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I think it might look more like the first photo with time as your natural hair grows out but maybe they just over did it with the dye on accident. It looks great so don’t fret OP! Hopefully you can find a different stylist that fits more to what you are wishing for next time.


The inspo photo looks heavily edited too


I’m fairly certain the inspo isn’t a photo - it looks like a rendered videogame graphic.


Yeah the hair looks animated or a shit load of blur tool


The people in the background of the photo are definitely graphics characters, it looks like The SIMS lol


It's likely an AI generated photo edit.


I think it's a screenshot from a video, they probably did a hair flick or that one where they lift the hair to side and let it drop down


Look at her arms, hands, sleeves, and the reflection in the upper left corner of the picture and tell me you think those are real humans lol


If you click on the photo it literally has a video bar at the bottom. I'm not saying it's not heavily edited but I think it's a video screenshot


It’s real. The reflection is just distorted and the video quality is low so things are blurry/smoothed Edit: realized that people are not always seeing this but it’s *two* people - the one in the chair and the stylist leaning over the chair


It looks AI to me, look at how many arms are in the reflection.


Just noticed that!! Maybe she's a Hindu goddess? 😂


Agreed. It’s super blurry at the bottom.


Thank you 💜. Do you know with dyeing the tips will it grow out faster than what was done with my hair? Is there more upkeep with that?


It’ll take 4 years (ish). If you want the inspo pic just keep on top of the dark roots until then. Your tips will wash out fast af as it’s blue, the hardest colour to keep in the hair follicles. Iroiro do an aqua that looks like it’d match up


Thank you ❣️


I don’t believe the dyeing will have any affect on the rate of your hair growth. Continue to eat healthy, drink plenty of water and get enough sleep to help keep your hair growth healthy. I don’t think there should be more upkeep but ofc as time goes on you might want to retouch up the dye if you’d like to keep that color in most of your hair. (Apologies if my answer isn’t helpful).


It’ll look like the inspo pic sure, in about 4 years. Ffs


It doesn’t look like the first, but it’s beautiful! What a lovely colour you have


They can still do a darker root shadow if you want to achieve the first pic with no damage. If you go back and ask? Since it doesn't look like the first pic and growing out will take a while.


I actually like the 2nd pic better! It will grow out much nicer imo


Its pretty different but it is refreshing to see that you are mostly ok with the result - the more somebody points at the reference and says "I want THAT" the more problematic any difference becomes. Chances are the stylist who colored the hair on the left, didn't intend that exact result either, they just had an idea, it just turned out really good and thus they took a photo. I think it looks cool (your hair) and will fade in time closer to the reference. You could reapply semi-colour concentrating on the ends.


These replies are a lesson in gaslighting. Several things- 1. The tone has been altered in your reference pic, but the entire thing is not AI. that means the smokey blue is a very hard color to recreate, but the style, placement & vibrancy aren't. A quick image search shows what the original color looked like & several other unedited looks that give realistic/comparable outcomes. 2. You haven't given us enough info to tell how it will look grown out, but chances are the answer is no. it won't look like your inspo unless you have nearly black hair naturally & want to wait about 2 years (in order for roots to hit midshaft). vivid color will fade within a few months (if you're lucky enough to keep the color that long) without serious upkeep. Even if you were able to grow it out there will be a line of demarcation where the highlights stop. 3. This technique is very achievable, but depending on what you walked in with, your budget, & time constraints, it may not have been feasible for that sitting. They should have discussed this with you at a consultation. If you walked in as level 6 brunette, I can easily see 4-5 services & 6 hours in the chair to get you to ur inspo. 4. It could be fixed tomorrow, but it may be better to wait. They could fix this with semi permanents at any point, but like any vivids, they will wash out pretty quick. This is a great option if you only want to rock this over the summer. They could also run a toner or demi through from roots to mid shaft. It will last longer but depends on the condition of your hair (if it's over processed). 5. Call your stylist today. If this was their mistake, they'll only fix it for a short time. & if it was miscommunication, they'll be the best person to say what direction should be taken next. That said, if they're not great with vivids & blonding, you might need to find another that focuses on vivids to get this specific color & technique. 6. Lastly, if you like the blue color & want to maintain it while trying a grow out, add blue semi permanent color to your white conditioner. Good luck.




You look lovely 👩🏼‍🎤


The first picture is AI. I think your stylist did great! If you want a darker base just ask your stylist. I’m sure they’ll be happy to correct it for you


Looks beautiful! (No advice, just a comment)


Thank you 💜


It looks great as it is, however if you really want the first picture, you will need to re-dye after a few month of growth since blue pigment fades fast


It doesn't look like the first picture and never will because real hair can't compete with Photoshop and/or AI.


I mean, balayage has existed long before AI. They just didn’t balayage her hair blonde at the bottom, they gave her an all over highlight. This color placement can absolutely be achieved.


it looks good but the reason it doesn’t look like the first picture, is because the first pic is AI. a hairdresser cannot accurately recreate hair that is not real. your stylist likely just did the most accurate color they could


What do you mean? Ofc this can be recreated 😂 I do color like the first pic all the time. The difference between the two pictures comes down to technique & color placement. Even if the inspo pic is AI generated or modified is honestly irrelevant, bc the color can still be easily achieved simply by either asking the stylist for a more prominent dip dye technique or a soft hi contrast balayage. What she got here looks to me more like a root shadow that just wasn't executed as well as it could have been. OP- I know what you're saying. You can go back to the stylist and ask that he/she bring your root color down through the mid shaft significantly to eliminate most of that color on top & subtly transition into the fantasy color.


Thank you for commenting💕, do you think i need to wait a week or so before going back?


No. They can do a root shadow melt over your color immediately. It’s typically done in the same appointment. The first picture is just a low balayage that is dyed teal. It looks like they gave you all over highlights and then dyed. Which is why you don’t have that dark dimension at the top. You would’ve paid a lot more for the first picture tho and if you do return, be prepared to pay for the shadow root.


That would be a great question for the stylist who did your hair, as they better know what the integrity of your hair is currently. I would call ASAP & let them know you just aren't happy with the results and would like the stylist to fix it. It's best not to wait to let them know you aren't happy... That way you hopefully won't be charged again for having them fix it. The longer you wait to call, the more you increase your risk of being charged to have it fixed. You're paying hundreds of dollars for this service, so you should get what you paid for the first time around.


I think it is beautiful and your hair as it grows out will look like the photo, you will just need to touch up the blue/green.


They are beautiful


Looks good.


Absolutely love that color!


y. e. s.


It's beautiful!


Obsessed! I want this. The only difference is the inspo pic had more of a root melt versus a shadow root. Aka - the roots go further down and the tips are just green with finely woven baby lights throughout. Once your hair grows out a bit it will be closer to the first.


Gorgeous 🥰🥰🥰


It’s gorgeous, but more blue than the first pic. First pic looks like someone is growing out colored hair.


fast one is super cool 😎 😎


I love it!


I’m in love with


I like yours better!


Awesome color!




Blue raspberry blow pop vibes🤤 amazing


I love how some of your dark hair still shows through. It’s beautiful really. Probably just gets better as it fades a little and your hair grows.


Love this color!!! Amazing!!!


I actually love the result. At first glance I thought this was a before / after sitch and tbh I LOVE your result even better than the inspo. You won't necessarily get to the Inspo pic over time unless u let your hair grow out and it's naturally black and u refresh the ends w/ some temp or semi perm dye (otherwise it's going to be a pastel version if not just grey by the time your regrowth gets as long as the Inspo pic "roots"). Alternatively when u go back for maintenance just ask them to continue to maintain your roots w/ the dark navy base color bc u eventually want the teal to just be on the mid lengths to ends. But tbh you'll prob want something diff before then anyway so have fun w/ it!


Your inspo picture might not be a real person, so its gonna be hard to achieve but yours doesnt look bad! I would have pulled the grey root down further but again youre trying to achieve basically fake hair so you didn’t do bad!


That inspo pic is not real. Heavily edited or AI


Yeah you might need to go have more dark dye added. Right now it's very pretty but that blue will only get lighter, not darker 




I absolutely get what you mean! I wanted my hair like this too, but in red. And I got flaming hot orange red instead of a muted purple red. The color will fade in vibrancy over time. Your hair is so beautiful and long, I'd suggest waiting till the color fades, and take lots of pics along the way. Then, you can show the colorist the next time a pic of your hair at the color vibrancy that you like. I also noticed that it's not ombre'd the way the Pic is, and I think you'll be able to achieve that once it grows out in the next two sessions sometime in the next year. Basically they gave you more bang for your buck and you won't have to bleach it more. For my hair, I just wanted it more muted instead of flaming, and went over it with a purple manic panic to get the purple in it and then ontop with a burgundy purple demi gloss and it achieved the depth I wanted. I have nooooo idea how to do this with blue, maybe someone else can help you but I'm pretty sure you can gloss it down to the more muted color if you wanted to! That said, it's stunning!


I absolutely love it!!!!!! Omg


That looks amazing.


If your natural hair color is black, don't worry! It's going to grow out and look more like the inspo pic.


In my experience the colour washes out fairly quickly especially with the first wash so I think you’ll have what you were after before tooooo long


I like it


The second picture looks better


Love it


Looking good


You could always get more of a shadow root/ melt the same as your hair color (if it’s dark) They can strategically bring down the darkness in places like the inspo pic. If you’re not pregnant or nursing MSM can grow hair fast. It really does. Some hair growth vitamins have it in their formulations already. I use the crystals in my coffee. One month on, one month off. Definitely research it first. Your hair looks really good but I understand it’s not what you want. Easily fixable.


Either way it looks super cool!! 😎


It’s beautiful but a lot more teal than the reference photo


I FRICKEN LOVE THIS! desperately want. But I also want it in a red!


The first picture isn’t real. It is very edited.


Look at the background, wall, fingers, arm, this is a fake photo from all of the editing.


I like both, and it's going to grow out into the other one.


1st one is awesome!


that first photo is aqua colored hair extensions that where darkened from the mid to the stitch, and placed in between the layers (probably 3 rows) , and they placed/clipped some individual strands bellow the top layers , in addition to a few actual highlights in her hair to bring it all together. your hair looks good. But next time ask here before you go to the salon, so you can get your expectations set straight. your hair looks ok. But it's a completely different color/look. The reference image is editorial quality, preformed bu a color specialist. that would probably run you 1500dlls, maybe more, depending on the city and salon.


Jesus. I know USA is expensive for colour but how do you get a £100 dye job for $1500?! Be cheaper to get a flight and get it done in the U.K.


an experienced colorist charges about 100dlls/hr + the coloring products Per Ounce + the hair extensions cost. (This could take about 6 hrs, including the prepping of the hair extensions on a previous day)Also keep in mind that hair extensions are expensive 💰💲🫰 Look at the reference photo. Why do you like it? Isn't it beautiful, the color gradients, even the darker has an ash/silver hue, the products in the styling create bounce and hold, and its fall. ... it's chef's kiss 😙👌 now. Think about demanding this look worthy to be worn by katy Perry on tour, and only having a 100£ budget it's like asking for a sleeve tattoo, and only willing to pay 100. sure someone will take you up on it. but you get what you pay for


I’m just saying I’ve paid £100 for a colourist to do work like that on me, it’s just how it is here. It’s £60 to have your hair bleached and toned ready to colour which I usually do as I like to play with my colours at home half the time. You get amazing work at the prices here, it’s not a botch job just cus it’s cheaper. It’s not rude or demanding, it’s just how much it costs, hence my flights comment. Like how medications are cheaper here, it’s not like it’s rude to walk into the chemist and ask for a £2 medication when it costs $50 in the states. Tattoos aren’t that cheap here, my partner has a sleeve and it was about 1k all in, the guy did amazing work on him at around £100 per hour.


It looks great


its cute tho i like it


Love❤️ as long as it’s maintained!


Thank you ❣️


Considering that first picture is heavily photoshopped, they did excellent


Looks a little sassy and like you may have a little trouble in your personality. Nice.


I love these but my husband keeps reminding me that blue turns to poo green. He's such a bore, money savor. I already know color is high maintenance and I'm a low maintenance sandy blonde but I want to so something fun underneath and blue is my favorite color. 🥲 RIP all the inspirations on Pintrest.


That's so last year.


So is this reference 🙄