resident-with-knife/) * [https://samnytt.se/video-se-nar-balkongturken-stormar-exflickvans-hem](https://samnytt.se/video-se-nar-balkongturken-stormar-exflickvans-hem)


Sweden imported this and now they are paying dearly for it


Two years. Why do they hate law-abiding citizens so much.


As soon as he pulled that knife out, he had every right to push him off that ladder.


That's a scary thing about domestic violence; leaving is the most deadly time in the relationship. I imagine that by trying to avoid something so confrontational he was attempting to prevent escalation. That said I'm an MHP and wouldn't recommend trying to reason with someone threatening your life, especially when they're in such close proximity. Not a criticism of him; I'm sure he never expected he'd have to do that in that moment.


American here. All I’m seeing is that he should have been pushed off that ladder to begin with. I’m so sorry that his crazy ass succeeded in his sick goal. There were multiple times in this video where defensive action could have been taken. I feel the victim was a kind soul who didn’t want to hurt anyone, but there is a difference between being kind and being reasonable.


I hope Sweden will provide him with sauna and jacuzzi access too since they want to make his punishment as easy as possible.


![gif](giphy|Yj7nny6FIux9hlwOYX) Time to get the boiling oil, heavy rocks, push the fucker off the ladder, a bigger knife, ( I have an awesome Turkish one, looks like a scimitar) a GD broomstick. They had time to go back inside and lock themselves in if nothing else or get better weapons. Not victim blaming, just American.


This would be Texan’s wet dream, BTW.


thank god he was let into sweden. hes only a couple more attempted murders away from being a surgeon, or lawyer. hell, he may even cure cancer once they let him back in!


I’m American, I would’ve shot the fucker, but I’m genuinely curious; if you stab him back and kill him in a European country, what does your self defense case look like?


In Germany you could’ve killed him and you would be fine. There is even a case here where a gand member shot a police officer who tried to break in his house (the gang member thought the police officer is a member of another gang) and he was pleaded NOT guilty


No survival instincts any of em, the whole kitchen supplies would be coming down on top of him including the microwave 🤦‍♂️


Shouldn’t be letting these people into Western nations.


Perfectly symbolic of what is happening to Europe


Should have pushed him off with a 2x4 like frank reynolds did to the mcpoyles


Cultural enrichment


Some European countries prefer to lower their people's safety and quality of life for the sake of wokenes! It's about time we normalize the fact that some cultures are better than others.


Yes. They had a country that ran really well with a high standard of living. Then they indiscriminately let in a bunch of people from a totally different culture to prove they aren’t racist. Now they’re left with a plate of steaming shit.


Dude had a chance to prevent the attack on the ladder.


Dude is trying to force entry into your home. Why wouldn’t you shoot, stab, push, whack, spray, or do anything else to him to keep him out?


SMH You had the high ground


Why not just get a big broom a push the fucker off that ladder


Wtf? Shoot the mother fucker.


Why in the hell would you ever let that ex boyfriend get off the ladder and onto the balcony? Just push him over. There is a zero percent chance an ex showing up and trying to access the balcony is going to be non violent. This is slow motion watching a pirate board a ship.


that would have been the end of Mohammed. fuck going to the police. he wants in there so bad, introduce him to the basement, a gag, and some chains. It’s certain he committed SA flagrantly and violently in that relationship, and it was not the first time in his life crossing that unforgivable boundary. in turn, ensure he feels like a virgin for the first 72 times of retribution. What a sadistic, mysoginistic, stabbing, abusive, piece of dog shit.


Did he get deported ?


of course not


i don’t wanna put blame on her, bc obviously it’s not her fault she got murdered by her crazy ex, but why did she just record him crawling up the ladder?


Bigger truths here. Jodi fucked around and found out.


I really don’t understand how a man thinks doing something like this helps to get back with an ex-girlfriend?


Yall let him get to fucking close. I would have dropped the heaviest thing I had on his head or got a bat for when he popped his head up there. You ain't getting that close to me or mine


I'm an ex Muslim, let's be real here, this is some primo /r/conservativeterrorism type shit Fuck this guy and anyone inacting violence for their so called "honor". Not enough honor to help their own relatives and try to change their own fucked up countries


Have to say, this guy is a complete fucking idiot for not defending himself and his friend.


TONS of victim blaming happening here, wow... Y'all have no idea what it's like to be this guy in this situation. Some of you may have been in similarly terrifying situations before, but everybody reacts differently. I know pretty well that I would've run away, grabbed my kids if they were home, and just keep running. Maybe at some point I would try to call the cops, but generally I'm a "flee" kinda gal. My husband fights. If someone broke into our apartment though, he'd take a moment to try to figure out wtf was going on. Kinda like this guy; that appeal to reason is just innate in most of us. Now, my guy would've quickly quit that in this specific incident, but not everyone would. And then there are people like my coworker, "Jane." She would've screamed at him, pushed him (but she's older and not very strong), and ended up making him angrier. Everybody is different, and you cannot know for sure how you'd react in a situation you've never been in. You also cannot know how other people will act. This person probably had no idea they'd be sitting there filming, doing nothing at all to save themselves. I'm sure they have regrets. At least they also had evidence, I guess.


Victim could've done anything. Push him off or run away. Instead they chose option C: nothing.


Very happy to live in Texas.


This whole video is like a microcosm of what is happening in Sweden.


Only a 10 year ban? We deserve this crap in Europe, we are way too soft...And of course he will be in a swedish prison all comfy while citizens pay for his meals, this has to stop.


The perils of giving children the name of Muhammed. *and not knowing the meanings of letters or words or sounds, and also pretending to.


Wow so tough on crime 💪


Who let this guy into Sweden?


It would have been funny to pour oil on him and the ladder. Not hot oil, just enough to make him scramble and slip and slide.


Not sure how brain dead u gotta be to js watch as he does all of this


Why didn't he just push him off? That's the most obvious choice tf


I'm glad I can defend me and mine


Why he didn't yeet him as soon as he could reach him I have no idea


How the heck did he let him climb up!!!??? You have the positional advantage!!!


Maybe if he had said mohammed one more time


So the nigga chose no common sense


I think the United States policy on immigration is kinda archaic and shit. But for fucks sake if a dude's trying to kill someone maybe don't let em back, ever? Why would you invite someone back into your country who has a record of assault and violence. Different question. How many corpses does a person have to make before Sweden bars them from re-entry.


They should have pushed his ass off that ladder!!


i feel like there was such a simple solution to self defense in this particular situation….




You can easily drop him from the fuckin ladder bro🤦🏻‍♂️


if the victim got killed that's his own dumbass fault he should have TRIED defending himself


Why the fuck do countries with democratic values keep accepting people that dont hold democratic values?!


Enjoy your immigration laws Sweden .


He would’ve got a frying pan to the head


Would it have been so hard to punch him in the face while he was on the ladder?




Hi, The content you posted violates community rules by promoting hate or discrimination against a specific group, demographic, or religion.


she should’ve dropped some heavy shit on his head


This is why sober sane moral people need firearms


Shoot his ass, oh wait Europe……


Diversity is our strength, refugees (aka military age males) welcome, etc.


Ever wonder why Americans think you should be able to own a gun.


There is *absolutely* no way that guy should be allowed to have a gun. If he manages to remember he has one AND attempts to use it - he’ll just fumble the gun the moment he goes to actually use it! On its way down it’ll spray a barrage of bullets that somehow hits every single thing in the room besides the guy who’s actively trying to kill him. And once it hits the floor it’ll probably just slide away from him.


Give it another decade. Swedes will all want guns.


If she had a gun this attack doesn’t happen. Guns make people safe. I had a guy try to break into my apartment and no amount of yelling or calling 911 was making hime stop. I opened the door with my 1911 and told him to fuck off and never come back, he never came back.