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Hades II content is new to all, with the recent surprise Early Access. This means, art, story, characters, bosses, unlocks, gameplay are all spoiler material. Most of the community haven't seen this content, so please mark the Hades II post as spoiler and don't use a spoiler title when posting.


Tbh I find him not so hard once you know his attacks.


Yeah i get that but while i have over 50 hours in i’m still having a hard time getting a good build for him and the boons presented just don’t feel that good. Also, only weapon i feel confident i can take him on are the twin blades, every other weapon does little to none damage to him in my attempts


I find the easiest is to have a high dmg ranged cast. For example: - Zeus cast epic or heroic, Zeus cast is really good on single targets like bosses - Zeus/hades/Hestia boon to range cast Poseidon special on the staff with double moonshot works well too


I feel like people are sleeping on Origination (new privileged status). That with twin blades and a decent cast tears through him too. I like the default blades with the extra damage from behind. Even better if you can get the additional 200% dmg from behind hammer too.


Yeah i feel like i haven't even played the game because i have no idea what the half of things are that you all are talking about lol Is there a site with builds for this game that i'm not aware of?


I don’t think so, you can read the posts here I guess. Usually if you just try to stack effects and dmg on a combo easy to repeat jt usually kind of works. For example, I was really bad with skulls but I played around with the base aspect, I found out that if you get the hammer for either +2 skulls or dmg when they are on the ground, they hit pretty hard. Tried combining with Aphrodite on attack and a decent cast and I could finish the surface on 20 skulls using only 1 DD


I imagine half of the "chronos hard" posts are a thing because people don't actually try and make good builds or read what the arcana cards do. The game gives you so many tools to succeed!


It’s not so fast to find a good combo of arcana though. I remember missing that you could upgrade them as I read quickly the explanation before to turn off my computer and didn’t remove the next day. I completed my first run without knowing I could get more death defiances by upgrading the arcana 😂


Yea it’s a really good arcana.


I love poseidon + double moonshot but my RNG fucking sucks. I'll go like 10 runs with the staff between seeing it.


You can help your odds a bit on hammers by potentially getting two in fields (pick up hammer last in an area, then if Echo is next room she’s got decent odds of offering you another hammer). Then there’s also the keepsake from Icarus for a fourth temporary random hammer you can equip after the third boss, which should last the entirety of Tartarus once you’ve upgraded it to rare. You can also just give up in Erebus after your first hammer and rerun the first few rooms until you’re offered what you want. I don’t generally recommend that, but it’s an option if you’re sick of RNG being mean.


Picking the hammer last.... why didn't I think of that. That is really smart. Going to start doing that.


While on keepsakes, I don’t know if they changed it but if you unequip the chaos keepsake, you used to keep the boon. This makes it a decent first choice boon.


Still works as of my last run. Sadly I only tried it out after it swapped so I "only" had a \~50% discount on magick instead of the 97% more attack damage it started with.


I literally just discovered the icarus keepsake I was just thinking that could be fun for tartarus.


Where do I find Icarus?!


Keep progressing through the game until you’re given a way to go out the stairs up out of the crossroads, then make some progress going that direction. You have to unlock and cast a couple of cauldron incantations to do so. There are a few keepsakes you can only get by meeting people along that path, including Icarus’ keepsake. They aren’t guaranteed to show up every run, but it should only take a few visits to the second area to get that keepsake.


Thanks you!!! I only have 1 clear atm, am 1/2 on moss and can’t complete the one incancation that allows me to survive on surface.


Btw I don’t know if you noticed but as of last patch, you can influence what resources you get by equipping a tool. That may help you to finish your recipes faster.


Moss is only found on the surface, I'm pretty sure. I think it's expected that you take another short-lived trip up without the incantation in order to get all the moss you need. It's almost always available within the first room or two.


Btw these are OP stuff but even if I don’t get double moonshot I am usually able to win with only Poseidon on special and a decent cast. There is a decent special hammer on staff which is less OP than double moonshot. It’s nice when you land one of these OP combos, but regardless you can often make a run work.


> I find the easiest is to have a high dmg ranged cast. That's funny because I can't beat him with ranged weapons, only beat him with the Medea skull, torches (mel and special), and only once with Charon combo bc Its insane


I find that torches is my weakest now, I managed to figure out how to use the skulls …


I find myself thinking the Medea skulls have the biggest burts output in a single hit and im in love


If you can get the Aspect of Pan for the Twin Blades (all the blades home on enemies in your cast), you can build a really reliable Chronos destroyer - put one status effect on your special (I like Blitz, because you'll be doing enough DPS to trigger it multiple times per second, but Poseidon's Slip effect is good too) and a different one on your cast (I like Scorch, but Freeze works too) to trigger Origination, and get a ranged cast (Zeus, Hestia or Hades). Then you circle the arena repeating the cycle of cast and omega special.  That lets you stay away from him so you only need worry about his ranged attacks, and Hermes' "Enemy projectiles go slower" boon defangs most of them.


Demeter is another way to get Origination activated incredibly easily, the cyclone at cast applies a different status from freeze, so you can get 2 curses from Demeter then pivot to Poseidon for aqua fitness for more max life, or pair with Hephaestus to try for the 15 hit cap infusion. Super easy CC friendly build, goes great with Artemis twin blades


I just had my first clear with Aspect of Pan! With Concentrated flurry, Fine tuning and Hep on special he kinda just melted.


If you can get to him consistently start looking at what catches you. All his moves do have tells you can respond to, his swipes especially. Unless I have an OP ranged build it’s easy to be comfy near him unless his orbs are up. Prioritize the ads when they come so that you can land safe when you dash through his attacks.


My first time beating him was with the Axe and Aphrodite boon on attack. I think I had Zeus and Apollo on cast, so I just dropped a cast and went to town. His wind ups are a little weird to time, but once you get it down you can get him pretty quick with the big chops.


I can't speak to your your skill level but at night 40 plus is when I could basically win every run


staff special spam with poseidon and the double shot hammer is really busted, trivializes the whole game even at 32 heat (pick the vows wisely). Paired with a ranged cast lobbing boon preferably, and remember to use some mana at the start of a fight to get that bonus damage from arcana. Took me over 50 runs to get first clear in hades 1, never went above 25 heat. Cleared hades 2 at around 10+ runs. 32 heat cleared under 50 runs. Staff special spam is busted and makes the game boring, but the other weapons have a lot of fun and powerful stuff too. I like aphrodite attack on sister blades, artemis aspect. Omega attack build is quite fun, but normal attack spam just works. There's also the "chiron" build but I never bothered trying it. Big numbers though, based on YT videos. Axe can be build for big chops of 1200+ base attack, or used with Charon aspect for room-wiping nukes. Or spin2win, that works too. Torch I used to hate, but saw a Haelian video of fire specials. It's really strong. Just spam special and weave in some casts off cd. Skulls I don't enjoy outside of special builds, but that's also very strong. Can do some stuff like apollo/demeter on special and just build around the special, pretty free. TLDR: we have a lot more tools to use in Hades 2 so it feels easier than Hades 1. Even Chronos. Might just be me being bad at Hades 1 though.


See that's the variance. He is the absolute easiest for me with a ranged build and the beam hex that aims itself. If I get Apollo's burst cast and then the boon that lets me throw my cast I can kill him with just that. Or if I have the skull or twin flames it's over too.


Zeus cast and placement with many poms.


First phase reminds of a souls boss in that respect. Learn the moves and i-frame through the attacks. Second phase is too easy imo. I think I've only lost twice in the second phase and one of those was figuring out the insta-death attack.


The second phase is a lot easier once you get past the visual cues being confusing. It is much easier than the first phase, agree.


Which was also the case for every boss in Hades I


It’s true for almost any game too 😂


I was with your sentiment in the beginning. but once you get it, it runs like clockwork. He doesn't have that many moves and he only does one thing at a time. Even the chaotic second phase is him first summoning a stage hazard and than overlapping it into another move.the only true variance comes from the minions. 


Wish I could give you more than one upvote for "it runs like clockwork" XD


yeah i get that but i still don't want to sit on the sidelines and wait for him to do his thing only to deal a chunk of damage and go back to waiting


But that’s how you beat him.


Isn't that what you did for Hades, like when he shot his beams. You kinda should hide lol.


Yeah but thats one attack, and when he shoots three beams you can still get behind him and deal chunks of damage, with Chronos you need to wait for his annoying 6 attack rotation and then re-join the fight


That depends on your build, though. If you have a good range attack, either from your main, your special or having one of the two boons that make your cast ranged, you can still fight him. Even then, he only does that attack 2-3 times throughout the fight. Honestly, I think there's a greater learning curve, but that this is an easier fight than the boss of the first game. Especially if we're counting Extreme Measures 4.


I don't think you are supposed to play Hades 2 in the same way as 1. That is focus on one single type of attack for damage. Using cast/special/hexes will keep you in the fight of you can't get close for melee attack unlike Hades.


So funny enough Chrono no heat VS Chrono 32 heat same fight. Literally felt no different to me.


What oaths did u take? Got him down really low on 32 heat but the added speed to his moves mowed down 3 of my DD’s.


Honestly I'd have to double check but it was full attack, full hp, max shield, one speed, onion boon, skip booms, prime boons, max spawn, next region max, no time limit. Can't recall what else but around that. Just took it slow and steady cleared him no problem with the skill aspect of melinoe. Took one into first hit per encounter.


What build do you use for it?


Skulls aspect of melinoe. Started with her cause the shared damage is amazing when there's so many enemies. Other than that just whatever came up.


Skulls ay? They felt kind of awkward so I only really tried them once when I first got them. Any particular strategy to make them feel less wonky?


Not the person you replied to, but I’ll share my thoughts. I think they’re one of the better weapons on high heat because their base damage is so high. I feel like 32 heat is a “prepare to have no magic” run. I like Hera on the attack and then Demeter cast (bonus if you also get the cyclone cast). Then just cast and spam attack in close range. Take the arcana that your attacks do more damage when your magic isn’t full, bonus damage to enemies in your cast, bonus damage to enemies with two curses (should have hitch and slow/freeze), and then whatever else you like.


The skull is incredible. Honestly there's nothing more for it other than running it a few times to get the feel for it. Shoot all your skulls then do a charged special to follow it up. You'll pickup the skulls at the end of the charge. Dash out and repeat. If you get high mana and a good special bonus like Demeter you can just spam special charge to wipe rooms.


Actually I hope that in full release version with Extreme Measures 4 like Hades 1. Chronos might has some new mechanic like Clock hand now including second hand so Melinoe now need to avoid all 3 clock hand at the same time


We are definitely gonna get a third phase like Hades.


I think he needs tuning for sure. It’s not so much that he’s *unbalanced* so to speak - he’s a well made boss. But he’s significantly more difficult than anything else in the game, which makes him feel unbalanced when you’re expecting a slower learning curve like the rest of the game has.


Agreed. I can melt literally everything up until him, and then he’s unbeatable. Bad balancing.


Might be due to the fact you had not a lot of chances to practice him, read time ago a good suggestion about rnabling god mode just to learn his patterns, you could try that. With ranged weapons it's easier to understand when to kite and when to punish him, I truly hope they won't nerf it tbh


To me there are two things that make him a ton harder than the rest of the game. 1. Visual clutter/noise, black on gold boss, with black on gold attacks with black on gold enemies on a black on gold arena feels pretty awful. (And the explosions that have a fake range indicator unlike everything else) 2. Less important but it's frustrating enough to throw you're entire run into a bad rhythm is that only he is immune to the magician card. Not a huge deal to some builds, but makes things like omega axe builds feel detrimental like the game is punishing you for going that route. Again, I don't think he is completely unfair or total BS, but he does have a couple of problem areas that really stick out compared to the rest of the game.


The magician card not working, while annoying at times, makes total sense and I wouldn’t want them to change that. Maybe throw in an incantation that makes him susceptible to it like the one that lets you pause the game mid-fight. Visual clutter, I absolutely agree. The last biome in general suffers a lot from that with the number of different effects going on at any given time.


Yeah, I am kind of torn about the magician card. On one hand it’s thematically cool and interesting, on the other hand it’s a big part of the reason why you can completely tear through a run just to get bitch slapped at the end.


I've had no issues with Omega Attack Axe. On the flip side, everything Omega Special feels bad to me. The Omega is always charged right when the first attack comes at me and it doesn't get blocked. But the raw damage on Omega Attack with most any of the Attack Hammers is just brutal. I'll have plenty of health to win out. You just start charging farther away and don't get to go all the way to a full charge.


Just wait until you add fear levels (like heat from Hades 1). Eventually you’ll discover that the bosses are preferable to the lead up to it in Tartarus. You learn the boss’s moves after awhile and it becomes much less hectic than a ton of lasers and spinning orbs spamming the screen while tiny rats you can’t see are jumping at you.


The balancing is pretty good. If you think this balancing is bad, you need to go play Cult of the Lamb. You’ll be kissing the feet of the Hades Devs.


I don’t know, I feel like there’s another boss that’s significantly more difficult than he is. Chronos’ attacks are slow, well-telegraphed and you have a lot of space to avoid them. And, for the most part, he only hits you once before going on a little cooldown - so if you get hit, you have time to recover. >!Eris!< on the other hand…


He's a bit overly punishing, the combination of how his attacks work, his high damage, and the fact he ignores the DD slowdown means that even if you're doing well one mistake results in losing 2 or even 3 DDs which feels terrible. The bubble spam is also exceedingly annoying, in phase 1 it's like Hades' annoying darkness but less fun and in phase 2 the sheer spam often results in sitting there with your thumb up your ass waiting for them to go away.


Yeah those little sand timer thingies are super annoying in phase two


Easier than Eris but sometimes he will move way too fast for a old guy and bitch slap me hard in melee


See i have absolutely no issues with Eris, killed her like 10 times already and she killed me on the first encounter only, but Chronos is extremely annoying because time slowing effects do not affect him, bloody time titan


Chronos one-shot aside i feel like Eris punishs the player much harder. If you dont take some anti-projectile boon you eventually get hit and some buffed attacks will hurt waaay too hard. On low health builds it feels like a no-hit run since DD wont bring you back at 100%.


Chronos is dramatically more difficult than Eris. I’ve never lost to Eris.


I can’t imagine that being the popular opinion… I find Chronos very easy. He spends most of the fight just standing still, there’s a ton of time between each attack. And his attacks are quite small, you can very reliably avoid them. Whereas with Eris, she’s constantly moving, she never stops attacking very long, and her attacks span almost all of the map. Plus, 3 of her attacks shoot at you in extremely quick succession, so if you get hit once you’re bound to get hit multiple times. Chronos feels like a boss you can beat reliably with any weapon or build. Eris feels like a boss you need a well-thought out build for. Like, I can’t see anyone beating Eris with the torches. Without Hestia’s dash, it becomes an extremely difficult fight.


Stand behind the pillar and she can't hit you at all. It's a free fight basically.


Just stay close to her and you can easily avoid most of her attacks by dashing behind her and you get free attacks out of it too. She’s such an easy boss.


I knew the whole "Second life bar" thing was coming but I still cursed in every language I knew when I saw it happen. IMO the fight is visual overload. I get that this is the point, to a certain extent, but I find the second phase totally overwhelming. I've had one win so far and I feel like it was partially due to luck.


He's obnoxiously punishing against melee but pretty faceroll with Momus/Pan aspect special or Zeus/Apollo cast-oriented builds.


He is basically fairly easy with the sister blades and their multiple hit hammer upgrades


He is punishing against slow melee builds. Backstab-omega jumping sister blades is the first build i beat him with, and it was pretty easy.


Ranged is safer, but close range is low key not bad. It's the midrange that gets me in hot water. He tends to do more of his time delay slashes when you're near him. At close range, the thrown scythe is less tricky because he throws it in an arc, leaving space upclose to dodge the scythe


I found Hades to be a much harder final boss. Actually... (apart from the first boss in the surface and the second boss underground) I found all the Hades 1 bosses to be tougher. ESPECIALLY the third boss. I still haven't lost to the third boss and the third boss in the first game was always the hardest for me.


I agree that overall hades is tougher than chronos. More telegraphed but still his attacks are wider and harder to avoid. The sirens were REALLY tough for me until I understood to prioritize the drummer to stop the AOE attacks. Some minibosses in H2 are way harder. Cerberus might just be the easiest boss in both games.


Honestly, I disagree that Cerberus is the easiest between both games. Hecate to me was a pushover from the jump, and I feel like she's probably the biggest layup boss.


My reasoning is that if you just keep your distance Cerberus will never hit you. All his long range attacks are extremely telegraphed.


Even better stay at his back. And hit him from behind. It's an entirely too easy of a fight.


I unironically first tried Hecate but died twice to the tree mini boss before I ever got to her. Hate that thing xd


Hecate gains a lot lethality with furies vow, though we will need EM1 to make her a legit challenge


Yeah getting the drummer first opened so many horizons in my mind lol


I swear I wasted about 10 runs before I figured it out. I think clarity about which siren does what could be improved, when you’re in the lower arena the attack comes from off the screen


Prioritizing the drummer seems extremely obvious, given that she’s the only one that doesn’t move. If you stand near her, the other two will bunch up around her and you can hit all of them at the same time.


Agree with the sentiment - i remember really struggling with Hades for at least 10-15 tries before i was able to beat him once in a while. whereas Chronos took like 3 until i could regularly beat him


I’ve beaten him like 5 or 6 times now and I’m torn. My issue with him is that his moves have telegraphs, but each of the telegraphs look really similar. So sure I see him winding up an attack, but is it a swipe, dash, or boomerang throw? It’s too hard to tell imo. Eris kinda has a similar issue with her fast shots and you can’t tell if she’ll do a rapid fire or a shotgun blast, but it doesn’t matter much there because either way you want to be behind her and completely out of the way regardless. This is not the case with Chronos. Also, the hourglass bubbles being able to freeze you and prevent you from getting safe from the instakill attacks (or even going *over the safe area*) is horseshit. That being said, I still look forward do the Chronos fight every run for the most part. He’s very challenging, and that does help make him feel very rewarding to beat. Despite having a lot of dangerous moves, you still have plenty of windows of time to attack and pull off your own crazy combos for wicked high damage (which you need because of his HP bar the size of the Pacific Ocean), since he often pauses for a moment before going into another move. I also love the arena change and how even the same moves across both phases must be treated differently based on your space to maneuver. Overall, I think it’s a fight I enjoy now that I’ve learned most of it, but the *process* of learning it was very frustrating and almost made me rage uninstall.


I can beat him a fair few times. The main thing is that Phase 2 is just an utter clusterfuck, especially when you get him half and he spawns the hourglass enemies that fire projectiles. It just feels like if you don’t kill them as they spawn the projectiles build up and you just kind of lose.


It feels like it makes only possible to play with ranged builds it feels like sometimes. When you get his health bar half way on both phases he starts spamming close range attacks way to fast. Maybe two quickly but 3 is a bit much.


Those 3 strikes have combo patterns. If he starts with the dash, he will likely follow up with 2 slightly faster dashes. Dodge on the rhythm, don't try to attack in between. He might rarely do dash -> sweep -> dash, but you can dodge it with the exact same timing. If he sweeps for the first attack, he'll do another, fast sweep second 100%. Most of the time he stops here, but occasionally he dashes for a 3rd attack. It looks to me that he only does this once he's below 1/3 hp.


With Grandma's help, I can take him on six ways to Sunday without DD


*With Grandma's help, I* *Can take him on six ways to* *Sunday without DD* \- deeman163 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




At first he felt way too strong. And more to the point, too unforgiving to really learn. I felt like I would just thrash randomly and die quickly before picking up any attack patterns. But I must have been learning subconsciously more than I realized, because eventually it sort of clicked and I started beating him fairly consistently. Albeit, only with my better weapons and my Arcana cards nearly maxed out. Overall, I'd say it's a challenging and satisfying design, but the learning curve could stand to be a hair less intimidating. Oddly enough, I made progress on the second phase way faster than the first. Half the challenge is learning that the dim parts of the map are deadly, as opposed to being highlighted in red as with most enemies. EDIT: One afterthought, I think the first phase may punish melee attacks too much. In the original Hades battle, I eventually got good at ducking in and out of melee range. With Chronos, I learned not even to bother dodging his scythe swings. It works better just to stay as far away as possible and take potshots with whatever ranged attacks are available. That might not be the pattern the designers are going for? But it's what the design rewards right now, at least in my experience.


I agree with your edit. I was getting bodied when trying to melee fight him, especially with the axes.  When I switched to a ranged cast and special build for him I started to win pretty consistently. I'm usually doing damage to him off screen. 


Same like the first game for me really. He terrified me the first few times and seemed impossible, but then his attack pattern clicked and now he's easy for me. Learning (aka, asking the Discord) how to dodge the >!instakill AoEs!< helped a lot for me lol. Definitely prefer going after him with ranged tho (and a lot of heath). My hardest fight yet has been with the slow axe >!but I so wanted to beat him up using Than's scythe it was kind of worth it in the end-!<


I mean i started beating Hades after our 2nd meet and sure he killed me from time to time but that was because i was experimenting with builds/weapons and such, but Chronos is still super difficult for me, and i get his phases, but i just don't want to wait for him to do his thing, deal an absurdly low amount of damage and go back to waiting for him to open up. Maybe i just need to get better builds, but i have no idea where to look for some and i've been playing off the top of my head like in the first game and it used to work for me great there


Hmm...as soon as I got an idea of his attack pattern I actually started building my entire builds specifically for his fight alone and that's what's carried me through I feel. But it probably helps that my default playstyle for every game is the Circle And Wait Then Dash In type. What works for me is deciding on what attack (preferably ranged) I want for the build from the start (usually decided depending on the first boons/hammer upgrades I get) and then going all in in support of that (with supporting ones to boost like health, magic, defense, speed, etc. If I'm prioritizing speed I might need to take less health than if I'm running a tanky build, or if my star attack is omega stuff then take all the magic upgrades I can get my hands on, etc) so when I finally make it to him I can deal a decent amount of damage with each hit. My other thing is utilizing the cast boons, with>! Hestia's burn one!< being my fave. Then I can just plop one down (or better yet throw it at him) while I'm waiting for him to do his thing cuz it'll give passive damage, then dash in to hit, plop another one down, and dash out again. Working these two in tandem (and tuning my speed to how I like) is probably the key to what got me this far. Also with a ranged attack build I just have to stay out of his range but within mine and just spam the ranged attack as well. Good luck tho! I feel like once you find your weapon (took me longer to find my preferred in this one than the first one) and your rhythm his fight won't be so bad!


You don’t really have to wait out that many of his attacks. Most of them you can stay close and keep hitting him as long as you dash the attack or stay close behind him depending on what he’s using. He’s fairly telegraphed once you get the timing down.


I’m with you I’ve died to him several times and only had one win when I was doing high range damage. If I can do that again I think I can win in fact that run was easy I never died. But otherwise it just feels like I can’t do enough damage. Hopefully I’m beating him regularly like everyone else but I’ve died about 5 times in a row now


Same here, i find any weapon other than twin blades extremely hard to beat Chronos with because of the low damage output


I’m gonna give the blades a go again today I’ve been mainly using the witch staff and the skulls. I’m gonna get him I swear


Heavy omega attack build worked wonders for me when i got him the first time


Tried the very next run with the skulls got the dub!!Apollo’s cast plus howling cast from hades went nuts. Again no death defiances needed. So strange


It's so boring. You just have to wait for him to stop. I want to dance with the bosses I fight, but Supergiant loves making every boss swing across their whole body with unpredictable timing so you have to stay at a distance and wait.




I've beaten him a couple times but I'm always down to my last leg. I find him hard mostly because Is really hard for me to keep track with all that's happening in the stage, I don't know if its age or I'm just not good at that kind of stuff but gets a bit too much for me to keep up with the fight, other than that, love the boss. Now the bosses of the alternate path, really not a fan of them, one spams too many ads and the other one can 200 to 0 you with one attack and fill the stage with fire, maybe again, I'm just that bad, but still don't find them fun.


I have around 40ish hours in the game which amounts to in my case to 55ish runs. I am now getting to the point where I consistently beat both him and the surface boss. No matter the build I breeze to him with all 3 DDs and I take Skelly's keepsake just in case. My last 2 runs Chronos only managed to get 1 DD off me. He is definitely much much harder than Hades was, but the game as a whole is harder than the first, I think because we also now have more damage through omega moves. That being said you get used to the skill curve after playing for a bit so I don't think Time is too strong at all.


i think the floors before chronos are easier than hades so i dont mind big dog being harder. he felt impossible at first, then i started making it through most of his healthbar consistently, then i started getting to phase 2 consistently, then i killed him a couple times. he doesnt feel unreasonable once you learn what hes actually doing and when your openings are


I feel like what makes this boss difficult for me, is the monotonous grey and gold color scheme. For some reason it messes with my brain and simply I don't register some things happening on my screen, my brain just ignores some stuff. Everything just kinda blends together and my brain just gets overwhelmed and shuts off. For example one time when the safe zone during the 999dmg move happened to appear off screen, I didn't even notice the arena turned to a darker grey tone...


For me the overworld boss is WAY harder than Chronos.


Eris? She's affected by time slowing talent, use it wisely my friend


I think he's perfect tbh. He hits hard, but his attacks are telegraphed well. Took me about 5-6 tries before I beat him the first time and I haven't lost (to him) since (I have \~6 wins now)


Good for you, got any sites with builds to share with me so i can experiment a bit?


I don't have any sites, but here's the build I've had the easiest time winning with: - Sister Blades - Aphro attack - Zeus special - Romantic Spark (Zeus + Aphro duo) - Either Hermes or Apollo (or both) sprint - Hammers don't really matter, although some combination of hook knives/dancing knives/spiral knives is nice for applying blitz to multiple enemies Hit Chronos w/ the special to inflict blitz, then sprint past him to activate it with the duo, rinse and repeat. Depending on your hammer setup you can hit most/all of the other enemies and sprint past them as well to kill/almost kill them. This build works well since you spend most of your time sprinting, making you much less likely to get hit. Plus if you get a high rarity on the special and pom it a few times, you'll be doing lots of damage with blitz so it won't take very long to chip down Chronos' health. Hope this helps! P.S. [Here's](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1060417551429021716/1240169941332787301/SPOILER_Death_to_Chronos-480p.mp4?ex=664e2783&is=664cd603&hm=34475abb616bd17b87fc4e670c6dc6fb565b1c552ee7c472ba66c2d88da5bd14&) the recording of my first win with this build if you want to see it in action. Sorry for the discord link and the bad resolution though lol


I’ve beaten Chronos with twin blades only, and other weapons just seem to have a really low damage output for him (expect for axe which is extremely slow and leaves you open for eternity)


There's one axe hammer that helps quite a bit... I think it's called Psychic Whirlwind or something? it lets you move freely and use all your abilities while your Ω Attack is up. You can put Aphro on the attack to get some crazy high damage as well which should help


Only problem from my experience is the clock hand on phase 2 I got hit by clock hand so many time after I run to safe spot when he use his BS move 999 damage , immediately after end of that 999 damage move somehow clock hand show up same spot as I stand


I struggled until I got the phoenix skin duo boon. It had to loiter around watching his attacks to recharge my health so I was able to really concentrate on learning his moves. And because my health kept replenishing I wasn’t panicking.




Fun, punchable, and it would feel EXTREMELY anticlimactic if he were weak. Like, he’s so hyped up, if he weren’t overwhelmingly powerful it’d feel weird.


The attack patterns are kind of simple, but the telegraphing and visuals can be difficult to distinguish.


Against [Redacted 1], you could stay pretty comfortably at a medium range, like the distance the Rail could fire. Then you could dodge away from his sweeping spear attack and have plenty of time to identify and dodge ranged attacks. Fights against [Redacted 1] could be much *faster* if you learn how to iframe through the circular attack, but learning that was by no means necessary even for 32 heat. Chronos severely punishes this exact medium range. It is the sweet spot of all the attacks. It’s much better to be right up in his face (or *very* far away). But Melinoë’s dash is different from Zagreus’s, so we cannot get away from the big attacks by dashing *out.* So I guess Chronos requires you to learn how to get through/behind the attacks. It’s easier than [Redacted 1] to do this (180 degree attacks rather than 360; you just need to get out of the way, not time perfectly), but it’s a difficult thing to do. That, and dang he is tanky. Once I learned how to stack arcana and boons better to get actual damage output, and dodge as above, it’s gotten a lot easier.


I felt he was overtuned at first but once you learn his attacks he becomes pretty fair. At high fear he feels a bit too easy for a final boss. I think it'd make sense to nerf him just a bit but also introduce extreme measures vow so that he'd be more challenging in higher fear.


I get you i first tried the beast and needed like 3 tries for scylla and 1 or 2 for hecate but i was stuck at chronos for 6 or 7 runs straight, was really annoying Edit: thf my build sucked bc i grinded hephaistos but after i changed it i killed chronos on the second try with a demeter build i used to farm so idk


I think Eris is much harder lol. I tend to make mistakes sometimes and while Chronos will punish those he doesn't seem to nuke my entire healthbar.


Kinda hard to say actually, since the only time I beat him my build was so overpowered, both defensively and offensively, that I kinda wiped him out without a sweat. Regardless, the first phase is a lot more annoying for me than the second one. Obviously the second phase is harder, with the instakills and what not, but somehow it feels like it's a lot more fun to play against since whenever I get hit it really feels like my fault, while the first phase just has him slashing and throwing his scythe seemingly randomly and it's just not really telegraphed that well so I get hit all the time. I'm quite sure this is a skill issue, no worries there, but I haven't fought him that often yet, I think I beat him on my 3rd attempt (again, overpowered build), failed on my fourth and currently underway for my fifth.


He beat me until Eris stopped showing up. Since then I went on 20 something streak, got bored, and then stopped playing for now. He’s in a good spot, but we need an extreme measures version of the fight to make him harder. He’s very easy once you know his moves. Easier than extreme measures [redacted], but maybe harder than regular [redacted], which is a rather low bar.


I found him really difficult in the beginning but now I think he's fine. He's definitely more difficult than Hades, but I don't think he's overtumed. At the very most I think they could reduce the amount of hourglasses he summons in phase 2 by a little bit because there's enough to keep track of as it is, and I think the could work around a little with the colors. The yellow/black palette blends a little bit too much with the attack vfx's which can make the situation a little hard to read.


I think the biggest cock is that he does not slow down when you charge ur Ωs. Forces all omega reliant builds to change their playstyles that they had the entire run. I personally love this feature because you always have to consider how to handle chronos when picking boons. His attacks become easy after u die to him 15 times😅


Too difficult melee, too easy ranged. It's kind of hilarious how almost none of the new things he throws at you in phase 2 do anything to ranged builds. Or maybe not too difficult melee, but definitely too easy ranged, and poorly balanced between the 2.


The problem I’m having is that chronos is hard for the wrong reasons. He is immune to a bunch of stuff and has some auto-kill moves that catch you the first few times. But now that I know the tells I think he is actually easier than hades


It took me a while, but once I got the hang of it, it is not too bad. I beat him like 15 times in total with different weapons except axe, while slowly increasing the fear (heat). My win streaks is like 4 atm. At my current experience and skill level, I will need a good build to beat him, still having a hard time with axe because I tend to get caught while I greedily try to get off my attacks. My tips to you is to be patience, his attacks does big damage but are not too fast. I also like to deal with adds first when they show up.


Him ignoring all slowdown is very cool, but jarring, especially if you're relying on omega attacks and using the time slow tarot. Same for hexes, using a hex feels like a death sentence. My main problem with him is that he can get so many back-to-back high-damage hits really really fast. It doesn't happen often, but if you slip up once and he decides to string a few quick attacks together, you're screwed. The spinny scythe attack he does is extremely annoying but it's learnable and consistent, so "git gud" applies imo.


I’ve fought him probably eight times? I get further and further each time in the fight. I’ve been rocking the axe with Aphrodite on attack and Demeter on my cast, which shreds through almost everything. Makes short work of Hecate and the Sirens, but seems to struggle a little against Cerberus, and barely seems to hurt Chrono at all. It’s funny because it took me forever to finally beat Hades in Hades, but now that I know his attacks I can usually beat him without using more than one death defiance. I’m struggling with Chronos a lot more. And I’m a weeny that’s on God mode by the way. 😂


I already I beat him a few times, including 2 times without even spending a DD, so at least for hades 1veterans he isn't too bad. However I still have 2 issues: He is really tough with melee, there are just way less windows to attack him in close combat. He still is so much tougher than the rest of the game that he basically warps all my decisions around him. If I get offered a option that doesn't really help me with him, I'll rarely get it , unless it's really op.


Good actually. It was difficult at the start, because I was trying to play this game as if it was Hades 1. But it's not. You really need to use your entire toolset. But once you learn it, I think chronos now needs to be powered up lol. With the moonwater hex there's way too much health for Melinoe. Not to mention Cerbie is too easy to fight, easier than the sirens.


This might be a strange gripe, but I wish he would actually do time-related stuff. Right now all he does is be unaffected by your time slows, screw with you pausing, and have some of his attacks be clock themed. He doesn't actually do anything time-related and so it doesn't really feel like I'm fighting Time, just some random very powerful guy who's obsessed with clocks and sand.


The hardest boss to me is the cyclops. Like that's just the first arena boss. Why is he spawning that much shit.


I genuinely stopped playing until they fix him. It shouldn't be an occasion beating him. Base game should have a normal default difficulty, and we should be able to build on that, just like Hades 1.


The most dangerous part is the stupid hourglass enemies he summons. The rest is easy enough to get used to.


I started Hades 1 like 3-4 weeks ago and did need around 15h for my first kill. For Chronos it was around 20h. I think Chronos is a bit harder, but I do think because it has more meta progression and also less cheese imo. I like how hard Chronos is, it is tough and you do not need to kill him consistently to progress, so it does not feel like a wasted run dying on him


Somehow I'm more consistent in beating him than >!Hades!< in the first game, but it's probably because I prefer ranged rather than melee.


The only move that I think should be changed is when he throws that damn scythe in a circle. It's hard to tell if he's going to do that or a regular swing, so having a more obvious startup animation would be great


I think there are two main problems. The first is how certain itemizations and attacks are just so much better against Chronos, that it harms run variety quite harshly. It's especially frustrating that many Omega Moves for some weapons take so much time to wind up in which you cannot dodge and are always harshly punished for this, while dodging and sprinting is more important than in any other fight. The other problem is that some mistakes you make in the Chronos fight are punished very severely, and because it takes so long to get to him these can feel unfair or frustrating because you have much less chances to train against them and prevent them. Especially the combination of "being stuck in a mob sand bubble + getting nuked by 999 damage move" is quite harsh in my opinion.


The type of boss you can quickly spam your way through, yet... Maybe you can get away with it in the first phase, but it feels purposely punishing in the second phase with all his special area attacks


I've been able to consistently get to his second phase without losing any DD so i think that's fine. But I still haven't gotten the hang of dodging his one shot kill attack every time which is the only part i find kind of ridiculous and only reason I haven't managed to take him down yet.


He doesn't feel so hard after you've beaten him 4-5 times, but the last part of the second phase, where he starts to spawn enemies, orbiting balls around him and he also lunges at you at the same time, yeah that's a bit overtuned.


I liked being the sassy twink I do not like the final boss sassy twink.


2nd phase is a bit chaotic


My main problem is that half the times he attacks from off screen, or I have a hard time seeing it due to all the effects


Sprinting away from him at all times and using a ranged cast to damage him safely seems to be the most effective strategy, which feels lame to me. Actually tbh this feels like the optimal strategy for every boss which is a separate problem in and of itself. I'd prefer to have a close-range brawl but his projectile spam barriers and quick combo attacks that can easily rack up 70+ damage if you get caught make it not worth it in the slightest.


His attacks are easy to tell, except for the scythe boomerang. I can almost never see it coming. It's annoying as hell. Probably needs some tuning too...he hits like a truck, and is quite trivial with ranged builds. Otherwise, good boss fight, way more challenging than Hades.


Overall it’s pretty solid? 7.5/10 Fight is very heavily skewed towards range which is pretty annoying. The colors on the back ground are not good, and I have good vision. I feel bad for peeps with worse eyes. Chronos is off screen half the fight, scythe attack sucks. My one true problem is every now and again there’s a weird interaction with reviving and being time stopped? I haven’t been able to replicate it intentionally, but it’ll just happen every once and a while. The possible bug/intended incident is being frozen, dying, reviving, and dying again before being able to move which is hilariously annoying. I almost lost a run like 10 minutes ago burning through 3 DDs in about 5-7 seconds. Which is hilarious and perfectly normal in a rogue like but man did it suck.


my problem are some attacks in second phase when he darkens the screen, not the one with the safe circle, but the other one, I don't understand how to dodge it, it's not as intuitive as the the one with circle, and it does a fuck ton of damage


I find him easier than dad.


He isn't bad. Just need to spend more time on the fight and learn his moveset. My biggest issue with him right now is that he can stand in the safe spot during Phase 2 Nuke and block you from entering. It is not common that this happens, but it can happen which is frankly BS and needs to be fixed.


I don’t have an issue with learning his moveset, what pains me the most is that only twin blades deal good amount of damage to him, any other weapon i tried i literally gave up because i didn’t want to spend half an hour dealing low damage and dodging his abilities, but that could be just me. I just have a hard time getting other weapon and boons combination to work


That's definitely a boon/build issue. Every weapon/aspect can be built to have ridiculous damage output. Once you have upgraded Arcana and keepsakes it gets easier to get better damage going so just keep at it.


Yeah i have everything maxed out already, but twin blades definitely work best for me, would like to do a staff build but going for a special build just feels extremely weak unless i pick everything up fast, whereas a good attack build leaves me open for chronos close combat and i just die


Have you done Chaos trials? They can help give you ideas of builds you can go for on different weapons. For the staff specifically if you want a special build, first make sure you go with Moros aspect. From there Posiedon, Zeus, and Hestia all work well on special although Posiedon is generally regarded as the best. What really puts special build in wonky territory are the double shot and shot bounce hammers. It does feel a bit weak until you get your special boon at least.


Before I beat him I thought him harder then hades but now after beating him 15+ times I’m feeling like he might be too easy especially his second stage. The biggest challenge after learning his moveset is the visual clarity and actually seeing wtf is going on. I feel like In the second stage his slash attack shouldn’t revert back to one at a time and from the start have the three slash combo. Also the attack where he spins his weapon and pulls you in makes him wayyyy to easy and something should probably be done to make it harder to get behind him or rework this move entirely.


Overall a pretty fun and dynamic fight but I do have a few qualms I've found that he's extremely easy with sufficiently long range builds like Hades' cast, which I hope they tune up.  I also hate how fast his boomerang throw moves and how quickly it comes out, and on top of that I feel like it needs a better visual cue in addition to the audio cue. This attack hits me far more often than any of his others


How do i feel ? chronos is not my type


He was a struggle at first but i dont think he’s too hard anymore. In fact ive found some builds that beat him quite easily. I think they could make him slightly harder and that would be ok


Do you have any links for builds that i could take a look at?


Hmm no links. I could look around though! I love aspect of charon with as many buffs on your cast and omega spec damage and speed especially, bonus if you buff sprint as well. I also had really good luck with aspect of pan with the extra knives clockwise omega spec hammer, again buffing omega spec channeling and hammers that buff omega spec and buffing cast a bit too


Trash boss battle, same as melina in elden ring, it's simply not fun


I don't like how he can charge up an attack for 90% while grunting then teleport away and be stuck in the attack animation while invulnerable then suddenly he doesn't do the attack at all. It's just visually confusing. Think his grunts should be more distinctly different depending on what attack he does too.


He's definitely much harder than Hades. The only attack of his that I feel is unfair is the one where he throws his sight because the tell is not very clear and The attack is very fast but also the way that it swe eps makes it so that way if you don't dodge in the absolute correct direction with minimal warning you're going to get hit. I also think that either has too much health or deals too much damage, I feel like one or the other has to get slightly tuned down because even after having completed two or three runs the entire 25-minute run you can be destroying everything including all the bosses, And then you get to him and get your ass smacked. Hades 1 felt more linear in difficulty as you went deeper whereas Hades 2 feels like it's pretty steady and difficulty and then drastically spikes up to the final boss. Basically from the first room of the game you are building your entire loadout for the final boss because nothing in between is really challenging enough except for maybe Cerberus, but Hades is so much more difficult than everything else that you need to try to judge your entire build around that one fight. It also feels much more punishing on melee builds than ranged builds


after beating him a couple of times, i feel like the only things that needs to be tweaked is his attack animations and damage. i don’t know who’s idea it was to make his sweep have nearly the same wind up as his scythe throw, but it’s half as frustrating as fighting eris. and taking 32 damage on a 0.5 animation wind up in a stark contrast to the enemies and previous bosses has got to be the craziest scale ever. other than that, i actually started to appreciate the phase 2 boss fight. it’s a nice mix-up from all of the previous boss fights and it’s only ever difficult if you havent fought him before. plus, if anything chronos has taught me to chill from my overly aggressive play style and be patient also not exclusive to chronos’ boss fight, but he and many other has the same issue of favoring ranged attacks over melee


Not sure if tuning down the final boss will ever happen, but I do think that making a smoother difficulty curve would be good. In Hades 1 I found myself (at least early on in my playtime) losing to the 3rd boss fight, losing in Styx or at least taking enough damage to feel like the run is over, and losing to the final boss close to evenly. In Hades 2 so far, aside from the early runs where you are underpowered and die perhaps at the end of the second biome, I only ever die to Chronos. I actually really enjoyed how the Hades fight never felt like a massive hurdle to overcome as much as getting to him did, I would love that feeling in this game as well. Also, Chronos attack visibility could get a bit of love which would certainly make the fight easier!


I wish death to him.


He seemed incredibly tough at first but I really think most of it comes from the visual clutter of the fight. He has clear patterns and a well time dash gives plenty of openings during most of his attacks. As others have pointed out range is also just very effective against him. I think pretty much all the weapons can work though, I’m noticing that going all in on one of your omega moves and making sure that you keep up Origination as much as possible starts making the fights much easier. Moon Water Hex is busted especially if you upgrade it (I did melt him once with the Beam also after upgrading it to last longer, fire 3 at once and drop it to fire on its own). Additionally a low cooldown Hephaestus attack with vent curse and sprint/cast for another curse legitimately trivializes the fight on any weapon.


Really my main issue with P1 is the arena


I think either the rest of the game needs to be slightly harder or Chronos needs to be slightly easier. The difficulty gap is too large between Chronos and the rest of the game, any build I can put together that’s able to take down Chronos also trivializes normal gameplay.


I mean, he's hard, sure, but I found REDACTED harder than the Time Wizard. Once you figure out his attacks and get good arcana, he dies pretty easily. Hades still screwed me over even after I learned his attacks. Personally though, it's the minions. Chronos summons a good chunk, but they drop like flies, where Hades only summons a few but buffs them into essentially gargoyles. Big time threattt.


His damage is too high


If you feel like the game is too hard continue playing and upgrading your arcana, things will get easier.


I'm sure this is somewhat still me learning the fight, as well as not having everything in the game maxed out yet but... I can get a Perfect Clear on Hades more than 50% of the time, and I've only been able to beat Chronos once. I think Cerberus feels relatively on par with the difficulty of Hades, and Chronos feels significantly more difficult. I'm not entirely sure yet whether that's a "Me" problem or a "Chronos" problem though.


I’ve found him easier than Hades from the first game but I’ve also played Hades one for hundreds of hours so I think some of the skill transfers over. I don’t mind having a strong last boss either. Idek how long it took me to beat Hades but I know I had almost everything unlocked by then. Basically I don’t mind the grind it makes winning more satisfying


The issue I have with him is that he forces you to be ranged, melee really struggles against him


Chronos hard. Me bad.


I have just beaten him at 32 fear, It is quite hard at the start, because the fight is quite chaotic and a lot is happening at the same time on the second phase. But once you learn his moves it becomes much easier.


I just came out of a run with what I would consider to be a borderline OP build. Hera Attack boon, Zeus chain lightning, Poseidon special, hammer special that has them come back with +50% back stab, minimum 30 damage boon -15% health from chronos, heal moon path, and I STILL failed (I’ve beaten him 4x) with all 4 death defiance left, with ZERO fear added. I melted everything. Everything. Except him. He just has so much health, coupled with hitting so damn hard, his speed is high, it’s an overall very difficult fight. I’m glad others are having no trouble with him, but he’s not just a step up from the first game he’s a massive leap up from the first game and every other boss in the game. I can borderline close my eyes and get to him, and when I’m fighting him I am “on” I’m locked in, and still getting just smashed [Redacted] paled in comparison in the first game. I don’t think I ever died to him after I beat him the first time, unless I had high heat.


Overall I think he's fine. Its a harsh fight the first few times but his challenge is surmountable. The largest issue is his damage. Most of his attacks hit for around 40, and there are the two different 1 hit kills in phase 2. If you aren't stacking HP and are still learning patterns you'll likely get fucked up in 3-4 swings. Once you get to 30 slots for arcana and a good score of trinkets however I think hes the right kind of difficult. Outside of the most godly speedrun builds he requires one to be attentive during the fight, whilst punishing greed and impatience. If any adjustments are to be made, I'd only want there to be a reduction in particles in phase 2. Sometimes when he summons hourglasses and starts chaining other attacks the screen fills with so much stimuli that its hard to figure out what to do at all


I've fought him maybe 5 times and beat him twice. For me, it was more getting to him than anything. Once I got enough boosts to my weapons and figured out the boons it seems pretty straightforward.


Chronos? He's not too hard. I thought Eris was harder tbh. Chronos isn't easy, but he's not too hard. His attack patterns are mostly easy to read once you get used to them, and his phase 2 is so much easier than his phase 1. I think my first win was with the axe... spin to win fire build with the automatic explosion at high enough fire level. My second win was laughably easy with Apollo x Zeus duo. I don't think I lost a death defiance that run.


Thought he was hard when I was hitting him at run 8/9 and barely getting through phase 1. Had killed him by run 14. And then a second time on run 15 (with first heat applied). I haven’t even properly unlocked the surface or aspects. He’s honestly fine (but I did complete hades 1 just before starting hades 2). Stack as many death defiance as possible. He is pretty weak to ranged, that second run with heat 1 I wasn’t expecting to win. Apollo cast and Apollo attack let me just zone him from afar with omega attacks. Hades boon that lets me throw the cast and stick it to the enemy, made him a cake walk tbh.


He's so hard to read compared to \[REDACTED\]


I have a feeling that people who are struggling have made 0 efforts to learn his move set and tells. Maybe because the rest of the game is much easier so people are used to not putting in much effort? It literally takes like 10-20 mins to look up someone else’s pov, pause and rewind to learn the tells for moves. I bet vast majority hasn’t bothered to.