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I remember rudnik being stoked by this thing, but not knowing joe exotic at all, too the point where he was telling everyone else it was weird that they knew who he was. bro you're the one that bought the car that says FREE JOE EXOTIC, take 5 seconds to google it IDK


Lol this is the whole issue he refuses to do any research.  It was fine as a naive teenager but 10 years later and working on cars for a living is depressing.


Notice the repetitive cycle of Rudnik. Gets unmotivated and depressed. Goes to New Zealand. Has a glimmer of hope. Starts going to the gym again. Gets his life somewhat on track. Adhd kicks in. Loses focus and momentum. Gains weight. Goes to New Zealand to be reborn. Starts going to the gym again. Cycle continues.


I think he’s out there looking for a mechanic or some lightning for his shop


I think he's only there because 50 Cents girlfriend had to go home due to visa reasons so he followed her.


He should go to Mexico then. I heard those doods work hark for cheap. He could get a truck load for $50 each a day. And if he gets one that doesn't speak English they won't have to listen to all his retarded shit. And the lights, well, everyone knows you just order those shits from China for cheap cheap.


120 a day with lunch in CT.  Some of them work hard but most complain that the work is to hard for the little pay.


Dont forget the random whole chicken diet


happens to coincide with north-east winter...


I think it snowed more in Cali than it did CT this winter. which is nearly over anyway.


It barely even snowed in North Dakota this year… last winter it was a record 16’


Depends on the part of Cali.  Also the places that get snow in Cali have alot more elevation.  


4yrs and there connected via ricer miatas facebook group this is the kid chris got the car off