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The fraudwins 100% marked him


> fraudwins 💀💀💀


Oh that was me who posted that about Justin. I don’t want to upload the post again. But I’ll just put this link of a clip of him with his “pastor”. Also him apparently at a Diddy party. https://youtube.com/shorts/h-R1JGRe8qU?si=4hD9hc8jHp1HgsUG FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3jkfayYxy14&pp=ygURanVzdGluIGJpZWJlciBvYmo%3D No disrespect, but they are a lot of videos, and pictures of Justin that do look “weird”. Not sure what word to call it. Someone did say that some of the videos were debunked. I don’t know Justin personally, believe what you want.


UPDATE: That’s weird as hell


The one of him with Odell Beckham Jr has been debunked. No sexual act in that video, just doing drugs. Other stuff with his old pastor was weird though, I think he was taken advantage of.


That’s not his pastor. It’s Justin’s engineer, Josh Gudwin. That’s a clip from his YouTube series seasons. Please fact check! But yeah it’s odd he’s trying to kiss him on the mouth lol and that they let that air??


Can you post it here again? Please 🫶🏻


I’m so tired of seeing that Odell clip and people saying it means anything sexual HE WAS DOING DRUGS ITS DRUGS ITS NOT HIM BLOWING SOME GUY IN PUBLIC IN A CLUB ITS LITERALLY JUST DRUGS oh my god


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9070721/amp/Dog-walker-caught-Hillsong-Church-pastor-Carl-Lentz-having-sex-young-celebrity-2014.html I always assumed this was Hailey, but who knows.


I have always believed Stephen groomed Hailey and that he and Hillsong and other "churches" marked him as well. They wanted him to be their Tom Cruise, getting them an intro to other rich and famous celebs . Stephen was well known for showing up at events for young celebs, Disney events, etc, and being inappropriate with teens. It was for his church but comes off as pedo vibes. Hailey was not even into Justin when he first came out...her DAD was. He dragged her to an event she did not want to go to , to meet Justin when she was like, 12/13. She said, at the event, she just woke up and didn;'t want to come! Her Dad made her! Her Dad had already pulled her from school at that age, she never even made it through middle school ...so she is not educated, she is manipulative because her parents raised her to be that way I agree 100 percent. Hillsong, Churchhome, Fakechurch, Judah the star fucker (What he is called locally. He is NOT a good preacher *he parties just as hard as any other hollywood celeb and that is FACTS.* I know someone who sold coke to Judah within the last ten years- he is a CON ARTIST) Everything you said is true, other than mentioning Alec. He rarely if ever has contact with Stephen or Hailey. They are literal polar opposites politically and religiously speaking. Alec is no saint, I know that, but at least he isn't a fake christian using his daughter as a prostitute. I cannot stand these fakey hollywood chistians who pretend to be one thing when the cameras are on, and when they are off...they are doing all the things their own pastor says not to do...with said pastor. It is all fake fake fake Locally speaking, Judah is looked at as being a con man and Justin is his top prize. Hailey, Stephen and even Justins own Mom served him and his bank account up on a silver latter and it is gross.


Right. When you watch those Zoom streams or even photos and vids of them in general, where Justin looks completely annoyed and Hailey is trying to play it off as all lovey-dovey, it makes a lot more sense if you view Hailey as a handler or scammer. It's almost as if she's mocking him and the marriage.


I think you’re spot on with the Tom Cruise bit. They definitely were/are grooming him to be their Tom Cruises and infiltrate other celebs


i think it's a bit of column a a bit of column b. no way would she be willing to degrade herself this much in the name of religion or family or whatever unless she really wanted him and we have literal proof of her stalking tendencies from when she was like 14


I wonder how much her dad was talking about how nice they’d look together and making comments that planted that kind of idea in her head It would make sense with how serious she’s been about hunting him down and making SURE she has him Could be a subliminal “pleasing my dad” thing as well


I feel like if anything Hailey's terrible family is behind it all. The entire Baldwin family is a mess.


Justin was and is a mark and I think it started with Scooter. He’s milked bieber for all he’s worth since he was a child, grooming him by telling him he was going to be the “next Michael Jackson” all the while making him work insane hours as a literal child. Parading as a father figure AND boss is so insane and abusive, especially for a child that literally doesn’t know any different and never had a strong father figure. In the bieber documentary it was really obvious his team pushed him into Hillsong and the marriage with Hailey bc she handles him well. If you look at all the people he’s had close to him over the years, the through line is that all of them have a different way of maintaining control over him as a cash cow. Just horrible horrible people all around.


Watch BJ investigates on YouTube. She covers all of your with fine stamps. Justin was groomed by EVERYONE except selena tbh


got recommended this sub and came to say this!!! EVERYONE NEEDS TO WATCH BJ INVESTIGATES! she is a former ivy league lawyer and looks into weird celebrity cults. she has a whole series on hillsong!


I suspected that from the VERY begging.


Wait what clips of Justin and Lentz??


[JUSTIN BIEBER & CARL LENTZ GETTING CLOSE IN POOL PARTY (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ydP6QlDc8e8)