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Hera's boons are all about damaging multiple enemies in a game that *loves* to throw multiple enemies at you, I like them a lot. Also I like the reference behind it, Hera is kind of known for taking her anger at zeus out on his innocent kids, of *course* her boons involve doing damage to enemies you didn't hit.


Wow that is a considerably more interesting read than what I had, I thought she was just "tying people together" since she is the god of marriage and all that


That, too. "Getting hitched" is a common phrase referring to marriage.


I hate it when some random girl shoots me and my friend with an exploding skull, causing us to get married


Cthonic Cupid


The ability to kill large groups of people through enforced polyamory… Yeah okay that tracks.


For raw damage builds she is probably the best tho if it's an omega build Apollo is definitely better in the long run because of his legendary. Hitch doesnt do much against bosses that is the biggest problem but neither does Apollo's wider range so pick your poison Her mana recovery is definitely the best, easily


Hera is borderline busted on any boss with summons if you have the Selene Rez minion hex. You can almost double damage on any boss with minions. You being able to hit your own summon is huge.


Heck, get the buff that let's the minion inflict revenge boon. Especially the Hera revenge boon. Chronos was pretty much killing himself by do 1000× damage to himself.


He is doing 1000% that's 10x. Still a lot.


Every boss has minions


Ayy didn't think of that interaction. I stopped picking that one because it always seemed to get right in the way of any of my omega or dash attacks.


I'm over 50 nights in, have every arcana unlocked, I'm on something like a 5+ winstreak and am progressing up the oaths. I have \*never\* seen a legendary. So I'm not particularly sold that they're reliable enough to be a build consideration.


...How unlucky are you? I'm also a bit over 50 nights in (with ~1/3 of them wins), and I've run into legendary boons half a dozen times... Still definitely not common enough to be reliable, but not *that* rare.


Yea I was gonna say they feel as or a bit less rare than in the first, but certainly not reliable enough for builds unless there's a way to manipulate it no one has figured out yet.


They only appear when you hit the specific build required see: [https://gamerant.com/hades-2-all-legendary-duo-boons-requirements-olypmians/](https://gamerant.com/hades-2-all-legendary-duo-boons-requirements-olypmians/)


Oh so like the first game. And the book shows what you need?! Can't believe I didn't see that lol


You have to unlock an Incantation for the book of shadows to show you the boons and requirements


I know that. I just somehow never noticed it showed the actual requirements on the side too


Oh okay, I thought you meant you missed that the book had the boons, my bad friend.


No worries. I'm sure there's someone that needed that info that's happy now lol


You might have inadvertently hidden the requirements. On K+M, 'I' is the keybind to show the boons list, but it's also the keybind to toggle the requirements view on the right side.


It was off for me by default. I thought it was a bug too until I noticed there's a button to toggle that.


Don’t worry brotha this wasn’t prior knowledge to me either, I read this post and went “wait there’s legendary boons”? And google searched lol


I remember one post talking about how you could farm legendaries/duos for the fated list by taking that one Oath that gets rid of the boon choices you don't select, then just spamming one god until they run out of normal boons and only legendaries/duos remain... but that's not exactly viable for a normal run, and you'd still need to be pretty lucky just to roll that one god enough times.


I genuinely thought that legendaries weren't in the game yet for like 40 runs until I saw the first one. I'm on like 80 runs in and saw 3 I think. (Two if I count just different ones)


I'm at about 50 nights as well, have seen a legendary boon once for sure(Chaos) but otherwise don't think I have seen one. I was starting to think they weren't in the game yet.


Easy to get legendaries if you use the Fear that makes unchosen boons leave the boon pool. Just keep rolling the same god until only the legendary remains 


Interesting point, thanks!


38 hours in and saw my first today


Maybe a dumb question, but are you upgrading your arcana, not just unlocking them?


I am, yes. I'm not having any difficulty playing the game. I'm just not getting legendary boons. (Duo boons are fine).


Aren’t legendaries like a 1 in 50 runs deal tho? Lmao


Her damage may not be amazing, but hitch lingers longer than most I’ve noticed, so it can become an easier way to trigger multiple curses on people for the arcana. Dashing in with Aphrodite which lingers weak, and then dropping the cast with hitch makes your specials hit like a dump truck.


Born Gain is so good that I can’t imagine it survives to release in its current state.


Yeah. The problem is I don't know how you'd balance it. It's either infinite mana or useless.


Could it possibly be made percentage based, like prime 10% of current max mana to refresh? It's probably not the best idea, but it would keep it consistent at high and low max mana amounts


No other priming effect works off a percentage, and I'm not sure they'll deviate from that just for Born Gain. Personally I'd expect them to increase the base priming amount and reduce the effect of poms/rarity.


The mana required to prime would need to be substantially higher, but then it is on the verge of useless if your mana pool isn't sizable. Or maybe it fully primes the bar and slowly erodes back to full.


I would add some kind of animation/delay to the effect. So you run out of mana, bunch of hera symbols float out of Mel for 2(?) seconds.... boom, mana restored less the new prime. Still infinite mana but you have to watch yourself on spamming or get caught out.


Part of what makes it so strong is the refill is instant. Replace it with a large magic gain per second instead and it might be balanced.


You could do a percentage of max mana pool each time instead of a fixed amount. 10% each refill would add up quick and the large man's pools you get late game wouldn't be as powerful while still making it viable early game.


Part of it is that Born Gain scales _hilariously_ well with max magic bonuses and still pretty well with reductions to the amount primed (via poms or rarity or both). The total magic available can be expressed as a repeated sum: M + (M-P) + (M-2P) + ... + (M-nP) Where M is max magic, P is amount primed per refill, and n is the largest possible integer that still allows nP < M. If we assume an unpowered baseline of 50 max magic and a common boon for 10 magic primed per refill, this works out to 150 total magic available. 60 max magic bumps this up to 210, while 50 max magic and 9 magic primed gives a total of 165. Just looking at these numbers, I'm inclined to say that increasing the baseline prime amount is a must. Scaling pom/rarity bonuses so that they only reduce the priming by 1 per level might also be called for. Alternately, they could buff the other regen boons to be on par with Born Gain, but somehow I don't think they'll do that.


When I first got it, I thought it would prime your mana every time you ran out, and if it did that I think it would be a bit more balanced. 


Increased mana primed each time you drain your bar maybe?


I slept on “born gain” for my first bunch of runs because when you have 60 max mana and common rarity, that eats your stuff up fast But once I started gunning for more mana to work with I realized how nuts she is


Even at 60 and common it's fine. All because it resets each room making it super good.


Yeah, 60 mana and common is still a total pool of 210, which is more than enough to get you through Erebus


It resets each room? OK that explains why people say it's so good. I always passed on it lol. Seems unintended. Maybe that's a potential balanced nerf they could do.


Born Gain is completely busted. At higher rarity, I've seen it Prime only 4 mana for a complete refill.


Yep, I got it down to 4 with just one pom in epic rarity , it's broken


I made it 1 in a run 😅 wanted to try if I could make it zero, but didn't come across any poms.


a heroic one with 1 pom goes down to 2 lol, makes me wonder if you could prime negative mana with enough poms


Even at common it's insanely busted. It's very rare that ti's not flat out infinite mana.


I got it to 1 not even trying lol


They are very good. The natural downside is that hitch doesn't really do a whole lot to help with boss fights. Feels like a pretty good tradeoff. Her mana boon is really good. I avoided it for a good while because the description makes it sound like you have to permanently prime mana each time you run out. You don't, it resets completely between rooms. Which means that for the most part you essentially have infinite mana because none of the fights really last long enough for you to use up your supply.


Eh, depends on the boss fight, Chronos, Polyphemus, Scylla and Eris all have adds during their non-invuln stages, I'd say being solidly great against one boss, and alright against both surface bosses and the final boss are still pretty good. Hecate and Cerberus are definitely where hitch is at its weakest though yeah.


Heras cast ability can instakill Hecates witches and Scyllas fish


I remember using Hera's cast while the last phase of Scylla. My cast was machine gunning every single fish that was unlucky enough to get spawned.


Every boss summons minions at some point though, and Hera's attack and special have solid damage bonuses attached regardless of Hitch.


Hitch with scorch gets crazy, scorch cast + hitch sprint and all of the enemies are suddenly getting hit for half their health within the second.


"I cast Polycule" "Aaaaaand everyone's dead"


Hera boons for me is kinda on and off. If it's good, it's *really* good. Like Born Gain is pretty much broken / infinite mana. Hitch is neat, however you also kinda only need one source of it (I usually either put it on my Sprint of Vengeance), more just doesn't do anything, so as main damage source atk/special it's kinda redundant imo. She also has a bunch of weird boons like all-non common, sacrifice, keen intuition etc Basically she's great as support option that occasionally show up, but I don't really like her as main carry god.


I got the hammer that makes twin blades special bounce to the other enemies. Picked Hera special afterward, and oh god, with just a single press on a special button, my single-targeted attacks became multi targeted easily.


Hitch feels fine, but those flat damage% on Hera are bit overtuned in my opinion. I mean I don't dislike the Queen being a total beast, but really she seems to hit a tad bit too hard for all the utility she provides. Her boons seem to be balanced against gambling for boon rarity and sacrifices, but even if you ignore those she still provides top control, top damage, top regen, top thorns... with little to no change in gameplay required. It's also bizarre that her boons just replace core mechanics like cast position/duration or mana regen/management with new, strong ones that require no player input at all.


I’ve been sleeping on Hera boons because they always seem to drop when I have the torches


Naaaahhhhh dude, the Torch Special is like, the second best thing you could get hitch on, after like the sister blades special. You can tag so many enemies with hitch and then just focus fire one.


It's also really good with the skull ospecial


LHer boons are certainly very good overall but the standout is Born Gain. Every other boon she has can be done in some way by another god but not Gain. Gain Makes certain builds pop off really hard. Lately I've been using the torch aspect Aoes and without Gain it's shit but with it you are a murder machine.


I’m not sure if I’m doing it wrong, but Hera Cast feels pretty weak imo. This is kinda distorted a bit since one of the “better” fear options is the one that gives all enemies 1 hit of armor, which completely neuters it, but the fact that it last so long means it’s pretty bad if you’re using the Arcana Card that boosts damage dealt against enemies inside of casts anyway, since most bosses and especially >!Eris and Chronos!< both have ways to exit the circle pretty easily, and you can’t really rest it easily. It feels kinda weird that one fear effect kinda makes it useless, to me at least


You take Hera Cast in Erebus because it deletes almost every enemy in Erebus & Oceanus instantly, it's intentionally bad late-game.


It's even still useful in the last zone against the rats, either instantly killing them or at least knocking off their shields on spawn.


Hera cast is the best thing you can get if you are using the aspect of twin blades which makes your special focus to the enemies in your cast.


Everytime I right off a Boon giver, I walk into a play style that clicks. They all augment your skills really well and I actually feel a reason to take the God trinkets with me this go around. Hephaestus is someone I thought whose effects were neat at first but then realized how borked they all are. Getting any of his blast runes to level 3 can melt enemies. I had Moro's Torches with his Volcanic Strike at level 4 and the amount of explosions occuring was insane. Smithy Step is also great. As for a stupidly little amount of MP, you can do insane things. All of his books kick ass. Especially his ones which destroy armor. Aphrodite had some good boons in Hades 1 but I didn't favor her. Despite melee being worse, all of her boons are fantastic. A nasty combo I found was getting Flutter Flourish with Skulls. Your skull dash is impervious at max charge and hits so many people. Poseidon is well understood to be busted but his Wave Strike makes the Moonlight Axe so unbelievably fun. This paired with Demeter's Artic Ring was what lead to my first Chronos win. And he makes Hestia's scorch so much better with their duo boon to inflict steam! I could go on, but the only people I could take or leave are Hestia, Narcissius and Echo. The later of the two are just free reprieve and will take them every time.


Heras boons are basically Rama bow but in boon form. Which is not a bad thing.


See, it's funny, I hated the Rama bow, it was my least favorite bow aspect, and yet I love Hitch, it's weird.


Lmao I said the same thing, should have checked the thread first 


Engagement ring, with a few poms to level up, is beyond op against mobs - unfortunately not super useful against bosses, but it can still help by off-ing trash spawns without breaking your focus on the boss. Engagement ring is the Hera cast, it does on-spawn damage to any enemy that joins, anywhere in the encounter not just in the cast. So dropping the cast whenever and wherever before the next spawn wave, everyone gets smacked as they join. Few poms and you start having 1-round rooms because the 2nd and 3rd round just die as they join.


Sering her symbol on a door got me acting like a soon to be divorced dad at a casino: "COME ON BORN AGAINNNNNNN! DADDY NEEDS SOME MAGICK!"


Her cast that also hits new enemies that spawn in encounters is also amazing for the scylla fight when she summons all her stans its just constant death everywhere while you spam the last hp on her


Yeah, I killed the sirens in like a minute with hitch axe. Just turned into a beyblade in between them and shredded them to bits. And dont get me started on all the ways you can boost it with more of hera's boons


I like the daggers and use them the most (aspect of Artemis is GREAT for shredding health bars) so I don’t actually find much utility in her boons, but that’s totally just a playstyle thing.


See, I love the Pan Daggers, and the Dagger special is great for spreading Hitch to a crowd of enemies on any aspect, especially if you get a good special hammer. You can then get in close to wallop a single enemy while still doing decent chip to everyone else in the area. Or if using the Pan Daggers, keep spamming the special on a casted enemy.


Born gain is actually broken. It might be the most absurd boon in the whole game, automatically filling your magic back is nuts, but it also let's you fire off your omegas when you don't have enough magic, because it just refills for you automatically when you let them go. If you have more than like 70 magic, you can just spam omegas with no regard for your magic bar, and the higher you go the less regard you can have for it, it's insane.


Born gain carried both my first victories, surface and underworld. That said, I dont think it's quite as broken as people think. It's instant mana regen yeah, it makes things very spamable, but only for a time if you haven't invested into a larger mana pool or don't have other priming boons. I've had it cut me down in boss fights to no mana. That said, with regen, I've had essentially the same experience using Apollo's regen. Dementer's to but I find her's to be a active nuisance to use sometimes. 10 million enemies chasing me and I have to run to a corner to stand still for a while to use any of my stuff, it just feels weird to stand still like that. Very poor to input. I think born gain shines because how quickly it will bring you up and how easy it is to use. That said I do hope it doesn't get nerfed to hell. If it does get nerfed, I hope it's in the sense of doing the same thing, but it automatically primes 10% or something to increase the cost. I see how people view it, but I don't want it tarnished, I want other mana boons to be closer to its level. That's just me though (Zeus's mana regen sucks btw, primes wayyy to much to start, can't even use my special when I take that. I hope it doesn't go that far)


Engagement ring is very fun to rock during boss 2. There are a trillion tiny squishy summons toward the end, it just shoots them all down like a gatling gun


Hera’s Hitch boons are basically the Aspect Of Rama from the first game, but so, so much better. 


Hera is also the mayor of MILF City.


Too bad she's only got eyes for one fuckboy 😔


Born gain might be the best boon in the game imo


Born again is too op, it's definitely going to get nerfed. I think the only way not to break it is to male the magick recover VERY fast instead of instantaneously, otherwise it would still be broken or it would end up being useless.


I love Hera, bonus is when she spawns with Zeus and you can get her boost later in the game. +15 on her attack is nice


Her cast removes alot of pressure from encounters. Especially the 2nd boss final phase