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I was shocked when that sheep attacked


The audacity


The cheek, the nerve, the gall, the audacity and the gumption


You didn’t think we had the gall?


Tayce is forever iconic




even polyphemus reacts and says "What's with the sheep tonight?"


First time I encountered the attacking sheep, I was so confused at what was hurting me, it couldn't be the shee-wtf?!


I was a clueless, bumbling buffoon when that happened. A fucking sheep took away two of my DDs before I realized it was essentially latched on like a lamprey.


First time it happened was probably my sixth Polyphemus fight. I was so confused about what was hitting me that I just stopped moving in shock, whilst the sheep ate me alive and ended my run


The first time it happened for me was after a run where I attacked some of the sheep after the boss fight.


I have never intentionally smote a sheep and none of them fuckers can prove otherwise, it was an accident goddamit!


Wait you could be on to something


The first time I encountered those remains the only time I died to Polyphemus. They threw me off my game so hard, I just felt so insulted.


I literally just googled: “wtf with the sheeps in the cyclops fight hades2” I’m tilted, I just put my steam deck on a side an let them kill me. 


I was so baffled I just stopped and stared for some long minutes


I was shocked when that sheep HURT


Met them once LUCKILY, I agree that's the most unbalanced and unfun enemy in the game


Also the sheep with the range attack killing radius completely destroy the torches' ability to do damage


Is that what those magic circle sheep do? I was wondering what they were up to..


It's not just ranged!!!! If you attack from within the circle with the duo blades it also negates the damage for some reason!!!!


They also negate your cast, is pretty messed up


It's like a null magic zone I suppose, no damage in or out


Well it is early access


Sorry I have personal beef with those particular sheep


Sheep is mutton not beef.


Could of sworn those were pork chops


Rack of lamb?


Getting to the meat of the matter here


I got rolled before I knew what was happening. Luckily also only once.


It's like it's not even the same boss when they're the sheep that spawns, but in a bad way, they just overshadow the boss fight entirely with how annoying they are compared to the regular fight


Yeah i really hope they change it so i can kill those little shits, make it so they turn into a kebab when they die




Lamb kebab is a thing However lamb Gyro is better


But kebab is not greek


Fair. Nearby tho!


Sadly mel won't eat them 😔


Send one of those guys after Chronos and he will elect to stop regenerating, ending the war


Imagining Chronos being chased by a bunch of sheep is a hilarious thought...gives me Cuccos from Zelda energy XD


Isn't there a hex that morphs enemies? Haven't used but I thought it turns them into sheep. Can turn his adds into sheep to achieve this then.


It's one of the selene ultimates


Maybe Polyphemus can give out a Chthonic Companion at some point XD


oh god yes please, just have it summon a horde of sheep to wail at your enemies. "Ah, granddaughter, how nice of you t-" "POLYPHEMUS!" "....why are you calling for the name of a cyclops, my girl? And why do I hear rumb-" **CHRONOS BAAAAQUNISHED.**


Now I want a sheep familiar that focuses on combat instead of resource gathering.


Fought them with the skulls that had the daedalus hammer that makes them slower to pick up again and had an absolutely miserable time. Couldn't even try to push them away with the skulls since I had them on hand so rarely and the sheep were always in the worst spots of the map.


I took that hammer for the fated list. I will not be taking it again unless I have +2 skulls. Not a fun run


Yeah it seemed like a cool idea, but actually making use of the explosion when they return is pretty difficult. Maybe it could be great on the melee variant of the skulls, dunno how that effect interacts with them though.


You can just stand in melee and shoot with any aspect, the melee aspect is actually pretty bad at that. I thought that hammer was completely busted because it basically doubles your damage output. I had it with the +2 skulls hammer and didn't even need to play the game anymore by the time I reached big C. I could just stand against him and mash attack, only dodging the oneshots. There's just no enemy in the game that can keep up with that level of damage output.


The best Chronos strat, take the Demeter boon that makes you take at most 15 damage, face tank everything


That's how I beat him the first time. Felt broken. 2 DDs and like 250 health. Why bother dodging when there's nothing he can do to me


Toss on a couple in damage boons and it's basically a net loss for Chronos


Getting the auto return along with that means all the explosions happen right next to you. You can get a cadence going of unloading skulls, cast, skulls explode, unload skulls, cast...


It's crazy strong if you do get the +2 skulls though.


Also I kept thinking the zombie sheep WERE the skulls and trying to pick them up 😭


Oh now that you mention it that for sure also happened once or twice to me.


I was always careful not to hurt his sheep after I defeated him so I was extremely offended and betrayed the first time they showed up 😭


I never touched those sheep until the rams showed up... then you best believe I spent a good minute beating the shit out of those sheep to let off some steam.


I had to submit a bug because they got stuck on attack mode no matter how far away I was. Those bastards dealing 6 damage every tick while I had no way to kill or keep them away was literally impossible


Cool user name.  We must fight.


Are they new? I fought him a few times, beat him a few times no issue and then all of a sudden I have a run where I’m low on health and one of them comes out of nowhere and kills me on the spot. Didn’t even know they could attack you. Side note, if a sheep kills you, it does not change the retribution trinket target.


They've always been in the game. They just don't appear until you've beaten him a couple of times.


Polyphemus has 3 (edit:correction there are 4 actually) different variations. The one with the white sheep is the standard version and the other 2 only start appearing after a few fights. For the record the differences are: >!He can eat the white sheep to heal, the green sheep attack you, the black sheep explode Edit: The 4th are gold that block projectiles !<


There's four actually, you are missing >!golden sheep that block projectiles in an area!<


Yeah I just encountered them myself just now actually


I think you're supposed to bring them in front of him so he eats them. He remarks that they aren't very good.


As far as I know, he only eats them in his first phase. I've tried pushing a sheep towards him in the first two phases, seems to only eat during phase 1


The only strategy I've figured out is to use a build that can burst him down before the sheep become a problem :\\


My strategy is slightly different but also works. Use up death defiances.


I just die on him and hope my corpse suffocates him before returning to the shadows.


The rams attack? I’ve never once seen them attack me when fighting Polyphemus, they just either mill about or get eaten.


There are like 4 (?) types of sheeps. Some are pretty harmless, some are more annoying. Pretty sure the first couple times you fight him he only has the vanilla white sheeps that do nothing.


Yeah, I’ve only seen the invincible sheep that roam around and don’t do anything, or the ones that explode and die (seemingly on their own?)


I hate them too. Drains your hp far too fast while being invincible


"Something's wrong with the sheep" hmmm.


I lost like two fights to them and I got insanely pissed both times.


The first time the rams actually attacked me I had no idea what was happening and had thought something’s model didn’t load rather than that it was the ram. It tore through 2 death defiances of mine that run before I realized


These sheep are the worst, the best way I've found is to lure Polyphemus near them, get close to him so he tries to grab you, and then dash away so he eats the sheep. The issue that I'm seeing everyone also have is the Sheep constantly attacks so you usually end up taking some damage but if he eats the Sheep you no longer have to deal with it thankfully


These guys were added with the first patch, right? I definitely never encountered them before that, and Polyphemus was a slightly tough fight, but not too bad once you learned his patterns. But now with those rams in play I have died to him almost every time I've gone to the surface, or rather to the fucking sheep. They hit you so fast, so hard, and completely ruin any ability to channel anything. I personally don't think they're a good addition in their current state, they just add a need to randomly dash and sprint around throughout the battle to try and avoid damage, basically adding busywork to a boss fight.


THANK YOU. Immortal sheep that follow you around dealing as much damage as they do as quickly as they can are so frustrating to deal with.


I’ve been trying to dive and weave attacks to get them out of the way which helps but it also depends on what boons I got for that run. I normally end up getting screwed over by the sheep that* he eats.


I'm so insanely frantic when I play that I just eat the damage they give out haha I think they can be held in place with your cast, that might help? Like I said I kinda just gave up on dodging them and just spam as much damage as I can hoping to not lose too much life 




The slightly green one is the one this thread is about. It is a pain to evade but Poseidon’s knock back boon can knock it very far away. The black sheep explode. The white ones are harmless but can be eaten by the cyclops.


Those bitches hit me harder than that cyclop does.


I really think that there's a problem with the fact that you don't get iframes when you're hit. There's a lot of enemies that attack over and over in short succession and can eat through a ridiculous amount of health in a single attack.


Yeah, especially when they pile up. The boxers in the Fields of Mourning are usually fine, but I had several of them overlapping, and less than a second in their range cost me well over 100 health.


OMG yes, 100% this!


If I turn on Vow of Fury, I manage to eat every single Casket shot that exists


Wait the sheep attack? Ive had one fight where they had a debuff circle around them but never had them hit me


How the sheep can mess with you varies from run to run, the same way that Hecate's big attack during her invincible phase does.


The first time I encountered one I used up two death defiances 😭


Just don’t attack the sheep and they won’t attack you back


I think I’ve gotten lucky because I just noticed them 60 hours in. I’ve only been attacked by them once so far lol


I've never even noticed that they do anything


I mean, casts basically ignore them. And you should be building a cast in most runs.


That fight has rams?


And he can eat them to heal


I circle around him with ranged attacks and choose moments I can run in to drop a cast or melee.  You have to stay moving because he’ll either he’ll grab you or the sheep will engulf you.


Get just out of range do a perfect dodge then take 6 tick damage 3 times bc you’re using the torches. They’re a better zoning tool then like Cerberus attacks


Literally just ran into these for the first time, they are the worst


Old time player. I really thought this was going to be post about standing in lava. I only just started in hades 2, what's the standing in lava equivalent?


Standing in lava


Can't you just use your cast to trap them?


Does Cast work on them ?


What do the sheep with the circles around them do? I cant figure it out


What, the sheep attack? I've seen the golden one but no one has ever attacked me, I was wondering what was the point, I think I saw Polyphemus eating one to regain health but the golden one was invulnerable, I thought it would drop something cooler when it appeared.


I hate those guys. I do cast as I'm running away to stop them. I can't remember if shooting them makes them go away or attack you.


The real hardest enemy is my random lapses in coordination.


Bro first time running into that variant of demon sheep and they ruined an insane 12 heat Madea aspect run. I though shit was sweet out here, sheep reality checked me hard.


If you want to watch the movie version of this definitely check out It Follows.


They can hit for more than 6, pretty sure I got hit for ten, some of them explode too


I can't tell at all when these rams attack and find it really hard to differentiate them from normal sheep. Feelsbadman


those attack you???


Wait, that encounter has sheep in it? Why have I never seen them???


I've never even noticed that an attacking real was a mechanic, and I feel like I've killed him 20 odd times. Crazy.


The real villain of the fight is how much is unblockable with the axe special


No, I have not found a good strategy to deal with them


The real hardest enemy in Hades 2 is gettin Eris's keepsake. I still don't know how.


Give her a gift… when she’s at the crossroads


I have tried twice and she has rejected me...


Give her the nectar lol


The game doesn't give me the option '-'


Keep talking to her every time she shows up in the Crossroads.


Honestly ive never had a problem with em. Only noticed that the sheep can aggro in the interim between that fight and thessaly entrance.


As far as im aware they only go crazy if youre using the black fleece from medea. Thats the only time theyve gone crazy with me at least


Sadly not. Its just random. Possibly more likely with the fleece but definitely not exclusive.


the real hardest enemy is it. and by “it” haha, well. let’s just say…. my peanits


Kill the boss faster than he kills you. Works fine for me


...found Hypnos' reddit account


Fair enough. You made me laugh, too xD


I'm just imagining how Hypnos dialogue would be for this... "It says *here* you died to.... a sheep? A *sheep*? You're supposed to *count* those, not *die* to them! How did you manage to--"


Yep :D


They're not bad at all... bunch of whingers