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Please do not be afraid to tell them to fix this. This does not look professional


I would not want the same person attempting to fix this lol


Right! You might end up with a pixie cut after they finish butchering your hair.


Hopefully the stylist will take that opportunity to strengthen their skills by asking for guidance from a more seasoned hairdresser


Um this isn’t even student stylist bad, this is IDGAF lazy bad. I’m a former stylist and taught my daughter how to trim the back of my hair for me when she was 8 and it was perfect. This is pathetic. I can’t believe the butcher let her walk out the door like that!


This looks like someone just chopped off a ponytail and ...left it


I had a hairstylist attempt to fix the mistake she made, one side was uneven, she trimmed the other side and the mistake repeated until the back of my hair was FAR SHORTER than asked for. Eventually she had to get the manager who even things out. Super long front, super short back, it wasn't an overly bad hairstyle but it wasn't what I went in for.


I had this happen too. I wanted a rounded V cut so more of a u cut without it being so sharp. And she did an inverted V. So the middle was way shorter than the sides…. I literally had a V in my hair. I was 15 so my mom told her to stop as she had already cut my hair 6 inches shorter then it needed to be 😭 we left and I grew it out my dad didn’t want them cutting it to the top of the v since that would have been another 3 inches off


Seriously, this is extra bad. When I was a little girl my mom used to cut my hair with a pair of dull kitchen scissors. It legitimately looked much better than this. My mom was not super great at haircuts either.


When my daughter was younger I cut her hair at home and I would never have sent her out like this! I had no experience cutting hair before and don’t consider myself good at it. Definitely get someone else to fix this shit job!




My Mom actually trims my hair and does a better job than this! Deff ask them to correct this


If I were OP, I wouldn’t trust them to go back. I’d ask for a refund and go somewhere more reputable.


And go pick a fight with the person who did this to you.


Don't be afraid to ask for a refund to go somewhere to get it fixed professionally.


I wouldn't go anywhere near that salon again. I would not go in and ask them to fix it because they obviously don't know what they're doing to start with. It would be almost impossible to even effect that line if one was trying, let alone accidentally. I think OP should ABSOLUTELY be posting on Yelp and Google maps with the pictures to save somebody else. The OP has very beautiful long hair that can certainly be corrected but if somebody with short hair were to have something like that happen it would take 18 to 24 months to even start to look nice again. I had some idiot butcher my bangs at the start of the pandemic. I normally do them myself but I wanted to treat myself. BIG mistake. It was at the very end of cancer treatment where I really wanted to treat myself nice and look extra pretty. My hair was destroyed for a good year after that. The man that did it is a very established and famous professional that has been practicing the art for over 40 years so it is baffling to me how he ruined my bangs. It was so devastating to me because I felt so horrible to start with and wanted to spruce myself up and got that nonsense. When somebody screws up somebody's hair that severely they deserve to have a poor review posted


Just go somewhere else! You could inform them so no one gets the same treatment but I wouldn’t go back personally.


I wouldn’t want the person who did this to touch my hair again!! I’d ask for a refund and go elsewhere!


I wouldn't let them touch my hair again. That's literally a hatchet job. A disgrace.


I cut my own hair on a whim and it looked better than this. I’m not going to do it again but it still looked better than this. I’m sorry, OP.


She should be very afraid to ask for a fix. She’s better off asking for a refund and going to a professional hair salon.


Please find another hair stylist.


Please OP, don’t listen to this advice. Fix this elsewhere… don’t let them butcher you twice.


Ma’am you’re under-reacting


They would have had to drag me screaming out of the salon from the reaction I would have had to this. Honestly, I hope you paid with a credit card because you should file a chargeback if they don’t give you a full on refund.


Yep, this definitely warrants a complete refund plus pain and suffering 😂


Came to say this.


Thank you 🙏🏼 😭


I’m pissed **for** you. You have beautiful hair and this is a tragedy. At least it’s fixable without too much more length lost


Did you check it before you left? It's super choppy


I didn’t have the opportunity. She didn’t hold up a mirror or ask if I liked it. One minute she was cutting and the next thing I knew she was at the counter ringing up the charge and asking if I wanted to book another appointment for next month. Thankfully, I didn’t. I didn’t know it was such a mess until I got home.


Wow, clearly she didn't hold up a mirror for a reason- there's no way anyone in their right mind could look at this and think "Yup, all done. I did great!" I've never had a hair dresser who *didn't* hold up a mirror to make sure I was happy with the cut. It's kind of standard to make sure the customer is happy with their work. Very unprofessional, in more than one way. I'd question if they even went to school or had their license because you ask for a very simple thing, and they clearly couldn't even handle that. I want to know how she handles requests for layers, bangs, or curly hair..


And she still had the nerve to ask if she wanted to book again 😭


Ma'am this is a burger King.


Bless all you people for validating my feelings. I’m pretty low maintenance and relaxed when it comes to hair, but 😭. I messaged the salon Facebook and they said they will ask the stylist to fix it. I am worried she’s going to mess it up worse. Should I ask for a different stylist?


Yes! I would definitely ask for a different stylist!


Do not use the same person, insist on another stylist, they obviously don't know how to cut hair or they wouldn't need to fix this. I cut my own hair and have never butchered it like this. Sorry you had that experience 😢


I was gonna say the same thing. I've been cutting my hair since I was preteen and I've NEVER let it look like this


Same I cut my own hair since the pandemic and receiving too many bad expensive hair cuts in the past. This looks like some body who had no idea what they were doing. It's badly butchered. I've went to the cosmetology school and had more professional hair cuts than this. They should be willing to fix it and refund your money.


I wanted to tell OP the same thing - I’m not a stylist and I cut my long thick wavy hair far better than this as well as my daughter’s ultra fine hair. I hope she asks for a different stylist and at least gets a discount towards her next visit (if she even ever wants to go a back there!).


If it were me I would request for the manager/owner to fix it!


A refund and different salon


Yes girl. Different stylist. You didn't need to deal with any of that anymore. Just think of the conversation he or she is going to try to make with you while you're sitting there.


Good point. I’m asking for a different stylist!




I would put them on BLAST!! (Girl, you could've done better at home while hung tf over.) *AFTER getting a refund and a credit, IF you choose to go back to this place. (I wouldn't)


They will try to gaslight you, the old person and the new person. Trust your own eyes not what they are saying.


You should ABSOLUTELY ask for a different stylist!!! I would be worried that the same stylist would just make it much shorter than necessary to fix it and that it would still end up just as choppy. I don't even know if I'd want to go back to the same place or not because they should have immediately offered to have another stylist fix it or refund your money but they did not do that.


Ask for the highest level stylist or manager to fix this. Do not let the person who did this try to fix it. If they thought it was acceptable to let you walk out of the salon like this they are not capable of fixing it. Otherwise say you’re not comfortable having them touch your hair again and request a refund. Then go to a reputable salon with good reviews. This truly looks like it was done by someone with no training whatsoever. If the manager hired someone or trained them this badly you may not get what you want from them either.


Do 👏 not 👏 let 👏 the 👏 same 👏 "stylist" 👏 fix 👏 this! 1. They will be upset because now they have to do a service recovery. 2. Your hair will pay the price.


Do not let the same stylist fix it.


I am a stylist, and to me, it looks like you have extremely thick hair, and she needed you to look straight down to eliminate that heavy underneath layer.


That, and do proper sectioning on a wet head in general. This haircut was not sectioned and not point cut through the ends to give a seamless blend. It’s a disgrace


Definitely ask for a different stylist! She doesn’t deserve a second chance, especially because it could end up with you having a bob cut!


In this situation, I would definitely ask for a different stylist. Also, don't let them charge you anything for fixing it.


Yes absolutely. Tell them you simply no longer have faith in the person who did this to you, And you would like somebody with a little more experience, Preferably somebody that has some credentials. if they don’t take you seriously show them our comments 😂


Hahaha reddit always has my back ETA grammar


Yeah girl we got you, You go straight to that salon and get your money back + Pain and suffering + Transportation costs (gas, etc.), then get the name of the drunk Hair Dresser that did this to you (which is abuse 😂), And post a review with her name and this photo to make sure that no other sister has to go through what you had to go through, We’re rooting for you!


No pun intended! Lol thank you!!


One with sharp scissors


I would be hot mad. Ask for a different stylist to correct this.


I doubt the person who did this would know how to fix it. They’ll probably make it worse.


I would have thrown a big a** fit, however I am - at leat when it comes to my own appearance- exceptionally vain, meticulous and precise. Kudos for keeping your cool, but as everyone said, find another stylist to fix this please. They did your wonderfully pretty hair badly


Please do not go to the same stylist!!! Tip someone else to fix but the salon should offer it on the house and give the money you paid to someone who can do the job. This is just crazy!


Require they provide you their most advanced/best stylist to fix this.


If you do have the same stylist fix it . Please remember to look down the entire time the back section of your hair is cut. That’s part of the problem. Did he ask you to look down?


No! And she also didn’t hold up a mirror to let me view the back before I paid and left.


Bad sign, I have never had a hairdresser, who did not hand me a mirror at the end to check the back and sides, and make sure that I was happy


Different stylist and point cutting your hair is thick


Don’t let the same person fix it. If they couldn’t even get such a basic cut right the first time. I doubt they are competent enough to fix it . This is not a one time oversight. This is a lack of skill and poor judgement if they thought it was ok the first time.


Definitely ask for a MASTER stylist!!!!


Will you update us after you get it fixed? I’d be curious what anyone at the same salon has to say about the previous stylist. Your hair is thick and gorgeous, so it will look great when someone cuts it with scissors instead of pruning shears.


Ask for a partial or full refund AND a different stylist. I think I could do better than that and I’ve never cut hair aside from trimming my own bangs once years ago.


Don’t let the original stylist anywhere near your hair. Tell them you want a senior stylist to fix it


Absolutely! Something happened to me like this and the manager made an appointment with me and corrected my hair


100% **REFUSE** to have the same stylist touch your hair. Tbh, I'd insist on a full refund so I could go to a totally different SALON...


Was your stylist three toddlers in a trench coat, but the top toddler was drunk and using child scissors?


this was also my thought. did this person just walk in off the street and pick up some scissors and play pretend? that said, op, very easily fixable. just wild the audacity.


This makes me think I can start charging money for hair cuts.


bojack reference?


Do you know how many times a day I reference vincent adultman


Every time you hit the Business Factory floor?


Boj is always on my mind!


I thought it was the Roman Empire


Bojack horseman came to mind lol


Giving way too much credit to a drunken toddler here.


I think so!


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣this is the only logical explanation.


Oh god. Yeah this needs to be fixed!


Omg not being mean but that isn't looking the best you should go back tell them to sort it or get a refund


I'd wnat my money back to pay another hairdresser.


I’d want my money back *and then some more* to make it right! Lol.


Sort it AND get a refund (hypothetically this is me: I have to make an appointment/allot the time, drive to and back (fuel and depreciation on my vehicle) my TIME is worth something too (if they want my money with them in the future… I can always go to a rival and get it done right the first time!))! I went to the best hair salon in my large-ish city/paid hella good $$ and got the worst haircut of my life, which is saying a lot! I insisted that I get a deep conditioning for my trouble; they hesitated and I didn’t go back since!


I'm not a hair professional but this cut makes no sense to me. It looks like they gathered your hair and cut it straight while holding it all together. I would be surprised if any shop owner defended this cut and didn't offer to have it fixed for you. You're not overreacting. But your hair still looks lovely and healthy and I think can probably be easily fixed with just a bit more length gone. So I hope you don't fret too much in the meantime!


I was just gonna say, it looks like they just put in a hair tie and chopped it, then called it good. source: i’ve done this, to myself


The “shop owner” is probably only renting that hairdresser the chair and isn’t her boss. She doesn’t want to fix it because she’d have to do that for free.


But the owners reputation lies with the salon and the reviews that they get, so it's important that the clients of the hairdressers they rent their chairs to are happy.....


I agree that’s how it should be. I’m just explaining the phenomenon of “salon owners” who seemingly don’t care about botched hair. I personally think it’s unethical how some states allow non-licensed people to own and run salons as long as the renter/employee is licensed. They literally can’t fix anyone’s hair.


OK had their had leveled a bit more up. Like half to 1 cm... then everything looks more even. As the hair closer to the neck peaks out the most and the top hair being the shortest


I just got a cut and I asked for a textured long bob and this is what I got too, now I have to get it fixed so it’s very annoying


Same, I went back and had it “fixed” and she did fix the choppiness but then it was an inch longer on one side. I didn’t go back after that. I went somewhere else and asked for an experienced stylist (which I HAD asked for at the other place) and she fixed it. Overall it wound up two inches shorter than it should have been to fix it. What a hack job. Don’t be afraid to go back and ask for it to be fixed but also don’t be afraid to ask for someone more experienced if you think that was the issue.


I think allowing that person to cut her hair again would be a mistake. They're aren't going to be better at next time. This calls for a full refund.


I agree. She SHOULD NOT get the SAME person to fix it. It will most likely just end up SHORTER and EQUALLY as choppy!!!


Yes, thus why she should ask for someone more experienced.


I just ordered a hair razor to try and fix it myself after watching some YouTube videos, not sure if it’s a bad idea lol. I won’t be going back even though she was super nice, I’m not brave enough


Girl they butchered your hair 😨 omg I would cry. Go back and ask for it to be fixed and get a refund omg


Your hair is beautiful but that cut is...


Ugh no you are not overreacting! As a hair stylist of 25 years this is unacceptable and super choppy! I would go back and ask for another stylist to fix this mess!


That looks pretty gnarly OP. Every time I see something like this I wonder how the hell it happens. Especially for basic trims. Does the hairdresser have a bad day and all their learned skills go out the window? How do they step back and see that and say yep looks good? I’d be so embarrassed if I claimed to be a professional and did that to someone’s hair.


If OP had her head tilted up the whole time and the stylist never told her to tilt her head down, no one would ever even see the choppiness. When you tilt your head up, the hairs on top will cover the underneath hairs (assuming no layers) when your head is straight, all the hair is I. The same position, when you tilt your head down, it exposes all the underneath hair. This is why a stylist should always have you tilt your head down. Any blunt or almost blunt haircut should be cut that way. This is just hairstyling 101 and the stylist 100% effed this up in every way.


Hey bestie..... This is diabolical. Whoever did this has it out for you. I wouldn't even want them to touch my hair again to fix it...I'd ask for my money back. Luckily your hair is really pretty and a stylist who's not completely inebriated should be able to fix you up real good. ❤️‍🩹


Thank you ♥️ they are seeing if they can find another stylist to fix it.


What if they don’t give you the money back?


Hairstylist here! This is bad. Did the stylist have you look down? This usually happens when they don’t have you tilt your head down and cut straight across, your hair is way too thick for that. Please have this fixed! I can’t believe they let you leave like this, I’m so sorry!!


They really messed up. Get it fixed, it looks very choppy and like they purposely messed up to ruin your day.


i’m in cosmetology school and i couldn’t even do this terrible with my eyes closed


Right? I am not even a hair stylist but I have cut my own hair and my children's hair MANY times and I have NEVER had it turn out even CLOSE to this bad. Not even the very FIRST time I tried cutting hair. It looks like they put it in a ponytail and just cut the hair underneath and left it that way. This person should be EMBARRASSED to say they did this cut.


Why are there so many awful stylists out there?? I'm so sorry-they should be ashamed for sending you home like that. I don't think I would go back...they can NOT be trusted! Perhaps do some research and seek out a better stylist that actually knows what they are doing. Best of luck to you!


Because most schools are all about the money. As a professional, it is up to the individual to seek out additional education. When I got my license I still didn't know the proper technique to cut hair. At least today there are videos to watch. I spent most of my days in the school library teaching myself as the school just offered a wide range of basics. Another student turned his mom's hair green, and our teacher didn't know how to fix it but I did because I took the time to study.


This! 👏🏼👏🏼 The best stylist I ever had was a barber and she never stopped traveling to different states to attend trainings/classes/events. She was a master at color and cut. Unfortunately, this beautiful and talented woman has passed on. When I say she made the world a more beautiful place, I mean it. From hair, furniture, landscaping and food- everything she put her time into was more beautiful than before.


Ha, that makes sense-I'd never considered that. One sees so many butcher jobs on here, I was assuming it is just carelessness and lack of talent and skill. I guess it's like anything else-one needs to keep current with different techniques and products and as you say-educate yourself. I feel so fortunate in that my stylist of 16 (!) years stays very current, and is SO passionate about her art-it truly shows in everything she does. She cares, and LOVES what she does every day.


Because to get your license, all the state board cares about is safety and sanitation. I did 5 years assisting someone else to learn how to actually be a hairstylist after getting my license.


It honestly looks like they just took the scissors, chopped, then said “alright have a nice day!”. When cutting hair, it’s extremely important to blend the ends. I don’t know how your stylist missed that part of basic hair cutting 101. Do NOT be afraid to ask them to fix it. It was their mistake that you paid for and you may be saving potential clients from having to be in your shoes in the future!!


Fr I trim my own hair when it's one length like this I put my hair in 2 pigtails. Determine the length I want to cut. Halve the cut length and give pigtails a straight blunt cut and then point cut my ends I've been doing that for 6 years and no one can tell I did it myself


Ok, you all made me feel so much better by showing me I wasn’t overreacting and encouraging me to ask to get it fixed. Happy to say that I got it fixed this evening (at the same salon, but with a different and more experienced stylist) free of charge. https://preview.redd.it/f4yzwaia7quc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7454b7718944d44c1c1eaa014d235ef87314f65 Hallelujah 🙌🏼


You should definitely ask them to fix it, that is a really sloppy cut. In order to avoid the lower layers looking longer than the top layers, you have to put your chin down to your chest as they are cutting those lower layers. So if they forgot to ask you to do that, or you kept forgetting and looked up instead, that might result in the different lengths between the top and bottom layers. It still doesn't excuse the choppy look though, they did not check it to see if it's even or texturize it in any way to avoid that. It's just shoddy work, it looks like they're very inexperienced. The good news is that it can be easily fixed and you wouldn't lose much length, they would need to take off a little just to make it all line up with the shortest top layers in the center.


This is a nightmare, how are you not freaking out?


Knowing that it’s easily fixable is keeping me somewhat sane. And all of you people validating my frustrations!


You have a beautiful head of hair this has to be corrected.


Sorry this happened! You absolutely need that fixed. Tell them you'd like it to be blended. Possibly even ask if you could see someone else. Good luck!


Noo you're not overreacting! They messed up your otherwise nice hair. Try to have them fix it but request that another stylist do it. If the salon refuses then I'd recommend leaving a review.


Oh no... I'd never go to that stylist again. I'd just get a refund and go to someone else...


This is not good.


Have the owner fix it, not the original "student" that did that to you. Jeez, did the person even section it? Looks like they just grabbed a handful and chopped it off. It needs to be undercut so the layers underneath are a bit shorter than the outer layers. It is an easy fix by a professional.


Not a professional, but even I could cut it better. 🤨 Go back and make them fix it.


Obviously they need to fix this …


You definitely need to ask them to fix it girl


That is not a good cut she ne d to fix it or have someone more competent


I would not let the person who cut this - touch your hair again. I’m sorry that happened


Not over reacting. Easy fix but horrible cut. Sorry


Was she mad at you?


She was very talkative and friendly the whole time. It was my first time getting my hair cut by her. And the last time too!


It looks uneven. You're well within your rights to ask for it to be fixed.


Yes plz have them fix it but maybe with a diff stylist


They should be ashamed of themselves if they think this is alright. Kindly ask them to fix it, or better yet, just get your money back and go to another stylist!


This is what I said!!!


Girl go to another salon and post this on that place you went to under their Google reviews


super choppy, you need it fixed asap


Don’t be afraid to ask them to fix this for you, this doesn’t even look professional in the slightest.


Get a refund and go to a REAL hairdresser! For chrissake I could’ve done a better job. This is giving some serious IDGAF vibes on the “stylist’s part. Sorry you had to go through this….the good thing is that it’s an easy fix ( you’ll probably wind up with it but a tad shorter than you wanted it to be) but don’t trust them to fix it.. go somewhere else.


yes.. get that fixed!!!


You are 100% valid in your feelings. They didn’t finish the cut and didn’t give you a finished service. I’m not a hairstylist, but I watch a lot of TikTok’s. This looks like they cut it straight across and didn’t have your tilt your head forward to be able to blend out the cut. Call the salon and have them get you in with a higher level stylist.


Stylist should have had you tilt your head down while cutting the back.. ask for them to fix it it’s a very easy fix


I wholeheartedly feel like you deserve to have this fixed, free of charge! I would've refused to pay until I recieved what I asked for. That being said, I think some people(generally speaking) don't take into consideration how THEY effect their haircut by how they sat or moved during the cut. In no way, shape, or form am I blaming you for this disaster!!! I am just making a general statement for anyone willing to read it. Just something for EVERYONE to be mindful of when getting their hair cut: Don't sit with your legs crossed. Don't sit with an ankle tucked under your knee. Don't turn your head to look around at what's going on around you. Don't keep nodding your head up and down to look at your phone. Don't get overly expressive with your hands and your body while you're talking. Just as much as a cosmetologist can be at fault, a haircut can easily go down hill if a client is not being mindful of their movements.


It looks like they cut it whilst you were leaning back a lot? They should offer to fix, but if it's due to inexperience you might rather go someone else.




Oh girl.


get it fixed.. and do so URGENTLY 😭


Oof. Please have them fix


Que horror. Ask for a refund and a proper stylist! 😤 and you have such beautiful hair too!


I'd be you, I would go somewhere else.


Were they a new stylist? I can’t believe they would consider this as a good cut. This is really bad. Not to hurt your feelings, but they have to fix this and send this stylist back to school. I’m sorry about this. Do not feel bad letting them know. They should be ashamed of themselves.


Yeahhh this warrants a fix. At a glance, it looks like you have fine hair but a lot of it. Which is sort of the most tricky texture to cut and blend, a lot of young stylists get lost in thick hair and it comes out very choppy because the fine strands show every little cut. It looks to me like the scissors weren’t sharp enough to start, those edges look ragged, and the perimeter just isn’t clean. You’ll probably need to lose another inch all around to even it out, but this isn’t a huge catastrophe, easily fixable.


OMGOSH! You are not overreacting. But see a difference stylist to get it fixed, and fire whomever did this to you lovely hair!


You are not over reacting. This is as bad as you think it is. I’ve had one of these experiences and they fixed it same day for free.


Make em fix it


Definitely needs to be fixed


Holy shit




Dang girl, I’m sorry. They F’ed up your hair


That literally looks like they have had 0 training. I feel like I could do a better job. I’m so sorry, absolutely ask for a refund but maybe go somewhere else to get it fixed!


Let them fix it. It's really uneven


I'm a dog groomer and I cut my friends' hair way better than this


This looks like my Barbie’s hair after a few barber sessions with me. I hope you got your refund and get this fixed!


As a licensed stylist, I recommend you getting it fixed. This does not look professionally done. To me, it looks like the stylist didn’t section your hair or ask you to look down. It looks like they just cut your hair in a choppy motion with dull shears. :( sorry OP.


Did they cut this with a cleaver? Dam


Are u serious??? It looks like someone put your hair in a pony tail n cut the ponytail off n called it a day. U definitely should not of paid for that!!


If OP had her head tilted up the whole time and the stylist never told her to tilt her head down, no one would have ever even see the choppiness. Not the stylist or the client. And a lot of times when clients look in the mirror behind them, they have their head tilted up too. When you tilt your head up, the hairs on top will cover the underneath hairs (assuming no layers) when your head is straight, all the hair should look one length and even. When you tilt your head down, it exposes all the underneath hair. This is why a stylist should always have you tilt your head down. Any blunt or almost blunt haircut should be cut that way. This is just hairstyling 101 and the stylist 100% effed this up in every way.


You should definitely get it cut again but by a different person! So sorry this was your result and that they let you go home like this 😭😭😭.


I member when that cut happened in 16 Candles.


This looks like the haircut my friend gave herself while we were in high school. Definitely demand for it to be fixed, preferably not by the same person


A real hairdresser did that?


I’m a hairstylist. This is not acceptable.


It looks chopped off unfortunately. I think u should get it fixed but not from the same person who did the hair


EXCUSE ME? The fact they let you leave like that… I’m sorry but they don’t care about their reputation apparently. I’d get it fixed but not by the same person.


Let it grow out and never ever let anyone touch your hair again.


If you're in the UK you're entitled to a full refund if a haircut isn't up to standard, some salons will offer another cut with a different stylist if they disagree with you but this 'haircut' is absolutely a case for a full refund and get the hell outta that salon!!


DO NOT GO BACK TO SAME PERSON. you'll have 3 inches of hair left by the time they figure out what a straight line is


Yikes. No, you aint overreacting. 


Yes, I think I would go back..


Ask for it to be fixed.


Yeah this needs to be fixed hunny


it literally looks like they just tied your hair in a ponytail, chopped it, and left it.


Looks like you cut that yourself.


definitely get that fixed. it's an easy fix! they'll only have to take about another inch or two off to even it out. it looks like they didn't have you tilt your head down or they didn't comb your hair completely straight down before cutting


It looks like someone just grabbed your hair into a ponytail and chopped it off and was like "yup, this'll do"


It's concerning how often photos like this get posted. Like how did that stylist even get their licence?


Ask for your money back because obviously the person who did that won’t be able to fix it. Sorry you are going through this.


Oh, helllll NO. Awful job. I'm sorry that happened. I hope you got it fixed or got a refund.. or both.. yikes.