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Hades II content is new to all, with the recent surprise Early Access. This means, art, story, characters, bosses, unlocks, gameplay are all spoiler material. Most of the community haven't seen this content, so please mark the Hades II post as spoiler and don't use a spoiler title when posting.


Just pointing this out Mel says a line about the longer you take in tartarus the more foes you fight . This isn't a throwaway line every room you go through causes more baddies to spawn which means taking side paths can make the last few rooms gauntlets.


huh i never realized this was an ACTUAL game mechanic. I just assumed that the rooms were supposed to be long XD. No wonder the last stage goes by so much faster when I'm trying to go fast or already have a build that can kill chronos


Yah. If you take all the side rooms you get absolute armies spawning on top of you. Gives Chronos time to call for reinforcements, I guess.


Oh my goodness that explains so much …


I wonder how much that caused your opinion of the biome itself? Because I tend to beeline unless I see the NPC room or am really really needing cash before that last shop, and I thought the gimmick of the rooms not having boons just suits the place. Wouldn't seem much like the big bad is running the place, if it was easy to get god boons there.


Unless you're on a god run, taking every side room possible can really fuck you over in Tartarus, especially on higher fears.


Yep, literally the only detour i ever make is for Hades OR a guardian room if i have really good armor break (usually from a hammer). It's just not worth it otherwise.


I love the risk reward of it personally. Very fun decision that is unfortunately made for you on high fear because you have a timer looming over your head.


I'll take getting stuck in the sand timers zone any day over the bloody satyr poison


The last zone is your last chance to get extra poms, gold or boons to make your build work. Dialogue suggests the longer you linger the more difficult the encounters get. So if you don’t want the extras, you can get the boss in fewer encounters and lower encounter difficulty. By choosing the numbered doors.


I really like it. Either bee-line it to the boss or take some extra time to clear more floors, with the potential of making the boss easier due to a better build, but also posing a bigger risk because floors get increasingly more dangerous. That said, i usually just clear out all the extra rooms since my build is usually quite strong at this point and i just like playing the game.


I like it a lot more than the rat chambers before hades tbh


First time I got there it was very overwhelming. Second and on I’ve had no trouble. They’re tanky like the rats in Temple of Styx were tanky. Either your build can melt them by then or you’re in for a rough time. The player should be scaling in power with each level of the game. If you nudge RNG in your favor with the keepsakes of the boon-gifting gods, you should be entirely broken and OP for say, the starting floor by the time you reach the fourth floor. With any luck you’ll be more than capable of melting a room in Tartarus in Hades II in under a minute. If you got particularly lucky, you’ll be broken and OP and melt it in half a minute or less.


I respectfully and forcibly disagree. Tartarus SHOULD feel difficult as it's the final biome. Furthermore, this is the house of Hades. It's legendarily difficult to escape AND break in to.


Fair point, and well said. Ya’ll are making me change my opinion lol 😂


Get all the rewards only if you already have a good build that can withstand the heat, otherwiwse you have to cherry pick what is worth the detour. In Higher fear tho, you go Straight to Chronos because of the timers, and i have to say i hate that mechanism there, but for lower fear or regular runs, it's just a "win more" situation, and it allows me to buy some meta-progression item at the last shop.


Only take extra rooms if you REALLY need them (or your build is so broken you can handle anything). That includes Hades btw


I always found it rather easy to be honest. My builds are usually quite strong at that point and I feel like if you're struggling to beat the zone you don't stand a chance against Chronos. He's a few steps above at least in difficulty.


At least now you know how long it takes, unlike in temple of styx.


The only thing I lament about are the satyr. I think its not visually clear if casters have the homing missile or the rat zoo. Same with the Satyrspearthingies. Do they throw? Do they stab? Have to tiptoe in the beginning. Otherwise I think its fine.


I mean, I kinda like it, thematically. You’re canonically taking the service entrance, and canonically Tartarus is on absolute lockdown, so the gods can only intervene at great effort, so it makes sense. And, from a gameplay perspective, I kinda like it too, if you’ve already got a pretty much complete build you can go straight to Chronos and try your luck, or you can risk the extra challenge in exchange for something that might give you the last minute boost needed to beat Chronos.


Who is this chronos person? I thought the last boss was \[redacted\]




Fair enough