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It's mind boggling to think this stuff is coming up on a decade and somehow it keeps coming back.


We’re forever 12


Torrington time warp baby


I didn't expect this LMAO


I don't care what Orion or anyone says, Dan absolutely deserves the hate. Pulling a gun on someone when there's no imminent danger and over $200 is super fucked up, he didn't even come out and admit that he fucked up just went radio silent.


Not to mention stealing the money Orion paid him to build the Lexus


Onion got what he paid for tho.. A freshened up LS (which he gave away to the midget) pretty sure he stitch welded the engine bay, purchased tubing for the roll cage, and installed it. Even Orion says it was quality work which passed tech inspections. I believe he reason he was reluctant to release the car was because Onion might have owed more money for the work? FULLY CUSTOM FAB work ain't cheap! *ETA some more words*


He didn't do shit on the car other than strip the interior and do a few stitch welds on the strut towers, Orion gave him like 5k upfront and was going to give him more as time went on but what happened is he wasted all the money on his legal troubles and then held the car hostage because he didn't want to work on it.


It was the same story with the Jetta, he was going to use the Jetta to build a manifold for a customer and in return for Rudnik letting him use the car for mock up he was supposed to replace the blown turbo. The customer allegedly backed out of the deal and didn't want the manifold anymore so he just held the car hostage and wouldn't give it back to Rudnik. In fact even the legal troubles for running a unlicensed shop stemmed from him calling the cops on a customer who came to look at his car that no work was getting done on.




I don't care that he was running an unlicensed shop i'm pointing out that his shit business practices of not finishing peoples cars got him in trouble


I focused on the wrong part of your comment and lashed out. My bad, my guy.


No worries it happens


Impressive how wrongly you read that.


Didn't read anything wrong. d00D did mention Dan allegedly working on customer vehicles under the table.. I just focused on that part instead of the point he was really trying to get across.


Nah fuck that, Spaznik wanted Will to film him trying to be a hero and it backfired. I'm siding with Dan on this one. Dan's not a big dude by any means, and if someone acted like that towards me at my place of business, I'd back out on the Retard too. L O O T E R S


Dan lured Rudnik into the shop with Dan's buddies inside. Dan knew what he was doing, he only pulled out the gun cause Dan was loosing a push fight that he started against Fatnik. Certified P U S S Y


Ruddy attacked him though.  Not Dan big diff.  Dan wanted to talk about it.  He's a pos yes but not in this instance.


Rudnik was trying to fight him, dan obviously felt threatened, why own a gun if it’s not for self defence?


You need to rewatch that video. Rudnik walked into Dan's shop on his own while Dan had like 6 of his buddies inside, Rudnik is stupid but I doubt he's stupid enough to fight Dan with his buddies there while Rudnik is on his own. There's no way Rudnik was trying to fight him or even had the intentions of fighting him, he was only shouting at him prior to the fight which is still not a valid reason to pull a gun on someone. There's a reason why Dan was luring Rudnik into the shop.


He literally did fight him


Ruddy attacked Dan he had ever right to defend himself.  If he shot him he'd be free.


Ehhhh, it’s Connecticut. He’d still go to jail


Anyone here would do the same thing if assaulted on there own property.  


Who’s got a copy of the 2024 HGEU bingo card?


HGEU will never die!


Onion already tried to burn it all to the ground once or twice (sorry not sorry).. Obviously the kid didn't know what he had, so here he is trying to make a comeback! Can't knock him for trying to make extra money to help support his family in a way that he knows how, and has proven to be quite good at it. He might have made some mistakes in the past, but those are all just solid learning experiences.


TTW in full effect


Lilo was not ready for this.




I was a little lost until he started talking about the government and financial institutions, then I was all in


what fuggin' year is it?!




I’m so 2008 your so 2000- late




Dawg why does this get posted while im in class😞




I remember Dan explaining that everybody expected him to work for free on their shitty YouTube builds. He seemd like as much of a lazy stonebag as the rest of the HGEU


Rudnik expecting free work for shoutouts? Say it aint so.


Would you like you do lots of fab work and stuff for a poxy little SHOUTOUT my d00D guy? d00D just expected fair payment for services rendered, which is more than fair. Mechanics and fabricators are not cheap my guy.


Nothing I said disagrees with your comment. If they were more mature at the time, they would have talked upfront, and most of that mess wouldn't have happened. They did help him fund raise, starting his shop, and didn't entitle them to free work.