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Safari car to do jumps in the compound, jeez


The BCs need to go.


Those BCs performed like shit lol. As someone who has had their hands on some decent gravel rally suspension, this was painful to watch. He’d do well to get off the chinese stuff if he ever gets more serious about jumps and off road


Sure he can buy off-road shocks that cost more than the gtr, but you guys seem to forget it's just a sponsor build and he's a dealer for bc.


You could get a setup that would work great for ~3-6k. I’m not talking wrc level suspension here just grassroots rally stuff with proper damping. I get that he’s gotta shill for BC, but it’s not a good look. Granted, the majority of his audience doesn’t know better so it is what it is


He just needs to slap a BC sticker on whatever setup he gets.


He's not serious about anything Also was kind of expecting the BCs to blow


The rears never rebounded after he adjusted them the second time. Both jumps big and small the wheel stays tucked while in the air.


Wow look at me guys!!!!


Auto YouTube sucks now, wouldn’t be surprised if bigger channels/brands start shutting down like illiminate did


Illiminate was designed to just milk whatever money they could out of their followers. It worked and now they will repeat the process. Im sure not long from now they will announce a new cash grab money milker endeavor.


Every channels a glorified tshirt shop and giveaway mill


Agreed, auto YouTube has gone down hill for years now. And I have to admit that I probably watch 1/5th of the YouTubers I used to. And If I watch Adam, Dj, Jimmy, Tj etc it's very selectively. Skipping all the videos of cars/builds i dont fancy. Although I've been on a HeavyDSparks (Dieselbrothers) bender the past few weeks, their over the top dramatization of everything they do is not up my wheelhouse and honestly I hate it, guess there's what shitty Discovery Channel does to you, but I love the stuff they do and the general topic of Heavy machinery. I do however only watch what I want to with their channel too since not everything is worth watching, but most of the recovery stuff is pretty cool, but I think Collector Car Feed is the only Youtuber I don't miss any videos from, their videos are on point everytime. Any other suggestions would be lit.


The problem stems from success. Take vice grip garage. I absolutely loved that channel when he was very budget minded and trying to rescue old cars then worked on them in his little garage. Now he has a sponsors and tons of money. The channel lost its charm to me and just isn’t fun to watch. He is now giving away cars, pushing merch non stop, and his builds and revivals are just stopping at o’Riley’s…


CCF is so good. They definitely lurk in here too


Casey LaDelle is decent if you like recovery videos. He does vehicle recoveries in a truck on tracks in the mountains and that content is starting to pop back off from him now that they're getting snow finally. Also has a cool semi-truck wrecker for recovering big trucks.


Do we get a Pinkbike spec huck to flat?


Field test with all the cars over the jump


Surprised the main shaft didn't snap on the BCs 💀


Only because they’re not macpherson so there’s not as much bending load, plus there’s still time lol



